Fate is the given title name for a red colored book where Velvet is the protagonist, it is one of the six existing books that are part of Erion Saga book collection series that forms its entire main story from every story part of each entire one book as one, it is the fifth book to appear in the game and to be read by Alice in the attic of their house and last of any main playable character prospective book story to be read by her, this book illustrates Velvet's journey and her perspective side of the story.
Protagonist | Velvet - The Book Story's Controllable Main Playable Character, she was the princess of destroyed kingdom of valentine and one of the valentine twins along with ingway, she was the illegitimate daughter of Demon Lord Odin in his disastrous love affair with princess ariel who was killed by her own father for loving and bearing a child with the king of the perceived enemy nation, she became a pooka in the end part of the armageddon event after using the cauldron machine to reverse for the sake of saving the world, her and her lover partner's pooka curse will not be broken until over a millenium later after finally collecting all the valentine coins of her grand father, she and her lover partner cornelius we're the last living survivors of the event of the main story. |
Deuteragonist | Cornelius - The prince of the kingdom of titania, he was born into the royal family of titanian kingdom, the son of the current ruler king of the kingdom of titania, he was velvet's lover partner through out the main story until to it's very end, her older twin brother ingway cursed him into becoming a pooka to prevent his relationship to her due to the difference of the social status they had, despite his pooka curse transformation caused by ingway, velvet still continues to cherish for him even after she was also doomed to become pooka in the end part of the armageddon event after using the cauldron machine to reverse for the sake of saving the world, him and velvet's pooka curse will not be broken until over a millenium later after finally collecting all the valentine coins of his lover partner's grand father, him and velvet we're the last living survivors of the event of the main story. |
Tritagonist | Ingway - The prince of destroyed valentine kingdom and one of the valentine twins, along with velvet, he was one of the two anti-hero characters of the game along with oswald, he has a hatred towards his twin sister's lover cornelius whom he cursed into becoming a pooka to prevent his relationship to his twin sister, he was also the main cause of their own kingdom's downfall and destruction as he sabotaged his grand father's cauldron machine to prevent him from harming even more other beings in the nations he wanted to conquer using the machine, his sabotage of the cauldron caused backfired towards his grand father that killed him, and it's explosion in their kingdom that leads to it's destruction and the pooka transformation of it's surviving citizens, the reason of his dislike of cornelius is because of their difference in the social status, he also despises his own father for having a lust for power in the cauldron as his father wanted to use it for strengthening his power dominance to be able to conquer more parts of erion, he openly express his dislike of cornelius, he is still willing to help and forgive him despite that he cursed him into becoming a pooka, the curse that will not be broken away from him until over a millienium year later when velvet and cornelius finally collected all the valentine coins of her grand father. |
Supporting Characters | Demon Lord Odin - The fearsome king and ruler of the kingdom of ragnanival, he was one of the most powerful rulers in erion, he was the father of velvet as she was one of his valentine twin children he had with his former lover princess ariel of the valentine kingdom that resulted in disastrous affair before she was killed by her own father for loving him, odin cherishes to all of his children including velvet even he treats the two of his daughters from his second lover affair as objects a component step for the aiming goals of obtaining the cauldron for his power dominance purposes, despite his cherish for velvet, she despises her for loving his other two daughters more other than her despite them and her receive the same care of love from him and dislikes him for loving another woman after her mother died in the hands of her grand father.
Gwendolyn - The princess of the kingdom of ragnanival, and the paternal younger half sister of velvet, she and velvet have a dislike with one another due to their rivalry as they compete each other for the affection love of their father demon lord odin, but despite of it, she helped her paternal older half sister velvet to escape from her kingdom's forces by blocking their way of capturing her and threatening them with violence if they dare to cross over her for preventing them to capture velvet in their captivity and killing their kingdom's own warlord feudal leader general brigan from attempting to rape and sacrifice her to the dragon wagner in exchange for the titrel ring that the dragon possess in it's body that was put there by velvet herself for safe keeping the ring from anyone who we're trying to find it to use it in their own benefit that have evil intentions.
Hindel - The all knowing dragon that velvet paid a visit in the winterhorn ridge mountains to consult to it what the future holds for them with her twin brother ingway and how alternate their destined path to death as their mother wrote a note for them regarding that the death shall take them soon in the near future in it's course, this dragon also informed her of it's coming death that the dragon will soon be slained by a shadow knight soldier from the fairy kingdom. Master Krois - The old scholar of the valentine kingdom, he was oldest of all few surviving valentine citizens that become pookas and also the oldest surviving pooka exist, he was velvet's childhood mentor that teaches her the values, importance and acknowledgement of the written prophecies that we're predicted to happen in the future along with her twin brother ingway that only two people of opposite genders with one another shall survive at the end of the world as they we're chosen as the crownless lords of the new world as the prophecies says that will act as the new line of the humanity that will restore it by them through repopulating the world again with human species for the future 1000 years ahead of the main story.
Meril - One of the few surviving valentine citizens that became a pooka, she serves as a look out for their group and their secret village, she was master krois daughter and one of the loyal pooka subjects that aid velvet in her missions, she is also the one who informed velvet that cornelius was the blue colored pooka who helped her from protecting the titrel ring from king valentine that was cursed into becoming a pooka and the one who wields a blue glowing sword who retrieved all of their taken coins by the goblins that hails from the kingdom of titania.
Myris - One of the few surviving valentine citizens that became a pooka, she works in the ragnanival kingdom as gwendolyn's personal assistant who was her paternal younger half sister to look after her who informed her that she will take responsibility of taking care of gwendolyn instead of her doing the thing for her paternal younger half sister.
Wagner - One of the three dragons that reside in the winterhorn ridge mountains, whom velvet visit to ask the dragon where to hide the titrel ring that took the ring instead by the dragon so it will be the one to keep the ring within it's stomach as an act of taking the responsibility of keeping it from velvet to prevent anyone from locating and digging the titrel ring in an intention of using in their own personal interests and evil ambitions as if they have lust for the power of cauldron as it is the only thing that controls the machine. |
Minor Characters | King Edmund - The current king and ruler of the kingdom of titania, whose the feeble father of her lover partner cornelius whom she asked where her lover partner's whereabouts in their kingdom when he have heard him that he was cursed pooka who went in the kingdom of titania after retrieving all the taken coins from the secret pooka village base by the goblins to toss it in the fire pit of the fire kingdom of volkenon lava pits
Matthew - The confidant of the fairy kingdom who is a former valentine citizen who survived and did not became a pooka who aids the fairy princess of the ringford forest kingdom on her chase for velvet as she retrieve the ring from their king that was given to them by her twin brother ingway, who informed velvet that the titrel ring was given to them by the surviving prince of the valentine kingdom who was her twin brother ingway.
Princess Ariel (Unseen Character) - The deceased former princess of destroyed valentine kingdom, she was the mother of valentine twins who we're velvet and ingway that demon lord odin bores with her after their disastrous relationship affair just shortly before she was killed by her father king valentine by strangling her to death for loving the king of their perceived enemy nation. |
Supporting Antagonists | Beldor - One of the Three Wisemen who cooperates with other of his two kins in capturing velvet in an intention of sacrificing her to dragon belial to be eaten as an offering to strengthen the dragon's body
Belial - The dragon that she fought along with beldor as an attempt to capture her which actually turned out to be successful and where she was being offered as a meal to strengthen it's body that was being enslaved by the three wisemen by their enslaving magical powers that controls the dragon.
General Brigan - The heartless warlord feudal leader of the kingdom of ragnanival that harassed her as she leaves the site of the cauldron to prevent her from leaving it and the one who captured her to be offered to dragon wagner in exchange for the titrel ring she gave to the dragon for safe keeping which became the main cause of his death done by their own kingdom's second princess gwendolyn.
Mercedes - The child fairy princess of ringford forest kingdom that chased her through the barren wastelands of the ruins of valentine kingdom to take back the titrel ring from her possession that she took from their kingdom who refuses to believe velvet's explanation about the ring's true owner and background what disastrous bad things it could cause to the world.
Queen Odette - the queen of the dead who rules the lifeless domain of the netherworld, a place where the sinful souls goes after for eternal suffering after their death to pay for the bad things they have committed while they we're still alive, she fought her that resulted in stalemate when she caught by her while being in the netherworld for visiting king gallon to ask about the accuracy of the prophecies by asking him to give her the accurate details of it in the note he possess, but before haljas and her could kill velvet, demon lord odin arrives and intercepts to prevent them from harming her then he rescued velvet from the netherworld and brought her to the abandoned castle where she will stay temporarily.
Urzur - One of the Three Wisemen who cooperates with other of his two kins in capturing velvet in an intention of sacrificing her to dragon belial and the one who lured her into their entrapment of her in the maze sewers of their kingdom. |
Secondary Antagonist | Skuldi - One of the Three Wisemen who cooperates with other of his two kins in capturing velvet in an intention of sacrificing her to dragon belial, he had a close relationship with the pookas and the valentine twins who discuss them regarding about the prophecies that holds in the near future of the world, although velvet never fought him as a boss or in an any way of being an enemy, he was actively cooperating with his other two sorcerers who discuss to his comrades about her what him and his two other kins will decide what to do with her in which he would later be brutally killed by oswald after her capture when they dealt with the other main playable characters who we're brought in the maze sewers of the kingdom of titania according to their mission paths. |
Main Antagonist | King Valentine - The Deceased former king of the valentine kingdom that returned to the world of living through escaping with the help pf her lover partner cornelius as he did not know who was king valentine when he first met him in the netherworld, he was the grand father of the valentine twins and the father of velvet's mother princess ariel of the valentine kingdom, he considers the valentine twins as his main reason of his insanity why he had gone insane because they we're half children of the king of their perceived enemy nation, he wanted nothing in his return in the world of living other than destroying it all once for good when he created leventhan dragon that will soon destroy much of erion's land along with king gallon, this dragon first appeared in the main story as a hatchling, king valentine gave his crown to dragon leventhan and put it in sleep inside the cauldron while he controls it to absorb phozons of the world to transform it into an adult being with the purpose of setting it as the one that will engulf the entire erion continent in the upcoming armageddon event in the main story. |