Odin Sphere Wiki
Book 6 - Armageddon

Armageddon is the given title name for a gray colored book where the primary bosses of the entire main storyline event whom are considered the greatest five disasters of the world are fought it is the sixth book to appear in the game and to be read by Alice in the attic of their house, it is also the last one to be read by her.

Chart list of armageddon bosses, their rightful counter parts and the notes about their battle why their enemies we're their rightful counter part, (This chart list gives path through obtaining the true ending of the game)

Name of the Armageddon Boss[]

Rightful Main Playable Character Counter Part[]


Darkova Cornelius This Boss is Ingway, the Prophecy states that 'A FIERY six-eyed beast speeds the Guiding hand of salvation. THE one who removes the torment is mine on Son' hinting Darkova. Due to the connection of the Titanian royalty and the power of Darkova it means that the one who quells this must be of the Titanian Royal family. Also it's description said that it 'feeds on man' meaning a man cannot kill it but someone who is not a man could.As a result the logical and correct choice is Cornelius, he is of Titanian Royalty, and was cursed into the form of a Pooka, a beast. As such he must be the one chosen to deal with this.
King Gallon Oswald King Gallon is 'The unleashed frenzy of death yearns for the light of life' which fits as he unleashes the dead in a crazed rampage throughout the land seeking to end all life in a mindless rampage. The Erion Saga Passage reads 'ONE that threatens the darkness is the shadow of the lost master' this hints that the chosen opponent for Gallon is someone who commands darkness. This cannot be done... save for one who has given up their soul for the power, which fits one individual: Oswald the Shadow Knight. However there is a hidden stipulation to the prophecy that the one who kills Gallon must ALSO be of Titanian Royalty.At first it seems this does not apply to Oswald until Gallon asks who his father was to which Oswald will speak his name. Edgar is the brother of Edmund, who left the kingdom when he fell in love with a commoner. In a growing paranoia he would send assassins to kill Edgar and while Edgar and his wife would perish Edgar was able to save Oswald. Thus completes Oswald's role in the Prophecy, as the True King of Titania.
Inferno King Onyx Mercedes Onyx is 'The advancing Inferno' in the prophecies, despite this he would vehemently deny that the prophecies were true as there was now 'world tree' visible. He would burn the forest to ashes to prove that the prophecy was merely the mutterings of old men. The Erion Saga passage reads "THE flood of fire that man cannot withstand is halted by the World Tree..." this passage signifies that a 'man' cannot stop it both in terms of race and gender. Since Cornelius is already chosen for Darkova there is only one other choice: Mercedes. In the Prophecy there is also the verse 'Scorches the Throne's surroundings' of all the characters only one holds a 'throne' which is again Mercedes.

Mercedes is his destined foe, even without the prophecies original text she is a choice due to the unique nature of fairies and their names. They have two names, a name they call themselves publicly and their TRUE name which they only reveal in their deaths. Her mother was Fimbulveltr, and Melvin was Nidhogg, both names significant to Norse Mythology. Thus she must also carry a name of significance to Norse Mythology. In her case it is 'Yggdrasil' meaning the World Tree. This revelation however came at the cost of her life as she would fight Onyx to a mortal draw and both would die to their wounds as a result.

Crystallization Cauldron Velvet The Cauldron has more interesting verses in the Pslam and poem. The Psalm says, 'THOUGH blaes and arrows are unleashed, the flooding fire cannot be stopped IT can only be chained' this pretty much counts out everyone save one as they use blades, Oswald, Gwendolyn and Cornelius, or arrows, Mercedes. The verse then says 'In the Cauldron that breathes despair, the blood of the ancients boils.' this might be a more confusing prompt but Krois explains how Valentinian's are 'newcomers' to Erion unlike the previous factions who had been there for long years thus they are 'ancients' of Erion.All these clues point to one singular choice, Velvet. Unlike the other protagonists she is Valentine blood, a 'newcomer' blood, and she wields a chain as her weapon. Thus she is the only one that can stop the cauldron without causing more disaster. In her battle she is able to stop the Cauldron without destroying it's core thus it remains still usable even after the death of Valentine.
Leventhan Gwendolyn Leventhan is the Dragon of the End, it's Pslam speaks that it is 'BORN in chaos and fire SLEEP ni mother's arms' this might seem confusing till the end of the 'good' ending in which Velvet refers the Cauldron as the 'mother' of all. Right at the beginning of Armageddon Valentine bid Leventhan to sleep in the Cauldron thus the Cauldron is the mother of Leventhan. As for the Verse it speaks that it 'devours the stone of blood' this means that it cannot be slain by a Psypher created by the Cauldron which is a blood red color so Velvet, Mercedes and Oswald cannot do it. This is why Odin forged Balor out of the crystals from the Netherworld to prevent this from happening.Logically the foe for this is obvious it's Gwendolyn, she bears a Blue Psypher spear, and interestingly the mother aspect applies to her as well. As she would bring Leventhan's violent and destructive rampage to an end causing it to 'sleep' for all eternity in death. She would kill the dragon by shattering it's horn causing it's power to destroy itself, but would damage her wings via the explosion of it's death. She would fall but Oswald would catch her saving her from certain death. With this the Prophecy is completed, Gwendolyn and Oswald would become the Crownless Lords and the progenitors of humanity thus ending the great epic of Odin Sphere.