Odin Sphere Wiki

Graveryl is a type of weapon in Odin Sphere.

Weapon Summary[]

Graveryl is a red colored psypher tipped double whip blade chain that velvet uses as her main psypher weapon, it was first used by ingway during the early events of the main storyline plot, he took it from velvet without a permission in an intending to impersonate his younger twin sister to deceive his younger twin sister's lover cornelius to prevent him and her younger twin sister from bonding together to become a love couple, graveryl is one of the four hero psypher weapons that we're sacrificed in the cauldron to convert it into phozons to power it and use it's phozon content to save and restore the dying world. Despite how short it looks the chain is capable of not only extending to an unlimited amount of range but also of multiplying itself as many special attacks in Leifthrasir show, also it now has the ability to use fire elemental magic in Leifthrasir.

Gallery Artworks[]
