Prince Cornelius of Titania (Old Name Spelling Variant: Kornilivs) is one of the two protagonists characters of the main storyline of Erion Saga book series (the other being Velvet) he was the prince of the Kingdom of Titania and the only son of King Edmund and rightful next heir to the monarchy's throne, he was born into a royal titanian family, cornelius is one of the five playable main characters of Odin Sphere, during one of his trips outside of their kingdom, he met Velvet, an exiled "witch" and jungle woman, who was the princess of the lost Kingdom of Valentine.
The two immediately fell in love towards with one another shortly after their briefly meeting and long talking, when cornelius is about to return after this event he subsequently found himself in the Netherworld in a form of a "beast" called pooka, Cornelius was in this form through out the most of the game's main story plotline and he would be trapped in this body for more than 1000 years before he could become a human again but nevertheless the two fight their way through the challenges of the story and they both managed to survive in the armageddon event, along with Oswald and Gwendolyn, he was the protagonist of the second book of the game, The Pooka Prince.
Profile Overview[]
Cornelius is a loner prince of the kingdom of titania that was supposedly next in line to the throne of titania to became the next king as a successor after his father king edmund who was cursed into becoming pooka by the older twin brother of his love partner velvet, in order to prevent him from having relationship with her as velvet's older twin brother disapproves their relationship to their different social status at the time of the main storyline event, but despite having disagreements from both sides of their family, the two continued to love each other unconditionally, cornelius father also disapproves his relationship with velvet that his father described as "jungle witch" and tell him to marry someone who also bears a royalty background as them because they are honorable and felt better compared to the "witch jungle" he will love to marry as his father says to him.
He was a lone royalty figure of his generation in their imperial monarch family, as cornelius does not have any siblings, he was the only child of his parents through his father king edmund and his father's unknown lover who was the unmentioned mother of cornelius, though he had a cousin named oswald however they never had any direct contact with each other and they also never acknowledged each other as cousins, so this means that both have never known each other during the main storyline event, thus his biological father was banished from the titanian royal family, this makes only him and his father as the existing members of their monarchy at the time, most of the things he do before the main storyline events is to take adventure to find some little enjoyment in his lifetime or possibly just to find to somebody where he can talk, this habit of cornelius himself that he kept doing over and over until eventually he stumbled across and meet velvet during one of his trips outside of their kingdom that would going to make a change later in his lifetime bringing him a total true joy as he eventually find someone that will comfort him and have somebody to be into.
Cornelius is a skilled sword fighter using a sword given to him by his grandfather in the netherworld, despite not having a previous experience of fighting in the battlefield, he lived a lavish life as a royalty figure member of the Kingdom of Titania through out of his lifetime until he got involved in the numerous major events of the predicted prophecies told in the tales of "Erion Saga" poem written by his own grandfather who was imprisoned in the netherworld after his death during his rampage in their kingdom for a week.
Cornelius is the only notable non-valentinian pooka in the main storyline, he later allied himself with the rest of other pooka in order to have a group of companions that can help his curse situation where he can have somebody that will talk to him that will reduce the burden of his lone depression while being on the pooka form state, which are all valentinian and fight some of them who became goblins to retrieve the valentine coins that was taken away from them by king valentine who ordered that the coins must be thrown away into the lava pool pit in the volkenon lava pits to melt the coins away to prevent the pooka cursed surviving valentine citizens to grant a wish of becoming humans again.
He is one of the two last surviving living beings along with velvet whom is the other one to witness the main storyline event and lived the longest due to the fact they became pookas during lifetime at that time although velvet only became pooka at the very end of armageddon event period that both gave them an infinite lifespan and this curse would stay intact in their body for over 1038 years until they finally collected all the valentine coins and decided to give up their pooka form curse state after a little short debate where to make wish or not to the spirit of king valentine to favor of becoming humans again, as the curse is dangerous to bear that can make their flesh give up later if still continued to bear on, velvet and cornelius are the only notable pookas that are able to use the valentine coins to make a wish of becoming humans again through the spirit of king valentine.
Appearance Traits[]
Cornelius is a 23 year old man noble prince of Titania, In his human form, Cornelius is rather tall with shoulder-length blonde hair. He wears a red tunic with a green short cloak and black leggings, in his Pooka form, he is very short, anthro-rabbit type creature with blue fur. He wears a green hood with small upper armor and knight gauntlets.
Personality Classification[]
He is very courageous and unbending in his beliefs, but these qualities also make him very naive. Nonetheless he is a true hero and will do whatever he can to aid those in need. Cornelius is also a romantic at heart, as seen in his interactions with Velvet. Due to his form, he fears Velvet will no longer love him and would rather not have her bound to him because of it. Cornelius won't tolerate anyone who harms Velvet, as he fought off Mercedes and also Urzur.
Background Story[]
Demographic statistics records listed by the library information archives department of the Kingdom of Titania states that Cornelius was born in 761 A.D. to a middle class royal family of the Titanian monarchy, most of cornelius childhood life has been dedicated in his father's telling that always reminds him that he should choose a decent partner who also came from the royalty background just like he was, in order to show a professionalism, pride and honor to their royal family and to avoid misunfortunate incidents like his grandfather had to endure during his rule of their kingdom before his father enthronement and inheritance of the royal family's next heir to the king's leadership crown that will have the authority to rule over the entire kingdom nation.
He spent his teen years into knowledge studying and way of royal heir ruler inheritance and leadership at a local monastic university of their kingdom homeland to understand the functions and mechanics of the royal inheritance and leadership system in order to prepare himself when he became the next heir of their royal family to ascend the crown and leadership of their monarchy, people and their kingdom.
Upon his graduation from the local monastic university of their kingdom homeland and still wanting to enjoy his youthful life rather than putting himself into an early time of taking the heavy leadership responsibility that he is obligated to bear after his father, he decides to take a break in his life for awhile by taking vacational trips outside of their kingdom.
During one of Cornelius trips outside their kingdom homeland at the time he was about to come home, he met a Valentine female figure who was a princess of a recently destroyed kingdom that was dubbed sometime as "witch" by the passing travelers in the northern forest that borders his kingdom homeland in its northern border because of her constant stay and moving tree by tree through the use of her psypher as her grappling hook to move to one another on every trees, as the Valentine female figure considers the forest as her home due to her exile there after her kingdom homeland was destroyed before she was given a haven place later and her name was Velvet.
She and Cornelius met in sometime of early 780s, 1-2 years before prior to the start of events of the main storyline of erion saga, they soon fell in love with each other and began dating for months after their first meet, they continued to date for 1-2 years and they would often always meet in forest in secret without the knowledge of Cornelius' father and one day, an unknown Titanian citizen who had to happen to have gone in the Elrit Forest for some reason had witnessed Cornelius hugging and kissing Velvet in the forest and the unknown Titanian citizen who had seen velvet and Cornelius displaying public affection in the forest, had to report it to the Titanian royal authority and the news reached Cornelius father.
After Cornelius father have heard the news that his son was dating someone who was dubbed as the "witch" of the forest dispatched a messenger to call his son back to their kingdom homeland and as Cornelius have heard this, he decides to take his father's orders of coming back, before he could left Velvet and return to his home, he made a promise to Velvet after making sweetful moments with her and tell her that he needs to go back to his ome because his father he calling him back to their kingdom homeland and that they will meet again sometime after this cornelius wishes farewell goodbye to velvet shortly before his return to their kingdom homeland.
Plotline Summary Perspective[]
Choice of Love[]
Cornelius story starts in the Forest of Elrit where him and his beloved love interest kingdomless Valentine princess Velvet is having a romantic moment with one another, but unfortunely he has to go as his father came to have suspicions about his whereabouts where he is, cornelius leaves velvet but promised her that he will come back later, cornelius returns to his homeland kingdom and goes inside the kingdom palace to show his father of return, upon returning in his homeland kingdom.
His father king edmund tells him that he should not marry someone who doesn't belong to the royalty because his father king edmund reasons that he might end up like his father whose deceased and former king of their homeland kingdom but rather choosing someone who is wealthier, "better" and royal, at this moment it might be possible that King Edmund was referring to the ruler of another human kingdom called "Ragnanival" who has two daughters and which both are princesses.
King Edmund might also possibly had planned his son Cornelius to marry one of the Ragnanival Kingdom's princesses (Griselda or Gwendolyn) but the storyline did not reveal whose really the one he will choose for his son to marry from either one of them, as King Edmund talks to his son in this matter of topic regarding of what he should love, Cornelius blows off a threat towards his father that he will abdicate his heritage if this is a requirement of being able to have and love Velvet and he also insist that Velvet is a no low class commoner and that he will not love any other woman other than Velvet and also to point out that his mind is already made up of its course towards her.
Then Cornelius leave the kingdom palace of Titania after he says this towards his father, Urzur is also seen beside King Edmund talking to him that he should not worry about his son cornelius because he will be soon come later into his senses to realize and let him leave for a moment.
Mysterious Teleportation[]
Cornelius wakes up and found himself in the netherworld and wondering how he got there and when he looked this body he was shocked of what happened to his body and he also touched his ears and thought of himself as a beast and that he was still sleeping and dreaming in his bed then later he came to realization that everything he is seeing around and himself is a reality and says that the Netherworld darkness is giving him a chill to the bone and calls the place around him as strange and describes it as a devoid of life place, and that if the stories about the netherworld are true, he concluded that the place where is currently is that exact place.
Cornelius had exhortations in his mind that he needs to go back in his homeland kingdom titania and fulfill his promise of returning for velvet, as cornelius wonders in the netherworld alone he hears a voice from an afar distance who is not seen by anyone of it's look and it asked if whether he is a titanian royal entity or not, Cornelius not knowing where to look as he doesn't know where the voice is coming from, he faces on the right direction and introduced himself to the voice that his name is Cornelius and that he was a prince of Titania, and tells the voice that when he woked up he found himself in a different strange place with a different body, and ask the voice that coming from the darkness who it is.
The voice from the darkness replies to Cornelius that if it tells itself to him he will not going to believe it and warns cornelius of not approaching itself, that he is a banquet of maggots, and that he will tremble in fear if he saw the physical appearance of a voice talking from the darkness, and throws a blue sword in front of Cornelius and advices him to take it, and tells him that he has responsibilities as a prince of titania, and tells cornelius that the sword it gaves him might carry itself of remembrance to anyone who will see the sword.
Cornelius ask the voice from the darkness what it wants from him, and ask if it knows what happened to him, but the voice in the darkness does not want to answer this and only tells him to go and leave the place before some misfortune trembles and comes after him and that he should return to his homeland Kingdom Titania, the voice from the darkness later disappears like a bubble, as it went all quiet later after instructing Cornelius what to do and giving the sword and tells cornelius to let itself rests, Cornelius later goes on and thinks about Velvet that she should still wait for him in the same spot where they last met.
Deadland Departing[]
As Cornelius wandered through out the darkness of the Netherworld alone, he saw a skeleton figure wearing a blue cloak and a crown while holding a stand stick of candles using it as a light, and it speaks it senses life within the desolated land surroundings of the netherworld and approaches him and Cornelius tells the skeleton figure with a cloak and a crown while holding a stand stick of candles not to approach him or he will attack itself, asking who is the skeleton figure, and it replies that it cannot remember any names, and tells cornelius what he is doing in the Netherworld and why he roams the lands of Netherworld, and asking his purpose there.
Cornelius talks to it what he should do, and the skeleton figure asks him if he wants to leave the Netherworld, and instructs him before he can do that he needs to have a permission from the queen to leave the netherworld, the skeleton figure offers itself a light view and a guide way to the shrine palace of the netherworld where the queen is, and tells Cornelius to take itself with him as a compensation of helping him to have a guide way out of the Netherworld, Cornelius agrees and ask how greedy itself and that he cannot guarantee it's safety while being in the netherworld.
Skeleton figures tells cornelius to come up with him and remain quiet while traveling towards the shrine of the netherworld to flee the desolate area, or else the undead rises up and comes after them, and tells cornelius to stay close in the candle that the skeleton figure is holding and explains that he will not be able to see ghost without it, as they reached the shrine of the netherworld, as cornelius past walks by he saw a terrifying female monstrous figure and ask how Cornelius come to have a sword with him, and if he does wish a compassion with the female monstrous figure, cornelius needs surrender his sword to her.
Cornelius asks if the female monstrous figure was the queen of the netherworld and introduces himself as a prince of titania kingdom, and tells the queen of the netherworld that he doesn't know why he was in the netherworld and asks her to return him in the living world, but the queen of the netherworld tells him that anyone enter netherworld cannot leave, and tells that whatever who cornelius is it doesn't matter to her as she doesn't care about it, queen of the netherworld that once the deadland it is been tasted it will be appreciated by anyone.
Cornelius and the queen of the netherworld later goes into battle, the battle resulted in queen of the netherworld getting stunned down for a moment and letting cornelius to leave the netherworld as she cannot do anything after she was pinned down hardly in the battle with him, cornelius later leaves the netherworld after the battle and have taken the skeleton figure with him.
Proving Legitimacy[]
As the pooka formed cornelius travels across and visits the kingdom of ragnanival, he enters it's kingdom of palace and encounters it's rulers and it's 2 princesses, the pooka formed Cornelius asked permission to the king of the northern realm that he don't mean to cause any trouble but only to pass through his kingdom and inform that he was the prince of titania that was in a body of a pooka "beast" as he talk to the king however the king of the ragnanival refuses to believe the pooka formed cornelius in his claims, the king of the north realm decided to make a test out of him by dueling the kingdom's top warlord General Brigan.
Cornelius accepts this challenge and approaches lord brigan, however lord Brigan does not seem to be liking the species of his transformation and informs the pooka formed cornelius that he expresses his hate towards his own "species" form as brigan says and he immediately bashes an attack towards the pooka formed cornelius then the two fight each another and the duel battle resulted to cornelius victory.
When cornelius won the fight and approaches the king of ragnanival to inform his victory over lord brigan but before he could do that, the king of ragnanival had already seen his fight victory over general brigan then automatically congratulating him for his battle victory over general brigan as he approaches the king of ragnanival before he could inform him his victory over their kingdom's top warlord and thus earning the king of ragnanival's trust and finally believes cornelius "claims" after this cornelius thanked one of the kingdom's princesses and the king of the northern realm for his hospitality.
The king of ragnanival informed one of his princesses to gave back his sword and escort him to the eastern borders of the ragnanival kingdom for an exit through the elrit forest.
Homeland Returning[]
When cornelius finally arrives back at his kingdom homeland he then visits it's palace to inform his father of his return, but he wonders how he could face his father to talk to him personally while being in a pooka formation, while he was waiting to see his father in the palace, he hears someone's coming towards the place he is waiting in the palace, cornelius hid behind a pillar and saw someone with the same physical appearance as him in his human form, cornelius got confused after seeing someone with the same physical appearance as his human form and wonders who would impersonate his human form, according to the human impostor cornelius in his own words is that he was doing it in intending to ruin's the real person whom he impersonate.
When cornelius over hears this he suspected that someone may be behind his human impostor, then later he hears his father calling his name and approaches it to talk to the cornelius human impostor, his father asked it if he already made decision as he said to the cornelius human impostor then the cornelius human impostor replies back at the father of real cornelius who was in a pooka form, implying that he already made the decision of breaking up with the "witch" girl in the forest where he had a relationship whom was velvet, the real and pooka formed cornelius was puzzled into this after hearing, his father told the cornelius impostor human that he did well and made the right decision and informs him to tell it directly and personally to the "witch" girl in the forest whom he had a "relationship" before he could change his mind, his father told the cornelius human impostor that he considers "him" for an arranged marriage with the king odin's daughter.
But before the cornelius human impostor leaves to do what king edmund tells him to do is that before he could leave he must know the secret power of "their" royal family first before he can leave, king edmund tells the human impostor cornelius that no such thing ever exist, king edmund then demands the cornelius human impostor to do what he has told him to do in a very quick way and not to waste time of doing it, as cornelius human impostor leaves, king edmund wonders that how his "son" whom the cornelius human impostor knows the existence of the secret power of their royal family, then the real and the pooka formed cornelius suddenly come out from hiding behind a pillar, king edmund was shock and asks who he was, the real and pooka formed cornelius informs king edmund that he was his real son cornelius and that he was the true prince of titania kingdom.
Then he told his father king edmund that the man with the same appearance as his human form whom he talked earlier was his just an impostor, king edmund then asks if the real and pooka formed cornelius was some kind of jester, he told the real and pooka formed cornelius not to deceive him in any way, then the real and pooka formed cornelius told his father kind edmund that he have change his appearance since they last spoke with one another and that he will abdicate his position as a prince, king edmund then puzzled that he knows that, the real and pooka formed cornelius then told his father king edmund that he was his real son and tell that he should believe him, however king edmund refuses to believe the real and pooka formed cornelius in his statement.
King edmund then got terrified after seeing the real and pooka formed cornelius with a blue blade sword on his back and ask him how did he get it, the real and pooka formed cornelius tells his father king edmund that the sword was given to him by a terrifying voice in the netherworld, king edmund that says the he could not be wrong that it was the same sword that he knew before that was taken from the netherworld, king edmund can't believe with such claim then he calls the enforcer guards of their kingdom to take out the real and pooka formed cornelius along the sword with him then the real and pooka formed cornelius asks his father king edmund what is wrong.
King edmund then not wanting to talk to the real and pooka formed cornelius and accuse him of lying to deceive him, then two royal guards came up in the palace and the real and pooka formed cornelius states that he was his real son and offers him to ask anything and that he will be able to prove all of it by answering anything he asks correctly, king edmund then asks the two royal guards to take him out, one of it charges an attack towards the real and pooka formed cornelius but he was able to dodge it then he immediately leaps over his father and the two royal guards of titania who we're after him and calls his father before he shortly leaves the palace.
Impostor Interfering[]
Cornelius got saddened how his own father treated him, and ask himself that if he was too useless to fight back, the real and pooka formed cornelius remembered that he cannot give up the valentine princess he loved very much just for his human impostor to destroy it, then the real and pooka formed cornelius remembers that his human impostor we're on the way to his lover velvet, the real and pooka formed cornelius then heads up to the forests of elrit to confront his human impostor, as he reached it he remembers the same way where he runs through in the elrit forest that he used to cross in it to meet his lover, then he spots human impostor over along his way.
The cornelius human impostor saw him and tell him that he was late for coming after him, then the real and pooka formed cornelius confront his human impostor and that who he was and insist that he already know that he was going back to titania before he became a pooka and tells the cornelius human impostor that he was the one responsible for turning him into a pooka creature and asks what does it wants from him, cornelius human impostor refuses to tell what does it wants from him and the real and pooka formed cornelius starts to threaten him with violence in order to tell why he turned him into a pooka and that what it wants from him with his blue bladed sword, then the cornelius human impostor asks if he can do that then he shapeshifted into velvet's human form, then the real and pooka formed cornelius was shocked into this when saw it and the cornelius human impostor turned velvet human form talks to him if he notices anything wrong and that if he/she should rock him to sleep, and the real and pooka formed cornelius asks it what is happening around.
The cornelius human impostor turned velvet human form talks to him that he might realize soon that the life is just too cruel for him to love velvet for his state of transformation but the real and pooka formed cornelius insist that it was a lie and that the cornelius human impostor turned velvet human form he talked was not real the real velvet he loved, the cornelius human impostor turned velvet human form accuses the real and pooka formed cornelius of being entitled enough to love somebody who is not worthful as him as it says and insist that he should be killed for still being slaved by the love of velvet, the real and pooka formed cornelius tells it to shut up and that he/she cannot be like the real velvet.
Then the cornelius human impostor turned velvet human form and the real and pooka formed cornelius soon started a duel fight with one another and the battle resulted in real and pooka formed cornelius victory and the wounded cornelius human impostor turned velvet human form then reveals his true self form and the real and pooka formed cornelius says that he was "obviously" not velvet at all, then the cornelius human impostor turned velvet human form who revealed his self true form introduces and informs the real and pooka formed cornelius that he was actually ingway whom the older twin brother of his lover velvet, the real and pooka formed cornelius confirms himself that he does really see that he has some resemblance with velvet.
The real and pooka formed cornelius asks ingway why he did curse him into becoming a pooka and that he was in the netherworld in the first place, the real and pooka formed cornelius demands an answer from ingway, but ingway insist that he has nothing to do why he was transported in the netherworld and then he admittedly that he was the one responsible for inflicting him with a curse of becoming a pooka, ingway then says that why would he let his younger twin sister to love someone like him and tells the real and pooka formed cornelius that he cannot come back in becoming a human in any way and that him and his younger twin sister cannot be together, ingway then allows the real and pooka formed cornelius to kill him if he wants to but only if he can hold him in his hands covered with his own (ingway) blood.
The real and pooka formed cornelius later hears his lover velvet looking for his older twin brother ingway, and ingway informs the real and pooka formed cornelius that she is approaching towards their location for him and asks the real and pooka formed cornelius what he would do while being in a state form of pooka if he is to face and talk to his lover velvet and that if he will let her see him while in a state form of pooka, then the real and pooka formed cornelius tells ingway that he will not forget what he did to him and soon after he leaves, then velvet approaches and sees ingway wounded, and asks him what happened to him, ingway then tells his younger twin sister velvet not to worry his wounds as it is nothing for him to take care about.
Then velvet asks ingway what he is doing if he is hiding from her and accuses him of being suspicious, ingway tells his younger twin sister that he is meeting cornelius in secret in the forests of elrit, and velvet tells her older twin brother ingway that cornelius is not an "oaf" but a gentleman for her, ingway then asks her if he hasn't coming late to see her in the elrit forest, ingway tells his younger twin sister velvet that he should forget him that he is nothing more than just an another man and velvet says that he has a reason for something why he was late for her.
Velvet then asks her chain psypher from her older twin brother ingway to give it back to her and don't take it without asking a permisson to her first, ingway then informs his younger twin sister that she should not walking around with her chain being visible to others and that she should learn to the elrit forest in a very quiet manner, velvet tells her older twin brother ingway that she has obligations and duties to fulfill and that they cannot live in peace with the status they currently having at the time.
Briefing Solution[]
The real and pooka formed cornelius, returns to his kingdom homeland after his confrontation with his lover's older twin brother ingway, as he walks by in the streets of titania, someone had just called him a "prince" but because of his state form he does not consider himself a prince anymore but a beast, the one who called him a prince introduced itself as urzur, whom a court magician and one of the three wisemen of titania and that he was a sorcerer, urzur claims that he recognizes the spell curse that has been put into him, the real and pooka formed cornelius utterly mentioned the word "spell" three times after hearing urzur's claims of that he can recognize the curse spell that was put upon him, the real and pooka formed cornelius lashes out a curse at spell casters that they should be burned on a stake for having such kind of skill, urzur calms him after saying these words and wishes to help him but he says that his magic powers are not enough to do the help request for him for having such task as the king of titania does not listen to him, the real and pooka formed cornelius angrily asks that why would even urzur care for him in the first place and that if he really did he should be quitting from trying to help his problems.
Urzur prefers not say any retaliation to his harsh response towards him, urzur tried to help him in a different way instead by sharing his knowledge about the existence of a dragon called "wagner" that lives atop the winterhorn ridge mountains, a cold and an icy mountainous region of erion, the real and pooka formed cornelius insist that urzur was referring to a dragon named hindel, a dragon that also lives in the winterhorn ridge mountain whom a being who can see and predict the upcoming future, but urzur informs him that meeting a dragon is dangerous and a difficult task to do so, he also informs him not to bother himself in his long speech regarding of his explanation talks for him.
The real and pooka formed cornelius urges urzur to come with him in help of seeking the dragon that can give him any possible solutions to remove the pooka curse upon him as he claims that any hope is better than having nothing as he says this, he goes after for the conquest of searching the dragon wagner in the atop mountains of winterhorn ridge, however urzur did not come up with him and instead he stayed behind the real and pooka formed cornelius as he leaves.
Advice Solicit[]
As the real and pooka formed cornelius made his way in the atop region of the winterhorn ridge mountains, he calls upon the dragon wagner to show itself to him as he wanted ask it anything that can help him of removing the pooka curse upon him, the dragon wagner later shows up after hearing the real and pooka formed cornelius call for his presence appearance, however wagner expresses hate towards humans as it states that they are known to create deadly weapons with jewel crystals in it's tip which a weapon that was used to kill his fellow dragon hindel, the real and pooka formed cornelius insists that the blue psypher sword he carries with him was just given to him in the netherworld and that he has nothing to do with hindel's death.
The real and pooka formed cornelius asks advice from the dragon what path he should take, a step to remove the pooka curse from him, however dragon wagner refuses to help him and asks why does "he" hate their species so much for a reason, the dragon also accuses him of slaving his another fellow dragon belial of enslaving his soul by them and that they also stole their eggs as well, dragon wagner states that humans like him makes it's blood boil like fury especially when seeing any psypher weapon being carried with them, but the real and pooka formed cornelius tells dragon wagner that he knows nothing of any it accuses towards him, dragon wagner insist that he should not waste his breath trying to ask him of any help that can give him a solution and that wagner will only tell him at the very end of his life after their battle.
Dragon wagner angrily taunts at the real and pooka formed cornelius that it will destroy his entire species and pray if they still can with their lives as it attacks upon them, the two later goes into battle and it resulted to real and pooka formed cornelius after it, wagner decides to transport real and pooka formed cornelius into the ruins of the destroyed valentine kingdom to help him meeting others with the same curse as he has, the real and pooka formed cornelius asks where it was going to take him and wagner replied that he had a chance of killing it with the "evil" psypher sword he has with him but chose to spare it's life instead, and that wagner feels humiliated being spared by such kind of weapon and that he has indeed a true sense of what he was about.
Wagner states that it cannot forgive anyone who uses or creates psypher weapon which had been used to kill his fellow dragon hindel, but at this time wagner will be willing to help cornelius with compassion as he spared his life from using a psypher weapon to kill a being, wagner explains that cornelius curse was a a valentine curse that remains from what of the valentine kingdom has been, the real and pooka formed cornelius thinks to himself that if ingway was telling the truth then the explanation of dragon wagner does all make sense to him, wagner told cornelius that there are still many survivors of the valentine kingdom explosion but those who survive became pookas just like him.
Cornelius thinks that he may be able to return to his human form soon and asks what he should do next and wagner replied that it doesn't know what he should do next and that it explains that their above is the remains of the valentine kingdom and it was now controlled by the fairies and that was the reason why a war exists in such place because the demon lord odin has a reason to start it which was the cauldron being held by the fairies, then the dragon later drop him off the barren wastelands of the kingdom of valentine and that after this transportation he owes nothing to dragon anymore, the real and pooka formed cornelius introduces himself to wagner with his name and thanking the dragon for helping him.
But wagner reminds him that he should not mistake the dragon and that he has still an instinct of revenge for anyone who uses or create psypher weapon including him who wields with an "awful" blue psypher sword, the dragon also reminds the real and pooka formed cornelius not to take it lightly and thus they shall may meet soon again and tells him to be more extra careful again when trying to appeal into the dragon.
Revealing Remedy[]
As the real and pooka formed cornelius wonders in the barren wastelands of the ruins of the valentine kingdom he saw an another pooka being just like him and tells it to stop, the other pooka being he stopped says it cannot recognize him and that he should not be wandering like that, the real and pooka formed cornelius introduces himself to the another pooka being with his name and that he seeks the entrance into the secret village of pooka, the other pooka being expresses that it was unusual to have another pook from an another land, the other pooka being introduces herself that her name was meril and asks him how he finds the area of the kingdom of valentine.
The real and pooka formed cornelius explains to her that he have heard their place and that they we're searching a way to break the pooka curse, meril asks the real and pooka formed cornelius that how heard the existence of the secret pooka village when it was always kept as a secret, meril insist that the real and pooka formed cornelius is a pooka and that if he will assist them, they would help him, the real and pooka formed cornelius expresses to let him help them in any way he can, meril asks cornelius not to tell anybody the secret she will share to him and cornelius swear not to tell it to anybody, meril explains that there are no any existing spell that can break the pooka curse but except for one thing.
Which was the magical coins of the kingdom of valeNtine that can be used to grant a wish and that if all the valentine coins are collected it can be used to break the curse upon them, the real and pooka formed cornelius asks how many existing valentine coins are in there, meril replied that she doesn't know how many valentine coins that exists and that it was an enormous task to collect all the valentine kindom coins from an entire country, meril soon tells cornelius that they cannot stand in the middle of a barren wasteland for a long time because there will be a battle soon.
Meril explains that the aesirs and fairies fights in the barren wastelands of the valentine kingdom for the cauldron, meril later tells cornelius that their town is up ahead then goes after and cornelius follows her a bit but later refused and tells that she should go back there, and that he must be on his way, cornelius understand the fact why aesirs and fairies fight over the cauldron is because the magic it possesses, in which the princess of the valentine snuck out of the battlefield to stop it, meril asks why cornelius is so concerned about princess velvet, however cornelius refuses to tell her what is his reason for it and explains that the aesirs and fairies are fighting for the cauldron and asking why the princess is going out on all like it at the war state.
Meril explains that the deceased late king of valentine as returned to the world of living and the cauldron is still intact and was just only sleeping while being untouched and that valentine king can manipulate it again like he did during the disaster moment of the valentine kingdom, cornelius explains to meril what has the dragon wagner told about his curse is that disaster she was talking about is the reason why valentine humans became pooka afterwards of that event, the real and pooka formed cornelius wonders why would a king cause a destruction in his own kingdom homeland.
Meril explains to him that the cauldron is the reason why the kingdom of valentine was destroyed and that she was scared that the disaster of their kingdom homeland might became a reality again like it did before, meril tells cornelius that only the princess of valentine kingdom can stop their king from letting it to happen again, cornelius reminds meril that she should not worry about him as he have a psypher sword with him and that he will help to save the valentine princess, then cornelius thinks that even if him and his lover velvet meet up again she might not recognize him in his state form of being a pooka, but though with that cornelius still sworns to himself to protect the valentine princess even if she doesn't know him.
Safe Guarding[]
The valentine princess stumbled in her legs as she attempts to escape from the young fairy princess of ringford with the titrel ring in her, the valentine princess explains that the ring she took from the ringford kingdom is the one that controls the cauldron and that she should stop it, and that the insane owner is near anytime to come after it, the young ringford fairy prIncess does seem to confuse what she was talking about and the valentine princess replied that it was owned by king valentine and he was it's controller and that he should not control it again to prevent from repeating the tragedy disaster that happened before in the valentine kingdom before it was destroyed.
However the young ringford fairy princess insist that the valentine princess was making an excuse to keep the ring for herself as she says without realizing the truthfulness in the words of the valentine princess, the young ringford fairy princess then fired a projectile blast attack upon the valentine princess knocking her off for a while and dropping the ring from her, the real and pooka formed cornelius calls the valentine princess name and approaches to aid her from the attacking young ringford fairy princess and picks up the dropped ring from her and tells the real and pooka formed cornelius to protect the ring of titrel at all costs and that it should not be taken by anyone foreign who plans to use it in any evil ambition plans.
The young ringford fairy princess approaches the real and pooka formed cornelius and asks him to hand the ring to her and threaten him with violence of blasting him with a shot from her crossbow psypher, the real and pooka formed cornelius angrily tells the young ringford fairy princess that she hurt the valentine princess and acting like a child, the real and pooka formed cornelius was about to spare the life of the young ringford fairy princess by letting her go away and leave him alone and the princess with the ring with them however, the young ringford fairy princess does not to leave them yet and insist that they we're trying to deceive her and she does not fear any pooka like him and tells him that she will not forgive him for what he said to her.
Then the two later goes into battle with one another resulting in cornelius victory over the young ringford fairy princess and putting her unconscious for a while then she see the valentine princess kneeling in a front of a crown wielding revenant and the princess of valentine advices the real and pooka formed cornelius to stay away from the crown wielding revenant and run away to secure the titrel ring with him to prevent it from getting the ring from him then the real and pooka formed cornelius recognizes the crown wielding revenant that it was the one "spirit" who was with him the netherworld whom he was with together that he helped to escape the netherworld, the crown wielding revenant thanked the real and pooka formed cornelius for helping to leave the netherworld without getting caught by the "pale woman".
As the real and pooka formed cornelius sees the crown in the head of the revenant it gives him a hint that he must be the king of valentine and then the crown wielding revenant introduces itself that he was the king of valentine and it explains that the cauldron was his "heart" and that the titrel ring was his "throne" king valentine then casts a projectile spell magic attack towards the real and pooka formed cornelius and knocking him off for a while and dropping the titrel ring from him to the front of king valentine then it picks it up from the ground, then later king valentine declares the the titrel ring was returned to it's rightful owner after he picks up the titrel ring on the ground.
The valentine princess pleads the king of valentine to think for a while and the king of valentine replies that him and his older twin brother escaped the curse of being a pooka and they can't comprehend what it was like with the pain and suffering of him not even the demon lord odin or the fairies can understand his pain and suffering that he had as he claims or even the entire kingdom of titania and that they all should see the suffering of hell and feel it for eternity.
The valentine princess shockingly asks if king valentine wants to end the world for good, and king valentine states to the valentine princess that he wants nothing other being forgotten and wiping away all of his sins, he admitted to the valentine princess that he indeed wanted the world to end, the real and pooka formed cornelius replied that the rational thinking had already fallen out of his "pony" skull and king valentine utterly tolds the real and pooka formed cornelius if having a psypher sword from titania makes him a "hero" and that he should kneels to him as he was "his" king.
The real and pooka formed cornelius replies to valentine king that he was never his king then he attacks and stuns king valentine's projectile magic attacks and knocking the ring off from him and the real and pooka formed cornelius picks it up and king valentine accuses him of impersonating his subjects and that him and everything is not over yet, the real and pooka formed cornelius later hands the titrel ring back to the valentine princess and because of the exhaustion and wounds that he sustained from the battle he falls asleep and unconscious dropping his blue psypher sword, the valentine princess carries him up thanks him for his help from keeping and bringing the titrel ring back to her.
The real and pooka formed cornelius dreams up in his thinking he wants to see her and that the valentine princess does not realize that it was him who was her lover cornelius, he wonders that the valentine princess might not love him in his state form of being a pooka and that he couldn't tell it to her and he has to endure the pain for himself and long it would be.
Despoiled Community[]
The real and pooka formed cornelius wakes up and find himself out of nowhere after his felling unconscious from the barren wastelands of ruins of the valentine kingdom from an unknown inside of a buidling object he try to find a way out of it and when he finally was able to get it out of it, he was confused where place he has been, considering the magical gold buildings and architectures he was seeing around, the female pooka whom he talked earlier named meril finds him wondering in the middle of a town center exit of the area and tells him that he immediately jumps out of the bed aftering waking up.
Meril consults and recommands the real and pooka formed cornelius to get more rest from the tiredness and wounds he sustained from the battle earlier in the barren wastelands of the ruins of the valentine kingdom but he questions about the valentine princess status immediately to her and informs meril that he was brought in the secret pooka village base by valentine princess velvet and the real and pooka formed cornelius asks where she is and meril replied that she was not in the village at the time and that she was in a hurry to leave the secret pooka village.
The real and pooka formed cornelius gets back to his bed and take a rest for a while bit, while meril was standing the town center exit of the pooka village, a male pooka suddenly appears and tells him to run from the attacking goblins to steal coins from them then the male pooka quickly leaves and hide into one of the village's buildings, two pookas emerged with one carrying a ransack with both possessing knives in their hands, much to shock suprise of meril in their sudden emerge, the ransack carrying goblin expresses disappointment that the male pooka they we're after successfully escaped from them, one of them pointed a knife towards meril that frightens her and threatens to cut her ears while the ransack carrying goblin said that it was more good to skin meril and use her fur to make a nice sturdy fur clothing for both of them.
The real and pooka formed cornelius quickly emerged to protect meril from the two attacking goblins towards her killing one of the two of them, the ransack carrying pooka pleads the real and pooka formed cornelius to stop his attack towards him after killing his fellow companion, the real and pooka formed cornelius warns the goblins that they we're entering their vilalge territory and that they must stay out of it, the ransack carrying goblin tells him that why he was saying that when it is also their land and that they we're also citizens of valentine and they are also entitled to it as well.
The real and pooka formed cornelius insist they we're making lies and telling them that they talk nonsense, meril replied that the ransack carrying goblin was telling the truth and pookas with evil hearts turn into goblins and that she doesn't know why they would act in that way into kind of being bad, meril told the ransack carrying goblin that he should know that the coins must be given freely in order to successfully broke the spell and that stealing of it will not help,
The ransack carrying goblin replies back that he knows it very well and that their king curses them and that king valentine ordered them to do the stealing of the valentine coins from the secret pooka village, this makes the real and pooka formed cornelius to say the name of their king, the ransack carrying goblin explains that it wasn't their idea to do the stealing but an idea from their king and they just can't let them to become humans again and that if they toss all the valentine coins in the fire kingdom like their king said, it would going to make them cry in their faces forever, the ransack carrying goblin later leaves the both of them while the real and pooka formed cornelius attempted to stop the ransack carrying goblin by telling him to wait, the real and pooka formed cornelius consulted meril if she was alright, meril replied to him that he cannot let them escape and take the valentine coins with them to toss it in the fire kingdom because they will never be able to return into their human form again forever.
Underway Pursuing[]
The real and pooka formed cornelius visits the fire kingdom of volkenon lava pits in pursue of the ransack carrying goblin who possesses the valentine coins on it's ransack as it told him that the ransack carrying goblin will be tossing all of the valentine coins that it took from the secret pooka village base to toss it into the fire pits of the fire kingdom to prevent the pookas from collecting all coins to grant a wish to break the pooka curse from them to become humans again, as the real and pooka formed cornelius made his way into the fire kingdom and fight it's dwellings through it's way path in search of the ransack goblin.
As he reach the central fire pit of the fire kingdom instead of finding the ransack carrying goblin thief, he happens to stumble upon and encounters king valentine there instead who was surprise a little bit in his "again" appearance for the insanely mad king and tells the real and pooka formed cornelius that he always "interfere" with his plans and blame his own goblin pawns for being the cause of revealing his intention plans and the location we're they are setting up to do their ambitions, then the real and pooka formed cornelius approaches and questions king valentine that why would he make suffer his own citizens at his hands, king valentine then replied to him that he can do anything he wants with all of the valentine coins as he owns it all as he says to the real and pooka formed cornelius.
Defining Justifications[]
King valentine wants the real and pooka formed cornelius to understand the reason for it completely and entirely by offering to tell him a story a reason why choose to make his own citizens to suffer at his hands, he told him that a long time ago there was a king with "benevolent" powers as king valentine refers to himself in his story and that he wants to keep his people to be happy at all times and because of it, he decided to put all of his powers in the valentine coins that will be shared to everyone of the citizens of valentine kingdom but instead of thriving it his country was destroyed because of a traitor as king valentine explains to prince cornelius and instead of mourning his death they called him a mad tyrant for cursing his own country.
The real and pooka formed cornelius reminds king valentine if didn't he use the cauldron against his own land to destroy it and king valentine replied to it that doesn't matter anymore and that his powers and his virtuous spirit has been infused into the coins of the valentine kingdom, he also told cornelius that if all of the valentine coins will be tossed in the fire pit of the fire kingdom his powers would return to him as he says to him and blames his goblin pawns again, but king valentine decided to declare pardon for them by saying that he will let them go instead since he "was" a forgiving person as he claims to himself and that he still have a hope and king valentine then spawns a large single egg in which he described that it should not be understimated.
He tells the real and pooka formed cornelius that the egg is a dragon egg that was part of the prophecies which is destined to doom the entire life of the living and the world and king valentine says to the real and pooka formed cornelius that the dragon inside the egg is called "leventhan" according to the "valentine" prophecies as he tells to him, the real and pooka formed cornelius remembers what wagner dragon has told him before about the prophecy and the valentine kingdom which hints him that the dragon was referring to king valentine and his egg causing the real and pooka formed cornelius to say the "dragon egg" in his word.
King valentine tells him that his fury will burn the world and that he will be giving all of his powers to the dragon inside the egg then he puts his king crown in the top of the dragon egg shell and that he entrusts everything to the dragon inside the egg and king valentine then commands the dragon inside the egg to come out to reveal itself and show it's strength and he casts a spell towards the egg to break it's shell causing the baby dragon inside the egg to bail out from it and revealing itself to the real and pooka formed cornelius.
While the top shell of the egg remains on it's head and the king crown it wears, the baby dragon and the real and pooka formed cornelius later goes into battle with one another resulting to cornelius victory and putting the baby dragon into unconsciousness temporarily.
Background Discovery[]
As king valentine saw his battle with his baby dragon and his victory over t, he was shocked to see the real and pooka formed cornelius incredible fighting skills against his baby dragon and he blames the gem stone jewels of the netherworld as the main reason why his powers we're weakening and that the gem stone jewels of the netherworld we're withering away while he was in the netherworld as he claims and because of the real and pooka formed cornelius incredible fighting skills it made king valentine asks who he was and the real and pooka formed cornelius introduces his name to king valentine and that he was the prince of titania kingdom, and king valentine quickly recognize the fact that he was the son of king edmund and tells cornelius that he cannot understand why he has the "mystic" blue psypher sword of titania.
But he declares that he understands the reason why the "patricidal" blue psypher sword was given to him in the first place and tells cornelius that there is something that his father king edmund never told him before that he killed his father gallon to take the crown of titania from him, however the real and pooka formed cornelius insists that could never be done by his father king edmund and that his grand father was killed by a demon beast during it's attack in their kingdom homeland then he tells king valentine that his father king edmund was frightened when he have seen his blue psypher sword he carries with him and that the voice in the netherworld who gave him the blue psypher sword knows him well but insist that could never be his grand father gallon.
King valentine tells cornelius that his grand father gallon was weeping in his prison in the netherworld and that he was slain by his own son edmund for killing their own citizens of their kingdom homeland but the real and pooka formed cornelius tells king valentine that he thought that his father king edmund was a savior of their kingdom homeland and was given the crown for it and that he was saying that the demon beast was his grand father gallon, cornelius illogically cannot believe with king valentine words of explanation to him as he hears the past regarding of his kingdom homeland and his father what happened back then and that king gallon uses the titanian secret royal power by becoming a demon beast to stop his army invading his kingdom homeland titania which crushed his ground forces in his feet and that they we're scattered because of it.
King valentine then tells cornelius that there is no time for having an anger to it and that the "beast" who was his grand father gallon continued to rampage in their kingdom homeland for seven days and as the real and pooka formed cornelius hears this he understand the fact that his father killed the demon beast who was his grand father in order to save their kingdom homeland and king valentine tells him that he should be grateful for his father king edmund for killing his grand father gallon for becoming an insane of rampaging in their own kingdom homeland.
He also tells the real and pooka formed cornelius that if his grand father gallon did not use the titanian royal secret power of becoming a demon beast he would've invaded their kingdom homeland completely and that invasion of their kingdom homeland by him would had been much easier if not because of it, as cornelius hears this he understands the fact that it was the reason why his father king edmund was stubborn.
The fire pit of the fire kingdom later crumbles as their conversation goes by and king valentine says that if king onyx finds them there it would not be a good thing for both of them then he took and carries the unconscious body of the baby dragon that cornelius previously fought and cornelius asks where he was going with the baby dragon with him in his hands and king valentine replied that he will go to the fire kingdom's purgatory to heal the baby dragon's health and strength and that he also bids farewell to the world until it dies, then king valentine leaves cornelius after saying this to him which leaves him speechless from it afterwards.
Recuperated Valuables[]
Back in the secret pooka village, cornelius managed to return all of the stolen coins by a goblin from it's owners in the village and thanked him for returning it and having the courage to fight the thieves to take back the coins and the real and pooka formed cornelius tells meril and the unnamed male pooka that he will be also worried if the valentine coins will not be taken back to be returned in the pooka village.
The unnamed male pooka approaches to him and tells cornelius that he says that he was from the kingdom of titania and that he shouldn't go back to his home yet not because of the way by the castle is, this makes the real and pooka formed cornelius to question it and the unnamed male pooka tells cornelius that a dragon has appeared in the kingdom of titania, cornelius, over hearing this, making him to say the word "dragon" and that some woman was chosen to be sacrificed to it, he also told cornelius that the king of titania cannot do anything and that their country is in panic, cornelius walks a bit far away from both of meril and the unnamed male pooka from facing them and says to himself that his father was ruthless, then cornelius leaves the pooka village right after saying this.
Scheme Ceasing[]
The real and pooka formed cornelius returns to the kingdom of titania and as he walks past through it's streets he saw his father and urzur talking to each other, he hears that his father king edmund is asking forgiveness from urzur and it replies that he was too stubborn to hand over the book of darkova transformation and that he has no choice but to call his dragon servant, king edmund pleads urzur to return the book of transformation and that he cannot let it happen again, urzur replied to king edmund that his father king gallon suffering was nothing compared to what he was having, king edmund tells him to stop what he was doing and that the blood wont go away which a blood from his poor father, urzur tells him to be relieved and that his suffering will soon going to end and that he must call king gallon in the netherworld back to the land of titania kingdom.
King edmund replies back to urzur if he will going to make him king again of titania, he tells king edmund that king gallon shall call himself as the beast of armageddon and that he will rule the world, urzur tells him with the ring titrel in their possession their ambitions will come true, the real and pooka formed cornelius appears in the scene after them and tells urzur that he was the causer of all of the titania's chaos, urzur tells cornelius that he is surprised that he just returned from the netherworld and that him being able to survive to encounter dragon wagner is surprising for him, the real and pooka formed cornelius blames urzur that he is the one who started all of the chaos of the titania kingdom, urzur replied to him that only if king gallon can be fortunate as his grand son cornelius and that the time is near for the return of king gallon from the netherworld.
As cornelius over hears this he declares that he finally understand what was king valentine was talking about and that why king gallon gave him the sword he carries with him in the first place, cornelius tells urzur that when he met him in the netherworld king gallon tells him to let him rest and that king gallon does not want to repeat his atrocities and that he was brought to him by wants of the fate for the purpose of crushing urzur's evil schemes, then urzur insist that cornelius words are non-sense and that king gallon subjects awaits and that no one can stop them in their plans, urzur then be gone by teleporting away from the scene of streets of titania.
King edmund being present in the scene over hears all of his conversation with urzur and finally believes that he was indeed cornelius then king edmund asks forgiveness to him for getting deceived and that they have no time to waste, king edmund tells the real and pooka formed cornelius that a valentine princess was captured to be made for sacrifice to the dragon who was looking for him, he tells cornelius that the dragon is in the titania's maze sewers, cornelius was shocked over hearing this and quickly move out in search for the valentine princess to stop from sacrificing her to the dragon by the three wisemen, cornelius then runs and says the valentine princess name velvet in a desperate attempt to rescue the valentine princess from the sacrifice.
As cornelius made his way through the sewers of titania he encounters urzur and tells him that he was amazed how he avoided all of the traps he set for him and claims that the maze sewers is the place for his end, ingway then appears in the scene and tells cornelius that it was out from his concerns, urzur tells ingway that he was still alive then ingway replies to him that he thought he can kill him for interfering his plans but awful for him as ingway says and that he will let him to keep his promise to hand over his share to him of the mystic power of the titanian royal family, urzur then calls ingway a "stupid" little frog and that he doesn't deserve the power of the mystic power book of the titanian royal family and that he should stay back unless if he would wish to also have the fate as king gallon did, he also tells ingway that he should not forget the fact he possess the ring of titrel with him.
Ingway overhears this and laugh and tells urzur to look closer to the so called titrel ring if it is the real existing one, urzur then look closely and discovered that the titrel ring he possess was a fake one causing him to throw it off the ground and calls ingway a filthy scoundrel and that he will regret it, cornelius interrupts the conversation and tells ingway to listen to him that velvet was given to the dragon for the sacrifice, urzur then tells ingway that he is having it and asks that velvet was his younger twin sister and that he plans to sacrifice velvet to the dragon servant he have him in the sewers called belial, ingway over hears this and calls him a scheming devil, urzur tells ingway that he cannot speak for others and that if he defies him he simply could kill velvet at any time and that if they will give the titrel ring to him he will let him go as urzur says to both cornelius and ingway, but then ingway heals cornelius with health and strength then asks him to rescue velvet.
Cornelius then leaps over urzur and runs away from him and ingway in the scene, ingway then approaches urzur and tells him that he should not go anywhere that he will be his opponent, urzur then realizes that ingway is unwilling to give the ring of titrel to him, as cornelius runs through the sewers of titania he encounters the dragon that was about to eat the tied velvet in the chains, cornelius quickly confronted the dragon that he should not touch and stay away from the valentine princess who was chained in the maze sewers of titania, the dragon tells cornelius to stay away from him and that those who approach will meet his fangs and that urzur commands it over.
Then cornelius asks the dragon that why a noble dragon like it serves a foul sorcerer, the dragon replies to cornelius that the "foul" sorcerer urzur enslaves it with a magic in it's heart forcing him to obey what urzur tells it to do and that the dragon cannot disobey urzur in his commands, the dragon tells cornelius that if he have a power then he should save it's tormented soul from the enslaving magic of urzur and that the dragon cannot bear the magic slave of urzur that was put to it and attacking the innocent humans and hide in the stinking sewer of titania, the dragon tells cornelius if he feel any pity for the dragon, it advices to kill it for good, the two later goes into battle with one another, resulting in cornelius victory and wounding the dragon seriously.
Concluding Actions[]
urzur comes flyng in the scene to check the dragon, and encounters that the dragon is lying weakly in the dragon and tells that it cannot be dead, then the dragon belial wakes up and urzur tells it that it does not have time to die, urzur got confused that the dragon is not obeying his command and tells it to obey the command he tells to the dragon, then the dragon tells urzur that his words now meaning nothing to it and that his spell to the dragon was broken after it's heart was pierced by cornelius during the battle, urzur then calls it an impudent beast, the dragon clearly tells urzur that it was freed from his enslaving magic just before it dies and tells him that his time is up and that their contract has ended, urzur then tells the dragon to wait, and the dragon replies to him that it's time was near to death and the dragon wants to bring urzur with it's death and to the netherworld by eating him, killing urzur in the process.
Reassured Nation[]
The real and pooka formed cornelius made his way into the palace of their kingdom homeland titania to inform his father of the wizard sorcerers vanquish from their kingdom homeland and that their land is saved from them, king edmund replies to cornelius that he has no right to be king and that he will soon name him as his new king of their kingdom as his successor, cornelius then replied and insist that their people will not going to like of having a pooka being like him as their king for them to serve, he encourages his father by saying that he has no time to be weak and he also told his father that he should take responsibility for his action and the chaos he caused in their kingdom.
Cornelius explains to his father that he may not deserved to be king of their kingdom before but to tell that he has to live up to their heritage to continue the rejoice of the will of their people in his reign of their kingdom and that he cannot be his future successor because of the pooka status that was inflicted to him as a curse, he told his father that he should extend his heart and love to their people by showing them that he can be just and kind for their people, cornelius then states it as his last wish for his father as his son and that he should be a good king to their kingdom and their people.
The real and pooka formed cornelius starts leaving the palace of their kingdom and his father including their whole kingdom titania itself after saying this to him and got stopped for a while by his father king edmund to ask where he was going, cornelius replies to him that he is going to live with the other beings who has same species status curse as him, cornelius then says that he needs to aside his feelings for his lover velvet without saying her name shortly before completely leaving the kingdom of titania from it's palace and after talking to his father.
Status Acknowledgement[]
Velvet and Cornelius are seen talking to one another and cornelius tells her that he should have told her that he will love her when they met in the forest, he then admitted that he was indeed cornelius being in a pooka form and that his heart is still the same that loves her and that it was all he has to tell her, velvet then told cornelius that his older twin brother ingway transformed him into a pooka, cornelius tells velvet that he is ready to forgive his older twin brother ingway if she will want him to pardon his older twin brother for what he did to him and velvet tells him that she wants to stay with him, cornelius replied to her that she should not be confusing the pity with love as he says to her and that he has no match for her for now (at his time) cornelius expresses velvet that it will only tear his heart if he loves her while being in a pooka form and that he will let her find an another lover to replace him as her lover.
Velvet replies to him that their love is not pity but cornelius insist that she may regret loving him for being a pooka, velvet then approaches cornelius and hugs him and tells him that she still wants him after all, cornelius insist to her that his arms are too small to be used to hug her, velvet defies it and says that he has never hold her before so strongly, cornelius tells velvet that he has no longer to have a palace and even a home, velvet tells cornelius that if she can be with him, she will have no need for a shelter as long she can be with him together and then she hugs him even tightly and tells him that he will still be the same person that she used to know no matter what kind of form he appears to be and that love for him will never change.
Cornelius then expresses that the hopelessness and despair he felt has been replaced with joy and love and that he has still remaining faith that he still have a chance opportunity to return to his human body any time soon and that he did not lose anything for having the pooka curse form in his body in him and he tells velvet that he swears an oath that he will going to fill her life with love and happiness for a life time.
(Cornelius book "The Pooka Prince" ends here, the next continuation episode of this story proceeds in the 6th epilogue chapter of velvet's book "Fate" where cornelius comes with velvet together in the elrit forest and travels to the barren wasteland ruins of the lost kingdom of valentine to return in the secret pooka village base and stumbled upon into wounded master krois and talked to him for few moments shortly before he succumbed to his serious injuries and dies afterwards)
Armageddon - [True Ending][]
Torment Elimination[]
During the events of armageddon, as cornelius come from the ruins of the valentine kingdom from their secret pooka village and heading for titania kingdom, as he walks past he crossed into the burning forest ruins of the ringford kingdom and encounters the 6 eyed "demon" beast that cornelius quickly recognize that it is ingway being enslaved by the now revenant beldor who came out after seeing him and saying his existence to cornelius and thus he states that he was a better servant than belial and that ingway transformed himself into demon beast in an intention of destroying king valentine's cauldron in order to stop the prophecy from occurring of destroying the world, without realizing the fact that they sorcerers have spells to control these kind of beast transformation in their powers, cornelius questions the darkova formed ingway if he uses the royal secret power of titania, and that he will be the one who will remove his suffering of being a slave to the former wizard sorcerer beldor who is now a revenant.
The two later goes into battle resulting in cornelius victory and removing the darkova transformation from ingway and mortally wounding him, velvet came in the scene and found cornelius lying and exhausted and wounded ingway tells his younger twin sister velvet that what happening in the world was a "karma" and that a cauldron is absorbing all of the phozons of the world and that he couldn't destroy to stop it and that the root of the land of erion and the world is dead, and it is now starting to sink beneath the oceans, he then reminds her of the note that their mother wrote for both of them, ingway realizes that destroying cauldron was a wrong thing to do, he explains that the note that their mother wrote for them explains that how can they over come the dangers and that the cauldron guides the way with a final stone, and that cauldron can be reversed to release the phozons from it's inside indicating it might save them all.
Cornelius then calls upon ingway and he replied that he shouldn't be concerned in his state of condition and that he is also dying as he was going to, then thank him for allowing him to return to his human body, ingway reminds her younger twin sister that he should no worry about him and that their mother is waiting for him in the side to punish him as her bad son, ingway states to his younger twin sister that it is his last request for her and that she should make the duty for the sake of all of them, velvet then pick ups cornelius and leave the scene leaving ingway alone and die but shortly before his death he remembers mercedes for a few moment wondering what is her status and wishing that she is okay and even hoping to see her face just for last one time.
World Restoration[]
As Cauldron was completely exhausted after all of it's energy we're used for dragon leventhan's strengthening, she tries to find for another way of trying reactivating it, as she and pooka formed cornelius we're in the middle of the nowhere of the barren wastelands of the ruins of valentine kingdom, they spotted oswald carrying unconscious and tired gwendolyn telling to them if they are friend or a foe just suddenly before oswald stops carrying her and fell asleep after the tiredness he had from his battle with king gallon.
Velvet looks upon the both of them and tells to cornelius and describes them that gwendolyn and oswald are the crownless lords that we're mentioned in the poem of the prophecies and that they will become the main ancestors of all humanity for the human to survive after the main event as velvet looks closer to them she saw the titrel ring in gwendolyn's finger and asks how did gwendolyn had it.
As they see their psypher weapons along with her and her partner it gives her an idea that all of their psypher weapon can be sacrificed for the cauldron for the machinery to be powered again to reverse it to heal the world in order to save it, velvet took their psypher weapons including her chain and her partner cornelius sword then she turned it all as phozons to store it in the cauldron for reactivation by power supply that will be coming from the four psypher weapons she took from the four of them that we're turned into phozons then after this.
Velvet took the ring from gwendolyn's finger and climbs up to the cauldron but pooka formed cornelius tells velvet that if she used the cauldron she will be cursed as a pooka but even though with that, velvet tells pooka formed cornelius that she is still determined to do it because everything was leading in the moment that they are currently having at the time and velvet quickly starts doing it as she feels the left over lands of erion starts to crumble, velvet put the ring in her finger and commands the cauldron to reverse and release the phozons in it's content to heal the world in it's wound that it sustained from dragon leventhan and king gallon during their rampage assault of the world, the cauldron obeys velvet's commands and release the phozons from inside of it's body and thus after it velvet became a pooka afterwards after using the cauldron for the sake of saving the world.
Ending Epilogue - (Wheel of Fate)[]
The Assentment[]
1038 years after the main event of the story, pooka formed velvet and cornelius teleports in the alice's house family attic after she calls for their wish of obtaining the valentine coin that was recently removed from the armageddon book as alice wanted a story continuation for velvet and pooka whom had been searching all valentine coins for the last 1000 years as she wanted them to finally become humans again, pooka formed velvet and cornelius took the valentine coin that alice removed from the armageddon book and place a book story called "Wheel of Fate" in the attic of their house and left from it after placing the book in there, then that book story they left in the attic of their house called wheel of fate starts reading on it's own and details the next story of the main event that happened more than a millenium year ago.
Pooka formed velvet and cornelius travels back to the cave located beneath of the former valentine kingdom ruins that vanished after the armageddon and rebirth of the world event, pooka formed cornelius calls for the soul of king valentine, when pooka formed velvet sees the spirit image of king valentine, she described it as his appearance when he was still a kind man, pooka formed velvet tries to talk to it and introduces herself to the spirit image of king valentine that her name is velvet and that she was his grand daughter, pooka formed cornelius told pooka formed velvet that she cannot talk to him because he cannot hear her and that it was only an image from the past, spirit image of king valentine asks who is able to collect all the valentine coins and describe it as a lofty accomplishment and it was grand celebration by his incredible power.
Pooka formed velvet tells the spirit image of king valentine that she want to break the curse upon her and her partner cornelius, pooka formed cornelius interrupts her and asks if she really wants to wish that to the spirit image of king valentine and tells her that they can live together as a pooka as they are in love with each other because they destined to be cursed as pooka beings, pooka formed velvet explains to pooka formed cornelius that pooka curse is eternal and their soul might not be able to return to the land anymore due to the length of years they had been as pooka, then cornelius explains to her that if they both became humans they will die before a century passes.
Pooka formed velvet tells him that it is more better to live out a natural life like any other humans, cornelius understands her point and tells her that even through the past years of centuries where they had seen the lives of other people for so long and even that prosperous times they cannot say that the people are happy, as cornelius finish his explanation to velvet, he finally agrees with velvet that they should wish to become humans again, pooka formed cornelius informs the spirit image of king valentine that him and pooka formed velvet had finally decided, and ask him to listen to the owners of his coins which are them, pooka formed cornelius asks the spirit image of valentine to break the pooka curse spell upon them and return their humanity for him and his parter pooka formed velvet, the spirit image of king valentine accepts their wish and tells them to rejoice and enjoy their new lives to the fullest.
Right after this velvet and cornelius became humans again and all of the valentine coins that they have collected and the spirit image of king valentine had disappeared, cornelius holds velvet and removes her cap then velvet tells him that until death do them as part and cornelius hugs her and tells that he shall never let her go and that their lives will go on together until they both die of old ages by means of natural causes.
Epilogue Aftermath[]
It is unknown what happened to him and velvet after the ending epilogue cutscene from the book of wheel of fate, the seventh and the last book to appear in the game, that read on it's own as a continuation of the erion saga series story, while alice and her cat is out down in the kitchen of their house for the cake baked by her mother to be presented and eaten by themselves, it is speculated that velvet and cornelius may have simply started their own family, and assimilate with the current era timeline they've been at the time they became as humans again such as wearing 1800s fashion and doing it's type of daily and activities it has.
Their family that will be resulting through generations and took care of them until their children grew up completely in adults, thus they had been together for decades until their deaths caused by natural causes, their will be children and their descendants are unknown who we're they as there are no any cutscenes showing or mentioning that they will start a family and have their own children and raising them until they became adults and have their own children as well.
Princess Velvet of the Valentine Kingdom[]
He loves Velvet and she him in return, he sees her as being beautiful beyond compare and wishes to marry her over the woman his father arranged with Aesir princess, more than likely Gwendolyn, much to his father's disapproval. He sees himself as a valiant knight to her wanting to protect her and more than willing to risk harm and even his very life. As such when he is cursed into a pooka he see's himself as a beast and is unfit for her love, despite this he still loves her and wishes to help her when he can. But his appearance affects his confidence in his relationship as again he feels his current look is unfit for her beauty. It's not until his identity is revealed by other pooka's that he has to confront the truth, to his surprise she has no issue with his appearance. Similar to Cornelius she wishes to protect him from all harm and is more than willing to sacrifice herself to do it. Which creates a bit of a looping contridiction in which they both wish to protect each other and are willing to sacrifice themselves for each other but they refuse to see the perform said sacrifice.
That being said they are extremely devoted to each other as their love is enough to sustain them for centuries when they were both afflicted by the pooka curse as together they would gather the coins to use Valentine's wish to remove the curse. Even when they got the final coin and began the wish Cornelius wished to not break the curse at first so he could love Velvet forever. However Velvet was able to convince him that it would be best to live and grow old together and eventually die as they had seen the world be reborn with Gwendolyn's and Oswald's children allow humanity to continue. Once the curse is broken they promise to stay together till death do them part.
Prince Ingway of the Valentine Kingdom[]
Ingway despises Cornelius so much so he would place the Poooka Curse on Cornelius as a means to dissaude him from Velvet's hand. Cornelius is originally hostile to him but upon learning that he's Velvet's brother, he is conflicted. After their initial meet they do not meet again till later though Ingway is impressed by Cornelius' skill and tenacity. It's not until Armageddon that he completely relents and acknowledges Cornelius and does express some remorse at cursing him.
Demon Lord Odin[]
He is the first one who informed and explained cornelius his curse transformation and demon lord odin also explained that the sword weapon he wields formally once belonged to the previous king of titania and that he was the maker of that weapon that he gifted to the previous king of titania as a form of gratitude, he told him that his curse is so powerful enough that almost no spell can break it not even his own powers, although he was denial at cornelius claims at first, but he was wondering that it would be a regret waste not to ensure his claims that could be true, demon lord odin decided to give him a test to prove the legitimacy of his claims by winning a battle over their top warlord general brigan, when cornelius won the fight over him, demon lord odin finally believes him and acknowledged his claims then he granted him permission to cross over his kingdom as he was escorted one of his princesses through the edge of the eastern borders of their kingdom until he is able to leave on his own out of it and make his crossing through the elrit forest until he gets back to his kingdom homeland.
King Edmund of Titania[]
As his son and only heir King Edmund wants Cornelius to succeed him, similar to Gallon he wants Cornelius to go through with an arranged marriage. However unlike his father he did not go mad with rage when Cornelius expressed a desire to marry someone else for love. While Edmund originally scoffed the idea and even used his brother's death as an example he changed his mind when he finally met Velvet. Also when Cornelius first approaches him as a pooka he dismisses him but it's not until Cornelius mentions the conversation he had involving Velvet that Edmund believes his identity. Though upon seeing the blue psypher sword on his back that he becomes fearful and calls for his guards. Later on when Cornelius kills Belial and Urzur that Edmund tries to crown Cornelius as his sucessor and gives his blessings to marry Velvet. However Cornelius is well aware that the kingdom would not want a pooka for a king and tells his father to do his best to rekindle the people's faith in him. This however would be for naught as the Armageddon would trigger soon after this.
Urzur the White Sorcerer[]
Cornelius is initially dismissive of Urzur considering little more than a jester. It's after being cursed that he realizes the true danger of Urzur, as he becomes aware of Urzur's magical might and his ruthless cunning in controlling his father and the kingdom by proxy. Once he is aware of the truth he hunt's down Urzur into the Sewers he would battle Belial and would pierce Belial's heart nullifying the spell on it, Belial would use the last of his strength to devour the Sorcerer.
King Gallon[]
King Gallon would meet Cornelius in the Netherworld, and upon hearing his name would know who Cornelius was. However he would conceal the truth and would give Cornelius the Psypher Blade to help him escape and would ask that Cornelius stop Armageddon from happening. Ultimately it would be a promise Cornelius couldn't keep through no fault of his own. Cornelius would discover that Gallon was his grandfather later on after deducing the fear of his father for the blade and would understand why Gallon asked for the prophecy to be stopped. In the false ending when they meet again Cornelius would speak with his grandfather and with a heavy heart would begin battling him. However since Cornelius didn't have Odette's power Gallon would just regenerate endlessly and would ultimately be devoured by his grandfather who would lament that nothing could stop his destructive impulses.
King Valentine the Great[]
Cornelius and Valetine's Relationship is very simplistic. Valentine used Cornelius in order to escape the Land of the Dead Cornelius unaware of his true identity nor his insanity. When they met again it would be during the battle for the Cauldron where he would go to find Velvet only then would he be aware of his identity. They would meet again in the land of the Vulcans when Valentine ordered the Goblins to snatch the coins to melt these down and restore his powers. Cornelius would express disgust at Valentine's selfish desires and would fight off Leventhan that Valentine would give his crown to imbuing it with his power.
Meril would be the first pooka to really greet and help Cornelius. She would show kindness and helpfulness to Cornelius as well as informing him on subjects he had no knowledge of such as the fact that goblins were citizen's of Valentine with evil hearts. She would greatly admire his bravery and skill with a blade possibly hinting to a growing affection for him. Ultimately though those feelings were never fully developed as she would die in the Armageddon along with many other pooka.
Master Krois[]
Master Krois would inform Cornelius of the History of Valentine and the land of Erion, he revealed him and his partner velvet that he is not sure whether if one of them or both but "(most likely not)" will going to survive the armageddon but he usually pinpoints that only two people could survive and he was sure that it was not them who will be those people, however he was proven wrong here since they we're able to survive the armageddon despite he predicted them they will not as he assumed it that way having an amount confidence with his words for them based on the prophecies.
Notable Committed Murders[]
- Belial - In order to stop the dragon from causing a destruction and to free it from the slave control of the Three Wise Men, Urzur was the one who controls dragon Belial at that time when the dragon was fighting Cornelius.
- Ingway - When Ingway attempted to destroy the Cauldron with the power of Darkova he would be enslaved by Beldor who had become a revenant. Cornelius would learn that it was him and would fight Ingway, after a fierce battle Cornelius defeated Ingway severing 2 of his three heads and returning Ingway to human form. However the battle had exhausted the pair and Ingway would soon succumb to his greivous wounds while Cornelius would be too exhausted to do more than talk. However Ingway would speak with Velvet before his death who would remark that his mother would be waiting to punish her 'bad' son. Ingway would die thinking of Mercedes unable to understand why.
Cornelius possesses great swordskills, which haven't diminished even in his diminutive Pooka form. As a Pooka, Cornelius can move fast and has great agility, giving him high speed mobility in battle.
During the gameplay, Cornelius is a Pooka warrior with a Pyspher Sword. Due to his small size, Cornelius is a small target to hit and can move quite fast. He also has the ability to do a rapid-spin slash move that allows him to damage and bounce off of enemies. He strikes with a surprising amount of power making him one of the higher physical damaging characters in the game. His only weakness is his defense which are lower than others but this is made up with his substantial health pool.
Cornelius fights against Odette, Brigan, (Ingway) Velvet, Wagner, Mercedes, Leventhan, Belial, and due to the prophecy, he is the foe against Ingway in his Darkova form.
Gameplay (PS2)[]
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- Cyclone
- Pyspher Heal
- Phozon Release
- Invisible
- Phozon Burst
- Overload
Gameplay (OSL)[]
As with other characters as of Leifthrasir, he has recieved a huge update in terms of gameplay and mechanics. Firstly he loses his rolling slash as it's initial input. Instead it's his aerial version of the sliding attack. On the ground it becomes a hopping spinning slash with the final slash doing wall bounce. Also he has a unique crouch attack with 3 versions, the first version being if one lightly taps the attack button he'll do sliding kick. If one holds it briefly he'll do a slash and if one holds it longer the sword glow with a blue flame, which has 3 stages. Each stage results in the same attack which is a spinning attack followed by a jumping slam. However when he jumps if one holds the down direction he will do a downward stab that can bounce on enemies damaging them replacing his rolling slash.
Cornelius' magic element is electricity which gives him access to the stun condition which is great against all enemies save bosses. He also becomes a much more hard hitting character as a lot of his attacks can easily send enemies flying and also cause both wall and ground bounces. In compensation he is slightly slower while also being slightly more tanky while some of his more powerful attacks requires him to acively charge up before unleashing his full might giving him several openings and requireing the stun mechanic from his magic. In summary he is a hard hitting tank who requires his magic to unleash his more powerful techniques. He can also 'hover' by spinning his sword in the air slowing his descent.
Cornelius has 6 POW Skills and 9 Magic skills, making a more physical combat heavy fighter.
POW Skills[]
- Spiral Claw: he'll jump forward spinning in a drilling motion at his enemies this can also be aimed upward or downward, this is agreat combo extender and is great at keeping enemies airborne during combos.
- Reverse Claw: he'll jump the edge of the screen that he's facing and then do a 'spiral claw' attack behind enemies. Used to help break guards for enemies this attack while useful has a bad tendency to miss and should be used only on large enemies, and not in the middle of combos.
- Spiral Fall: Cornelius will jump then come down using Spiral Claw drilling into his enemies on the ground. This is a great way to on the ground damage on enemies as it pins them and they cannot move in the time he does the drilling. If done in the air he will immediately drill straight down so it's best to use this in the air.
- Arc Wheel: Cornelius will jump curling into a ball and spinning with the blade extended. This uses his original animation for his downward air attack, it goes in a great arc before slamming down dealing damage. It's a great anti-air move that can slam down aerial enemies.
- Streak Slash: Cornelius will move across the screen performing a single slash enemies in the path are hit with invisible blade slices. This is a good move to switch sides while also dealing incredible damage.
- Whirling Blade: Cornelius will start spinning his blade held out, he can move left and right during this sucking in enemies once sucked in he'll give a great swing that'll send enemies flying and bouncing off invisible walls this is a great move to get rid of swarms of enemies at once.
Magic Skills[]
- Spark Bolt: Cornelius holds out his sword and sends a small bolt of lightning forward. If enough hit an enemy it can inflict stun on them. This costs 5 PP and is great to spam on a single enemy, this will not stun major Bosses.
- Tempest: Cornelius will spin on the spot creating a tornado that will go across the screen. This attack is similar to Cyclone except enemies will not freeze when hit by it. However it's slow speed and constant hitbox makes it great for damaging enemies and destroying weaker one hit kill enemies. This costs 9 PP.
- Plasma Circle: Cornelius will raise his sword up and summon 3 balls of lightning that spin around his body this acts similar to the Fire Spirits potion in that they'll damage and build up stun on enemies that touch it. But like Fire Spirits he is still vulnerable to damage, and costs 11 PP to use so it's best used in a rare few circumstances.
- Brave Hurl: this can only be used on the ground, Cornelius will swing his sword shooting out a powerful shockwave that gets bigger as it travels, enemies hit by this are popped into the air and it deals powerful damage. A great move to use on enemies close and far for good damage, it costs 14 PP.
- Mega Spark: Similar to Freeze Lance Cornelius will charge up his magic to fire a large ball of electricity forward. The more it charges the stronger and larger it becomes. Eventually it will fire on it's own and become a gigantic ball of lighting dealing immense damage and also dealing heavy amounts of stun as well. It costs 22 PP and can be used in the air if it is he will hover slightly and then fire the attack.
- Strike Ray: It can only be used on the ground, Cornelius will gather magical energy into his sword then thrust it forward firing a beam of pure light forward. Apart from the charging this is a fast and powerful attack that can deal tremendous amounts of damage at great range. This attack is so powerful Cornelius will slide back from the recoil, it costs 30 PP and due to the fact it's a charging move he cannot move so it's best to use this either on enemies far away or enemies that are stunned.
- Thundercloud: Cornelius raises his sword up and summons a thundercloud that hovers about dealing lighting damage against enemies autonomously. However this attack is not only low damaging but doesn't build up much stun either, as such it is best to not be used but that is up to the player, it costs 18 PP to use.
- Lightning Saber: Cornelius will raise his sword and after a few seconds be struck by lightning, once done each time he swings his sword he'll fire a ball of electricity out. These balls don't do much damage but build up a large amount of stun. Also if one holds the attack button and a direction Cornelius will dash in that direction creating a chain of lightning bolts that damage any enemies in the hitbox of the chains. The chains will vanish after a few seocnds but can lockdown enemies if positioned right.
- Caladbolg: Cornelius will raise his sword and lightning strikes his sword sparking and hitting everything while also lighting up and making his sword larger and burning with blue fire. He will the slash about striking everything in range and ending it with a final powerful slam. This is an Ultimate Magic Skill and such costs 50 PP to use.
Official Artwork and Merchandise[]
Coming Soon!
- King Edmund, Cornelius' Father once arranged Cornelius to be wed with King Odin's daughter (uncertain whether it is Griselda or Gwendolyn) but Cornelius' mind was already set up in loving Velvet.
- Though a definite possessor of royal blood, he cannot defeat King Gallon as he lacks the dark power necessary to disable his immortality.
- Cornelius is the only character that never visited Ringford. Instead, he visited Nebulapolis, Forest of Elrit, Netherworld Endelphia, Titania, and Winterhorn Ridge.
- According to some game developer staffs who both worked in Vanillaware and Atlus, Cornelius was modeled after Charles Martel, the duke and prince of the franks who is a political feudal commander from the 7th century who is known to have stopped the islamic invasion of Europe coming from the southwest through Spain.
- Ingway is the main antagonist of his book story perspective side, despite he helps him in some way and he is the reason why cornelius became a Pooka, Ingway does not want him to have a love relationship with his younger twin sister Velvet and he is the also the boss he will fight in the Armageddon in the true ending of the main storyline plot of the game and the last boss Cornelius will ever fought.
- Cornelius is the only main playable character to never fight Odin, although he does fight Brigan, just like all the others.
- Cornelius and Gwendolyn are the only two characters who can guard in the original game and also have Blue colored Psypher made from the skulls in the Netherrealm.
- Him and Velvet are the last living survivors from the main storyline plot of the Erion saga and the early medieval period as they both became Pooka but Velvet only became a Pooka at the very end of the story, giving him an infinite living lifespan for over 1000 years until they both became humans again after collecting all the coins of the Valentine Kingdom that was destroyed before the main story event of the game started, starting in the early years of the 19th century (1800s) during the industrial revolution era by the time Alice had finished all reading the books of Erion Saga from the valkyrie to armageddon book.
♦ Odin Sphere Characters ♦
| |
Supporting Characters
Belial ♦ Brom ♦ Griselda ♦ Hindel ♦ Ingway ♦ King Edmund ♦ Master Krois ♦ Matthew ♦ Myris ♦ Odin ♦ Queen Elfaria ♦ Wagner ♦ | |