Odin Sphere Wiki

Hindel the Wise Dragon is a supporting character in the main storyline of Erion Saga book series, hindel was an all-knowing Dragon who foretold the the end of Erion. As it could see the future, compelling many to climb Winterhorn Ridge in order to question the dragon itself. However, many of the dragon's prophecies were misunderstood, causing the dragon to stop gazing into the future. Hindel, the dragon that was seemed to be against violence is the only dragon in the game who does not serve as a boss.

Profile Overview[]

Hindel is one of the three dragons (along with Belial and Wagner) that live atop the Winterhorn Ridge Mountain. He is considered to be the most sacred and "religious" dragons in the main storyline, compared to other dragons, Hindel does not pose any threat to any of main playable characters and never attacks any of them or any other living beings, Hindel is the only dragon that is not fought as one of the enemy bosses in the game, and serves no any other purpose other than making predictions for the future. Hindel cannot be seen during the gameplay, but exclusively during the cutscenes of Velvet and Oswald.

Princess Velvet sought him in order to learn how she may prevent the curse and death her mother, Princess Ariel, predicted for her children from coming true. Hindel suggests that she may find her answer in the prophecies, but informs her that the future cannot be avoided, but that fate could be redirected. He himself has foreseen that he will soon be killed by a Black Knight from the Fairy Kingdom, and there is nothing he can do to avoid it. Velvet is horrified, but Hindel asks her kindly to not interfere with his rest. Soon after Velvet leaves, Oswald arrives to slay the dragon as ordered by his foster-father Melvin, in order to prove the Belderiver's power to Queen Elfaria. During the ensuing battle, Hindel apparently held back, likely knowing Oswald's role in the future. Before dying, he tells Oswald the identity of his true father and to "seek the bird".

Hindel's death was one of the major factors leading to Wagner's enragement towards psypher-weilders. Wagner feels deep, painful sadness at the loss of his friend, and later tries -unsuccessfully- to avenge him.

Appearance Trait[]

Hindel is a yellow colored dragon in its overall body, the dragon possess a pair of white eyes and a black colored skin on beneath of its body and sharp claws on its arm wings and leg limbs, Hindel's overall body seems to have an appearance of a fish like skin, the dragon also features a two large tall horns with blending stripe colors of black and purple.

Personality Classification[]

Hindel, similarly to Belial, was a very kind and empathetic being, early in his life he would gladly give out hints to people's futures but they would constantly misinterpret them causing him to stop telling them. His kindness was such that he didn't fight at his best when Oswald fought him, Oswald stating there were multiple times during the fight that he was open.

Background Story[]

Like Belial and Wagner, Hindel has been living for the last several decades as its fellow other dragons, but the dragon's birth to existence and its living past story before the main storyline events is largely unknown.

Plotline Summary Perspective[]

Decoy Appraisal[]

As Velvet leaves from the Winterhorn Ridge Mountain after getting some advice from the dragon, Oswald soon came for the dragon in order to kill just to test his psypher weapon strength power damage on orders of his adoptive father but before Oswald kills the dragon, it gives him some advices and reminded who was his actual father rather than following his own so called adoptive father who raised him from his infancy stage that Oswald did not even bothered to care as he told the dragon that his real father was a neglecting parent who left him as an infant to die in the wilderness as oswald says to the dragon that he mistakenly believes about his real father whom was named Edgar revealed by dragon Hindel to him before Oswald kills the dragon for weapon testing reasons.


Princess Velvet of the Valentine Kingdom[]

The dragon sees Velvet as one of its actual listeners to the dragon's predicted foretolds that will happened in the future, the dragon itself even reminded Velvet to be careful to what she and her older twin brother pursue for, because during one of the things in the career they head of, could become their ultimate demise fate once for all along with her older twin brother.

Oswald the Shadow Knight[]

Hindel does bear any grudge or any terrifying feeling towards him despite oswald have intentions of killing the dragon for the test of his weapon's strength power on order of his adoptive father, Hindel would still show concerns for him and even remind him of what he actually was and the truth who was his actual father by revealing that his so called father who was his adoptive parent was not really his real father but a man that goes by the name of Edgar, but Oswald seems not to care with the dragon's advice words and did not bother who was Edgar as he believes that it's just a name of a man who abandoned him as a baby to die alone in the wilderness, Hindel's relationship with oswald is compassionate but it is an unrequited one compared to Oswald's side because his relationship with dragon Hindel does not exist at all.

Odin Sphere Characters
Main Playable Characters
Supporting Characters
BelialBromGriseldaHindelIngwayKing EdmundMaster KroisMatthewMyrisOdinQueen ElfariaWagner
Supporting Antagonists
BeldorMelvinQueen OdetteUrzurBriganSkuldi
Primary Antagonists
King GallonKing OnyxKing ValentineLeventhan
Minor Characters
AliceEdgarMelelunchMelieneMerilMauryPrincess ArielSocrates