The Commemorative Silver Coin is a type of currency used in Odin Sphere. It has the value of 20G.
It is a coin material entity that is mostly found and minted from the wastelands of valentine kingdom through it's remains, this coin is the rarest and possess the highest value of any coin currency in all of five existing currencies in the erion with a worth value of 20G, it is also considered as a sacred and special coins by valentine citizens as this coin is known to possess magic powers that can grant wishes from king valentine, as the coins was placed with magic spell powers by himself before his insanity, this coin is one of the most important material entities to exist in the game and these coins we're the components that velvet and cornelius is after for, along with other former human valentine citizen pookas who also have wish desires of becoming humans again just like what are their desire ambitions with the coins, as they all hopes of becoming humans again after all the coins are found but sadly only velvet and cornelius we're the only ones who we're able to use the coins to break the curse of pooka upon them as there are no any other spells that can break a pooka curse other than the wish grant powers that will be coming from this coin.