Lilipat Dwarves are former Valentine dwarf citizens that defected to the Ringford Kingdom following the destruction of their kingdom homeland Valentine Kingdom, most of these defectors to the Ringford side had been offered an adoption shelter by Queen Elfaria who had plans of attempting to unite their kind in order to obtain their technology skill techniques, they were the Ringford counterparts of the dwarf humans, while their other kins who defected in the Ragnanival Kingdom became their opposite counterparts known as "Aesir Dwarves".
Mob Profile Overview[]
Lilipat Dwarves were once citizens of the destroyed Valentine Kingdom that defected to the Ringford Kingdom following its destruction, like their fellow dwarves who defected to the Ragnanival Kingdom, they also experienced the same fate situation during their king insane time as he wage war against the neighboring other factions in erion as a result of anger that was done as an act of avenged over his daughter who had been impregnated by the king of a certain kingdom that was one of their perceived enemy nations.
Most of them who defected to the Ringford Kingdom had been reportedly offered a haven of adoption shelter refuge by Queen Elfaria whose trying to unite them in order to gain their trust enough to tell her their technology skill techniques by offering them an act of kindness as a step of her manipulation motives to obtain their secrets.
They can only be found in the Ringford Forest Kingdom exclusively, these dwarves only stay for most of their time in this location as they were employed by the Ringford Army as planning engineers and informant messengers, however the lilipat dwarves does not participate in battles, since they are not combatant units nor venturing out of the Ringford Kingdom to join with their fairy comrades in its expedition that are mostly always about battling the Aesir Forces in the ruins of the Valentine Kingdom in which these lilipat dwarves are formerly found where they have originated before they defected to the ringford kingdom when they were offered a refuge shelter by Queen Elfaria.
Most of the lilipat dwarves entrusted and accepted this offer of hers, as a result, they defected to her side because of this, while their other kins instead defected to the Ragnanival Kingdom that had different purpose compared to the lilipat dwarves, as they were converted by King Odin into one of his fighting units against the fairies, these dwarves who defected to the Ragnanival side are known as Aesir Dwarves that participates in the battle along with their Aesir comrades as bomber throwers, gyrocopter pilots and even as operators of the Dwarven Battleship, a large flying zeppelin hot air balloon vehicle operated by Aesir Dwarves that were probably requested by King Odin to be made to provide a major cover and vehicle plank for his forces that are fighting against the fairies where lilipat dwarves are sided into.
Lilipat dwarves can only be seen in the cutscene stories of Mercedes, Oswald and Velvet perspectively, and non battle visit only maps that is the headquarters of the Ringford Kingdom except for Velvet, one of her cutscene stories shows a lilipat dwarf who is Matthew during her sneak in the Ringford Kingdom to take the Titrel Ring back from the fairies that they previously seized in the ruins of the Valentine Kingdom however, the lilipat dwarf Matthew does not recognize her and only referred to Velvet as "thief" taking their property that belongs to "them" as he claimed after witnessing her taking the ring from their headquarters, whom Velvet does not give attention of, and only continues her escaping from the kingdom of the fairies.
Appearance Traits[]
By terms of their physical body apperance, they relatively share the same as their ragnanival loyalist counterparts with only differences in clothing, as their outfit resembles of a christmas elf clothings that is colored in green, they do not have any much garments or any other form of clothings or armor suits other than their christmas looking clothing outfit.
Mob Battle Characteristics[]
However unlike their aesir variants, lilipat dwarves are non-combatant entities, they do not participate in battle fighting with their comrades in the faction they defected into, these dwarves do not possess fighting or any other abilities other than their skillful planning, most of them are only employed as informant messengers and engineers for the Ringford Army rather than fighting units.
Background Story[]
These lilipat dwarves were once citizens of the Valentine Kingdom who lived in happiness and prosperity like their other fellow valentinians, when their king went insane, most of them got worried with their kingdom's situation as many of them we're forcibly drafted into the Valentine Army in order to fulfill the avenged world conquest by king valentine as a result of his anger over his daughter Ariel becoming pregnant with a child of a king from their perceived enemy nation.
Many of the lilipat dwarves continued to fight in their army until the valentine king's death and the eventual destruction of the Valentine Kingdom that left them homeless and unorganized, these dwarves got into trouble some fight with each other as they are left without a leading figure causing them to fight their fellow kins to try to obtain leadership in one among all of them who is the strongest that can rule their people over, some of them even got into worst conditions such as hunger, in desperate to try to find some resources for their survival, most of them looked outside of their kingdom homeland to try to search some places that are good enough for their stay.
At the outbreak of the Cauldron War, many of them had received recruits and offers from either Ragnanival or Ringford Kingdom, which both of these faction had made a promise of making their lives better if they will choose to join on their sides, many of the dwarves believed these claims that eventually made them to defect in one of these two factions that are both trying to take and use them.
Fate Status[]
All of the lilipat dwarves had disappeared during the destruction catastrophe of the ringford kingdom, it is generally presumed that they have all died during this incident as it occurs within inside the armageddon event, lilipat dwarves appeared very little on cutscenes of the stories and can only be seen in briefing bases of the players when playing as mercedes and oswald, as they do not participate in the battles, they mostly have little value through out the stories and rarely to be seen in story cutscenes, it is unseen when they all got killed during the destruction of the ringford kingdom.
- These lilipat dwarf mobs are the only non-combatant entities that can be found in the main storyline of the game in both of it's cutscenes and gameplay in which that can only be encountered in briefing bases of players and shops across the maps of locations in Erion.