The Continent of Erion is a mentioned vast continental area in the erion sagas book series in which alice described it as a "magical world" during her reading of the books, this place is where the main storyline plot setting area of the erion saga poem takes place.
Area Overview[]
Erion is a large fluvial continent with a vast inland sea located on it's center, this continent is a semi archipelago area with it's lands connected to each other through circular side by side forming a circle that surrounds it's inland sea in the center with an exception of a jungle island on it's southern direction where the kingdom of the fairies is situated, the continent bores two high mountains on it's west and east sides that have opposite climates, the western realm of erion is cold due to being unreachable by sunlight rays while the eastern realm is mostly hot in climate due to the proximity presence of the volcanic kingdom in the southeastern realm of erion that is connected to the aligned little lower elevated rocky mountains.
The nation that stands in this location is the volkenon lava pits, the hot climate only encompasses through the kingdom of titania only, the elrit forest is not reachable with the heat generated by the volcanic kingdom, making this wild life forest to have a mild climate in comparison to it's southern direction which is the eastern realm of the continent where the kingdom of titania stands.
All of the land locations of erion are interconnected with each other with some separated only with a river bank flow, the only land in this continent that is not connected to it's considered mainland is the jungle island in it's southern realm which is the ringford forest kingdom of the fairies, northeastern realm far of the continent is the only open area in it's land borders free of obstacles, it is located where the elrit forest stands, the another open area of the continent is by the south where the jungle island borders the inland sea on it's northern direction and open sea to it's southern direction.
The land was home to many mythical and fantastic creatures, such as fairies, dragons, griffins, and manticores. Many humans are also capable of using magic and some humans are noticeably larger and bulkier than standard members of their race.
The land of Erion has been described as having always known an "uneasy" peace Multiple wars have been fought between the various kingdoms, with most recent ones being the Valentine War and the Cauldron War. More famously, a prophecy was predicted in ancient times that Erion would ultimately end up being destroyed by five disasters, which ultimately came true during the climax of the story.
Following the event known as the Armageddon, Erion's existence as a true land slowly faded into myth. By the time Alice is reading the story of Erion's demise, the Erion Saga, it is firmly believed that the world is fictional and simply created as the setting of a book series.
Background History[]
The present inhabitants at the time of the main storyline event in the continent we're mostly european humans of germanic background that descended from neanderthal migrations to erion coming from the very south where the human race has originated that predates for at least 40,000-50,000 years ago, while the other living being species existing at that time of the main storyline event is not known, except for the dragons that has been existing in the continent since the jurassic period that survived a dinosaur extinction event and during that time their population decreased very drastically.
Leaving only three in existence as their generation passes until it reaches the last maximum period production of their species which was the only three of them had left at that time of the main storyline event, the winterhorn ridge mountains used to be wide flat plains until the world's tectonic plates moved through millions of years until the flat plains collided with each other forming a bulk of high elevated land that later became the winterhorn ridge mountain which was the former hunting lair grounds of dinosaurs when it was still flat plains it is the place where most of the dragons remained even after the topography of their living area has changed through millions of years.
Most of the kingdoms in erion itself especially the human nations started as a group of germanic tribes consisting of people whom are related to each other until their population is large enough to become an identity of a tribe group with language and culture that eventually emerged as a kingdom nation, in exception of the valentine people's case since their kingdom was established not too long ago compared to other existing human kingdom nations in erion, based on valentine people's culture and types, it is likely that they have originated from the very southern direction part of the erion's greater continent where erion is included.
While the fairies did not have their own representing nation identity but rather an only section group union of tribes that are rival with each other, until the destruction of the valentine kingdom because of it's cauldron left over that was left unattended, this convinced the tribe groups of fairies to unite with one another to form a single nation with identity, as the cauldron contains vast amount of phozons, an element that fairies needed to survive, as it is their source of food, fairies are known to use phozons are their food, since phozon is a magic power element where they feast upon, fairies are magic eaters, they see magic power element as food, the fairy race was split from the human race during the diversify of their same ancient homo ancestors.
In the case of the vulcan race, it is not known how they emerged in the continent, but they settled and bulit their kingdom nation on a ruin site remains of a previous ancient civilization that existed before that collapsed situated in the mountainous volcanic area of the continent long before the arrival of the vulcan race in that region where they established their kingdom nation.
Erion is composed of eight major regions surrounding a body of water: Ragnanival, an aesir (viking) human kingdom that is home to the Berserkers and Valkyries, ruled by Demon Lord Odin, located in the icy northeast region of erion and the forests of Elrit to the northeast, which is unruled and belongs to the native wildlife, Titania, a poor human kingdom located on the eastern region of the continent ruled by King Edmund, the Volkenon Lava Pits situated in the southeastern most edge region of the continent, home to the Vulcan race and ruled by the immortal Inferno King Onyx, the forest Kingdom of Ringford of fairies to the west across by the inland sea of the continent ruled by Fairy Queen Elfaria, the ruins of the Kingdom of Valentine by the further west of the fairy forest kingdom of ringford, it's inhabitants we're formerly humans who became pooka living on it's underground beneath via a secret Pooka Village that serves as their base, Winterhorn Ridge on the western most edge region of the continent, an icy and frozen mountainous region which is the home of the remnants of the Dragon race; and finally the Netherworld Endelphia, land of the dead, a place for the afterlife for the ones who died sinful to suffer for the crimes they committed while still alive, located in the north west down by the winterhorn ridge mountain, ruled by Queen Odette.

Elrit Forest[]
a tree dominated region of the northeastern part of erion, it is the habitat of the wild life such as bear, manticore, frogs, bees, goblin thieves also inhabit this place as their haven hide out, it has a hilly island at it's pond center that is surrounded by a circular river where the abandoned castle is located, a fortress building that was inhabited by the Valentine twins (Velvet and Ingway) after their kingdom homeland was destroyed leaving them homeless and stateless then by Gwendolyn and Oswald after their betrayal when Ingway gave the ring titrel to the fairies when King Odin offered it to Oswald as a reward for the deal of request of killing Wagner the dragon, this castle was previously bulit by the former king of Titania Gallon as an attempt to colonize the forest for further north expansion of the Kingdom of Titania.

Netherworld Endelphia[]
the land of dead and the afterlife place where the souls of the deceased living goes after when died sinful to suffer for the crimes or bad things they have committed while they are still living, it is the homeland kingdom of queen Odette, the queen of undead who rules this lifeless domain area, she is also the keeper of evil souls from leaving the place to harm the world of living.

Ragnanival Kingdom (Nebulapolis)[]
the kingdom of the human aesirs that possess a war like culture ruled by fearsome king Demon Lord Odin situated in the frozen mountains of the northwest realm of erion, it is the kingdom homeland of princess Gwendolyn and princess Griselda, and also the ruthless feudal aesir commander general Brigan, this kingdom is the homeland of valkyries, berserkers, spirit possessed gray bat statues controlled by the magic spells of the ragnanival kingdom officials and the valentine dwarves who defected to the aesir side after their homeland kingdom was destroyed during the war for cauldron's seizure control, it's main castle building that serves as it's capital is called Nebulapolis.

Ringford Forest Kingdom[]
the forest kingdom of the fairies ruled by a beautiful fairy queen Elfaria then her early teenager daughter Mercedes after her death, this principality is situated in southwestern realm of erion across it's western sea besiding the ruins of valentine kingdom in the west, it is the homeland kingdom of the early teenager child fairy princess mercedes, the fairy duke Melvin, the notable valentine dwarf working with the fairies Matthew, and as an adopted temporary shelter for the shadow knight and an elite soldier adopted human Oswald who was raised by the duke of the fairies melvin as his son and that acts as his right hand man in his orders while serving under his command during his living existence, this kingdom is the homeland of fairies, unicorns, alraunes, and the valentine dwarves who defected to the fairies side after their homeland kingdom was destroyed during the war for cauldron's seizure control, it is also the place where the birth giving flower plants are abundant, where fairies are hatched to be born into existence, this kingdom used to be divided into different tribe section groups of fairies and only became as one unified kingdom nation when the kingdom of valentine falls leaving their cauldron unattended on the ground of kingdom's ruins after it's destruction that drew large interest of fairies for acquisition because of it's vast intense phozon contents that fairies needed for the survival of their race.

Kingdom of Titania[]
a human kingdom situated in the eastern realm of erion ruled by an elderly king Edmund, bordered by the Elrit Forest in the north and Volkenon Lava Pits kingdom by the south, it is the poorest and weakest of any existing nation in the erion, it is the homeland kingdom of prince Cornelius, the native homeland kingdom of the ringford shadow knight swordsman Oswald, and the three wisemen Beldor, Skuldi and Urzur, whose living in the kingdom's maze sewers that serves as their headquarters and their home, this kingdom is also the homeland of royal axe guards, slimes, shop vendors, and the goblins who fled from the destroyed valentine kingdom.

Valentine Kingdom[]
also known as the "Raging Battlefields" is the ruins of destroyed kingdom of the valentine humans situated in the southwest realm of erion ruled by King Valentine who is also the founder of the kingdom that was destroyed after a massive explosion from the cauldron which was established recently compared in all of the existing kingdoms in erion, it was the most powerful kingdom in erion at the time before it's downfall and destruction caused by the backfired action of king valentine when he attempted to use the cauldron for the second time to launch an attack against the kingdom of titania in the purpose of defeating it entirely, the backfired action was caused by the sabotage made by his own grand son Ingway to prevent him from committing more atrocities after the withdrawal of titanian forces from attacking the valentine kingdom, it's human inhabitant residence who survived the destruction of their kingdom whom are few became pookas and established a secret village base beneath the ruins of valentine kingdom to hide themselves from other living beings because they feel ashamed of being seen by other living beings in their pooka formation, it was the kingdom homeland of the valentine twins (Velvet and ingway), Master Krois, Meril, Myris, Brom, Melelunch the chef and the waitress Meliene of the secret pooka village base.

Volkenon Lava Pits (Fire Kingdom)[]
the fire kingdom of the vulcan race situated in the southeast realm of erion, it is ruled by Inferno King Onyx who was one of Odin Sphere's 4 primary antagonists and the 5 monster disasters predicted in the prophecy destined to destroy the world, this kingdom is the hottest of any place in Erion, sometimes it is referred and described as the hell of the living world and any living being who come into place who are not native or used in it's temperatures affects their health temperature conditions, it is the kingdom homeland of salamanders, magma rock living beings, vulcan swordswomen whom acts as a sub boss in the kingdom, vulcan spearmen cavalry, and also the goblins who fled from the destroyed valentine kingdom after it's destruction using this area as one of their haven hide outs. Its shrine that serves as its capital is known as the Inferno King's Shrine.

Winterhorn Ridge Mountain[]
the icy and the cold frozen mountainous region of erion located in it's western realm, it is the inhabited by the remaining dragons of the continent whom are Belial, Hindel and Wagner, this mountain also serves as a habitat for chionophiles creatures such as griffons, ice trolls, living snow flakes and revenant souls that are former humans, whose the people who have lost their identity and humanity to the curse of Belderiver whom are former users of this weapon and majority of them are probably fairies or the people from the fairy forest kingdom of ringford since that only this nation uses such kind of weapon for it's soldiers mainly for testing purposes who will be that one becoming successful of handling it's extreme capabilities in every one of them by their fairy duke, this place is the coldest of any place in erion that any living being come into this place who are not native or used in it's temperatures affects their health temperature conditions.
The three major military powers in Erion are known to Ragnanival, Titania and Ringford, as considered by the inhabitants of those kingdoms. The Fire Kingdom under Onyx and Netherworld under Odette actually prove to have military power well above the other three kingdoms, but are not considered so most likely because the two nations seem to keep to themselves.
Ragnanival and Ringford spend most of the storyline locked in constant warfare to gain control of the Crystallization Cauldron, while Titania remains neutral, though apparently favoring Ragnanival more over Ringford. This is evidenced by most humans not being even aware of the extent of the existence of fairies, King Edmund's decision to wed his son Cornelius to one of Ragnanival's two princesses (Which one exactly is never specified) and Odin's gift to Titania of a Psypher Sword.
While Odette does hate Odin, she refuses to go to open war with the Demon Lord, as she does not wish to endanger setting off the Armageddon spoken of in the prophecies of Valentine and in the Erion Saga. Meanwhile, Onyx does occasionally involve himself in the affairs of the other kingdoms, as he did attempt to wed the Ragnanival princess Gwendolyn and tensions almost flared to the point of warfare between Ragnanival and the Fire Kingdom when Skuldi of the Three Wise Men of Titania captured the princess and gave her to Onyx.
Erion uses no standard of currency, and instead all five known coins to be minted are accepted across the continent. Ragnanival Silver from Ragnanival is made of low-quality silver and thus is worth only 1G. Titanian Gold is minted from Titania, from the kingdom's many Gold mines, and is worth 10G. Also, there are the Valentinian Coins, bearing the symbol of King Valentine and worth 10G, which contain small amounts of King Valentine's magic so that all in his kingdom could receive his blessing. It is said that when all the coins are brought together, a single wish can be granted, which is the goal of the Pooka race, to use the wish to break their curse. The Individual coins are the Ariel Coins, which bare the visage of Princess Ariel and are worth 5G, Valentine Coins, and special Commemorative Coins, made in celebration of Valentine's greatness, and worth 20G. The Valentine, Commemorative and the Ariel coins are the only currency accepted at Pooka restaurants, and should be saved for use there.
little is known about the history of erion before the Erion Saga event, it is speculated that all kingdoms except valentine may have started as a group of ancient tribes that later unified with each other of their own kins and form into one single kingdom nation, these kingdoms including valentine after it's establishment, they all waged war with one another especially during the war for the cauldron's seizure control after the destruction of the Valentine Kingdom, during the Armageddon event, the erion continent was subjected into a massive destruction of nearly a hundred percent but due to the efforts of the five main playable characters, the full total destruction of the world was halted and velvet sacrificed her human form by using the pooka curse filled cauldron in the sake of saving the world, the pooka curse was put in the cauldron by revenant king valentine to prevent anyone from using it, after the erion's revival and restoration, Oswald and Gwendolyn later soon started their own family and repopulate the world through the last 1000 years and they both died of natural causes soon afterwards before a century passes within their lifetime of existence, while Velvet and Cornelius stayed being a pooka and lived for more than a millennium looking for all of the valentine coins until it was all finally found in the early years of the 19th century in the year 1822 by the time Alice was finished reading all of the books of Erion Saga including the Armageddon ones, Velvet and Cornelius soon make a one single wish to break the curse of pooka upon them and the two lived together for decades until their deaths by natural causes in the late 1800s.
- Erion's name is derived from the Greek language, which means 'the wind from Ion sea'.
- Erion is also speculated as the homeland place of Alice in it's future of 1000 years or 1030 years to be exact through by the year she was born and how it was years away from the Erion Saga event.
- Although characters often refer to Erion as though it's the entire world, it's often referred to as a continent by developers and in promotional material. The fact that the Valentinians' ancestors were foreigners and are described as having come from another land further solidifies that there are other continents in Odin Sphere's world: however, none of them are ever shown or referred to by name.
- Based on norse mythology the land of erion infact might have existed in europe which is believed to be in the area of present day denmark as it resembles the same looking by land formation as the erion, however there are no any existing physical evidence that the land did existed before and since the game was a blend of different european culture types being mixed into one, it is likely that the land of erion is just simply a made up fictional story of the norse mythology to promote the culture and empire expansion of the vikings or simply it was just a made up imagination of the game developers to make the game more interesting.
- If based on the numbers of inscription incidences of old norse language alphabet writing system Futhark, the Erion is most likely had been set in the present day Denmark or the northern central european mainland during the early medieval period.
- the story progress events that happened and occurred in Erion step by step which had been told in the Erion Sagas may have took place around 720-850 AD but most likely in 780 AD based on the actual period year occurence of the norse mythology told events in the history of Europe.
- The developers of odin sphere stated and confirmed that the main setting plot year for the erion saga main storyline event is 784 A.D.
- an MMORPG mobile game called Ragnarok Origin may had been in fact the later continuation story event results after Odin Sphere's main timeline story occurrence due to many similarities and coincidences.
- Based on the type and styles of the valentine people and their kingdom if ever compared in real life, they might have came from the southern europe in the area where is the present day italy is situated, who migrated in the northern europe and settled on the area where erion is situated and that place is likely to be the present day Denmark.
♦ Odin Sphere Locations ♦
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♦ Erion ♦ | |
♦ Nebulapolis ♦ Ringford Palace ♦ Titanian Palace ♦ Valentine Palace ♦ Netherworld Shrine ♦ Inferno King's Shrine ♦ | |