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Matthew the Ringford Confidant Advisor is a supporting character in the main storyline of erion saga book series, he is a former citizen of the valentine kingdom and one of many dwarves who defected to the side of fairies after the destruction of their kingdom homeland and he works for the ringford kingdom as mercedes's advisor and Queen Elfaria's confidant, he is sometimes considered as "family" member by the royal officials of the ringford kingdom.

Profile Overview[]

Matthew serves as an informant advisors to the monarchy officials of the kingdom of ringford, he is one of the lilipat dwarves who fled the destroyed valentine kingdom and defected to the side of fairies in contrast of fighting the ragnanival forces for the domination control of the cauldron leftover of their former destroyed kingdom homeland.

He is one of the lilipat dwarf defectors and these people are a group of dwarves that came from the destroyed valentine kingdom and defected to the side of the fairies after they we're offered a haven shelter by queen elfaria that is likely reserved for motive uses similar to demon lord odin's plans with the dwarf defectors to his kingdom.

Aside from working as one of the top official of the ringford kingdom as a confidant advisory to queen elfaria and duke melvin, he also stands as mercedes step grandfather and treat her as his own granddaughter despite not being related.

Appearance Traits[]

Matthew is a ringford loyal short dwarf who dress up much like of an elf in outfit despite being a human, he wears brown colored clothes and a tall and triangular hat and he also wears yellow colored leggings and a pointy tipped shoes.

Personality Classification[]

Matthew is a caring and loving informant and often treat the monarchy officials of the ringford kingdom as his family especially to mercedes whom who considers him as her grand father despite not being related to her, he gives advice and encouraging words for mercedes during her fight against the uprise revolution of his first degree cousin against her to take the crown away from her leadership, he also encourage her at the final stand fight of the ringford forces against the ragnanival forces.

Background Story[]

Matthew is a former citizen of the destroyed valentine kingdom, he used to serve king valentine before his insanity and his death, he defected to the ringford kingdom shortly after the death of their king and the destruction of their kingdom homeland, he eventually took care of mercedes during her toddler days along with melvin.

Plotline Summary Perspective[]

Thief Interrogation[]

Matthew is first seen at the main story attempting to stop and interrogate velvet who sneak in the ringford kingdom and took back the titrel ring from the hands of the fairies in their inner palace kingdom, he then tells mercedes and describes velvet as the woman thief who snuck into their palace to "steal" the ring from them, mercedes replies to him that she understand and can see that as well, him and mercedes pursue after velvet to take the ring from her hands.

Fleeing Chaos[]

With the death of Queen Elfaria, her daughter mercedes became the next queen after her, however their duke did not like her being the new queen of their kingdom, as she was too "inexperience" to handle the capabilities of a leadership, the fairy duke was planning to start a revolution by forming his own military group to overthrow mercedes and take the crown from her, at this segment, some of his soldiers flee the kingdom temporarily as a short civil war was going on the process in their homeland, they mostly flee to the forest of elrit and came looking after for mercedes who wanted to be loyal with her instead because of their duke's greed hungry for the power and matthew was along with them, matthew never considered on siding the duke despite having having more experience and can handle the capabilities of being a "leader" since matthew and mercedes have a deep relationship with one another, he considers mercedes as his grandchild while mercedes considers him as her "grandfather" and often treat each other like much of a real family despite not being related.

Power Struggle[]

As the chaos and civil war keeps and keeps going, the latter is becoming much larger and more concern for mercedes as she began to panic at this time due to the unfortunate events happening in their kingdom homeland, mercedes decided to make a preparation for the people who wanted to be loyal with her instead, as part of her own military to strengthen her power in maintaining her position, however despite of this she is still trembling the fear of what destruction caused by the civil war can do to their kingdom and leadership, as they all wonders in forest, a frog came to visit them and encourages mercedes that she can lead her people to victory, encouraging mercedes and soften her heart with sweetful words that will help her to win the fight as she intends to surppress a rebellion that is about to happen in their kingdom homeland.

Country Mutiny[]

At this time, the fairy duke soon embarked his forces and prepare their assault against their current ruler to take the crown for her and his most trusted right hand man shadow knight to assist them in the battle, unfortunately their greatest warrior was unable to prepare it's greatest strength as it weakened due to mysterious aura appearing around their kingdom homeland that seems to intimidate the shadow knight as he fight mercedes forces during the uprising, this led to their defeat and the fairy duke was mortally wounded during the fight who later dies as he succumbs to his devastating injuries, a halja appeared in front of their greatest warrior and decided to take the shadow knight with itself, matthew witnesses this event and was horrified but he did not told mercedes regarding this, after the death of their duke and defeat of his forces, their country regains peace once again and this marks the revolution that it has been successfully stopped therefore ending totally.

Bilateral Talks[]

After the successfully stopped revolution, a frog came and told them that he was responsible for hexing the fairy duke's forces into frogs so that they cannot assist their leader during the revolution, but it demands kiss from mercedes, which she refuted and often feel disgusted with it, she insist that it was already off since that she saved him from a cold mountain from freezing to death, the frog tells her that she did that on her own, and still have a promise of a kiss from her, and it detailed later as a reward of saving his life that the three wiseman are from the kingdom of titania where they reside in it's sewers, mercedes wanting to see beldor to address the crimes he committed in the kingdom while assisting the fairy duke, she decided to make an expedition in the kingdom of titania to make talks with it's ruler and asks for the three wisemen, however as they make their way through the palace of the kingdom, their group was suddenly ambushed by the kingdom's axeman guardians, pinning down most of their people although mercedes and matthew himself was able to escape and so as the frog, matthew was forced to return to the ringford kingdom by himself along with the few surviving fairies with him.

Strength Preparation[]

Mercedes rallies her troops in the lost kingdom of valentine to face the aesir military stationed in the site where cauldron is being held, as mercedes delivers her speech for all of their people and wishing them high hopes that they would win the battle, mercedes gracefully thanked their people who believed and supported her as the new queen of their kingdom and addresses their final stand fight against the king of the aesir and it's military, before they all go into fight with aesir, mercedes blesses her entire people with her that they may be blessed gracefully so the chance of their winning increases as they fight against their enemies, at that this matthew is also with mercedes and wishes her luck and her people before going into battle.

Prevailed Force[]

Soon after their forces later goes into battle against the ragnanival forces and was subsequently defeated by themselves and mercedes being able to beat demon lord odin in their one on one fight, when demon lord odin was defeated mercedes pardoned him from execution as his death will only give him another successor that will try to gain the cauldron once again, mercedes tells demon lord odin to leave the ring that controls the cauldron and never set foot again in the lost kingdom of valentine and their kingdom homeland and that if he chooses to die through her execution, mercedes threatens to invade their kingdom homeland and destroy it forever, demon lord odin overhearing this, he left the ring onto the ground to allow mercedes to pick it up for herself, as soon he goes away with his own valkyrie soldier before he could go on he asked her name then leaving totally once for all in good, their victory earned them a temporary lifetime peace, matthew seeing all of this he called mercedes being a "noble" woman for all of the efforts she have done to lead their people and ensure their victory that will soon to be vanquished thereafter as the events of the armageddon is approaching into beginning.


Mysterious Death[]

It is not known what happened to Matthew, he is not seen during the siege of ringford kingdom at the hands of a Darkova beast being controlled by the former wiseman Beldor, it is already speculated that he may have died during the catastrophy attack of the ringford kingdom that was only later revealed when the entire kingdom is fully destroyed leaving only a group of cutted wood remains of trees that we're all burning caused by the catastrophe attack.


Fairy Princess Mercedes of the Ringford Kingdom[]

While Elfaria lived Matthew was more or less a babysitter, and teacher to Mercedes he was often exasperated by her reckless attitude and while he never complained he did show signs of fatigue dealing with her. When she became Queen he was loyal and unwavering in his support of her as he was with her mother. He also was cautious as he didn't fully trust Beldor to help Mercedes when Mercedes sought him out for his services. He was greatly impressed by Mercedes' growth as a queen saying that Elfaria would be proud of her.

Fairy Queen Elfaria of the Ringford[]

He is eternally loyal to Elfaria due to her pardoning the dwarves, that joined Ringford, and giving them a home. He serves faithfully as her advisor doing whatever she asked even watching Mercedes while she went to fight on the front lines.

Fairy Duke Melvin of the Ringford Kingdom[]

While he respected Melvin it was clear he didn't tolerate Melvin's defiance of Elfaria nor when he openly insulted her 'feeble minded' views of the kingdom.

Oswald the Shadow Knight[]

Matthew is aware of Oswald but apart from knowing him not much is known about their relationship.

Odin Sphere Characters
Main Playable Characters
Supporting Characters
BelialBromGriseldaHindelIngwayKing EdmundMaster KroisMatthewMyrisOdinQueen ElfariaWagner
Supporting Antagonists
BeldorMelvinQueen OdetteUrzurBriganSkuldi
Primary Antagonists
King GallonKing OnyxKing ValentineLeventhan
Minor Characters
AliceEdgarMelelunchMelieneMerilMauryPrincess ArielSocrates