Princess Ariel of the Valentine Kingdom is unseen minor character in the main storyline of erion saga book series, she is a deceased former princess of the destroyed valentine kingdom and the mother of the valentine twins and a former lover of demon lord odin, she was strangled by her father, king valentine to death who fell into madness when he learned of her romance with the king of valentine's then ragnanival enemies, demon lord odin, she died still loving her father, refusing to hate him.
Profile Overview[]
Princess Ariel was the daughter of the King of Valentine and was capable of seeing into the future. She eventually met King Odin when he was in Valentine and the romance between them resulted in her pregnancy and giving birth to Ingway and Velvet.
She has an ability to forsee the upcoming holding future of erion, she used this ability to warn her twin children from the dangers that will be coming in their future lives by writing poem dedicated to them of what they should do when a danger or any types of disaster comes into their lives, she also noted in her poem for her children the mechanic system of the cauldron how to use in case they have to use the cauldron in order to save the world from the destruction if ever happened in the future.
Princess ariel was a kind and compassionate to her children, her death had profound affect on ingway in which that he blamed on their own father as ingway believes that their father odin had neglected her by abandoning her at the hands of their grandfather leaving her unprotected and to be killed, this belief that ingway had in his mind made him to become a rebellious son to their father by sabotaging their military and giving some help to the fairies.
Appearance Traits[]
In the two instances that Ariel appears in official artwork (first in an illustration from the original game and second in a note found in Leifthrasir), she is shown as a silhouette, so not much is known in detail about what she looked like. She wore a veil similar to the one that Velvet wears and had a long dress with loose, lacy sleeves and a wide collar, and had long hair. Velvet is remarked by Odin and King Valentine to resemble her and Ingway even almost mistakes her for Ariel during Velvet's unique False End cutscene against the Darkova.
Personality Classification[]
Princess Ariel was an extremely kind individual, and forgiving individual. She bore no grudges against anybody that wronged her not her father or her children as she wished for everyone to be happy even if she couldn't be. Her kindness is to such a degree that even though her father hurt and eventually killed her she never stopped loving him. She was also fearless, in Leifthrasir it's shown she foresaw her own death should she return to her father but instead of trying to delay it she chose to return knowing full well she would die.
Background Story[]
There is not much known about Princess Ariel's lifetime before the main events of Odin sphere except the fact that she used to be lover of King Odin, their romance resulted her bearing twin offspring (Velvet and Ingway) fathered by the King of Ragnanival Kingdom demon lord Odin, when her father knew that she bore the child of a perceived enemy nation, he went insane through out his last year even after Ariel's twins we're born and reached middle childhood growth, they we're forced to hate their mother as Princess Ariel was strangled to death by her own father as she says her final words to her children.
Before her death, she wrote a letter for her twin children, stating the upcoming future ahead of them and the world, she wrote a two part note, the first part they had which foretold of woe and death for them. There was a second note saying she was happy that they chose to pretend to hate her so they could save themselves from her insane father. She also wrote how to use the cauldron and how it could become an instrument to save the world as destroying it would be the wrong thing to do.
Plotline Summary Perspective[]
Princess Ariel is an unseen character in the game and was only mentioned in the book cutscene stories of Velvet and Gwendolyn like much Oswald's biological father Edgar, and they also both became important for the main story's climax, unlike Princess Ariel she had a portrait in the manual book of the game that shows her as a shadow in the wall while being strangled by her father to death, Oswald's biological father Edgar also never had any portraits of himself either in the game or the manual book of Odin sphere. Later in Leifthrasir, some text shows Edgar who bares a hairstyle similar to that of Oswald inferring that Oswald might be similar in appearance to his father.
She apparently had the gift of seeing the future, and left two scrolls (or two parts of one scroll) for her children, stating her undying love for both of them, as well as their doomed future. In Leifthrasir it's revealed she even foresaw her own death from her father and still went to see him fully aware doing so would be the end of her life.
When Velvet and Ingway were growing up, somewhere along the way they rejected their mother in front of the mad King Valentine, resulting in Princess Ariel's tears. Velvet later mused that their mother was crying not tears of sadness, but of joy, glad that her children were choosing life over death, because their grandfather certainly would have killed them both if they loved their mother.
Demon Lord Odin[]
When Ariel visited Ragnanival the two met and they loved each other, it is unknown how Odin and Ariel met, they used to be couple for a limited time with neither, according to Odin at least, never knowing each other's names. However their relationship angered King Valentine greatly and she was beaten and eventually killed by her own father King Valentine. Since her death King Odin was saddened greatly by her death and later remarried another unnamed woman where he had another two children whom are both daughters and they we're Griselda and Gwendolyn.
King Valentine[]
Her relationship with her father, used to be much better and the two were very loving as father and daughter. King Valentine considered her as his most precious and beloved child he ever had, until he found out that she had a relationship and been impregnated by a King who came from an enemy nation at the time, their relationship was destroyed and he went insane to the point that he killed her for loving someone other than him especially someone from an enemy nation. Despite this she never held it against her father and wished for him to live and be happy despite the pain he inflicted on her.
Prince Ingway of the Valentine Kingdom[]
Ingway was much a beloved children of Princess Ariel, she was doting to him along with his younger sister, Ingway misunderstood the fact that she hated him and his sister for abandoning her before he realizes it from the poem letter that his younger sister showed to him that came their mother who wrote it for them. In her letter she forgives him for abandoning her knowing full well he would blame himself for it.
Princess Velvet of the Valentine Kingdom[]
Like her father, she also loved Velvet very much and did the same thing as her and father did to one another, before her father went insane, she is a doting mother to her and to her son Ingway, she both cared for her twin children, Velvet understand what she has to do and why her mother told her to hate her in order just to save themselves from their grand father who went insane.
Coming soon!
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Supporting Characters
Belial ♦ Brom ♦ Griselda ♦ Hindel ♦ Ingway ♦ King Edmund ♦ Master Krois ♦ Matthew ♦ Myris ♦ Odin ♦ Queen Elfaria ♦ Wagner ♦ | |