Myris is a supporting character in the main storyline of Erion Saga book series, she is a valentinian pooka, a personal assistant and a close friend of Princess Gwendolyn. She became a Pooka following the disaster that destroyed the Kingdom of Valentine.
Profile Overview[]
Myris is a former valentine citizen and one of the few survivors of the destroyed Valentine Kingdom that became pooka after its catastrophe destruction, she entered various small works in her later life until she was eventually hired by Gwendolyn to became her personal assistant, it is unknown what was Myris job before the destruction of the Valentine Kingdom but it is likely that she may had worked as a waitress in one of the restaurant business in the Valentine Kingdom before its destruction.
She works as a personal assistant for Gwendolyn after her defection to the Ragnanival kingdom when she was offered a haven place there in exchange of serving their princess with her personal needs to which Myris gradually accepted in order for her to have something to live on as she had no any other places to call home other than the Ragnanival Kingdom and the Secret Pooka Village where she was subsequently being threatened by the three wise men because of this threat, pooka village became a distant place for her to call home as she considered it too dangerous to stay because of the three wise men who are aware of it's existence but they are only after Myris as she had personal contact with Gwendolyn as they planned to kidnap the Ragnanival princess as part of their plan in the armageddon.
Myris is a catastrophic survivor of the destroyed valentine kingdom, she later rejoined with the other of her fellow citizens who also turned as pooka as well and some of their other people who did not became pooka such as Brom, the constant threat she receives from the three wise men made her wander away from the rest of the pooka group and decided to live in Ragnanival kingdom instead and join with Gwendolyn to work for her as a personal assistant.
Appearance Traits[]
Myris had brownish red fur, a desaturated lime hood with coins on it, and an off-white apron.
Personality Classification[]
Myris is polite, caring and helpful, she is also an extremely loyal individual serving Gwendolyn even though she wasn't a maid of Odin's castle anymore refusing to abandon Gwendolyn. This loyalty gives her great courage as she was willing to fight Oswald to protect Gwendolyn. She is also a very sympathetic individual resonating with both Gwendolyn and Oswald to their true feelings and seeking to help both of them be happy.
Background Story[]
Myris was born in sometime of year 756 A.D. according to some historical records stored in the pooka village, she once a citizen of the Valentine Kingdom, when it was destroyed she defected to the side of the aesir and temporarily stayed in the Kingdom of Ragnanival and served as a personal assistant for Gwendolyn.
Plotline Summary Perspective[]
Personal Assistance[]
Myris was first seen accompanying Gwendolyn in the palace of Nebulapolis, helping to try her mother's dress, during Oswald's spy infiltration of the Ragnanival Kingdom on orders of fairy duke Melvin, Myris is not currently that much active in her appearance in the game, but she did helped Gwendolyn through out the entire story of the game she also serves as a keeper of abandoned castle while Gwendolyn was either away or sleeping.
Ever Faithful[]
When Gwendolyn was banished from her kingdom and put into sleep by her father, she was transported to the Abandoned Castle by their soldiers per the agreement by Odin to Oswald. Myris would be released from service as Gwendolyn was no longer her concern. Despite this however she wished to continue serving Gwendolyn and would return to her side. She would bravely stand before Oswald saying she would defend Gwendolyn and despite her frame she was stronger than she looked. Oswald however never belittled or brushed her aside, but would watch Gwendolyn unceasingly.
After some time she would tell him that she would never wake up no matter how long he stared at her. He replied that he was aware as it was the spell's effect. She would inadvertantly reveal that kissing her would wake Gwendolyn but would say that the spell would force her to love him. When told this he would stop himself, she would be surprised when he said that he wanted her to love him genuinely and not because of the spell. She would be touched by this and this was the start of her seeing him in a more positive light. However that's when Skuldi would appear and kidnap Gwendolyn.
Continued Service[]
Gwendolyn would awaken and would be surprised to find Myris was there to greet her, she would also be surprised to find her spear there as well. She would ask why it was there to which Myris would tell her it was given as a gift. After Gwendolyn returned from Ragnanival during the days she waited for Oswald's return she would ask her if she heard anything about him. Myris would tease her worry for Oswald but would remark that he is taking a long time to return.
The Truth[]
After Oswald learned that Gwendolyn had given the ring to Odin he would fall to despair she and Brom would go to search for him both worried for his health as he was still recovering from his injuries. When Brom see's the Halja stalking him he would run to help Oswald and would end up being injured. Myris would treat his wounds then run off to find Gwendolyn. When she did she would tell Gwendolyn of what happened, and what Oswald did before and after Gwendolyn woke up. She would speak of how he didn't eat, and wouldn't even bathe before she woke up and how when she did he was overjoyed at her awakening. It's possible this further urged Gwendolyn to recover her husband along with apologizing for giving away the ring. When Gwendolyn moved to take Oswald back, Myris would tell her that he was in the Netherworld and there was no way to go there. To which Gwendolyn would reply that one person knew how to get there: Demon Lord Odin.
Dead Ends[]
In the beginning of Armageddon she, Brom and the rest of other pookas fled from their Secret Pooka Village Base as Erion was ravaged by earthquakes which ended up destroying their underground home.
They traveled to the Elrit Castle and Myris asked Gwendolyn to come with them but she refused it due to her worries for husband. She asked Myris to fetch her armor and spear. Myris worried but ever loyal helped put on Gwendolyn's armor. She would speak of her fears for Gwendolyn but her friend said to not worry if the danger was too much he could just fly away. Myris then asked, if she found Oswald and survived, where should they meet. Gwendolyn suggested Horn Mountain and Myris agreed to meet at Winterhorn Ridge Mountains they would go into the portal to begin their journey.
However as the disasters of Armageddon were being dealt with Leventhan emerged fully grown thanks to Valentine's madness. It would fire powerful blasts of energy that would decimate the land. These blasts would strike Horn Mountain causing it to collapse killing those that were on the mountain including Brom and Myris. Though thanks to the False Ending we learn she manages to survive by reaching the very tip of Horn Mountain but unfortunately this just delayed the inevitable.
False Ending Epilogue[]
In the False Endings, she stands on the very tip of Horn Mountain the last of Erion she laments that what she stands on is all that's left of the world. Out of despair, she asks who could desire such a horrible end.
Princess Gwendolyn of the Ragnanival Kingdom[]
Her relationship with Gwendolyn is very apparent they share a strong friendship that is beyond just master and servant, making it more akin to sisters. Myris serves Gwendolyn unquestioningly and with such fierce loyalty that she is even willing to challenge Oswald who could easily deal with her. She worries deeply for Gwendolyn and as such is saddened when she is put under the spell and expresses deep concern when Oswald tried to break the spell. When Gwendolyn awoke she was still as loyal as ever though she had teased Gwendolyn of her growing feelings for Oswald. When Oswald was taken by the Halja she instantly set out to find Gwendolyn to let her know what had happened as well as what happened when she had finally awoken from her enchanted slumber.
Oswald the Shadow Knight[]
Initially her relationship with Oswald is hostile as she bravely stands by Gwendolyn unafraid of him despite his power. However her attitude changes when he expresses a desire for Gwendolyn to love her without the spell's influence. Since then she serves Oswald as loyally as she does Gwendolyn. She even tells Gwendolyn how before she had awoken Oswald wouldn't eat or take care of himself but when she had awoken he was the happiest he had ever been. She is deeply saddened when he is taken by the Halja, and rushed to inform Gwendolyn immediately of his taking.
Brom the Blacksmith[]
As a fellow servant of the pair she has a respect for Brom and when Brom went to look for Oswald who had fallen under depression from Gwendolyn's betrayal she went with him. When he was injured she had helped him recover.
Coming soon!
♦ Odin Sphere Characters ♦
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Supporting Characters
Belial ♦ Brom ♦ Griselda ♦ Hindel ♦ Ingway ♦ King Edmund ♦ Master Krois ♦ Matthew ♦ Myris ♦ Odin ♦ Queen Elfaria ♦ Wagner ♦ | |