Odin Sphere Wiki

Alraune is a living towering carnivorous plant that are predator to any organic living beings that lives in the elrit forest, that mostly lurks in the swamp area of this location, this living plant creature attacks anything that comes near in it's surrounding range, alraunes can only be found in the elrit forest and cannot be found anywhere else in erion other than in this area.

(This mini boss mob is exclusive to odin sphere remake called "leifthrasir" where it can be only seen and this unit cannot be found in the original version of odin sphere)

Mob Profile Overview[]

Alraune is a prehistorical monstrous carnivorous plant native to elrit forest, which is the only place where these giant dangerous meat eating plants can be found exclusively, most of these living plant creatures mostly lurks in the swamps where it get's second type of food source which is water, swamp is a wetland in elrit forest that have a large abundance of water that is enough for life supporting of any water breathing creatures either organic or plant living.


Alraunes are only found in elrit forest, where these meat eating plant creatures are native from, along with the manticore beast, these are one of the two greatest dangers that can be encountered in the northeast forest of erion and also one of the two mini bosses that can be encountered in the elrit forest.

Elrit forest's dense nature condition of plants allows it to grow every single kind of tree, plant or leaf, which also allows large plant creatures such as alraune to spawn in this location and attract other numerous wildlife in the forest to thrive.

Appearance Traits[]

Alraune is an enormous green and orange carnivorous plant . It has a big head made of leaves on the top of its body and the leaves have a mouth-shape. With torns who look similar to teeth. On the side of her there are two mouths who will grow as the bigger mouth gets destroyed.

Mob Battle Characteristics[]

Alraune will attack by hitting the player with its head, or spitting seeds and projectiles. It can also poison the player and generate other plants, they'll grow eating bears, agreen girl will also come out from Alraune when the plants is suffering, but also to attack.

Background Story[]

The oldest alraune fossil that has ever been discovered in erion dates from 400 million years ago, this carnivorous plant is among one of the first type of plants that existed in the continent, it's monstrous appearance and characteristics is thought to have caused by a mutated type of phozons that was totally absorbed a small carnivorous plant overtime that resulted in this gigantic monstrous evolution.

Fate Status[]

All alraunes we're extinguished from thriving in life after the now undead darkova king gallon march and walked through the elrit forest with his undead forces and absorb it's entire energy life draining all of the plant life in the forested area on process, secondly him and his forces had also consumed the entire wild life inhabitants of the elrit forest ending their lives as well as the plant life did in the elrit forest, much of elrit forest had completely deforested and decomposed after the king gallon's undead forces and himself had rampaged the northeastern forest region of erion.


Using fire spells is the best way to defeat Alraune, when the little plants are created, let them eat the bears then kill them before they grow up.


