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Aesir Dwarves are former valentine dwarf citizens who defected to the Ragnanival Kingdom upon the destruction of the Kingdom of Valentine, many of them had been promised with beneficial things by Demon Lord Odin which some of them believed the claims to be genuine that actually made them to defect to his kingdom, they we're the ragnanival counterparts of the dwarf humans, while their other kins who defected in the ringford forest kingdom became their opposite counterparts known as "lilipat dwarves".

Mob Profile Overview[]

Aesir dwarves are once former valentine dwarf citizens of the destroyed Valentine Kingdom that defected to the Ragnanival Kingdom upon the destruction of their original kingdom homeland, these dwarves who defected to the ragnanival side had been greatly promised with benefits by the king of the Ragnanival Kingdom that supposedly had led them believe the good beneificial things promised to them will be given in sometime which attracted them to defect to the ragnanival side without knowing it's actual true intentions of his.

This type of dwarf are more innovative and they are skillful technologically compared to their ringford dwarf kins, that are only neutral despite being on the side of the fairies, as they we're not combatant units in comparison to their ragnanival dwarf kins, these aesir dwarves are also known to be machine operators as they drive attack vehicles such as the dwarven battleship, they are pretty known in this habit they have not just in the ragnanival kingdom but in the entire erion as well.

Demon lord odin often considers them as one of the treasures of his kingdom due to their useful abilities particularly with their technology innovation as they can build and use something useful for the ragnanival army and the best example of that is the dwarven battleship, it is an zeppelin airship attack air vehicle in which they use to provide cover attack for their aesir comrades.


Aesir Dwarves are mostly found in the ragnanival kingdom where they currently reside during the main storyline and in the ruins of their former kingdom homeland where they would participate as soldiers employed to the ragnanival forces fighting against the fairies in the same location as these ragnanival sided dwarves fights with the aesirs against them for the domination control of their own war machine from their former king.

Appearance Traits[]

Aesir dwarves have a typical appearance of an individual dwarf like their other fellow dwarves who defected to the Ringford Kingdom, they all both share the same trait with only difference in clothing style, as the aesir dwarves wear metallic armor clothing and helmet, they have a green bag hanging on their backs, an object they use to store their bomb weapons they use to throw at their enemies.

Mob Battle Characteristics[]

Aesir dwarves are the least strongest of all ragnanival units, they don't have any other abilities other than throwing bombs at their enemies that can cause significant damage with an area of effect surrounding the bomb's explosion, aesir dwarves do not possess any other weapons other than the bombs they hold in their hands and the ones that are in their green bags that they use to store their bomb weapons, aesir dwarves are also slowest moving ragnanival units, they appear even much slower and weaker than the axe warrior.

their only strongest level in the battlefield is when they are operating an attack airship vehicle called dwarven battleship, this vehicle gives them a total full protection from it's tough thick metal armor and dodge chance for it's flying ability, but if not relying on this vehicle and only fight on foot, they are in their the most vulnerable state in the battle as the aesir dwarves do not possess any armor protection in their gear equipment clothing but rather only with leather clothes and a backpack to carry their bombs that they use as their main weapon by throwing it against their enemies.

Background Story[]

These aesir dwarves were once citizens of the Valentine Kingdom who lived in happiness and prosperity like their other fellow valentinians, when their king went insane, most of them got worried about their kingdom's situation as many of them were forcibly drafted into the Valentine Army in order to fulfill the avenged world conquest by King Valentine as a result of his anger over his daughter Ariel becoming pregnant with a child of a king from their perceived enemy nation.

Many of the aesir dwarves continued to fight in their army until the King Valentine's death and the eventual destruction of the Valentine Kingdom that left them homeless and unorganized, these dwarves got into trouble some fight with each other as they are left without a leading figure causing them to fight their fellow kins to try to obtain leadership in one among all of them who is the strongest that can rule their people over, some of them even got into worst conditions such as hunger, in desperate to try to find some resources for their survival, most of them looked outside of their kingdom homeland to try to search some places that are good enough for their stay.

At the outbreak of the Cauldron War, many of them had received recruits and offers from either Ragnanival or Ringford Kingdom, which both of these faction had made a promise of making their lives better if they will choose to join on their sides, many of the dwarves believed these claims that eventually made them to defect in one of these two factions that are both trying to take and use them.

Fate Status[]

Aesir dwarves had been fully annihilated during the now undead darkova king gallon's invasion of ragnanival kingdom in the armageddon period, none of them we're able to survive during king gallon and his undead minions assault of the ragnanival kingdom, aesir dwarves are among the lives that perished during the armageddon.

See also[]
