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Child of Fire Vulcan are vulcan female swordswomen servants of King Onyx, along with their Firewielder Phoenix Rider male counterparts, they are one of the two types of elite units of the Volkenon Army, they are usually seen accompanying inferno king onyx in most of the story cutscenes of the Erion Saga that focuses on the Fire Kingdom or any of the vulcan scenes part of the story.

Mob Profile Overview[]

Fire Vulcan Childs are Onyx's female servant attendants who always accompany him in his kingdom whether if he is about to make any talks towards any visitors of their kingdom or when Onyx has important transactions that needs to be done even if it takes place outside of their kingdom, these women mostly work as attendant for their king and also as base guardian patrols which is their only another habit or work if not serving or accompanying King Onyx.

Most of them work as personal assistants for king onyx which they always aid all the time and escort him anywhere he goes if he needs them to accompany him, they usually always appear alongside King Onyx but they can also appear on their own without his presence, only if they are assigned to do a task that was ordered by their king, this is the only time they will have on their own without any accompany from him, they can be in pair or more of them in groups doing the task and they can also be doing the task with just only one of them taking the task responsibility.

These fighters have the highest commanding authority power within the Volkenon Army and second highest and powerful in the entire of their kingdom, their power of authority is just behind King Onyx whom have the highest authority power in both of their kingdom and military.


These lava female humanoid like creatures are only exclusively found in the Volkenon Lava Pits, these vulcan fire childs are one of this fire kingdom's inhabitants and as one of its indigenous creatures, where these lava female humanoid like creatures act as one of the mini bosses that can be fought in this location alongside with the Firewielder Phoenix Rider, they cannot be found anywhere else in Erion aside from this place but these creatures can also be seen sometimes outside of the Fire Kingdom only when accompanying Inferno King Onyx in his journey when making visits to other places as these lava female humanoid like creatures serves as King Onyx's enforcer guardians.

Appearance Traits[]

These servants have a humanoid like battle that resembles of an adult female human which is obvious in some of the features it shows, such as "large breasts" in their chest and the shape of the body that clearly resembles a female adult human, when they are in their battle mode, their hair turns into fire and reveals their long horns with sharp pointy edge attached to their forehead, their body have a texture of a burning molten stone with cracks of lava openings in it.

In their non-combatant neutral form, they look organically human and they are seen to have a body that resembles almost exactly like much of a human being but with their skin appearing to be orange colored, they are also shown to have pointy ears similar to the fairies but it is shorter compared to theirs and a hair similar to the ones from humans but colored in white like Gwendolyn and Oswald's the clothes they wear are seemingly similar to that of a prostitute outfit, this could be the reason why they are dubbed as "King Onyx's whores" or "sex slaves" to the fact they wear clothes that resembles a prostitute clothing outfit style.

Their swords glow in fire when they are in their battle state form and turns into stone without any trace of fire if they are in neutral state form when they are not in battle.

Mob Battle Characteristics[]

Fire Vulcan Childs have the ability to shift shape from their organic human alike appearance into a humanoid alike burning molten stone vulcan, like much the fairies, they can also fly steadily in the air without any difficulties probably due to the magical powers they possess and they use for themselves that they either obtained or learned from King Onyx, these servant guardians are the only beings that can fly without any wings attached to them naturally or using any as an equipment gear attached to them like the wing equipment gear used by the valkyries.

These guardian servants of Onyx himself are one of difficult enemies that a player can face because of their agile movement and overpowered stone sword that can give burn buff status effect that can last damage of health points overtime, aside from serious knockback they can cause, their quick movement can easily avoid simple and basic attacks especially if the player is being controlled by new ones or do not possess any enough experiences of fighting bosses in the story.

Aside from their shape shifting and flying, these creatures have the ability to perform spinning attack and light their stone sword into a glowing fire that can inflict burn buff status effect that can damage overtime, their spinning and bashing attacks can inflict a high amount of damage that can cause serious injury and health toll to anyone who fights them, their attacks can cause serious knockbacks.

Background Story[]

over 1000 years ago before the main storyline event started, they we're issued by into the selected female vulcan citizens that are subjected to serve their king, it is assumed and speculated that King Onyx himself is a womanizer and thus engaging in sexes with multiple women including his female servants, however this speculation remains pending as there are no any proof of him having done such thing that makes the story only to a fairytale foretold being heard around the Erion at the time, although their creation has been over centuries even before Onyx's existence, their creation was probably done by onyx's ancestors who passed away before the main storyline events and before his inheritance to become the king of their kingdom.

These vulcan swordswomen were first created by the time that vulcan learned how to use magics, by selecting women into servant test to see anyone who is the greatest qualified to earn the job that will become the future servants of the vulcan king, most vulcan servants are female due to the fact that the vulcan monarchy favored them because the vulcan monarchy only elects male heirs and known for their love of women as they believe that their gender selection can improve the morale of their king which makes the king himself stronger and more eager to take responsibilities of being a leader and maintaining their people and their kingdom with the king's leadership.

Fate Status[]

Most of their kinds had been killed during the ocean engulf of the Fire Kingdom which forced them and their king to move western inland which are the burning ruins of the Ringford Kingdom that was previously destroyed recently by darkova formed Ingway while being under spell control of revenant formed Beldor, very few of them survive from their kingdom homeland destruction and the few remaining of their kind was last seen in the burning forest ruins of Ringford, however, after Mercedes battle with King Onyx, they became unseen after this incident, her battle with King Onyx gameplay did not show any Fire Vulcan Childs assisting King Onyx against Mercedes so it is unlikely they have died from Mercedes hands, it is assumed that after mercedes and King Onyx's death of their battle, they flee on their own but only around the area of burning forests of Ringford.

The Fire Vulcan Childs likely did not flee beyond this area as they have no any other source of fire other than this location since their kingdom homeland was engulfed with sea, it is generally agreed that the last remaining of them had simply died when the island of the ringford was also engulfed by the sea just like their kingdom homeland, extinguishing all of its fire and stopping generating any life supplements for the Fire Vulcan Childs which became the main cause of death or they may had drowned during the island of Ringford's sinking as they remained in this area, which later re-emerged after the world's rebirth where the plants and trees of the world have regrown back.

