Frogs, also known as Frogger, are poisonous toad reptiles that inhabits and swarms the elrit forest especially in it's swamp area where these wild animals often lurks and where these creatures are mostly frequently densely populated and where it is often to stay.
Mob Profile Overview[]
Frogs are toad replies that are mostly found in the elrit forest, which is their native habitat, these animals often lurks mostly around the swamp area of the forest where these creatures are most frequent and it has poisonous saliva that can inflict poison status effect to anyone it attacks using it's tongue, these creatures are the least threat and strongest hostile wild animals that can be encountered in the elrit forest and it is one of the weakest creatures in erion.
Frogs are mostly found in elrit forests especially in it's swamp area where these poisonous amphibian creatures are more common than in any other parts of this location, frogs can also be sometimes found in the streets of titania where it can be fought as one of the enemies in this area and it's sewer maze where these poisonous amphibians tend to be more common but less common in comparison to the elrit forest.
Appearance Traits[]
Frogs resemble much exactly of a real life frog with no any difference at all, except in their size which they appear to be much bigger than the actual real life frog.
Mob Battle Characteristics[]
Frogs use their tongues for their attacking by charging towards it's targeted perceive enemy most likely the player, their tongues have poisonous saliva that can inflict poison buff effect that can last overtime in it's attacked victim and it's damage can be serious if it's level is raising when these creatures keep inflicting more and more tongue attacks that can increase the level of the poison.
these wild animals have no weapons and it cannot attack using any of it's limbs but it can charge diving against it's attacked victim that can cause little damage and causing little knock back and their tongue attacks inflict low damage only their poison buff effect infliction is their strongest attack which can stay overtime that can be removed by using Antidote or be prevented by wearing Detox Charm, a necklace that make it's wearer to be immune from poison effect.
Due to their leap charging and tongue weak attack, these creatures do not pose any much threat to it's attacked victim except for it's poisonous effect inflicting ability, these wild animals are one of the weakest creatures that can be encountered and be fought in erion.
Background Story[]
Their oldest fossil that has ever been found dates back from atleast 250 million years ago, archeological findings based on their oldest fossil that has ever been discovered in elrit forest shows that they had been inhabiting this location for about 80 million years ago, these toads are considered one of the first living creatures that inhabited erion long before any other life forms came to existence to inhabit the same continent where these frogs live.
There are no any remarkable things ever took place that correlates to any of the characters in the story before the main storyline event started.
Fate Status[]
All frogs we're driven to extinction during the now undead darkova king gallon's rampage of elrit forest along with his undead forces after he successfully destroyed the ragnanival kingdom in the process, him and his forces walked through the elrit forest, destroying all of it's trees and his minions and him consumed all of it's life including the frogs.