Odin Sphere Wiki

Erion Saga Heptalogy is the collective description term for a series of books being read by Alice that tells the legendary epic poem story of erion saga, There are seven books in the series and each book tells the each others story view perspectives of the five main playable characters, and also how they saved the world from disastrous monsters that almost fully destroyed it in the process, the series details how each main playable characters deals with their own goals and motivations, helps trigger the beginning of Armageddon through the consequences of their actions, and, ultimately, how they help save the Continent of Erion from the five disasters that took place near the end of the 8th century.

Series Overview[]

It is unknown when the books were first written: however, Alice remarks that her grandfather really liked them, indicating that they've been out for some time. The fact that the books are hidden in an attic and that there's a Valentinian coin in the cover of the sixth book, The Book of Armageddon, indicates the possibility that the books aren't from a regular publisher.

The seven books are as follows:


  • Although the books are initially suggested to be a fictional work, the True Ending of the game reveals that the stories contained in them are actually true, as the world Alice lives in is Erion over a thousand years after Armageddon.
  • Seeing as almost everyone in the world died during Armageddon, it is unknown who could have possibly written the books and kept all the information within true to the events in the story. A bonus "Curtain Call" cutscene obtained after the player reaches 100% completion suggests that there was a writer in the time of Erion collecting information for a book that would ultimately become Odin Sphere's story; however, this scene is generally viewed as the developers' means of "thanking" the player for completing the game rather than being canon to the overall story.