"Now, now, Beldor. Don't be so pessimistic."
Beldor the Green Sorcerer (Variants of the Name: Verdo/Veldor) is a supporting antagonist character in the main storyline of erion saga book series and one of the Three Wise Men. Along with Urzur and Skuldi, his goal is to cause the Armageddon so that he and the other Wise Men can become kings.
Profile Overview[]
Beldor is a green colored sorcerer from the kingdom of titania, he is one of the three wise men who we're the secret pawns of king gallon that will help the now undead darkova former king of titania to achieve his goals by using some of his former people who still believe in him.
He is the sorcerer assigned in the ringford kingdom for the manipulation of the fairies as the three wisemen wanted to use the fairy race as one of their tools to achieve the goals in the armageddon.
Beldor is a cowardly sorcerer in comparison to the other of his kins, this can be seen when oswald forced him to join in melvin's side for his intended revolution during the civil war in the ringford kingdom.
Appearance Traits[]
Beldor wears a tall red hat that covers his eyes and a green wizard robe with stars on it, and he has moon and stars necklace decorations hanging from his robe sleeves, he has a long beard in his face, he has also long pointy ears, his skin color is brown.
Personality Classification[]
Like his co-conspirators, Beldor was intelligent, cunning and manipulative, using the Cauldron War and his affiliation with the fairies to further his goals. He was also very ambitious, as during the Armageddon, while still having a Darkova-possessed Ingway under his control, he still desired the Ring of Titrel to control the cauldron. This wish for greater power was a display of Beldor's greed and possibly a sign of early madness, believing that he needed more power under his control.
Though greedy, cruel and ambitious, unlike his fellow Wise Men, Beldor is no coward. He has shown to participate in the most number of battles out of all his comrades. The only time he displayed fear was when he was in the Netherworld, trapped in his pooka form, where he is unable to cast spells.
Beldor also displayed a cautious attituide when planning his next move. He was shown to chastise Skuldi for revealing their plans to Velvet, believing that she would interfere with their plans. Beldor is also very ruthless, if not sadistic, as he delightedly commands Ingway as the Beast of Darkova to devour Velvet or Mercedes, depending on the players choice to battle Darkova. He even tells Mercedes that after Ingway kills her, Beldor would temporarily restore his mind only to inform him that Ingway himself had killed Mercedes with his own hands. He has a twisted sense of loyalty calling both Ingway as Darkova and Belial his 'loyal' comrades when in reality they only did his bidding under a spell.
Background Story[]
Beldor and his other two kins used to help demon lord odin when he was still their apprentice and they we're betrayed by him once he have learned their magic spells before the events of the main story started.
Plotline Summary Perspective[]
Ringford Sorcerer[]
Beldor was a resident of Titania, being one of the top sorcerers in King Gallon's court, along with his comrades Urzur and Skuldi. The trio were renowned as the most skilled sorcerers in Erion. Odin, still an ordinary human, worked under the Wise Men as their subordinate. However, Odin was secretly plotting to rebel against the sorcerers when the time is right.
This defiance proved successful, and Odin stole all of the Wise Men's secrets. The Wise Men were angered by Odin's betrayal, vowing their vengeance in anyway possible.
After Titania's war with Valentine and the tragedy involving King Gallon and the Beast of Darkova, King Edmund, the new heir to the throne, had the Three Wise Men to research the Curse of Darkova. The research proved with one major success, the Wise Men had found a way to control the Darkova.
Beldor and his co-conspirators also researched King Valentine 's prophecy on the Armegeddon, destroying the world with no survivors. Believing the Armegeddon was a way to gain control of all of Erion, the Wise Men made plans in order to bring forth the Armegeddon, utilising many events to further their goals.
Beldor, gaining control of the dragon Belial, joins 'Queen Elfaria's army as the court mage as well as a trump card to the Fairy Army.
During the first battle during the Cauldron War, Belial's immense strength and ferocity easily overwhelmed the Aesir. This forces the enemy to retreat and regroup, giving temporary victory to the Vanir.
As the second battle occurs later on, Beldor once again unleashed Belial on the battlefield. However, the dragon was defeated by Gwendolyn , Princess of the Valkyries, who possessed a psypher spear, the only weapon that could harm a dragon. Beldor did not personally take part in the battle, as he retreated soon afterwards.
Severed Relations[]
After Queen Elfaria's death, Beldor has decided to cut of his affiliations with the Fairy Kingdom, seeing that he has no use for the fairies to further his goals. He was met by Oswald, the Shadow Knight, who requests him to join Melvin's rebellion as the enforcer. Refusing, Beldor then summons Belial on Oswald, who manages to defeat the dragon.
Joining the rebellion, Beldor was later met by Mercedes, who asked for his aid. Beldor instead summons Belial to attack Mercedes. Mercedes defeats the dragon, only for Beldor to attempt to finish the job. However, he was suddenly attacked by a frog , poisoning him and forcing him to retreat.
Plan Retraction[]
With the failed rebellion, Beldor went back to his hometown, Titania, to meet up with his comrades.Back in Titania, Beldor and his co-conspirators then sacrifice innocent citizens to Belial, in an attempt to persuade their King, Edmund, to give them the Book of Transformation. The Three Wise Men later led Velvet to Belial, to trap her. Although Belial and Beldor were defeated by the Princess of Valentine, Urzur and Skuldi were able to subdue her while she was distracted and exhausted, taking her prisoner. Much to Beldor's dismay, Urzur and Skuldi arrogantly revealed their plans to Velvet about bringing forth the Armageddon in order to purify the world and rule it.
Later on, Beldor was informed by messengers from Ringford, by Mercedes offering to pardon Beldor's crimes during the rebellion, in exchange for showing her the route to the Netherworld. Instead, Beldor and Urzur set an ambush upon the arrival of Mercedes at Titania. Mathew was captured in the ambush and Mercedes was forced to fight her way through the back alleys of Titania which were no swarming with lesser mages and their summoned beasts.
Eventually Mercedes fought her way to the Sewers, where Beldor was waiting for her. He again set Belial on the fairy, though the dragon was unwilling to battle Mercedes again. Beldor attempted to force Belial into battle. His abuse of the dragon angered Mercedes, causing her to withdraw her previous offer and present him with a new one: Aid her or die. Beldor temprarily retreats, with Mercedes in hot pursuit. Mercedes finally catches up to the sorcerer, who was backed up with two Axe Knights sent by Urzur.
Mercedes and Beldor fought, though Beldor managed to trick the princess by attacking her from behind. Before he could succeed, the Frog cast the Pooka Curse upon Beldor, cursing him into the form of a harmless aged pooka.
Failure Desertion[]
Afterward, Mercedes forces the captured Beldor to direct her to the Netherworld to save Brom. At the first opportunity, the cursed Sorcerer ditches Mercedes and attempts to escape, fearing the likely results of being found by a Halja while still bound and unable to cast magic anyway. Unfortunately for him, his escape caused him his life. A Halja arrives and reaps the helpless sorcerer only moments after he abandoned Mercedes.
Undead Resurrection[]
at the start of armageddon, beldor re-emerged as a revenant after being killed by the halja in the netherworld as a pooka, although he was not feeling well after that terrifying event, he meets king gallon in the netherworld that just broke free from the magical chains that ties the former king of titania in the netherworld prison after queen odette was killed by gwendolyn, he swore his oath to him by explaining that his "loyalty" did not change while his appearance did, however king gallon did not express any excitement or acceptance of happiness approval as king gallon was devoid of any sort of happiness or joy, one of the halja approached him and informs king gallon that they cannot leave the netherworld because the queen odette was blocking it that just recently passed away after being killed, as beldor hear this.
He explains to king gallon that halja can traverse the gateway bridge between the netherworld and the land of the living that will give them passage to the world of living, as king gallon heard this explanation of him, he did not reply back to beldor but only telling one of the haljas to show him the way to the world of living so they can consume life as he explains, the halja did what king gallon told it to do and so they we're able to leave the netherworld and make their way to the world of living, however, beldor left king gallon's netherworld denizen army after he was able to get out of the netherworld.
Enslavement Revenge[]
When beldor left out from king gallon's forces and successfully leave netherworld, he immediately went to the kingdom of ringford and casts a spell control upon ingway who was in the ruins of the valentine kingdom after he transforms into darkova beast, beldor controlled him and make him come to the ringford kingdom to destroy it and slaughter all of the fairies.
Though he was successful in doing this as he was able to destroy the entire kingdom of ringford and annihilate the entire fairy race, it is unknown what happened to him after this, it is thought that he may have committed suicide after destroying ringford kingdom and kill all the fairies, as he was able to carry out his revenge against them because their princess mercedes was his main cause why he became a pooka and to be killed in the netherworld while being on this curse transformation.
For whatever instances, it is still unknown and unclear what actually happened of how he died, he was already gone by the time cornelius came to the burning forest ruins of the ringford kingdom to fight ingway while being on a darkova beast transformation that will result to him being mortally wounded by cornelius while the young titanian prince cornelius passed out from tiredness of fighting against him, this battle resulted ingway's death right after his inform of his twin sister about the cauldron what she should do with it to save the sake of the world for everyone.
Queen Elfaria of the Ringford Kingdom[]
Beldor assisted her during the fairies war agains the ragnanival forces, he told many embellished claims in her to gain elfaria's trust hoping that someday she might give him an authority to have control over the fairies as he was planning to use the fairies as their tools for the steps of starting the prophecies to free king gallon where they serve of to show their loyalty and committment to the former king of titania and also to became himself and the other two wisemen as the new kings of the proposed new world after the prophecies event, as he claims, however when queen elfaria was killed during the war, he decided to back off from the fairies and cut all of his ties in the ringford kingdom.
Oswald the Shadow Knight[]
Him and beldor never had any straight talks to each other, as most of the time during his stay in the ringford kingdom was in focus of helping queen elfaria to make close friendships with one another to gain her trust with an intention of using her and their people for their proposed plan, during the rebellion in the ringford kingdom, oswald was ordered by melvin to confront beldor and make him join in their side during the rebellion to increase their winning chances in their revolution, he sought to find beldor and only to see that he refuses to his invitement even after oswald threatened him and coming to the point that he has to challenge beldor to force him in joining melvin's side in the civil war that was happening in the ringford kingdom, when he proved to be lethal and more powerful than beldor was forced to join on melvin's side in order for oswald to spare his life.
Princess Mercedes of the Ringford Kingdom[]
With melvin's failed revolution that leads to his death, beldor fled away quickly from the ringford kingdom and attempted himself to hide from the new emerging queen of the ringford kingdom mercedes, who sought to make a manhunt for beldor to confront him for helping melvin and his right hand man assistant during the rebellion that was successfully suppressed by mercedes loyalist forces, as she wanted to address beldor with the crimes he committed in the ringford kingdom, mercedes made his way through the kingdom of titania in search of brom but she and her forces was suddenly ambushed by the titanian authorities forcing mercedes to find another alternate route that will lead to beldor's whereabouts.
when mercedes finally found beldor in the titania's sewers, she asked beldor to help him in finding brom in the netherworld to pardon him from the crimes he committed in the ringford kingdom however beldor refused her request and often throwed some insults to her saying that she was a "poor leader" to handle the ringford kingdom by all herself and that she was no good queen, brom then summoned belial and ordered the dragon to attack mercedes but when the dragon refuses to do brom's orders he tortured belial with his magic powers that angered mercedes which made her shoots beldor and decided to withdraw her pardon offer to him and then the two fight resulting in a stalemate outcome but as just before brom was about to make his counter attack against mercedes through her back.
ingway interrupted in the conflict fight and cursed beldor to become a pooka then ingway knocks him off for a while, he later wakes up tied with both of his hands and mercedes forced him to show the route to the netherworld that will lead to brom's whereabouts but when they have to stop over to ask a spirit where brom, mercedes talked to it and ask some directions, however during mercedes talk to the netherworld spirit, beldor secretly fled away from her captivity that cost his life as he was later slain by the halja.
Prince Ingway of the Valentine Kingdom[]
Beldor sees him as a puppet for their will, although the two have actually never made that much talks but one of his co-wisemen turned him to a frog to suppress his rebellion over them, in ingway's revenge for that, he cursed beldor to become pooka and also to stop him from harming mercedes anymore.
Princess Velvet of the Valentine Kingdom[]
Beldor considers velvet as his sacrifice pawn for belial in order to prove the prophecy to her and show respect and loyalty for king gallon.
Serpent Dragon Belial[]
Beldor uses this dragon as his slave beast pet that he enslaves using their magic powers to force the dragon to work in their own favor but the dragon have actually a dislike of him for using the dragon which was against belial's wishes as the dragon did not wanted to follow their orders that was nothing but evil but was forced to do so because their magic powers are literally harming the dragon physically.
As a boss[]
Coming soon!
- Ironically, Beldor does not seem to possess an evil heart. This is shown that even though he was transformed into a Pooka, he did not turn into a Goblin, the evil form of a Pooka.
- Like Urzur (Urd) and Skuldi (Skuld), Beldor's name is most likely based upon the name of a Norn: Verdandi, Norn of Present Times.
- Beldor is sometimes debatable whether he is only a supporting antagonist in the main storyline or one of the primary antagonist characters, because during ingway's formation of darkova during the starting events of the armageddon as he intended to destroy the cauldron to prevent anyone from using it as a weapon to destroy the world, his transformation of darkova beast made him vulnerable to spell control of beldor and he was enslaved by him after this, he was the one who controls and orders him to destroy the ringford forest kingdom as his act of revenge against mercedes as he considers her as his main cause of becoming pooka to be killed in the netherworld, during ingway's form of darkova he destroys the fairy kingdom while he was being under controlled by beldor in his spells, this means that ingway is not in his own self, since he has a good relationship with the fairies and even formed a mutual friendship with mercedes, he would often help her in some ways, but contrary to the belief that ingway is not a material object entity like that of a cauldron but a living being, this classifies him as a character rather than being a material object entity and since he was one of the main characters of the main storyline (but not playable though) he cannot be classified as an antagonist character, since characters cannot have two classifications at the same time and with the same individual living being such as being a main or supporting character while being also a supporting or primary antagonist character.
♦ Odin Sphere Characters ♦
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Supporting Characters
Belial ♦ Brom ♦ Griselda ♦ Hindel ♦ Ingway ♦ King Edmund ♦ Master Krois ♦ Matthew ♦ Myris ♦ Odin ♦ Queen Elfaria ♦ Wagner ♦ | |