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Bees are small insectoid enemies found in the Elrit Forest, as one of it's native inhabitants, despite their small size they can be very overwhelming in large numbers.

Mob Profile Overview[]

Bees are flying insects that resides in the elrit forest, as one of it's native wild life inhabitants, their bee hives is the source of honey food for the grizzly bear wild life that lived in the same location as the bees, compared to other wild life creatures, bees only attack anyone intruder to these creatures that comes near to their surrounding range of their bee hive and does not chase the intruder if wandered away from their nest.

Some fairies and aesirs are known to harvest their honey for food resources but it is notseen in any of the cutscenes in the game and likely had happened before the main storyline event.


Bees are only found in the elrit forest, due to it's abudance in flowers which is the main source of food for their species and these creatures cannot live elsewhere on erion without any reliance on flowers that are only found in the wild forest of elrit, it is also assumed and speculated that bees might also present in the ringford forest kingdom due to having the same type of location as the elrit forest as these two locations are both forest by nature like elrit forest, ringford forest also have many flowers and trees and it is much thicker and larger than the ones found in the elrit forest.

Appearance Traits[]

They have resemblance exactly much like of a real life bee insect but with much obvious larger size compared to their real creature counterparts, these insects are colored in yellow with black and strips in it, these insects also possess a pointy sting on their rear backs.

Mob Battle Characteristics[]

These bees do not really pose any much threat in their attacks unless these insects attack in high numbers, their only abilities is to attack through swarm in numbers and can inflict the poison status effect like their fellow frog dwellers in the same location these insects live in, which can be removed by using Antidote or wearing Detox Charm that give it's wearer an immunity protection from poison status effect and to be prevented from having it.

Even though these creatures are relatively small in size, their attacks can be threatening if swarmed in numbers but few of these insects do not, only their poison buff effect inflicting is their strongest attack similar to the poison status effect inflicted by the frogs.

Background Story[]

Oldest fossil of bees that has ever been found in elrit forest dates back from atleast 65 million years ago, makin these insects as the considered second oldest life form inhabitants of erion during it's formation as it is behind the frogs in the length of existing and living in the same area.

Before the main storyline event started, there are reports of fairies and aesir humans gathering honey from beehives for food resources even though they had this kind of activity neither any of their sides started making farm of bees to create more beehives in order to have a daily mass production of honey designated for food resources rations for their people.

Fate Status[]

All bees had been totally exterminated along with the other wild life in the elrit forest during the now undead darkova king gallon's walk over and invasion with his undead minions of this area as all of their hives fell down to the ground to be stepped by the advancing undead army in the elrit forest by their giant foot, due to the trees where the bee hives are holding on we're cut off and collapses onto the ground upon being stepped by the undead forces or hardly hitting it with their advancing walks.
