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"I want… to see my reflection in your eyes. I want to hear… those soft lips speak my name. And if, for a moment… a smile lights your face, I will truly live. No one controls me now. From now on, I act on my own… for you."

Oswald speaking to Gwendolyn as she sleeps and is about to kiss her, freeing her from her magical sleep.

Oswald, better known by his full title of Oswald the Shadow Knight of the Ringford Kingdom, is one of the two deuteragonist characters of the main storyline of Erion saga book series (the other being Gwendolyn), he is a human adoptee serving as an elite soldier in the ringford military with a profession of a shadow knight in the ringford kingdom, he also serves as the right hand man of the fairy duke Melvin who adopted him as an infant and raised him to become the most powerful unit of the Ringford army, oswald is one of the five playable main characters in the main storyline, he left his allegiance in the fairy forest kingdom of Ringford after his adoptive father Melvin died and became an independent contractor, and since he is one of the last two surviving humans predicted in the prophecy, he is often referred as the "True King of Titania" and a crownless lord. He was the protagonist of the fourth book of the game, The Black Sword.

Profile Overview[]

Oswald is a human adoptee elite knight top warlord soldier who serves in the ringford military that was found as an infant and raised by the fairies to become the elite soldier of their military, he is the only human who works for the ringford army and the only notable adoptee the main storyline, oswald is seen as a brutal top fighter in the ringford military, he is mostly known to his enemies as a ruthless killer who kills anyone mercilessly who comes in his way, although raised by the fairies, oswald does not listen or take orders from anyone in the ringford kingdom other than their fairy duke melvin who was exactly the one who found and raised him as his own child.

He is classified as one of the most powerful character figures in the main storyline and as the most powerful in all of the five main playable characters, he is also considered as the second most powerful of all of living beings in overall of erion, oswald is the third most powerful figure in the ringford kingdom, his power of authority is just behind his adoptive father melvin who is the second most powerful figure in the ringford kingdom behind queen elfaria who was the most powerful figure in their monarchy who rules the ringford kingdom that was eventually passed to her daughter mercedes after her death.

Oswald is categorized as the most valuable and strongest warrior in the fairy kingdom and as in overall of the soldiers in the ringford military by physical strength and third most powerful figure in terms of authority power, although he has the ability command the soldiers of their military and give orders or control them in his own will, he does not give orders or make commands in the soldiers of their army in comparison to other powerful ringford figure officials, but he would rather himself as the one who will follow and take orders from his adoptive father, he prefers to solve his objective task on his own without any aid from the soldiers of the army he is serving, other than being top warlord elite soldier of their military, oswald also works as a right hand man for his adoptive father who only had the ability to control and command him at his own will.

Oswald is the only soldier who successfully handled the extreme capabilities of the belderiver psypher, the previous users of this weapon who used it before had lost their control and soul to the curse of the weapon and their souls we're doomed to became giant dark creepy souls known as "descrator revenants" thar aimlessely wanders the winterhorn ridge mountain for unknown reasons, it is likely that this mountain had been used as a testing ground for the soldiers who will bear the handle of the belderiver, oswald was also the only soldier in the ringford army to be able to earn the "Shadow Knight" title that was never earned by any of the other soldiers in the ringford military that previously used the belderiver psypher as they we're being tested who is qualified enough to become the shadow knight that all resulted failure and curse of their souls to become descrator revenants.

In comparison to anyone in the ringford kingdom, oswald is the only non fairy being serving the ringford military, but rather a biologically titanian human, his biological parents we're titanians that was killed when he was still a newborn baby, he was later found few days later by melvin who decided to take him because of the pitifulness towards the hapless infant with no parents around, in which he had a second thought of having uses later, this idea made melvin to adopt oswald at his own will in order to raise him that would become his right hand man assistant later particularly during the main storyline event until his death.

Oswald is one of the two selected and chosen "crownless lords" spoken in the propecies, he was the character figure that is destined to become the new father of the rebirthing world at the end of armageddon event period and as the husband-partner of the chosen will be new mother of the world by the propecies whom was gwendolyn, her and oswald are the chosen new world order couple destined to give rebirth and new life source for the humanity for the human species survival in order for the race to replenish and thrive again in the world.

Appearance Traits[]

Oswald is a 21 year old man human adoptee of Ringford Kingdom from Titania, he has a very fair skin tone, with spiky white/platinum blond hair and purple eyes that become red whenever he uses his shadow powers. He has a slender yet muscular build and is somewhat shorter than his cousin Cornelius, although he's still taller than Gwendolyn, Mercedes, and Velvet.

His armor is primarily black and silver in coloration and features many sharp points. This is most notable on his leg plating, with spear-like protrusions often being used to his advantage during combat. He has two silver shields on his chest that feature Ringford's emblem and, underneath his armor, he wears a suit that is enhanced by brown leather. When using his shadow powers, his appearance becomes considerably more demonic, as he is cloaked in darkness and his hands resemble claws.

During a small part of Gwendolyn's story, he's seen in a much more casual outfit that consists of a white button-up shirt, black pants with silver stripes, and boots that reach up past his ankles. His shirt is partially unbuttoned in a manner that white bandages can be seen, as he is injured during this time.

Personality Classification[]

Oswald is initially a very cold-hearted individual who was raised to become a war machine by Melvin. In truth however Oswald is an individual yearning for the love and approval of another as a means to live. As a result he blindly follows Melvin's orders regardless of what they are and frequently slaughters his enemies in cold blood to earn said approval and love from Melvin. He noticeably wavers during his fight with Gwendolyn when they first encounter each other on the battlefield, as he had previously seen her during an espionage mission in Ragnanival. He does question Melvin's intentions at times, but still follows his orders due to him considering him a father figure. Unfortunately, his view of Melvin is shattered when he reveals that he never considered Oswald more than a tool. Subsequently, Oswald becomes incredibly depressed and hopeless for a time afterwards.

After this revelation, Oswald becomes considerably more assertive and chooses to live for himself rather than for others (with the exception of Gwendolyn, who he displays loving affection to.) He absolutely despises people being treated like objects, expressing disgust to Odin at his manipulation and usage of Gwendolyn and going so far as to kill one of the Wise Men, Skuldi when he mentions he used her as bait. When he is not displaying his more cold and distant traits, Oswald does display the traits of a romantic and often speaks in long, emotional monologues when it comes to his feelings or expressing his love towards Gwendolyn. However this love was a double-edged sword, as it became his reason for existing and when he learned of Gwendolyn's betrayal by giving the ring to her father he spiraled into crippling depression once again. By the end of the story, he has shown to have become an incredibly positive person, as he encourages Gwendolyn that they need to continue on after surviving the Armageddon and to have hope.

Background Story[]

Early Medieval Historical Records in the foretold books of ringford kingdom library archives states that Oswald was born in 763 A.D. it is unknown how ringford kingdom is able to record this, the explainable theory here is that when oswald was found as an infant, there was a written note attached to the baby's clothes detailing it's birth year that was probably written by one of his parents before they we're both killed.

He was the only child and son of his parents, his unmentioned mother gave birth to him shortly after her immediate marriage with his father edgar, their love relationship and their marriage was against edgar's father king gallon's wishes who dispatched his assassins after him and his newly bed wife to kill them before they could pass their genes into their will be future offspring that will have incomplete royal background in which king gallon considered it as a curse to their will be descendants and to their royal family.

Soon after king gallon sent his assassins to kill his own son and his daughter in law which turned out to be successful, as edgar and his wife we're both killed in secret without prior to oswald's knowledge until the end of the world during armageddon and his adoptive father duke fairy melvin who found him as an infant in the wildnerness but it is uncertain where melvin exactly found oswald it could be either in the southern, northern outskirts of titania or in the elrit forest who died before oswald could find out his true heritage and the truth behind the mysteriousness that surrounds his real parents demise and what had happened to them although dragon hindel had revealed to him earlier in the early phase part of the erion saga story of who was his actual father before the dragon hindel was killed by oswald himself on orders of his own adoptive father melvin to test out the lethal strength damage of the belderiver psypher weapon given to oswald by melvin.

When fairy duke melvin found oswald as an infant, he felt pity in his situation as the baby will die as it had no parents that will take care of it and seeing a potential that he could be have uses for him later, he decides to take him in their kingdom to give him a better life then he raises him and he also trained him to become of the elite knights of the ringford military which turned out to be successful and melvin wanting him to have more uses rather than just being a regular elite soldier who piercely fight for their kingdom, he wanted oswald to become a special soldier that is all unique compared to other elite knights of their military, so he could make him as his right hand man assistant that will be able to fulfill his command and wishes at a higher success at his own will.

Melvin ordered brom to make a special weapon that he will be using for testing use purposes for every elite knights soldiers of the ringford kingdom who he will promote as his right hand man assistant to anyone who will be able to successfully handle the extreme capabilities of a special psypher weapon that was created by brom through melvin's orders that melvin later infused with a curse power through a deal in exchange for his own adoptive son oswald's soul to queen odette in order to grant the curse power request to the special psypher weapon in which that he called "Belderiver" that means "the piercing blade" in the old norse language from it's word "Bildeiryvir"

Upon it's creation, melvin ordered that it is mandatory to all elite knights of the ringford kingdom to test out the weapon for themselves in every one each of them, but all of them died after trying so and became revenants that aimlessly wanders in the winterhorn ridge mountain that was transported there upon their death after using the belderiver, as none of them can handle the extreme capbilities of such weapon, melvin wanted to mass produce the weapon if turned out to be successful in handling which turned out to be failure to most of his elite knight soldiers until he runs out of it for weapon using test and still desperate to have atleast one successful user.

He used his last bet on his own adoptive son who did not bothered that much of losing him since he was adopted and intended to raise him for his own ambition reasons however compared to other elite knights who previously tested the weapon that died after using it, oswald turned out to successful handler of the belderiver's extreme capbilities, upon this success, oswald became the only one to be able to receive the "shadow knight" title and melvin later assigned him as his right hand man that will be assisting him in his next move and intended ambitions of his own later.

Plotline Summary Perspective[]

Lethal Trials[]

Oswald's Story begins at the top of the Winterhorn Ridge Mountain, where he is fighting Hindel a dragon who could see into the future. He overwhelms the dragon, who comments that trying to avoid one's fate is like trying to stop the stars not even those who can see their future can avoid their fates. Oswald calls out that Hindel had been intentionally holding back as he had was open to attacks several times. Hindel though accepts his fate telling Oswald to kill him and use his death to venerate the claims of the Belderiver his Psypher weapon. Oswald explains that he was only only doing this because it was a request of his foster father Melvin. Hindel tells Oswald that Melvin is not his real father but a man that goes by the name of Edgar was his real father but Oswald dismisses this calling Melvin his father as he had raised him while Edgar abandoned him. Hindel insists that Oswald not forget this information for the right time. Angered by this Oswald readies to deal the final blow Hindel gives Oswald one final advice, to seek the bird as that would be his destiny. Oswald leaps onto Hindel and stabs him endings his life once and for all an action that would drive Wagner into a furious rage. Leaping off Hindel's corpse Oswald proclaims that so long as he held the Belderiver even the dragons would fear him as Melvin had told him.

Accomplished Demonstration[]

Oswald returns to the Ringford Kingdom of Fairies. Melvin uses Oswald's victory as a means to impress his aunt, Queen Elfaria, of the power of the Belderiver but she is shocked to learn it came at the cost of Hindel's life. While she is impressed by the sword's power she hesitates to mass produce it. Melvin meets with Brom who asks what the Queen's opinion on the sword was. Melvin informs him and Brom expresses worry for Oswald and his fate should he continue to wield the Belderiver. Melvin brushes this aside saying he will be fine, Oswald then appears telling Melvin the messengers are calling. Oswald leaves and Melvin Brom to not worry about it as it would do him no good. Brom expresses anger at forging the Belderiver saying it will part the heavens and tear the Earth asunder.

Eventually Brom, unable to have the information about the Belderiver covered up, approaches Oswald. He warns Oswald of his future should he continue to use the Belderiver, of how the Revenants in the mountains were former users that were unable to handle the power of the weapon. Before he can elaborate further Melvin approaches shouting at Brom, interrupting the latter. Reiterating that it won't do Brom any good he sends Brom to he Netherworld not willing to kill him outright. Brom is dragged away telling Melvin that the pride that keeps him fearless would be his downfall. Melvin downplays it by saying Brom fears the sword and lost his nerve. He then questions if Oswald is hating the sword himself but Oswald replies saying that he wants to do whatever Melvin asks. Pleased with this Melvin gives Oswald a new mission: Reconnaissance into the Kingdom of Ragnanival itself to find out Odin's plans for the war.

Rivalry Infiltration[]

Oswald is able to infiltrate into the depths of Ragnanival where he finds Brigan and Skuldi discussing. He hides and learns of Odin's plan for the Cauldron. However Brigan is able to hear him and calls for him to come out. At first he mistakes Oswald as another resident then quickly realizes Oswald had been spying on the two. He challenges Oswald and loses in humiliating fashion. Oswald is able to press him for more info and as a result obtains a complete blueprint of Odin's plan. He gets away and contemplates Brigan's words but is stopped when he hears someone coming and hides to avoid being spotted. He see's a beautiful long white haired woman wearing a blue and white dress (Gwendolyn) with an accompanying orange Pooka (Myris), he watches as Odin enters and scolds her for wearing the dress. After leaving Myris apologizes profusely for giving her the dress though Gwendolyn brushes it aside happy to have it. After leaving to dress into her armor Oswald comes out and picks up a feather lift behind. He notes that Gwendolyn, known as Odin's Witch by the Fairies, is much different than he had heard. He then leaves to report to Melvin.

Contraption Seizure[]

Back at the Ringford, Melvin asks Queen Elfaria to reconsider her stance on mass producing the Belderiver indicating that Elfaria has rejected his proposal. She tells Melvin that they have Beldor's Dragon and Oswald and that she plans to use the Cauldron to keep the fairies sustained instead of making psyphers which ultimately poison the land due to their ability to absorb phozons. Melvin unable to hold himself back calls her naive in front of those assembled, Elfaria reprimands him. He apologizes for his action stating he cares for her as family and spoke too frankly as a result, though when he turns to leave his expression shows that he didn't mean his apology.

In the gardens Melvin speaks of how Elfaria doesn't see the whole picture, his apology being nothing more than just lip service. Upon seeing Oswald he tells him to show the overwhelming power of the sword to once again convince Elfaria. Oswald leaves and Mercedes appears wanting to fight in the war to prove herself a leader, Matthew reminds her that her mother told her to guard the castle as that was a leaders job as well. She states Melvin should do that unaware that he was there listening to her conversation. She finally see's him and flustered greets him, he assures her that the battle will be won, and to not worry, but she insists on going. Matthew finally gives in and takes her to the battlefield. Melvin contemplates that if Elfaria died Mercedes would be next in line.

In the battlefield Oswald cuts a bloody trail of carnage through the battlefield fighting on. But during the battle he is suddenly greeted by a ghastly form, the dreaded Halja. The ghastly messenger of death introduces itself and informs Oswald of the contract to the Queen of the Dead Odette. Oswald states he knew of no such contract, the Halja informs him that Oswalds power of darkness is not something a living being could have. Only those bound to death can have it as such Oswald's life had been given to Odette in order for him to have that specific power. Oswald though is distressed not wanting to believe it was Melvin who had done this, the Halja tells Oswald that the power he had was already eating away at his body and soul and to complete the terms of the contract by taking his soul. After a hard fight Oswald triumphs but the aftermath has left him riddled with questions.

However there are serious repercussions from this, while Oswald fought the Halja, Odin had pushed forward aided by his daughter Gwendolyn and the spear from her sister. Odin had gravely wounded Elfaria to the point that shortly after returning to Ringford she had died. Melvin is outraged believing that Oswald had purposefully slacked of not realizing that the Shadow Knight was fighting for his very soul against a Halja. However the incident had dealt a major blow to his reputation and credibility, Oswald apologizes and informs Melvin of the Halja attacking him. Melvin takes a moment to compose his words knowing the truth but still unwilling to unveil it. He tells Oswald that all parents want their children to be strong and he succeeded in that, to not worry and trust him Oswald though is silent as he thinks on those words. Mercedes then appears asking Melvin why he didn't save her mother unaware that he had commanded Elfaria to retreat but she refused to do so. Though when Odin appeared instead of standing to protect her, he hid behind her. Melvin offers his services in ruling the country but Mercedes tells him she might ask for his help. As she walks away Melvin calls her arrogant, angry that she knows nothing about ruling. But then he realizes this is his chance to take the crown.

Collapsed Insurgency[]

Following the Queen's death Melvin makes plans to take over the kingdom he begins by having letters sent to various lords to convince them to join his side. He has command of up to 1/3 o the total army but some lords refuse to side with him believing in Mercedes. A dwarf then approaches talking of how Melvin has been reckless and that Mercedes will fight back. Melvin is not worried however, then a female archer informs that Beldor and his dragon still serve the Queen. Melvin, harbors suspicions of Beldor's intentions but reassures them that a champion that can defeat the dragon exists; Oswald. Oswald sets out to find Beldor but is suffering from the price of his power stating how his body feel stiff through sheer willpower he continues forward. He finds Beldor and asks if he was loyal to a kingdom or an individual. Beldor instantly understands that Melvin has decided to launch his coup, he calls the impending civil war entertaining but decides to watch from afar. Oswald though impatient threatens Beldor, who summons Belial to fight, but fearless Oswald tells him he'll make his decision a bit easier and attacks Belial. After a hard battle he wins and Beldor works for Melvin, with Mercedes coming to see Beldor shortly afterward and she learns of Melvin's coup.

Disclosed Rumors[]

Despite the dragon, the coup fails, Melvin's troops are distressed as Oswald has fallen and contemplate fleeing but there is nowhere they can go. Melvin meanwhile has retreated into the castle gravely wounded he cannot believe that Mercedes proved better than him. Oswald finds him but has trouble seeing and moving the curse having taken it's near full course. Melvin curses him for 'breaking down' and that Oswald's time was up and that he should've made a replacement to take the Belderiver from Oswald. Hearing these words his long hidden suspicions from Brom's words come to rise once again. Unable to believe the words he asks Melvin if he had really traded his life for the Belderiver. Melvin unable to hide the truth anymore laughs, Oswald demands Melvin to tell him the truth.

Melvin looks at Oswald and tells him the final truth, that Oswald was simply an object a tool for his rise as King. Oswald steps back in horror, realizing that his worth to Melvin was not as a son but as a weapon. It is then that the pair are found by loyalists to Mercedes and they move to arrest Melvin 'The Traitor' Melvin though knows his own time was up. He begins the death ritual fairies undergo and reveals his name to be Nidhogg the one who chews on the roots of the ash tree and who would always resist fate. His body becoming phozon's as he dies. Oswald is alone and he asks what meaning his life ever had. No longer able to stand he falls to his knees, the soldiers arrive to take Oswald but as soon as they arrive a Halja appears, terrified of the specter of death they flee. The Halja calls Oswald pitiful and that the Oswald he had chased was merely an illusion. It then tells Oswald that his body rots while alive and that his true destiny could not be fulfilled until he died, with this he kills Oswald and takes him to the Netherworld.

Trails of Hope[]

Following his 'death' Oswald is in the Netherworld amongst various dead souls some of which were done so by his hands. It is here that he finds Brom who realizes that Melvin has told Oswald the truth. Desperate to know the truth he pleads with Brom to tell him. Brom tells him what he knows that Melvin had taken him from a home in the wilderness, far from any civilization. The only people he found was a dying man, and a young woman, Oswald's parent's Edgar and his commoner wife. Brom states that he heard that they had died, he then admits that while it was cruel he had in earlier times approved of the contract that was formed with the Belderiver. He also admits that he felt guilt with each human sent to the Netherworld via the curse but that guilt was strongest when Oswald was chosen. But Oswald having heard enough tells Brom he doesn't want his pity as he had nothing worth pitying. He walks away leaving Brom, eventually he falls and speaks how he wasn't afraid of dying but to have lived an empty life where there was no point in being born, that was what he feared most. He admits that if Melvin hadn't revealed anything he would've gladly died in servitude. But in his sorrow he sees a blue bird in the Netherworld he is confused, but feels that he knows the bird, however it flies away. He wonders if it was an illusion but states that looking at it he felt hope and decides to search for it in order to live. Fighting his way through the Netherworld he meets Odette.

Without hesitation he attacks her, but since his power comes from her she is utterly unharmed no matter what he does to her. She laughs at his efforts and tells him it's useless as his power was her power. She reveals that many have gone to her in exchange for power in life but she has no interest in any of them. However only Oswald interests her, she does warn him though if he continues to attack she will discipline him. It is then a female Geist appears and informs Odette that there is an intruder. Odette decides to use Oswald to get rid of the intruder, but Oswald still bereft of hope tells her to cut him open. Odette offers to release the shackles that causes him weakness in return. Oswald bitterly states that nothing has changed he went from serving an 'ambitious toady,' Melvin, to an 'autocratic empress,' Odette. Unable to see a better option he asks who she wants him to kill. Odette informs him that he would go down in history as the man who would kill Demon Lord Odin. Oswald meet's Odin and the two fight after an arduous battle Oswald wins, Odin tells Oswald to lay down his sword as he accepts defeat. But Oswald not one for mercy readies to attack again. Odin asks if this was how he showed his loyalty to the Fairy Queen, stopping Oswald bluntly states, no that he was no longer associated with Ringford. Odin notes that despite in the Netherworld Oswald was alive, he doesn't inquire how Oswald got there, but offers to take him out of the Netherworld, with the alternative being stuck as a rotting slave to the Queen. Oswald has no one to pledge himself to and as such he accepts Odin's terms.

Dogged Possession[]

King Odin takes Oswald to Ragnanival but as one might expect he is met with open hostility due to his actions as Ringford's elite soldier. He ignores it and speaks with Odin, Odin wanting to use Oswald's prowess and deeds for his own. But Oswald turns his back on Odin, angered by this Odin begins bargaining with Oswald offering a castle. Oswald however keeps his back turned, Odin also offers the Psypher spear Griselda once used, but Oswald is still unmoved. Odin calls Oswald a stubborn fool and out of desperation, at the time, offers Gwendolyn's hand to Oswald's. Oswald remembering Gwendolyn in her dress, finally accepts. Odin relieved tells Oswald his target, Wagner the dragon looming over Horn Mountain where Hindel once resided. However Oswald is suspicious as Odin will give his daughter, for the death of a dragon. Though Odin swears to keep his promise Oswald asks what he seeks and if he should just kill the dragon without asking why. Odin tells him he shouldn't need to know. Oswald however suspects ulterior motives but ultimately he accepts, reminding Odin to not forget his promise before he leaves.

Oswald fights his way through Horn Mountain reaching the very top at the top he calls for Wagner and the dragon responds crashing down demanding who calls for him. Upon seeing Oswald's sword he asks if he is the Belderiver user from Ringford. Oswald responds of how he doesn't know him, Wagner continues that the Shadow Knight had been shot by the fairies and sent to the Netherworld. Oswald responds that even death could be overcome it is enough confirmation for Wagner, that he is facing his most hated enemy. Oswald however is not concerned with Wagner's knowledge of him all he is concerned with is taking Wagner's life. But Wagner laughs as he has been waiting for this moment since the death of his friend Hindel he reminds Oswald that this was where he was slain.

Oswald goads Wagner by calling Hindel a lizard, and that he would kill another lizard. Angered Wagner promises to kill Oswald so that he may face eternal torment in the Netherworld, but Oswald is determined to kill Wagner as doing so would give him a chance at happiness. A brutal battle is fought and in the end Oswald proves victorious killing Wagner ending the dragon's crusade against him and denying his vengeance. From Wagner's body out falls a ring, and Oswald picks it up but no sooner does he do this then Odin appears with soldiers demanding the ring claiming it is his.

However Oswald reminds Odin that all they discussed was to kill a dragon there was no mentions of rings. Odin demands the ring but Oswald threatens to fight him and this time to the death in front of his soldiers. Odin realizing he miscalculated backs down Oswald also backs down reminding Odin he has fulfilled his promise and it was time for Odin to fulfill his. Odin begrudgingly abides giving him the castle, the spear and his daughter calling Gwendolyn, the 'Other thing' as his. Odin explains that he cast a sleeping spell on Gwendolyn that when she awakens she will unconditionally love whoever wakes her. Oswald though is disgusted by this and asks Odin how he could see his daughter as an object, Odin responds by saying she was his daughter he can call her what he wants and leaves telling Oswald that Gwendolyn is in the castle he gave to Oswald.

Mendacious Intent[]

Oswald travels to the castle now his, and see's Gwendolyn asleep as he looks over her he comes to the conclusion that the bird he saw in the Netherworld was Gwendolyn herself. In this time he spends day after day watching over Gwendolyn, waiting for her to wake up. Myris is there to serve Gwendolyn and despite Oswald's fearsome reputation she stands ready to defend Gwendolyn. After a few days she tells him that she won't wake up no matter how long he stared at her. He responds that he's aware, and she inadvertently let's slip that kissing her will wake her but will make her forcefully love whoever kisses her. She remarks it is cruel and to her surprise Oswald agrees as he wants her genuine love, this was due to his belief that people were not objects. He resolves to find another way to break the spell, Myris is happy of this but before either can do anything Skuldi appears. He attacks Oswald with a powerful blast knocking him back and abducting Gwendolyn, Skuldi tells Oswald to tell Odin that the Three Wisemen of Titania has her.

Oswald falls unconscious but recovers, no sooner does he do so than he head straight for Titania. Fighting through the streets and alleys he comes to the sewers where Skuldi is waiting for him. Skuldi see's the Belderiver and realizes he speaks with Oswald himself he remarks how the sword could corrupt the world's fate. Oswald though has no time for Skuldi and demands to know where Gwendolyn is or he will kill him with the sword he fears. But Skuldi is unconcerned and speaks of how Odin opened the path to the Netherworld yet they were unable to see his deception. Turning to face Oswald he asks if Oswald is aware of the significance of the Jewels, Oswald however is losing his patience and demands Gwendolyn's location. Skuldi explains how Phozon's are formed when life ends, when Phozons return to the earth new lives are born, however the Pysphers are crystalized forms of Phozon but in return they feed on Phozon's in order to grow stronger. This means that as long as Psyphers kill and absorb Phozons there won't be new life only death.

However he states that it's too late to change this, as the prophecy was already underway the death of the world was on it's eve. Oswald realizes that Skuldi's wishes for the worlds destruction, and aptly calls him mad. Skuldi however is uncaring, recalling Urzur's untimely end via Belial and how he was devoted to the prophecies. Part of his madness comes out as he admits that so long as he can destroy Odin he does not care what he does or what happens to him afterward. Even if it means using Gwendolyn as a tool for his vengeance, angered by this Oswald strikes but Skuldi teleports out of harm. Skuldi tells Oswald to calm down as he knows everything about him via Beldor, and that he brought Oswalds 'family' for a reunion, summoning Desecrators to fight with him. Oswald is engaged into a difficult battle fighting 3 enemies at once, but he manages to destroy the former users of the Belderiver, and get's Skuldi at sword point.

Finally realizing he was beaten Skuldi finally tells Oswald the truth that Gwendolyn is in the Fire Kingdom with Onyx. Oswald asks why there, Skuldi wanting to have his life spared tells how Odin promised Gwendolyn to Onyx to lure him out essentially using her as bait. He tells Oswald how Odin was ever leading people astray with his ever changing words. With this he asks Oswald to spare his life as he has told him everything. Oswald moves to leave and Skuldi seeing this as an opportunity begins to cast a spell but Oswald stops noting how Skuldi called Gwendolyn bait and that Skuldi had mistaken him for a 'better' man. He turns and slices the sorcerer killing him in a single blow, angrily he tells his corpse how he could not let someone as evil as him to exist and that he had no idea how it felt to be used. With this he sets out for he Fire Kingdom to retrieve Gwendolyn before Onyx wakes her.

Triangular Love[]

Oswald quickly departs for the Fire Kingdom to rescue Gwendolyn from Onyx's clutches. In between Odin storms the Fire Kingdom on his own, he is stopped by two Vulcans who demand his identity, he punches one out of the way. As he steps past the remaining Vulcan realizing his true identity asks for him to wait. Odin approaches Onyx who greets him to his kingdom and excuses his Vulcans Odin tells him that they don't bother him as they are equals being king. Odin continues that he's there because he heard that Gwendolyn was in the Fire Kingdom, Onyx acknowledges this explaining the Three Wisemen gave her to him calling her his 'treasure' and smugly states he has no intention of returning. Odin remarks that no 'real' wise man would call himself wise and calls them ruffians. Onyx tells Odin that they told him to beware his country. Odin is able to quickly understand the meaning behind these words, realizing they planned to use Gwendolyn to force King Onyx to attack the Aesir, he calls it insanity but asks if Onyx does intend to attack Ragnanival remarking the fact this would bring about the Armageddon foretold in the prophecy. Onyx calls Odin shrewd and finds it hard to believe Gwendolyn is his daughter calling her 'pure' despite her past deeds. He also adds that she should be with him to watch the world fall into ruin.

Odin responds that while Onyx is Immortal he is also extremely immature and he should snuff him out. Onyx counters by saying he never imagined that Odin would be concerned enough with Gwendolyn to actively come find her. Though he remarks that due to Odin's spell she would be his. Odin laughs at how Onyx is aware of the spell. Realizing he had nothing to worry about he tells Onyx to do as he wishes, and that he might get what he wished for. He walks away as Onyx asks what he means. Oswald arrives in the fire kingdom fighting the salamanders, Vulcans, and fire spirits of the Fire Pits until he finds Gwendolyn. He is relieved to see she is still asleep, however Onyx is behind telling Oswald to step away from his 'queen' calling him a Hooligan and Brutal Man. He then tells of how she'll awaken and become his and how she'll join his court, he continues how she'll become the Queen of the Fire Kingdom, and how she'll do 'wonders' for his reputation believing she will enjoy it as well. Disgusted Oswald remarks that those in power are truly selfish beings such as Onyx and Odin, if all Onyx wants is a tool to gain power then he should look elsewhere and to return Gwendolyn to him.

Onyx berates him, asking of Oswald saw himself as her knight in shining armor. He tells Oswald that he could smell the stench of death on Oswald so much so it sickens him as it was the scent of Odette. Utterly disgusted with Oswald he turns and reveals his true form to Oswald. Oswald battles Onyx a battle he wins, Onyx bitter in defeat moves to awaken Gwendolyn but Oswald holds his blade up threatening to kill him should he even lay a finger on her. Onyx stays himself as Oswald walks up to Gwendolyn's sleeping form Onyx unable to contain himself voices his feelings for Gwendolyn. How his body burns with a beast called love and that he cannot even attempt to leash it, how could he live with these feelings? To lose her in one terrible moment, to which Oswald replies that Onyx's words were the same as his own thoughts.

Angry Onyx finally reveals the truth behind the spell told to him by Odin himself, that even if they were to kiss her and wake her up she would not be forced to love whoever kissed her. Oswald realizes that Onyx didn't kiss her because he knew she could not love him and she would flee the moment she did. Onyx confirms this, and that he would rather keep her asleep in that case. Oswald laughs surprising Onyx, Oswald is relieved as it will allow him to win her affection based on his own actions rather than because of a spell as her heart could not be manipulated. With this comforting thought he turns to Onyx apologizing for his rudeness, and offers Onyx his blade for anything... but only once. Onyx however tells Oswald that the pledge could not restore his lost honor, Oswald however reminds Onyx of one thing so long as he lived he would not let Onyx near Gwendolyn, with that he takes her back to his castle to wake her up.

Conquered Heart[]

Back in the castle, Oswald observes Gwendolyn asleep knowing well that she will not be forced to love him he wonders what she might think when she awakens to see him. Part of him worries that she would hate him and run away as Onyx said she would if he had woken her. But he realizes that such worries and musings are meaningless as he is no longer the person he was before meeting her. He accepts that waking her might bring her pain, but wishes to see himself reflected in her eyes, and to hear her speak his name, and if she smiled he would be able to live. He finishes by saying no one controls him now and that he would act for her, with this he kisses her breaking the spell on her.

Armageddon - [True Ending][]

Royal Destroyer[]

At this time, the entire world starts to collapse, Oswald makes his way to Titania. When he arrives he comes across the giant cursed form of King Gallon who is irritated by the scent of Oswald who bore the stench of Odette's power. Oswald approaches him asking who he is to led the Halja into the world of the living. After introducing himself Gallon admits that even though Odette is gone the power that lingers in Oswald still frightens him. Oswald readies to fight to kill Gallon, Gallon though is unconcerned believing himself to be safe due to the prophecy's passage of his role. He claims Oswald should serve him as he could never defeat Gallon. He reveals that unbeknownst to the public there was a secret among the royalty of Titania that being the only one who could kill him had to be of royal blood. With this he felt that Oswald would be unable to kill him as he was just a 'common warrior' unaware of Oswald's true heritage.

Discovered Heritage[]

After a brutal battle Oswald is able to destroy Gallon's heads and heart and Gallon is shocked to find that he is dying. He once again states that the prophecy should have protected him, realizing that his interpretation was incorrect he asks Oswald who his father was. Oswald admits at first he never his parents, he then remembers Hindel's words, and speaks the name of his father, Edgar. Gallon is shocked. He explains that Edgar was his son and how he expected for Edgar to take the throne of Titania. However the incident with the sword and Edgar's renouncing of his royal blood and marrying a commoner had caused Gallon to fear for his life. Out of a belief that Edgar would return to kill him he sent assassins to kill him and his wife. Though they perished Edgar was able to allow Oswald to escape. Oswald is shocked by this, Gallon realizing that yet again destiny had tricked him, it was inevitable his killer would be of Royal Blood. He fades away into the ground his life truly ended. Oswald muses on the information realizing his father had allowed him to survive, and how Melvin had called him a tool but at first there must of been genuine love for him or he wouldn't have taken him in. The rumbling of the lands causes Oswald to look to Titania which has completely sunken into the sea a kingdom now dead.

After Oswald defeated Gallon he would leave Titania and search for Gwendolyn. He would find her falling from the sky after killing Leventhan and would use his powers to leap up and grab her in the air. After landing he would revert back and express gratitude as well as it being the first time he prayed to save her. However his battle and usage of his power has weakened him considerably. He sees Velvet and Cornelius near the Cauldron and mustering the very last of his strength he would grab Gwendolyn and limp his way to the pair, asking if they were friend or foe but he collapses before the two. Velvet would be shocked to find they are alive and that Gwendolyn has Titrel on her finger. She laments that the Cauldron was without power and thus the ring was useless... only to remember the note from Master Krois. She could use the 4 psyphers to restart the Cauldron and thus use it to save Erion. Cornelius would tell her to stop but Velvet finally understanding the truth of the Prophecy explains that Gwendolyn and Oswald are the Crownless Lords who would usher the rebirth of Mankind. Turning the Psyphers into Phozon's she would use the ring to restart the Cauldron and use it to give back all the Phozon's it had stolen from the land with this the land would flourish again but she would become victim to the Pooka Curse as a result.

Later Epilogue - (After Armageddon Part Event)[]

Perfect game

This picture shows 2 human figures in the middle of the forest that has a river which can be seen around it and these 2 human figures are presumed to be the images of gwendolyn and oswald together just right after the armaggedon event, that one human figure that lends a hand to one another is likely to be oswald lending his hand to gwendolyn.

It is not shown in the game how gwendolyn and him lived there lives after the erion saga event, although it is recounted that they have started rebuilding their lives conditions to resume their daily living, it is likely that gwendolyn and him likely had a rebulit of start set up of primitive life style living that they continued to do through out their later years as they had their own family, according to a carved stone that was likely made by their children indicates that oswald died in 841 A.D. and it states that he died around the age of 77-78 due to lingering syphilis disease, but it is unknown how oswald got it but it is likely that he got the disease from gwendolyn who also suffered the same disease for the rest of her later years that lasted through her senior age until she died of old natural causes.

Both of their tombstones we're discovered by geologists in the same year of 1911 in the lower saxony region state during the unified german colonial empire period, also known as the "second reich", which is now the present day northwestern region of germany, 1070 years after his death and 1068 years after his wife gwendolyn's death.


This map of germany shows a red dot indicating where oswald and his wife gwendolyn tombstones we're discovered by geologists.

The discovery of their tombstones reshapes the exact location of erion that it could be in the northwestern germany rather than being in the middle of denmark peninsula or they instead have migrated a little far away over from the exact setting place of erion (which is still presumed to be in the peninsula of denmark in this theory) by going in the area located on it's southern direction which is the present day of northern germany and the possible explanation of reason for it, is that the couple are trying to find a better suitable settlement for their family starting place where building a family house is much better with an arable land for farm starting where they can plant and grow many crops in order to have stockpile of food resources for the family they will be setting to pass down their genes and continue the generation of humans through out the centuries.

Ending Epilogue - (Wheel of Fate)[]

Land Blessing[]

Later on, Gwendolyn and Oswald would awaken to the barren land that was Erion. Both lamenting the destruction and the fact they were the only ones who survived. Gwendolyn wondering if they should be alive after their past deeds, but Oswald focuses on finding someplace to rest. However as he looks he comes to a ridge overlooking the land. He calls for Gwendolyn to come and the two watch in amazement as the land becomes green with life again, water flowing into waterfalls, and plants growing around them. It is a miracle and Oswald speaks that they should not give up and that there was still hope. Thus the two would become the progenitors to a new humanity.

The two happily lived with each other as a couple and they later successfully build their own family when they finally had children of theirs and took care of their family and raise the children to become adults and stayed maintaining their family until they finally both died of old age by means of natural causes and their now grown adult kids and to their will be future direct descendant generations passed their story legend from one another for over a thousand years until it reaches the full acknowledgement of the story by the time Alice had finally finished reading all of the books of erion saga series, Alice is one of many direct human descendants of Gwendolyn and Oswald, the Alice's color of her eyes and hairs greatly resembles her ancestors (Gwendolyn and Oswald) and her being their distant direct descendant, her physical appearance features reminds of their DNA remains.


Fairy Duke Melvin of the Ringford Kingdom[]

Until Melvin revealed his true feelings towards him, Oswald carried a deep adoration of his foster father and was willing to follow any order of his. Melvin, however, was more than willing to manipulate Oswald to achieve his goals and, while he didn't realize this, he did question his father's true intentions towards him a few times. After Melvin told him that he didn't see him as much more than a tool to become king, Oswald became broken and almost allowed himself to become Queen Odette's servant out of depression and a lack of will to live. After learning of Melvin's true feelings any gratitude and fervor for him has become utter hatred even calling Melvin "an ambitious toady" in disgust. The time he mentions Melvin to Gwendolyn in her story has him rather bitter towards him, although after his battle against King Gallon during the True End route, Oswald wonders if Melvin, at one point, actually did feel familial affection towards him.

Brom the Blacksmith[]

Brom is shown early on to care for Oswald, showing a much more fatherly attitude towards him than Melvin did. Due to the curse the Belderiver has, he frequently expressed worry for Oswald's fate and attempted to dissuade him from using the sword before Melvin caught him and ordered him banished to the Netherworld. After he's rescued by Mercedes and upgrades her bow, he requests that he go see Oswald, as he found out he was still alive, and the two end up living together in the Abandoned Castle under friendly terms. It's unknown if Oswald feels any sorrow over Brom's death during the Armageddon, although that's likely the case since he and Gwendolyn were distraught over seemingly being the only survivors.

Death Queen Odette of the Netherworld[]

Oswald was initially unaware of the contract Melvin had made with Odette and didn't properly meet her until he was taken to the Netherworld following Melvin's failed rebellion. He attempted to attack her when he first saw her, but due to the Belderiver's power coming from Odette, he was incapable of harming her. He almost willingly gives into her servitude after this, but is convinced by Odin otherwise after he fights him when he comes to collect crystals. After falling into the belief that Gwendolyn didn't return his love, he once again is taken to the Netherworld and becomes helpless to Odette's command, only for Gwendolyn to come in and rescue him from her clutches.

Demon Lord Odin[]

While Odin was the one who returned him to the living realm after he was taken to the Netherworld the first time, Oswald soon found out about Odin's feelings towards Gwendolyn and would frequently snap at him for treating his own child as an object. When Odin is about to punish Gwendolyn over not giving him the Ring of Titrel, Oswald steps between them and expresses rage over him wanting to harm her. Overall, Oswald doesn't show much respect or admiration for Odin and is more often disgusted by him. This disgust along with his feelings towards Melvin and Onyx would make Oswald see those in power as selfish beings.

Princess Gwendolyn of the Ragnanival Kingdom[]

Initially, Oswald and Gwendolyn were enemies on the opposing sides of the Cauldron War. Despite this, Oswald seemed to feel some degree of sympathy for her, as when he first saw her, she was heartbroken over her father ignoring the dress that she was wearing and instead chastising her for not being more like her sister. When they officially became acquainted during the battle that resulted in Griselda's death, Oswald does not kill her when he has the chance and instead tells her to leave. It was the vision of a bird in the Netherworld that made him think of Gwendolyn and gave him a reason to continue living and, even before waking her from her slumber, he found himself loving her deeply. Additionally, even though he could have woken her anytime he wanted, Oswald chose not to kiss Gwendolyn until he found out from Onyx that there was no spell on her that would force her to love him. Much of the later half of Gwendolyn's story has him wondering whether Gwendolyn loves him, even though there were instances such as when she saved him from being killed by Leventhan that proved she cared for him. When he found out that she gave away the Ring of Titrel to Odin, Oswald became depressed and ultimately once again losing the will to live allowing a Halja to kill him effortlessly. Fortunately, Gwendolyn turned out to really love him and, after saving him from Odette, he expresses his undying affections to her. The two continue to live on together, even after the Armageddon destroyed the world.

Myris the Assistant[]

Not much of Oswald's relationship with Myris is shown besides that they became housemates after Oswald came to the Abandoned Castle. He didn't show any resentment or indifference to her when she was protecting Gwendolyn and listened attentively when she told him how to wake her and about the supposed love spell on her. Other than that, he seems to be tended to by Myris in a similar manner that she does for Gwendolyn. That being said when Oswald had fallen into depression she had searched for him along with Brom indicating that she also saw him in a more positive light and even told Gwendolyn of how happy Oswald had been when she had awoken.

Inferno King Onyx[]

Given their mutual interest in Gwendolyn, Oswald shows a prominent disliking of Onyx. When he found out that Gwendolyn had been taken to the Fire Kingdom, Oswald storms Volkenon until he comes across Gwendolyn in the shrine, at which point he meets Onyx. After revealing that Gwendolyn had originally been promised to him and that he intends to keep her there, Onyx and Oswald end up fighting each other with Oswald coming out the victor. Oswald ends up laughing after he finds from the Inferno King that there was no love spell on Gwendolyn and offers that, if they drop the issue regarding her, he will come to his aid whenever he asks. Unfortunately when Leventhan starts terrorizing Volkenon, Onyx takes the opportunity to try and indirectly kill him so that he can still win Gwendolyn over. After this incident, the two don't canonically meet again.

During the False End if Oswald is sent to fight Onyx, Oswald is shown to be in disbelief over the Vulcan's march and declares that, this time, he's not going to let Onyx live. Unfortunately, Onyx proves to be much stronger in this fight and, after provoking him into using his shadow powers too much, Oswald succumbs to the Belderiver's curse and becomes a Bugbear.

Fairy Queen Elfaria of the Ringford[]

Although he served as one of Elfaria's elite soldiers, the only instance of them appearing together has Melvin presenting him as a powerful swordsman. Elfaria did express some awe at his fighting prowess, but the two were ultimately indifferent to each other and Oswald shrugged off her death easily. (Although this was because he was still recovering from the shock of the Halja attempting to claim his soul the first time.

Fairy Princess Mercedes of the Ringford Kingdom[]

Mercedes and Oswald only interact twice during their stories: the first time happens during a hub world where their stories intersect. (Chapter 1 of Fairy Land for Mercedes and Chapter 3 for The Black Sword.) The Black Sword version of their conversation reveals that Oswald almost considered killing her on the spot, but held back as he wanted to wait for Melvin's orders. Afterwards, Mercedes fights him during Melvin's failed rebellion and, due to the powers in his sword waning, he loses to her. He doesn't acknowledge her after this, as he's now indifferent to Ringford as a whole. In the manga adaptation, they crossed path once more after Oswald defeated Onyx while Mercedes and Brom went to retrieve the sacred flame at the Fire Kingdom. Both were shocked that not only survived but he also wore the Titrel ring around his neck. Oswald was still cold towards Mercedes when she questioned his intentions with the slumber Gwendolyn in his arms however he was less hostile and bared no grudge towards the new queen in their last battle. As he was leaving, she notes he had changed and he confirmed with a smile it was because of that 'fateful meeting'.

Notable Committed Murders[]

  • Hindel - Ordered by his adoptive father melvin in order to test the lethal strength power of his belderiver psypher, as his adoptive father melvin want to make him as his personal right hand man assistant for his own plans.
  • Skuldi - For using his later wife love interest gwendolyn as a bait between demon lord odin and inferno king onyx to trigger a war between them and their kingdom nations as one of their goal steps to achieve their main goal of becoming the "kings" of the new world after the world's rebirth and the armageddon event in accordance to the prophecies.
  • Wagner - Requested by demon lord odin in order for him to be able to obtain the titrel ring hidden in the dragon's stomach that was given to the dragon by velvet herself for safekeeping and to prevent anyone from finding and obtaining the ring that might be used for evil plans and intentions by that one who have found it.


Oswald is a powerful knight, highly skilled with his sword the Belderiver, and also commands some of Odette's power, allowing him to transform into a shadowy creature, though if he uses this too often he would irreversibly transform into a Desecrator, as shown during his false battle with Onyx during the Armageddon. His skills are such that he's able to fight powerful enemies such as Odin, Brigan, Belial, Wagner and Onyx and win.


Oswald has the fastest running speed and jumping height and distance of any character, giving him great mobility, and his HP growth is the highest in the game. His Shadow Form ability greatly increases his abilities for a short while, but rapidly drains his Power Bar, leaving him stunned after only a few seconds of use. Oswald learns his spells in an unusual order, starting with Invisible and learning Cyclone some time after Phozon Burst.

Oswald visits Ragnanival, the Raging Battleground, the Forest of Elrit, the Netherworld, Winterhorn Ridge, Titania and the Volkenon Lava Pits, and battles Hindel, Brigan, Gwendolyn, a pair of Halja, Belial, Mercedes, Odette (but fails to defeat Mercedes and could barely harm Odette), Odin, Wagner, Skuldi and a pair of Desecrators, Onyx and Leventhan.

He is also the foe against King Gallon, hinted in the prophecy that King Gallon can only be taken down by someone who commands the power of death and is a member of his own family. Oswald meets both criteria.

As of Leifþrasir Oswald's Gameplay is significantly changed. He still as quite a fast ground movement speed but aside from that his normal attacks have changed quite a bit. Oswald now has a reworked berserk system, a movement ability, and more attacks including a crouch charge attack.

Gameplay (PS2)[]

Oswald is one of the fastest moving characters in the game having excellent ground speed and a fast jump speed as well. Like Velvet, and Mercedes when the attack button is held down he has a special action. In this case he can turn into his shadow form, or Berserk form, while in this form he not only attacks in rapid slashing strikes but he can also unleash a critical attack at anytime and unlike other character every attack afterward will still be a critical attack allowing him to ramp up massive amounts of damage in short bursts. The main drawback of this form however is that it drains his POW gauge at a rapid rate and if not canceled out in time he will be vulnerable to a reprisal attack. This can be mitigated using the unlimited POW drink but this only slows the drain of POW not cancel it out.

His attack string has a unique final hit in which he'll jump into the air and do a powerful downward slice. This attack allows him to hit a wide range vertically but since he jumps it can also move him out of range of certain enemies. This was changed in Leifþrasir where he has two different ground finishers, one where if no button is held he does a double slice and if held a direction he'll do the jumping slice.


  • Invisible
  • Phozon Burst
  • Phozon Release
  • Psypher Heal
  • Cyclone
  • Overload

Gameplay (OSL)[]

Oswald now has a reworked berserk system, a movement ability, and more attacks including a crouch charge attack. This allows him to transform into his shadow form which grants a variety of changes to his overall gameplay. While in this form he is faster and strong however he doesn't have get the bonus of all hit's becoming flash critical should he receive the flash. The flash is now limited back down to his final strike. Oswald, like all characters come with some new abilities, the biggest being that if you hold down the X button while in mid-air he goes into a type of black sphere to move around in. While in this sphere is his invulnerable to all harm but he cannot remain there indefinitely only for about 2 seconds. Typically he can only move left or right while descending but by purchasing a certain ability he can move wherever he pleases. That being said he cannot attack while in this sphere and must come out to do damage. His crouch can be a slide, his original stab and slash move, by holding the square button briefly, or charged into his berserker stab. By holding square and the side button Oswald will throw the Belderiver in said direction and will dash to grab it rising each time he does so. Should the sword hit the opponent it will spin in place damaging the opponent for a few seconds before Oswald grabs the sword the action performs a wall bounce on hit.

His abilities are focused around dark magic this magic is used to perpetuate his berserk form as well as make it easier to combo while also dealing a decent amount of damage. He has a general balance between power and magic skills though ultimately more magic than power. However his magic costs alot of PP to use however it's often for great set-up and keep away on his opponents allowing Oswald to have the battlefield be tuned for his comfort rather than his enemies. His abilities also change slightly when he's in his berserk form for some it increases their size, other's duration, and other's damage. That being said his magic skills work best on the weaker opponents than they do bosses.

Now his berserker as stated is achieved by filling the new berserker state circle, to fill it one must either deal damage, or receive damage and it will rise turning red. The Berserker stab is a very fast way to fill this gauge as Oswald will take one solid non-boss enemy and stab them he then drains them and with each drain fills his berserker gauge greatly, this process can be increased by rapidly tapping the square button. Once fully red you transform by holding R1 and Triangle at the same time.  Once done again his abilities will change but his basic functions receive the greatest change. His berserker stab will turn into the Berserker Charge, where he will fly across the screen at great speed and damage anyone in his way. This move can be directed but isn't great for bosses as the damage isn't high and the speed can make it hard to maneuver, it is however great for enemies that just need one hit to kill like Bee's and small elementals. Should Oswald be in the air and still attacking he will remain in berserker mode until he touches the ground, thus it is possible to extend berserker form beyond it's time if one is able to maintain him being airborne though admittedly this is best used against enemies that can be juggled.

Oswald has a total of 5 power skills, 9 magic skills and his Ultimate Special Skill.

POW Skills[]

  1. Aerial Dive: a powerful downward slant attack that is by far his strongest skill but hard to hit enemies due to the slight rise up when activated. However this can be mitigated by performing this attack on an opponent in the air during an aerial combo.
  2. Phantom Killer: A counter attack move where Oswald will block one attack and stab them from behind.
  3. Fatal Raid: a upward diagonal arcing attack that has multi-hit properties, good for keeping enemies air-born for combos. If one is good at comboing it's possible to use this move up to 5 times in a single continous stream.
  4. Vile Rush: a rapid and multiple series of thrusts that grow more intense as it continues, which can be canceled into another Power Skill of your choosing. However if not it will end with a powerful thrust that will wall bounce this attack can be dodged out of and also canceled early by pressing square. If you press square you can change the direction of the stab.
  5. Crazed Grip: which is a short dash attack that, should it connect with an opponent, leads into a quick chain of attacks that will launch the opponent. Crazed Grip is the only attack that receives a noticeable change in berserker form as a small circle of darkness appears around the enemy briefly before they are launched.

Oswald has ten Magic Skills of which 7 are magic, 2 are support and the last is the special skill which requires 50 PP as do all specials.

His first magic skill is called Shadow Bite which sends a shadow on the ground that rises up when it get's under an opponent this can stun if used enough times. This costs 5 PP and has no changes in Berserk Form.

His second skill is Rising Void and can only be used on the ground, it creates a vortex that sucks in all enemies, this can be used in conjuction with other skills but has a short duration time. This consumes 9 PP when in Berserk form this move becomes larger and has a stronger suction and lasts a second longer.

His third skill is Serpent Grief which sends a black flame that leaps forward toward the enemy small enemies will be carried end, where it ends in a snake maw that sounds enemies airborne. This requires 12 PP and can only be used while on the ground. In berserk form it lasts 1 arc longer and the snake maw is slightly larger.

His fourth skill is perhaps his most important though his most least used skill due to it's nature, Eclipse. Oswald throws a small ball of darkness forward that explodes into a aura not unlike those of the Desecrator's own auras. Like said Aura it will drain health from all enemies inside and will also give berserk energy charge as well. However the range of this move is very limited and hard to get enemies actively inside. But if comebined with Rising Void it becomes highly useful. This consumes 13 PP and has no change while in berserk form.

His fifth skill is Nightmare Blast, this sends a line of black flame forward that will home in on enemies looping around and around till it wears out, lasts for about 4 seconds. Uses 15 PP and the line becomes bigger and lasts longer in Berserk form.

His sixth skill is Shade Pulsar, this sends 2 black flames forward that home in on enemies and sends them flying while dealing a moderate amount of damage. The more enemies on screen the longer the flames last. Uses 18 PP and the lines become bigger in Berserk form.

his final magic attack skill is, Gushing Bane this creates 2 walls of black flames that damage and will knockback non-boss enemies Oswald is unaffected by these flames and thus can use them as walls to destroy his enemies he can use this particularly against weak one hit enemies like the animal ghouls or small elementals. This costs 21 PP and in Berserk Form will create 4 walls of fire instead just 2.

His first support skill is Madness and what this does is allows him to go berserk without needing to fully fill his berserk guage however as this is not the true berserk the timer is much shorter and will not last as long. The power however is unaffected by this. Costs 21 PP and cannot be used if Oswald is already in Berserk form and can only be used ont he ground.

His second, and final, support skill is Exclusion, while this is active he receives no damage from enemies however he will be knocked back and affected by attacks. This is good for elementals or for his true boss fight in the armaggeddon as he will receive 0 damage while this is active.

His special is called Dainsleif and is a special cinematic attack as they all are. in his case he turns into his berserk form and sinks into a portal in the ground he then reappears from the top left, or right depending on which way your back is turned and perform a series of slashes. He does a spinning animation which will also damage enemies close enough to it, and continue slashing then doing another spin animation which will damage as well before vanishing off to to the right or left. Then a series of black flame snakes will dance across the scene which finishes with Oswald reappearing in a powerful stab from below. All these attacks save the spin one will attack all enemies on and slightly offscreen of Oswalds body. This has no changes in berserk form other than he stays in berserk form after it finishes whereas normally he just turns back to normal.

As a Boss[]

Oswald is only fought once in the game, appearing as the boss of Chapter 2 of Fairy Land. (This is also the only time Mercedes fights another playable character where she isn't a boss, as she's controlled by the player instead.)

In both the PS2 version and Leifthrasir, his combat matches up with his standard moveset and abilities. In the original, the boss is at its most difficult whenever his Shadow Form is activated. When this happens, Mercedes is incapable of damaging him and her only option is to avoid him until his power is exhausted, at which point the player has the chance to attack him while he's catching his breath. Avoiding him is difficult due to his speed and even when Mercedes is flying, he's still capable of jumping and hitting her. It's also important to deal with the Elf Casters that assist him during this fight, as they can heal him and make the fight last that much longer.

In Leifthrasir, the fight is much easier since Mercedes can avoid his Berserk Mode better thanks to her faster flying speed, although she's still incapable of damaging him during this time. Oswald has access to multiple moves in his skill set such as Crazed Grip, meaning it's still necessary to keep one's distance to effectively avoid getting damaged. Unlike the PS2 version of the fight, Oswald does use potions from time to time, so players have to keep their wits about them.


  • Despite appearing to be killed by the Halja, Oswald never truly dies. He is just transported to the Netherworld by them. The reason is that Queen Odette grew fond of Oswald and his suffering and she wanted to make him suffer even more while alive.
  • Oswald's role is the same as Lífþrasir (""the one striving after life" or "thriving remnant") in the Norse mythology, him being the only man surviving Ragnarok.
  • Technically, he is the only main playable character not to fight baby dragon leventhan in the fire kingdom, upon his come in this place to retrieve's gwendolyn's body while she sleeps where she was brought probably by skuldi after he kidnapped her while she was napping in the elrit castle, he stumbled upon onyx who was near gwendolyn as she sleeps in the rock tomb whom he fight instead as the two compete for gwendolyn's love.
  • Lelouch and Oswald

    This picture shows the faces of Lelouch Zero from Code Geass (Left) and Oswald (Right) this photo highlights the similarities of their eyes as they both have different colors with each other of their eye pairs

    Oswald shares the same eye different color pairs with Lelouch Zero Lamperouge from Code Geass as they both have different colors in each other of their eye pairs, they both probably could have a condition called Heterochromia, it is a genetic pigmentation mutation in the pupils of eyes that occurs during the embryo development in the woman's womb during pregnancy.
  • Oswald is the other of the two Crownless Lords spoken of in the Erion Saga. Despite the fact his father was a prince and first in line for the Titanian throne, he was banished.
  • Oswald was an undefeated warrior, until Melvin's deal with Odette left him drained of his previous strength. His power was returned during his fight with Odin, and his fight with Wagner.
  • Oswald is the last of The Shadow Knights and the only one to receive the title "The Shadow Knight"
  • Oswald is the opponent of his grandfather, King Gallon, during Armageddon.
  • During the end of his battle with Gallon, Oswald is revealed to be King Gallon's grandson and the rightful heir to the throne and crown of Titania (as Oswald's Father was the eldest son of King Gallon).
  • When Oswald reveals that his father's name is Edgar after defeating King Gallon during Armageddon, King Gallon also mentions Edgar's brother, Edmund, which refers to the brothers Edgar and Edmund in Shakespeare's play King Lear.
  • Oswald is also called "The True King of Titania"
  • Oswald is considered to be one of the two anti-heroes of the game (the other being Ingway). Oswald is also considered to be somewhat of a tragic/fallen villain who turned good and became a hero (when he is compared with the other main characters). This sort of concept however would describe him as an Anti-villain rather then an Anti-hero. An Anti-villain is a character who was seen as a villain who later became a hero while an anti-hero is a character who is a hero but does evil deeds as well, as he/she believes that the deed is for good. This is not confirmed as Oswald wasn't truly evil but was just acting a little cruel or sinister when he was fighting under Melvin's command.
  • An Unlimited Power potion can be combined with Shadow Form to greatly increase its length, though it will not stop Oswald's Power Bar depletion, only slow it.
  • His Japanese seiyuu is Susumu Chiba. In the English dub, he is voiced by Derek Stephen Prince.
  • Oswald draws inspiration from the Norse hero Sigurd, with his relationship with Gwendolyn reflecting Sigurd's romance with Brynhildr.
    • As one of the survivors of Armageddon, he is also a reference to Leifthrasir, the man who survives Armageddon to repopulate humanity with Leif.
  • Early designs of his main appearance were very similar to his final design: however, George Kamitani comments in the Leifthrasir Artworks book that they needed to tweak him a little because he looked "too much like a villain."
  • After his foster father died, Oswald cut off all of his affiliations with the fairy forest kingdom of Ringford right after his transport in the netherworld after knowing the existence and story of his biological parents and what happened before Melvin's adoption of him from Brom and only serving there and working for it's ambitions because of Melvin who was his foster father that adopted and raised him, and started seeking other factions to work as an independent contractor.
  • He doesn't visit the Ringford Forest stage in his story, a trait shared with Cornelius due to his ally with the fairies under his foster father Melvin's command until his death who was a fairy duke.
  • Strangely, the runes on the shield-like plates on his chest read "Gallon" and "Titania," even though he doesn't find out about his heritage until the end of the world.
  • Oswald does hear about Cornelius from a random NPC in his Epilogue chapter: however, it's never stated whether he realizes if he's his cousin or if they meet following the Armageddon, on the other hand, meanwhile in cornelius epilogue story perspective, he has never heard anything related or that has something to do that mentions oswald's existence.
    • the closest and possible approach of the two happened in the true ending epilogue of the armageddon book, where tired oswald carries unconscious gwendolyn in his arms as he walks slowly in the barren vacant desert of the valentine kingdom ruin sites, he spotted something afar towards the direction where they are headed however, before oswald could see it clearly what it was, he collapsed from tiredness and freeing gwendolyn from his arms grip as they both falls to the ground, this is time where velvet and cornelius spot them both, however it is still unknown if they ever met in that moment, it is never shown in the game that oswald and gwendolyn wakes up from their tiredness while velvet and cornelius is around in them while they are unconscious, but in the book of wheel of fate cutscene shows that oswald and gwendolyn only wakes up only to find nobody in their area other than two themselves and the land was in the ruins then they would later find out that the land ruins where they stand in starts to grow grasses and plants, revealing for the two that the world was in rebirthing process as oswald realizes the prophecies he have heard before then tells gwendolyn that they should not give up because there is still hope for both of them, this implies that they only wake up after cornelius and velvet had vanished in their area where they lie unconscious and their psyphers we're unknowingly taken from them by velvet while they are unconscious from their tiredness which it would be sacrificed into the cauldron to repower it again to use it's phozon contents to heal the world which was already done after they wake up from the unconsciousness.
  • Of the main male characters (Oswald, Cornelius, Ingway), he is never canonically afflicted with a curse that changes his form.
    • In the False Ending if he's pitted against Onyx, he overuses his Shadow Powers and subsequently becomes a revenant.
  • He's the first major male character to get his own separate figurine. (Cornelius appears alongside Velvet in their Alter figurine while Ingway appears in his frog form in both of Mercedes's official figurines.)
  • Determined location by the discovery of his tombstone along with his wife, the northwest region of germany, could be the actual setting place of erion that was deemed to be considered "fictional" place in the later many centuries after the erion saga story has completely faded from reality into a mythological story slowly through out the centuries have passed since it happened, since oswald and gwendolyn had continued to lived in the erion even after the armageddon event, if they continued to have live there until they both died, it raises the fact that northwest region of germany is the actual location of erion "continent" while according to some others, it is claimed that oswald and gwendolyn may have migrated to a different place that is a bit far from the actual location of erion in order to find a better suitable settling area for their living but this theory is still considered pending as there are no any clear evidence that reveals that oswald and gwendolyn had migrated to a different place after the armageddon event.
Odin Sphere Characters
Main Playable Characters
Supporting Characters
BelialBromGriseldaHindelIngwayKing EdmundMaster KroisMatthewMyrisOdinQueen ElfariaWagner
Supporting Antagonists
BeldorMelvinQueen OdetteUrzurBriganSkuldi
Primary Antagonists
King GallonKing OnyxKing ValentineLeventhan
Minor Characters
AliceEdgarMelelunchMelieneMerilMauryPrincess ArielSocrates