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King Edmund of Titania is a supporting character in the main storyline of Erion Saga book series, he was the current ruler of the Kingdom of Titania at the time during the occurring events of the main storyline, known as the feeble elderly ruler of the continent, he is the weakest king in Erion, he was the father of Cornelius, an uncle of Oswald and a younger brother of Edgar, he succeeded his father Gallon, right after killing him for his rampage in their kingdom homeland for seven days while being on a Darkova transformation, King Edmund was killed at the near end of the game story when his deceased former king father Gallon returns in their kingdom homeland in form of undead Darkova while commanding an entire Netherworld undead army to destroy the place like he did in other places they previously stepped in, from Netherworld and then devouring the last person alive in their kingdom homeland which was his son edmund to be feased upon by maggots in his stomach.

Profile Overview[]

Son of King Gallon and father of Prince Cornelius, Edmund is the ruler of the human Kingdom of Titania throughout the Odin Sphere timeline. Under his rule, Titania has retained a neutral status with the other kingdoms of Ragnanival, Ringford, and Volkenon, keeping to its own affairs even during the raging Cauldron War between Ragnanival and Ringford.

He is the least strongest of all any rulers in erion, particularly concentrated on the poor status of his kingdom due to high taxes that his family imposes that leave most of their people in poverty with no enough money being left on themselves in order to sustain enough life living to be out of poverty and also as on his age as well.

King edmund is a former swordsman warrior during his younger times, he was a fighting hero and a savior to his people against all odds and enemies of their kingdom, when his father became insane and rampaged in their kingdom for a week, he took his sword to battle his own father while being in a darkova transformation state in order to stop him from destroying their kingdom that only resulted in killing his own father unintentionally.

He is a traumatized individual because of the horrifying event he had experienced because at the time his father became enraged and insane to rampage their kingdom for over a week, this bad experience that king edmund had from his father made him fearful from the power darkova causing him to hide this power of transformation from anyone in their kingdom including his own son to prevent the same tragic event if one of his family members or anyone in their kingdom became enraged and insane just like his father, king edmund had tried burying his memories of his father by attempting to forget him and the horrifying event he experienced but this bloodshed memory still retains in his mind that remains him still to be fearful and scared at all times.

Appearance Traits[]

Edmund is depicted as an elderly king, bent over with age and dressed in a green robe, red cape lined with fur, and wearing the regal crown of Titania. He carries with him a small scepter, although its purpose is unknown.

Personality Classification[]

King Edmund's personality is that of a man who tries his best but his age and past haunts him. However he is a feeble man as he is unable to fight back against the Three Wisemen's manipulation of him. He is however concerned with the future of Titania as he asks Cornelius to marry a noblewoman so he can be his successor. That being said while he wasn't pleased with Cornelius' decision to love another woman, who he believed at first to be a commoner, he didn't go into a frenzy as his father had for Cornelius' decision. He is however haunted by his past, as shown when he saw the blade he used to slay his father he became panicked and called for the guards ignoring Cornelius' pleas. However he is well aware of his pathetic ruling and the fact that the Wisemen's proxy rule has made him highly disliked as such when Cornelius slew Belial he was more than willing to pass the crown to him even in his transformed state.

Background Story[]

He was a skilled swordsman in his younger days and possessed strength equal to that of the other heroes of Erion, and since he once wielded the Psypher Sword of the Titanian Royal Family, possibly used magic as well. It was he who defeated King Gallon in his Darkova form, smashing the teeth in all three of his mouths, as Gallon recalled. Although little is said about the actual fight between Edmund and his father, it is hinted that the battle was long, bloody, and drawn out and caused Edmund to lose the Psypher Sword.

Edmund himself was emotionally scarred by the battle, becoming fearful at the very mention of his father's name, and quivering in fear when he noticed the Psypher Sword in Cornelius's possession. When speaking to Urzur in the streets of the Titanian capital, he was clearly disturbed by the memories of his father, remembering the blood that covered him after that tragic battle.

Although little is said about the actual fight between Edmund and his father, it is hinted that the battle was long, bloody, and drawn out and caused Edmund to lose the Psypher Sword. Edmund himself was emotionally scarred by the battle, becoming fearful at the very mention of his father's name, and quivering in fear when he noticed the Psypher Sword in Cornelius's possession. When speaking to Urzur in the streets of the Titanian capital, he was clearly disturbed by the memories of his father, remembering the blood that covered him after that tragic battle.

Plotline Summary Perspective[]

Disoriented Royalty[]

Edmund plays a minor role throughout the series. His once prosperous nation has come under heavy taxation, and the people live in poverty while renegade sorcerers and goblins populate the slums and back alleys. It appears as though Urzur himself is able to wield as much power as the king, demonstrated by how much he commands the royal guards.


Disintegrating Nation[]

During Armageddon King Gallon leads the denizens of the Netherworld across Erion and lays waste to Ragnanival and then to Titania. Edmund himself leads Titania's remaining forces in an attempt to defend the crumbling city, but they are crushed under the masses of undead and ghouls. He encounters his father, who has become an undead Darkova, and attempts to halt his destruction of the people he once served. But Gallon, devoid of sympathy or compassion, kills Edmund by consuming him for the maggots in his stomach to feast upon.


King Gallon[]

What little is known is mostly through the notes and books found in the game. Of the two sons he was the least favored, when Edgar had been a prince Edgar was the one favored for the throne over Edmund. But when Edgar married a commoner and renounced his bloodline it drove Gallon mad with Paranoia. Sometime later he would use the Spell of Darkova to repel invaders but would go into a rampage. Edmund would take the sword his brother favored and would use it to slay his own father. The experience left Edmund with heavy emotional scars so much so that even seeing the sword would cause him to panic with fear. When Gallon invaded with his undead army he would be deaf to his sons desperate pleas and would devour him with no remorse.

Prince Cornelius of Titania[]

Edmund adopts some of his father's behavior as he wished for Cornelius to marry royalty, however unlike his father when Edmund rebuked this he would not be mad but instead expressed his disappointment and displeasure even voicing the story of what he believed to be his brother's demise. However this would change when he officially meets Velvet and seeing her character and desire to find Cornelius would no longer deny Cornelius' desire for happiness. When he first saw Cornelius as a pooka he had no idea that it was him till he told him of the conversation he had with his father in secret regarding Velvet. Though he was afraid of the sword,when Cornelius saved the kingdom Edmund lamented the fact that because of Cornelius being a pooka the people would not accept him as his successor.

Urzur the White Sorcerer[]

Initially it seems that Urzur is little more than an advisor. But as it's revealed later on, Urzur is the true ruler of Titania with Edmund being little more than his puppet. He uses Edmund to incur heavy taxes, and granting sorcerers freedom to do as they pleased in the streets and various other outrageous laws. These laws would make Edmund highly despised over his father however nobody could do anything about it, as speaking out would result in them being fed to Belial who would have no say in the matter. However when Cornelius pierced Belial's heart and broke the spell on it, he would meet his end feasted on by Belial in a fitting end.

Official Artwork and Merchandise[]

Coming soon!


  • There is a possibility that King Edmund is probably inspired or modeled after King Charlemagne, a frankish king who ruled the Kingdom of the Franks as its first leader in the 8th century located in Western Europe that encompasses the present day country of France.
Odin Sphere Characters
Main Playable Characters
Supporting Characters
BelialBromGriseldaHindelIngwayKing EdmundMaster KroisMatthewMyrisOdinQueen ElfariaWagner
Supporting Antagonists
BeldorMelvinQueen OdetteUrzurBriganSkuldi
Primary Antagonists
King GallonKing OnyxKing ValentineLeventhan
Minor Characters
AliceEdgarMelelunchMelieneMerilMauryPrincess ArielSocrates