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King Valentine the Great is one of the four primary antagonist characters in the main storyline of erion saga book series, he was the former King of the destroyed Valentine Kingdom and Ariel's father, he was the maternal grandfather of the Valentine twins, his goal is to ultimately cause the End of the World out of a madness caused by his daughter's apparent betrayal, he was in a revenant form during the main storyline event on going occurrence at that time.

Profile Overview[]

King Valentine is a mad and insane undead revenant being who used to be the King of the former destroyed Valentine Kingdom, he was an all kind King before he found out that his daughter was impregnated by the King of a nation which they perceived as an enemy, this event made King Valentine go insane and get anger issues as his "beautiful" hopes and ambitions for his daughter was ruined and all came to an end due to her pregnancy with the King of an enemy country, since his insanity and escape from the netherworld, he had ambitions of destroying the entire world so that his suffering of humiliation could come to an end forever.

King Valentine was the King of the Valentine Kingdom until his death and its destruction, its main cause is his second use of the Cauldron that was sabotaged by their prince ingway who wanted to stop his evil actions around the Erion by attempting to disable it that caused for the Cauldron to explode uncontrollably that unintentionally killed him and destroyed their Kingdom in the process that was done by the explosion coming from the cauldron machine.

He was an all kind King and his people lived in happiness and great prosperity during his rule of their Kingdom, their Kingdom homeland was the most powerful of all nations in erion at the time before it's total destruction, this remained intact until one day he found out that his daughter ariel has been impregnated by a King from a nation that is perceived as one of their enemies, this made King Valentine insane enough to have ambitions of conquering the entire erion using his mighty magic powers in order to vent his anger over his daughter getting impregnated by a King of an "enemy" nation, as he describes.

King Valentine was the most powerful ruler in Erion at the time when he was still alive and still ruling as the King of the Valentine Kingdom, his death and the destruction of their Kingdom made the ragnanival Kingdom as the most powerful nation after the Valentine Kingdom that lost its position as the most powerful nation due to its sudden destruction from its Cauldron machine that was sabotaged by their own prince.

He was a madly insane and evil skeleton looking revenant during at the time of the main storyline, starting even from his return to Erion after his death from a sudden explosion of Cauldron, however at this time, he totally had no feelings and wanted nothing in the erion other than destroying it by using some of the people he used to rule in their Kingdom during the time when he was still alive.

Appearance Traits[]

King Valentine has an appearance of a decaying yellow-ish gray skeleton with a deformed front skull and it wears blue cloak and the King crown of the Valentine Kingdom that may have been with it after King Valentine died during the disaster of their Kingdom homeland as he has been seen wearing it through from the netherworld until he escaped to the world of living, in other words, he has an appearance of a netherworld variant of revenant.

In his human appearance, he appears as an elderly tall man with a cubic shaped head, he bears a thick long white colored mustache in his face, he wears a yellow colored robe with inner purple colored garment outfit clothing that has a wide belt like clothing line strap where he sticks his dagger sword weapon, his clothing outfit resembles of a pope priest from the medieval period.

He can also be seen wearing a spiky large golden crown which was actually seen during the main storyline that he still wore as a revenant however, it could be a different crown from the one he wore during the main storyline events as it had a different shape and look compared to the crown that he wears in his spirit image that Velvet and cornelius summoned to grant a wish of becoming humans again that shows in the cave at the early 19th century more than a thousand year after the main storyline events, it is likely that King Valentine wore a different crown when he was still a living human compared to the crown he wore as a revenant.


King Valentine's original appearance when he was still living before he died and became a revenant.

Personality Classification[]

Valentine was once a kind and wise man, but between the loss of his virtuous spirit within Valentine's coins and the perceived betrayal of his daughter he eventually slipped into insanity. By the time of his return to Erion as an undead skeleton, the late King wanted only to destroy the world. At this point Valentine is little more than a deranged shadow of his former self, lashing out in violence almost at random and descending into depression just as often.

Background Story[]

King Valentine was an all kind man who ruled the Kingdom of Valentine through years of greatness and its people rejoice in happiness until King Valentine went insane when he found out that his daughter was pregnant with the King of an enemy nation, King Valentine killed his own daughter Princess Ariel and went on conquering various places in Erion and his rule ultimately changed into being totalitarian Kingdom, as he enforced their people to fight for the war in instance of conquering other nation and when King Gallon and his forces attacked back at the Valentine Kingdom for invading their nation King Valentine uses the cauldron to repel their invasion and forcing the titanian army to retreat from attacking the Valentine Kingdom, King Valentine then attempted to use the cauldron to annihilate races that were considered an enemy to the Kingdom, however before he could done so, his grandson Ingway sabotaged the cauldron and his plans backfired killing him in the process.

Plotline Summary Perspective[]

Prominence Collapse[]

Prior to his death, King Valentine was the kind and gentle ruler of Valentine and was loved by all his subjects, especially his daughter, Princess Ariel. It is said that Valentine came to Erion from a distant land (possibly another world) in a flying ship and that he brought with him great magic. Using this power, the King created the Crystallization Cauldron, a weapon capable of consuming phozons (the souls of the world) and converting them into either weapons or energy, controlling the Cauldron through the ring of Titrel. His power became a threat to Titania, and the two nations went to war. In a desperate move to save his nearly-defeated country, King Gallon of Titania used the spell of Darkova to transform himself into a demon beast. Valentine was forced to withdraw as Titania engaged in what was known as "Erion's greatest epic". With Titania defeated, Valentine became the most powerful nation in Erion.

The Cauldron's ability to create psyphers eventually began to interest Ragnanival, who engaged Valentine in yet another war. During the ongoing struggle, King Valentine discovered that his daughter Ariel had born two children with Demon Lord Odin, the enemy King. Unable to handle the fact that his treasured daughter could love the enemy, Valentine became overwhelmed with hatred and madness and in his blind fury, strangled his daughter to death. As she died, the princess -instead of cursing his name- forgave him, and spoke only of how she loved her father and would never hate him. Later, after he had returned to Erion, King Valentine wretchedly questioned why she refused to hate him and seemed wracked with torment over how he could kill her. Since she declared her love for him instead of her hatred, the King was robbed of any justifiable reason to hate her, which caused him even more anguish.

Valentine's murderous madness did not end with Ariel. Her children, Velvet and Ingway, were also threatened with death unless they swore that they hated their mother. For years, the twins believed that their mother had cursed them for hating her, but it is discovered that Ariel was in fact happy that they chose life over death. Odin was not as forgiving as his lover, and continued to fight Valentine to avenge his beloved's death. The war ended catastrophically when Ingway, desperate to prevent his father from invading, activated the Cauldron. Valentine was destroyed in a great explosion of magical power, afflicting all its citizens (except Velvet and Ingway) with the Pooka Curse. After the war's abrupt end, Ingway gave the Titrel Ring to Queen Elfaria of Ringford and left the fairies to fight Ragnanival for control the Cauldron. Meanwhile, the disgraced King of Valentine was left to share the curse of all dead Pooka and maintained the physical form of a candle-bearing skeleton in the Netherworld in order to endure an eternity of suffering.

Presence Reappearance[]

While suffering his eternal punishment in the Netherworld, Valentine encountered the newly-cursed Prince Cornelius. Recognizing the opportunity to escape the Netherworld, he offered to show Cornelius the way to Queen Odette in return for being allowed to escape with the suspicious prince to the land of the living. Cornelius, ignorant of the skeleton's true identity, eventually agreed. As soon as he stepped foot out of Endelphia, Valentine headed straight for the Crystalllization Cauldron in the hopes of destroying all of Erion. Unfortunately for him, Velvet had stolen the ring of Titrel and used it to deactivate the Cauldron so not even the King could use it. Before he could punish his granddaughter and take the ring back by force, Cornelius came to her aid and fought him off. Valentine had no other choice but to leave the Cauldron and scheme up another means of world destruction.

Valentine then encountered his granddaughter and the Demon Lord in Elrit Forest. Preying on Velvet's dislike for Odin, Valentine convinced her to attack her father, eventually bringing him down to his knees. Seeing that Velvet would not finish him off, Valentine moved to deliver the ending blow. It probably would have worked had Odin not been pretending to be gravely hurt (although he admitted psyphers deal serious damage no matter what) in order to lure the mad King closer. Seizing Valentine in one of his massive hands, Odin prepared to crush his bones to dust-- but not before asKing the once-noble King how could he have killed the daughter he is said to have loved so much. Valentine wailed that if Ariel loved the Demon Lord, she could not have truly loved him. Odin then releases him while also giving him a scroll that explained Ariel's feelings for her father despite what he had done to her. Realizing that she had truly loved him he began spiraling into agonizing misery as he needlessly killed his beloved daughter, Valentine begs Odin to destroy him so that he may find peace in death. Disgusted, Odin spares his wretched life so that he may instead wallow in despair for eternity, telling the cursed King that his words ring hollow.

Disaster Formulation[]

Stirring up more trouble, Valentine ordered the Goblins to steal all the Valentinian coins from the Pooka and melt them down in the Volkenon Lava Pits. Cornelius pursued the Goblins and encountered Valentine once again. The skeletal King explained that he had previously enchanted each and every coin with some of his power so that his people may be happy, and that by destroying them he could regain that power. His plan foiled, the King revealed a dragon egg he had stolen. He claimed it held Leventhan, the last dragon referred to in the prophecies. He placed his own crown -imbued with all his remaining power- on the vicious fledgling dragon, ordering it to get rid of the Pooka Prince once and for all. Luckily, Cornelius managed to defeat the baby lizard.

Valentine took the injured Leventhan to the altar of the Origin of Fire (which the dragon then consumed) to heal and grow stronger while Inferno King Onyx slept in the lava, recovering from the wounds he obtained from Oswald. At that moment, Fairy Queen Mercedes and the blacksmith Brom arrived hoping to obtain some of the flames for themselves. Mercedes and Leventhan fought intensely, but the dragon was yet again defeated. Leventhan managed to survive, however, and continued to rampage through the Fire Kingdom. Onyx, unable to restrain the dragonlet with his fire and swords, sent Oswald to try his luck in battle. Anyone who is familiar with Oswald at this point will know that he doesn't have luck, and will therefore be unsurprised to find out that Queen Odette had drained his sword's power, leading Oswald to weaken and suffer severe injuries. He probably would have died if Gwendolyn had not arrived in time to fight the dragon off. This marked the last time Leventhan was seen until the Armageddon, which began when King Valentine called forth the young dragon to sleep inside the depths of the Crystallization Cauldron.

With its power returned and its true master in control, the Cauldron was activated and ordered to destroy Erion. Using phozons absorbed from all around the planet, the Cauldron began to accelerate the growth of and empower Leventhan while simultaneously firing magical beams capable of sending entire continents into the sea.

Velvet would soon come and with her chains she would stop the Cauldron without damaging the core. She would fall unconscious and in his rage he would attempt to kill her. But upon looKing at her he couldn't help but see his beloved daughter instead and for a brief moment he became sane enough to spare Velvet. But would soon return to insanity by summoning Leventhan from the Cauldron now having fully grown into it's apocalyptic form the King of Serpents. On it's back his body was already partially destroyed and he was now a madden husk. Bidding the world that had caused him so much torment goodbye, Valentine threw himself into one of the massive energy blasts radiating from Leventhan's mouth.


Princess Ariel of the Valentine Kingdom[]

Their relationship was unique in that he loved Ariel so much not even the rain could touch her without his say. To him she was the most precious thing in the world and he wanted her to love no one but him. His love of her was so strong that when she became pregnant with Odin's children he flew into a terrible, violent and psychotic rage. This rage was such that he would kill her the day she returned, yet despite this she would not say anything against him not even begging the heavens to strike him down. It wouldn't be till he came back to Erion as a an undead spirit that he would read a letter saying she knew she would die and just wishing that he would be at peace, upon realizing his madness had cost him his most precious thing he begs Odin to crush him only to be dismissed by the furious King.

Prince Ingway of the Valentine Kingdom[]

King Valentine considers ingway as a cursed family member to their royal family as he was an offspring of an enemy King from their perceived enemy nation, King Valentine did not think much of him but he sometimes he would think that he should murder him in the same way he did to their mother and he considered ingway nothing worthful to their royal family, as he did not wanted him to exist due to the fact that he was an enemy child and was not born to a Valentine paternal background, their relationship is considered almost non-existant and hostile despite him and King Valentine are families.

Princess Velvet of the Valentine Kingdom[]

King Valentine hates Velvet for being the daughter of Odin but he was willing to offer mercy if she helped him accomplish his mad goals. He is quick to anger when she refuses him and stops the Cauldron with the ring. Despite this when she meets Odin after he put a spell on Gwendolyn he would command her to attack him. She obeys but holds back to not mortally harm Odin. The only saving grace between the two is the fact she looks exactly like her mother which spares her from his full wrath. This became apparent when after disabling the Cauldron he moves to kill her only to see Ariel through her and laments that he cannot cry even though he wishes to. He would spare Velvet if only for her to see the world end by his hand. As revealed in his first reunion with her during his time alive he would force her to dance for him to calm him down. During said reunion he blames her for his suffering in the Netherworld. Ultimately their relationship is highly toxic in that he will only praise her if she goes along with his plans and will not hesitate to punish should she resist.

Prince Cornelius of Titania[]

He and King Valentine first met in the Netherworld when Cornelius was sent in this lifeless domain for some unknown reasons, King Valentine helped him from getting out of the netherworld in exchange of taking him when Cornelius leaves the Netherworld and they met again in the lost of Kingdom of Valentine and Cornelius was shocked to learn that he was Valentine King who seeks to return to the world in order to destroy it, Cornelius expressed his dismay of King Valentine for helping him to leave the netherworld after knowing his real intentions as he comes back to the world of living, their relationship temporarily turned hostile when Cornelius was assisting Velvet and his other fellow pookas that was being lead in Velvet's leadership in taking back the titrel ring from King Valentine's hands but later on after this incident, he was brought in the pooka village later by velvet where he was put to rest for sometime to recover from his tiredness and wounds in his battle with King Valentine and the two them later met again in the fire Kingdom during one of Cornelius adventure trips as he was seek the truth behind his grand father where he will actually learn it from King Valentine who knows pretty much everything about his Kingdom homeland backstory, during this time their relationship was restored to friendly mode again after hostilities during his assistance of his other fellow pookas and Velvet, their relationship is considered to be around average good and not really truly hostile at all, since King Valentine have no ambitions of putting him out of misery or grudging hate against cornelius, therefore King Valentine is not considered villain in Cornelius story book perspective.

Demon Lord Odin[]

Odin and Valentine would hate each other for one reason and one reason alone: Princess Ariel. Valentine would hate him for falling in love with Ariel and Ariel returning said love something he felt was his alone. While Odin would hate Valentine for killing Ariel who he had loved deeply. When the would meet Valentine would order Velvet to attack Odin. After the battle Valentine would approach the weakened Odin to finish him off but Odin would grab him remarking that he had been waiting for this and despite the events he was injured by the Psypher but he had enough strength to crush the King. Valentine would speak of how she was precious to him. Odin would demand how if Valentine had loved her so much how could he do something as horrific as kill her. Valentine whine of how if Ariel truly loved her how could she love Odin and that her love for him was only lies. He would continue saying he had made her suffer yet despite this she did not curse his name nor beg the heavens to strike him down. He would then read her letter of how she just wanted him to be at peace and her own suffering to end. He would then beg Odin to kill him but Odin still angry at Ariel's death would tell him to suffer for eternity.

Brom the Blacksmith[]

He used to be one of King Valentine's subject that he expressed disappointment towards to for being snobbish towards him and not wanting to help his plans and ambitions. He even told Brom that he regretted keeping him alive for not being able to use him in his purpose because Brom refused to help him in anyway and being too stubborn towards him to revive his contact relationship with him like he had with King Valentine before since brom believed that the soul King Valentine is not the same former King Valentine that he used to know back then.

Fairy Princess Mercedes of the Ringford Kingdom[]

She and King Valentine do not really have any established relationship at all and their only encounter was in the Fire Kingdom while she was being with brom as he helps Mercedes in upgrading her weapon to make the newly elected queen fairy princess to be able to compete demon lord odin using her weapon, as brom considers the former King of Valentine to be hostile, mercedes also considers the same thing as Brom is towards to the soul of King Valentine, seeing the former King of Valentine nothing more than just being an enemy just like the others she previously faced, there was an instance that she threatened to shoot King Valentine for attempting to block their way in the Fire Kingdom.

Notable Committed Murders[]

  • Ariel - For bearing a child from the King of their perceived enemy Kingdom nation, that could became a threat to their monarchy and to their people's trust once they grew up after being born if known by their own people.


At the peak of his power, King Valentine was easily the most powerful sorcerer of Erion, even eclipsing Odin himself as proven by his extraordinary feats by creating the Crystallization Cauldron and enchanting the currency of his country with sufficient magic power to grant any one wish, being the only thing potent enough to undo the Pooka Curse that even Odin, knower of thousands of spells could not undo.

This action however, took the majority of his powers away from him, although he still remained strong enough to some extent. Given his inability to leave the Netherworld by himself, it can be assumed he at the very least lacked the power to face Odette.

Nonetheless he has sufficiently strong magic to knock Cornelius out with a blast, cause Velvet pain and even accelerate Leventhan's growth through his magic crown and command the destructive hatchling.


  • Despite King Valentine is hostile to almost all beings in the erion including to his grandchildren twins through his daughter Princess Ariel, however he was not that hostile towards Cornelius and seemed only to have some understanding relationship with one another except at the moment where he was aiding the pookas and his lover Velvet over the Titrel Ring, King Valentine was useful to Cornelius as he knows the truth behind the background of his Kingdom homeland and his paternal grandfather King Gallon.
  • King Valentine situation cause of his sudden change of personality and attitude is similar to Lotso Bear from Toy Story 3, both characters used to be well kind beings before until that one unfortunate event happens in their lifetime which they considered bad to them that embittered their feelings very much turning them into evil beings.
    1. King Valentine was an all well kind King, his Kingdom and his people in it lived in happiness, greatness and prosperity under his reign until he found out that his daughter had an affair with the King of their perceived enemy nation that led to her pregnancy, this moment turned King Valentine evil and insane as his hopes and ambitions for his daughter we're ruined and destroyed by the pregnancy that his daughter got from her affair with the King of their perceived enemy nation, the ragnanival.
    2. Lotso Bear was a gift to a young girl named daisy and lotso was her the most special and first favorite ones in all of the toys she has, lotso bear was an all kind toy as it had a human play lover of itself through from lotso's owner to it's kin toys that belongs to the same owner as lotso does, lotso bear was an all kind toy until one day that it's owner young girl daisy accidentally left lotso along with her other two toys as she fell asleep after a lunch, daisy and her parents thought that the toy was lost forever and has to buy new one, however lotso still had faith that it's owner would come back for them that never happened so instead lotso and other two toys decided to make a hike and make their own way back to their owner's home until lotso found out that it was replaced by another new lotso bear, losing the bear toy's confidence and faith and that the toy will never be loved again as lotso bear knows that daisy had already one to play, embittering the bear toy's feelings turning it to become evil.
Odin Sphere Characters
Main Playable Characters
Supporting Characters
BelialBromGriseldaHindelIngwayKing EdmundMaster KroisMatthewMyrisOdinQueen ElfariaWagner
Supporting Antagonists
BeldorMelvinQueen OdetteUrzurBriganSkuldi
Primary Antagonists
King GallonKing OnyxKing ValentineLeventhan
Minor Characters
AliceEdgarMelelunchMelieneMerilMauryPrincess ArielSocrates