Odin Sphere Wiki

Goblins are a criminal race in Erion who constantly engage in acts of violence and thievery. They are actually Pookas who have become evil over time. They served King Valentine for a time following his return to the world.

A number of them became merchants, selling their wares to whoever would buy them, though it's likely their wares were not obtained legitimately.

Mob Profile Overview[]

Goblins former pookas who became in this creature for becoming evil, when a pooka's heart turned into darkness, they became evil and their evilness transforms them into becoming goblin, they we're not seen becoming goblins at the time of the main storyline events, it is suggested that they have already became goblins way before the main storyline started, as none of the story's cutscenes shows them transitioning into goblins, they engage in numerous criminal activities such as thievery and hostage taking.

During the main storyline event, they served valentine king upon his return in the erion after his death by stealing the coins from the pooka village to toss it into the lava firepit of the volkenon lava pits for disposal on orders by king valentine to prevent the remaining pookas to make a wish for themselves to become humans again.

Their activities other than engaging in criminal acts, they also worked as merchant selling any items they obtained from loot through stealing in which they are willing to sell these items they stole to anyone who are willing to buy from them, main playable characters of the main storyline actually bought some few items from them when they came across in one of them posing as merchants during their mission trips.

Their fate is unknown during the armageddon, it is generally assumed that all of them have died during this ongoing event at the time.


Goblins are found in four of the eight locations in erion and these places are elrit forest and kingdom of titania where they can be fought as one of the enemies and they can also be encountered there as wandering vendors, the other of the two locations of their presence we're the winterhorn ridge mountains and the volkenon lava pits, but compared to the elrit forest and titania where you can initially encounter them as one of the enemies you will be fighting of, you can encounter them in these other two locations as wandering vendors only and you cannot encounter them as one of the fightable enemies in these two locations.

The another places of their presence is the ruins of the valentine kingdom and the secret pooka village located in it's land beneath but these can only be seen in the cutscenes of cornelius and velvet stories of their perspective books which cannot be seen during the gameplay and also cannot be fought by the player that controls their characters.

Appearance Traits[]

Although they are goblins, they seemed to bear an appearance of a human in cloaking clothes with handkerchief masks on their faces, even their fingers also resembled that of a human hand but it instead have four fingers instead of five, they wear green colored head mask cloaks with a long tail in it's top and they wear a black colored coat with yellow stars imprinted in it, they wear orange gloves and orange flat pointed shaped shoes as one of their clothing gear equipment, they are armed with small knife, holding it using their left hand which they use in attacking and threatening.

Mob Battle Characteristics[]

Goblins are one of the least strongest and threat enemy mobs that can be fought in the game as they possess no any other abilities other than slashing their small knife for attacking, they are one of the weakest mobs in erion.

Background Story[]

Goblins are originally valentine human citizens of the destroyed valentine kingdom who became pookas after it's destruction, most of them fled underground to their secret pooka village where all pookas live in to hide themselves from other living beings due to the shame they might gain in their selves if seen by other living creatures while being pookas, the secret pooka village became the haven of pookas along with other valentine citizens such as velvet and ingway then cornelius who is not a valentinian that became pooka also lived in this place temporarily as well, these pookas who became evil and transformed into goblins we're forced to leave the pooka village by other pookas and they scattered anywhere else around the erion, they live in multiple locations that they use as their hideouts away from the pookas to prevent them from taking things back that goblins stole from them.

Fate Status[]

All of the goblins had been technically killed during the armageddon event of the main storyline, at the time of their annihilation, the goblins lived in multiple locations across erion and each of them had died in their respective areas during the ongoing destruction process of the world.


There are is a goblin that wears a red cap that shares the same ability and strength as their fellow green colored cap goblins, there are no any other difference other than the color the cap.


Odin Sphere Races
Major Races
Lesser Races