Axe Knights are heavy giant knight soldiers of the Kingdom of Titania that serves as the main enforcer guardians of the kingdom homeland of titanians as their main protectors.
These hulking warriors builds are not for show and despite being human they are quite powerful combatants. Despite they have slow movement, their chances of critical hits are much higher than any other fighting warrior entities, although they are among the strongest humans, none of them we're ever deployed for invasion offensive attack purposes. They are set to guarding their Kingdom homeland Titania that was in neutral state and never involved in any occurring wars during the ongoing occurrence of the main storyline events.
Mob Profile Overview[]
Axe Knights are the guardian protectors of the Kingdom of Titania, they can be seen patrolling day and night 24 hours a day in a week and these behemoth warriors mostly act as king guard. They also assists their citizens in small tasks or aiding their king, they are the top soldiers of the Titanian Army, over 2000 units of them were recruited and trained for the Titanian military. Around 500 were employed to patrol the entire Kingdom of Titania but despite their little high significant numbers none of them had ever been deployed in the battle even when Titania had a war against the Kingdom of Ragnanival and during the ongoing occurrence of the main storyline events, Titania stayed out from all of the wars occurring during this time and was in it's neutral state because of this, they never went further than their own borders.
Axe knights is the largest of any human creature or warrior at the time of the main storyline, it is also the strongest human warrior in the entire erion at its time during the ongoing process event of Erion Saga, despite axe knights lacks supernatural power abilities, their buffed status and body abled building constructed body style gives them an enormous heavy strength that adds greatly to their defense protection making them highly resistant damage from any kinds of attacks either melee or ranged including the special weapons such as psyphers and the magical crystal light shooting ones like the Tasla/Riblam which is Mercedes main weapon through the main storyline and tough in health points when it comes into reducing it through attacking the Axe Knights.
Their gear equipment is also another one of the factors that makes the axe knights even thicker in health points which causes them to be even more two times tougher in health defense protection than usual compared to other heavy units not just in addition of their buffed and body abled building status of their bodies that is enough to make their health points defense protection to be thick and tough to be attacked by anyone including the main playable characters who would fight axe knights through their journey.
At some point, the people of titania regards axe knights as the main protectors of their kingdom homeland due to the fact that they are the strongest units in the Titanian Military they also serve as the main body guard enforcers for the Monarchy of Titania particularly as being henchmen of King Edmund, this can be seen when he called them after a pooka appeared in front of him inside the palace who was actually his son Cornelius who he mistakenly thought as a liar and deceiver that made him call the axe knights to put Cornelius away from him despite telling him the truth that he was actually his son and the other Cornelius one he previously talked into who told him that he ended his relationship with Velvet was just his impostor as he tells to his father edmund, who was actually Ingway in disguise as he wanted cornelius father to give him a trust so he could ask the secret transformation power of Darkova so he could use it to revenge against his father odin for his greed of power through cauldron obtaining and also for neglecting their mother.
Axe knights perform multiple task jobs in their profession, from acting as a patrol unit for their guarding duties, assisting their citizens for in need of help and serving directly their monarchy by acting as it's main bodyguard enforcers especially through their king by aiding it and giving the royal family with guarding defense protection against any intruders of their royal residence and anyone who plots to kill them, these bulky human warriors earns the highest salary of any titanian soldier in the titanian military and any titanian citizens who serves for it's governmental body.
Axe knights are exclusively found in the Kingdom of Titania, where they act as patrol leaders of patrolling squad guard units in the Kingdom and enforcers for their king and the three wisemen, although axe knights are powerful, these warriors are not designed as an offensive unit due to their guarding instinct nature where these warriors are actually intended for when it was created, meaning that none of them participates in any of the conquests that Titania has made around the erion that happened before the main storyline.
Appearance Traits[]
Axe Knights are behemoth humans, they are one of the largest human fighting warriors in Erion ranking as second largest and tallest in overall of humans in Erion, they are also among the largest warriors in the continent, with a measuring height around 192 centimeters or 6.3 Foot in tall, just behind Demon Lord Odin in terms of large scale size and height.
Much like the Berserkers, they are body able men but much larger and taller in size. While the reason for their incredible size is not revealed, their incredible bulk has made them prime targets to be recruited and trained by the Titanian Army in order to make them serve for the Kingdom of Titania. They could be either volunteers to become axe knights or were conscripted by the Titanian royalty to serve as guardians for their Kingdom.
Their colors ranges from yellow, white, black, and green, axe knights wear a semi knight armor suit outfit while having a half appearance of a medieval civilian and an image of an executioner in the middle ages, their shirt appears like a prison inmate outfit with colors ranging from black and white in stripes, they wear head black colored bonnets with a half exposure of their face that exposes their nose and their mouth, axe knights wear a giant yellow colored armor suit gears ranging through their limbs and half of their body.
Despite their intense large size, they have a small and stiff like looking legs that is equipped with a yellow knight boots that is part of their knight armor suit outfit, they hold a giant battle axe with a symbol of shield in it's edge part with stripe colors of green and white with a black colored sword insignia located on the middle of the shield symbol in their battle axe in which that they use as their main weapon and they do not have any other equipments other than their giant battle axe, they don't have shields compared to Berserkers and Unicorn Knights.
Mob Battle Characteristics[]
Axe Knights are the slowest moving mobs in the game due to their large size, compared to Berserkers and Unicorn Knights, they do not have the same charging attack as the Unicorn Knights and Berserkers, but they do have a short range jumping crush attack. They also have a powerful chopping attack that can deal heavy damage should it hit. Because of their hulking size however they are quite slow and most of their attacks are highly telegraphed, being hit by one is due to dealing with other foes, or because one is not paying attention. However they do have some fast attacks like their slam attack as well as a quick swing that can knock back the player should it connect.
They are a strictly melee based enemy unable to do ranged attacks on their own. They can however suplement this with potions. They also cover this weakness by having sorcerers and magic eyes fighting by their side. These warriors are not only damage dealing monsters, but are also quite durable soaking up a fair amount of damage before falling in battle. However their slow attack speed, and mostly telegraphed attacks make their offense childish in comparison to other mini-bosses.
Background Story[]
The Axe Knights were first created as immediate emergency heavy fighting units of the Kingdom of Titania during the Titania's war against the Valentine Kingdom, they were recruited and trained in a speed run mode to the point where Titania has to use special type of magic spells to transform any Titanian citizen who volunteered or conscripted into becoming an axe knight by their bodies becoming instantly body builded through the use of magic manifesting that will instantly magic someone to become body builded person.
The creation of axe knights were done in rush speed in order to counter the vast numbers of Valentine Forces that we're attacking and invading the Kingdom of Titania which turned out to be sucessfully as they were able to make Valentine Forces to withdraw the half of their invasion of Titania until king gallon decided to use the darkova beast transformation power from their secret royal family power book to fully totally push the Valentine Forces from invading the Kingdom of Titania and make them fully refrain from attacking or invading it.
Fate Status[]
All of Axe Knights were totally killed during now undead darkova King Gallon and his undead minions assault invasion destruction of the Kingdom of Titania, in the false ending it can be seen the two remaining axe knights heading towards King Gallon's advancing undead force to attack it, one of the two was killed during the attack and the other one was forced to back and what happened to the one remaining axe knight was unseen after this incident, it can be assumed that the last one remaining axe knight has been killed later during King Gallon's fight in one of the main playable characters and the total annihilation of the Titanian Kingdom, before this part, King Gallon had reached out his son to talk how much he becomed than he used before, in the true ending it can be assumed the same thing happened but it was unseen and this time it is Oswald that king gallon will be fighting into.