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Gallon the Former King of Titania is one of the four primary antagonist characters in the main storyline of erion saga book series, he was the previous king of Titania before his second son, Edmund, took the throne following his death. While he plays a minor supporting role for most the story, he eventually serves as the second boss of The Book of Armageddon as he was one of the predicted five monster disasters that will destroy the world according to the prophecy, leading the armies of the Netherworld to help destroy the world, he was killed by his own grand son Oswald from his first and eldest son Edgar during his successful assault on his own hometown Kingdom of Titania.

Profile Overview[]

King Gallon is one of the four primary antagonist characters in Odin Sphere, he was the previous king of Titania before his second son, Edmund, took the throne following his death. While he plays a minor supporting role for most the story, he eventually serves as the second boss of The Book of Armageddon as he was one of the predicted five monster disasters that will destroy the world according to the prophecy, leading the armies of the Netherworld to help destroy the world, he was killed by his own grand son Oswald from his first and eldest son Edgar during his successful assault on his own hometown Kingdom of Titania.

He was the ruler of the Kingdom of Titania before his second son Edmund who had him killed in an attempt to stop his rampage as the Beast of Darkova in their kingdom. This was due to the bitterness he had felt towards his eldest son Edgar who disobeyed his wishes of marrying someone with the same royal background as their family, but instead he married a commoner woman. This act made King Gallon insane at this moment causing him to rampage which damaged the kingdom and injured the people he also sent assassins to kill Edgar and his wife. Edmund took his brother's pyspher sword and fought his father in order to stop his rampaging that only resulted in his unintentional killing which forever scarred Edmund.

King Gallon was considered a wonderful and well-respected king until his eldest son Edgar marriage of a commoner woman in which he considers as an act betrayal unto his own will. This act along with Edgar's accidental injury to Gallon, would cause Gallon to fall into severe paranoia and insanity. He would hire assassin's to find and kill Edgar and his wife believing that Edgar resented him and would kill him for the crown.

He was the king of the Kingdom of Titania during the Titanian expansion to the northeast realm of Erion in which was the Elrit Forest where he had also built a castle intended probably as a new residential home for their royal family or as a main hub defensive fortress that will serve as the heart of their intended new colony settlement to provide an overlook of defense for all any other settlements they will be building that is supposed to be annexed by their kingdom that resulted in failure after they lost a war against the Ragnanival forces when the Aesir declared a war against them for bordering their kingdom with their settling expansion.

Appearance Traits[]

Gallon's human appearance in the game is unseen along with his Darkova beast form and died before the events of the game, Gallon was unseen and imprisoned in the netherworld much of the time of ocurring event in the game's storyline plot progress, Gallon only got freed and came out of the netherworld when the magic power chains that tied on him broke when queen Odette was killed by Gwendolyn and appeared in the game during the storyline plot's Armageddon event. King Gallon's true form is an undead version of Darkova, he has 3 green colored skulls and 2 skeleton paws and have a rotten fleshy bone body moved by what little muscle he has left in his rotting form. The tail of King Gallon's formation is also a skeletal part of his with the same color as his 3 skulls and his 2 paws, his overall appearance is a green colored skeletal 3 headed dog.

Personality Classification[]

Gallon is usually strict and observant in terms of his children, he used to be a wonderful and glorious king of Titania until his eldest son's act that is considered "betrayal" for him that made him went insane his eldest son to marry someone of royalty to take up the throne when he died. But when Edgar decided to marry a commoner woman he went to a maddening spiral of paranoia and suspicion, it also made him resenting and feel betrayed as a result. Gallon became cold, distant, and highly paranoid as a result believing that Edgar resented him when he couldn't be any further from the truth.

King Gallon's personality seems to be a conflicted character. While he was human he cared for both of his sons, but this changed when his elder son Edgar, decided to marry a commoner girl against Gallon's wishes. This caused Gallon to become paranoid and had his son assassinated in secret. While seemingly ruthless the validity of this claim is unknown.

Most of his personality can be deduced upon his own in-game text. It can be seen that he is largely insane and has an uncontrollable thirst for destruction and urge to destroy anything, though it is heavily implied this is the result of the Darkova spell being the source of his destructive impulses rather than his own personality, as he is self-aware enough to know how twisted he is and refused taking part on The Three Wise Men scheme, although he ultimately ended up ravaging the land just as they wanted.

On the non-canonical endings it is seen that he believes love to be an illusion and spares nobody on his rampage, not even his own son, and was (in all endings) capable of ravaging his own land of Titania.

It is also implied that the decades of torture under Odette may have turned him even more twisted and insane than he should be, as he's in a constant state of pain and torment, and is absolutely terrified of anything related to her.

In Leifthrasir it is revealed that when Gallon was gifted a magic sword, the Pyspher Blade Cornelius wields, that Edgar was fond of the sword. Gallon let his son use the blade but was cut by him by mistake, the cut was shallow and minor but it caused Gallon to go into a fit of rage and become distant with Edgar. It is possible this accident is the true reason behind Gallon's desire to kill Edgar.

Background Story[]

King Gallon was the previous king of Titania before his second son Edmund took over the Kingdom of Titania and became it's king afterwards, during his reign he tried to expand the Kingdom of Titania to further northwestern and replace the forest of elrit with Titania's settlements and the first structure he bulit in the forest of elrit as an attempt of colonization and expansion for the Kingdom of Titania is a castle which would be abandoned after his defeat in the battle against the aesir and King Odin which resulted in stalemate then his forces and himself was forced to retreat and abandon the castle they have bulit there and thus it would be later taken over by King Odin and he gave it as a safe haven shelter for his illegitimate twin children with the former deceased valentine princess ariel whom where he had a love affair with, King Odin later offered it as a reward given to the shadow black knight Oswald along with his 4th and youngest daughter Gwendolyn after one of his twin children (Ingway) betrayed him by traveling to the kingdom of ringford and giving the titrel ring to the fairies after ingway had the ring.

Plotline Summary Perspective[]

King Gallon first featured in the storyline as a dark entity voice in the netherworld prison, when velvet traveled to the netherworld to ask him about the prophecy notes regarding of what skuldi is talking about, and the another one is Cornelius who got awakened and found himself in the netherworld in a form of pooka and talked to him for few minutes before giving the sword to Cornelius that king Edmund used to kill him during his 7 days rampage in the Titania while being in a transformation of darkova due to his bittered feelings to his eldest child Edgar that chooses to disobey him and marry a poor commoner village woman in their kingdom, which became the cause of his insanity this was explained by king valentine. As it would be revealed in his False Endings his appearance was due to a curse that Odette casted on him giving him an immortal body to prolong his torture, however this curse would outlive Odette allowing him to take over after her death.


In the events of Armageddon, King Gallon would break free from the chain prisons of the Netherworld. He would be approached by the Halja who are unable to decide their own fate and turn to him as he was the only power in the Netherworld that could command them. He would take this role, but would be told that the way to the living world had been barred by Odette before her demise. It is there he is approached by Beldor's ghoul having been cursed as a Pooka gave him life as an undead specter. Beldor would reveal that the Halja had the power to pass from the world of the dead to the world of the living without needing Odette's path. Gallon would command the Halja to take him to the world of the living to make literal Hell on Earth. Since the Netherworld entrance is closest to Ragnanival it is the first to fall to the undead armies destroying it entirely and even claiming Odin's life.

King Gallon's army would swarm through the land reaching even the Forest of Elrit, Oswald having left ahead to find out what was happening would be spared of this but Gwendolyn who stayed behind would narrowly avoid the army, while Myris and Brom would leave through a portal.

King Gallon soon then reached the Kingdom of Titania and quickly annihilated the kingdom in short order and consumed all of it's inhabitants including his son, King Edmund. Edmund begged his father to stop and spare his people, but King Gallon had lost any humanity he had in the underworld and devoured Edmund. Gallon's rampage would've continued until the Shadow Knight Oswald arrives. Oswald knowing that Odette was dead demanded Gallon as to who he was to command the Underworld's armies. Gallon informs Oswald of who he is and how by nature of his rule Oswald should be under his own rule himself. Gallon aware of the prophecies taunts Oswald of while he is the shade of Odette only someone of Titanian Royalty could kill him unaware of Oswald's father. Despite this Oswald readies for battle.

After a ferocious battle Oswald is able to destroy Gallon's exposed heart his dark power and true lineage being the key to his victory. Gallon is shocked as he realizes that once and for all he was dying. In his last moments he restates how the prophecy said only a Titanian Royal could kill It was then that he asks Oswald who his father was. Oswald admits that he never knew his parents, but recalling Hindel's words, he says his father was Edgar. Gallon is shocked as the final pieces fall into place. He then explains that he expected Edgar to take the throne, it is here Oswald realizes that his father was a Prince of Titania. Gallon recalls bitterly how Edgar defied him and married a commoner. Claiming that he knew Edgar resented him and would come to take his life he had assassins sent to kill him. However Oswald was able to escape, thanks to Edgar's actions, realizing that once again destiny had 'tricked' him Gallon states it was inevitable, his killer would truly be of royal blood. He then fades into nothing while Oswald contemplates Gallon's story realizing that his blood father truly cared for him enough to ensure Oswald live and Melvin, his adoptive father, had been kind enough to take him in despite being human. However the land rumbles stopping his musings Oswald looks over Titania looking at it's inglorious end.


Prince Edgar of Titania[]

While not much is known factually this information is assembled from ingame text and character dialogue. Originally Edgar was the favorite of the two sons. When Ragnanival gifted Titania with the Psypher Blade Edgar asked his father to use it. Gallon did so and Edgar took the blade. However in his flourishing of the blade he accidentally caused an injury on Gallon. The injury was very shallow and minor but Gallon flew into a terrible rage and began to distance himself from his son. Despite this however he seemed to have Edgar succeed him for the throne, as he attempted to arrange marriage for Edgar. But Edgar renounced his royalty and married a commoner. This along with the accident seemed to throw Gallon into a maddening spiral of paranoia Gallon strongly believed that Edgar would come to kill him out of spite. He was so sure of this that he convinced himself he 'knew' it would happen and sent assassins to kill Edgar and his wife in secret. However he would never realize that Edgar's son Oswald would escape and become the very doom he feared for all his life.

King Edmund of Titania[]

Edmund was Gallon's second son and the least favored of the two. When Gallon turned into Darkova and went on a wild rampage Edmund would take the sword his brother favored and slew Gallon. Ending the nightmare and taking the throne it was an action that would haunt Edmund forever as the mere sight of the sword would cause him to panic and look away with fright. When Gallon broke free and laid waste to Titania Edmund would plead with his corpse of a father to stop his attack but Gallon would not only ignore his pleas but would talk of how he believed love itself to be a mere illusion. He would then devour his own son who was powerless to stop his monstrous father, he would be avenged by his nephew Oswald.

Prince Cornelius of Titania[]

Cornelius would meet Gallon after being turned into a Pooka and sent to the Netherworld though he would never see his grandfather Gallon would give Cornelius the very sword that ended his life and ask him to stop the prophecy from happening. All he wished was to not harm anyone, at the time, and begged Cornelius to stop anyone from bringing Armageddon. In the false ending they would meet and Gallon would express sadness that Cornelius wouldn't fulfill his promise. At the end of the fight Gallon is unable to die as Cornelius didn't have Odette's power which was the only thing that could break the curse she placed on him. Gallon would shortly eat Cornelius afterward thus ending Titania's people forever.

Oswald the Shadow Knight[]

Gallon's relation with Oswald is simplistic at best, neither knowing the truth of their relation till after Oswald defeated him. Gallon would hate Oswald for bearing Odette's power as it would be the only thing that could end his life. But he was rather smug and confident that Oswald wouldn't be able to kill him as there was a line hidden from the Prophecy's public record. Only a person born from Titanian Royalty and bearing Odette's power could truly kill him. Because of this he believed himself to be protected and even told Oswald that he should serve him as since he was a 'common' warrior it would be impossible to defeat him. But it wasn't until Oswald destroyed his skulls and heart that he realized that something was wrong. He would ask Oswald who his father was to which Oswald would admit he never knew his parents but recalling Hindel's words he would tell Gallon his father's name: Edgar. The pieces would fall in place for Gallon and he would realize his error and that destiny had 'tricked' him once again he would fade into nothingness dying at the hands of his Grandson, Oswald the last Shadow Knight and the True King of Titania.

As a boss[]

King Gallon is only fought in the Armageddon as one of the five bosses and this is the only part where he appears in the game, he is one of the most difficult bosses in Odin Sphere. His three heads are all targets, each have their own life gauges, and only by destroying them can his true weak spot, his heart be revealed. Unfortunately exposing his heart also begins his heads' rapid regeneration process, forcing the player to destroy them several times before finally winning through. Depleting the life gauge tied into Gallon's heart ends the battle. Gallon will also occasionally expose his heart to regenerate his heads at any time after losing at least one.

Gallon's attacks include a Tongue-spearing attack as well as one where he shakes off various bones from his body, dealing some light damage. His most dangerous attack however is one in which he sends his three heads underground and attempts to attack the player with them. Not only is he very difficult to harm during this point, it's also one of the most damaging attacks in the game.

Naturally, this attack changes depending on the number of heads he has at the time. While he has all three, he arches his neck and neck bones in loops across the battlefield. Attempting to cross them while they are moving is dangerous and results in damage to the player. Mercedes can easily fly over Gallon's neck itself, as can Gwendolyn or Velvet using their own powers, and Oswald can jump far enough over them. It's impossible to get around the neck bones however, as they cover the full vertical length of the screen. It's safest to remain near Gallon's body during this, because his heads will never pop up near it. The only thing the player has to worry about is occasional attacks from Halja. This is the only part of the fight they interfere with.

With two heads, the Halja and Neck Bones are removed from the attack, but Gallon becomes more aggressive with attempting to strike the player with his head. His neck itself remains on the field, restricting the player's movement somewhat. With only one head Gallon is left entirely with emerging to strike the player with his head, allowing the Player to easily keep moving to evade the attack. Gallon's head will remain open for a few seconds after attempting to strike the player, allowing them to damage that head somewhat.

In Leifthrasir his boss fight would become more difficult as instead of hovering when attacking his heart players instead would be drawn straight down into the ground as if he has a stronger gravity near his body. This would result in the usage of skills in order to better damage him instead of just attacking with normal attacks. This does not affect Mercedes as she can just hover and attack with impunity.


  • King Gallon's physical form is an undead version of darkova beast and this monster is based from a greek mythological creature called cerberus
Odin Sphere Characters
Main Playable Characters
Supporting Characters
BelialBromGriseldaHindelIngwayKing EdmundMaster KroisMatthewMyrisOdinQueen ElfariaWagner
Supporting Antagonists
BeldorMelvinQueen OdetteUrzurBriganSkuldi
Primary Antagonists
King GallonKing OnyxKing ValentineLeventhan
Minor Characters
AliceEdgarMelelunchMelieneMerilMauryPrincess ArielSocrates