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"My true name is...Fimbulvetr...Let this awful winter disappears with...Me...."

Elfaria, on her deathbed

Fairy Queen Elfaria of the Ringford is a supporting character in the main storyline of Erion Saga book series, who was the previous queen of the Kingdom of Ringford, before her daughter Mercedes, she was the leader of the Fairy race and the ruler of the Kingdom of Ringford located in the southern realm of Erion, she is an aunt to her nephew Melvin, and a step grand mother to Melvin's adopted son Oswald, she dies in the early stages of the game at the hands of Demon Lord Odin who uses the encounter to demonstrate the sheer power of his Balor.

Profile Overview[]

Elfaria is the leading queen of their race before her daughter Mercedes after her death, she led perpetual claims to the Cauldron leftover of the destroyed Valentine Kingdom by making a military reclaim to the area, as she hopes to use the Cauldron's Phozon contents for their people so that their race can survive.

She is also the responsible for the unification of all fairy tribes and the foundation of the kingdom of ringford that was founded immediately just shortly following the destruction of the kingdom of valentine, queen elfaria saw the collapse of this nation as an advantage to her efforts in order to convince all of their kins to form into one big unified group that will eventually become a root principality of created what to call a "citizen" for a kingdom she founded for all of her kind.

Appearance Traits[]

She is a 38 year old woman fairy queen, she gave birth to Mercedes when she was around 23-24 years old, even by Fairy standards, Elfaria is extremely beautiful, as commented by Odin. Her wings are violet, and graduate into sky blue at their uppermost ends, and have black patterns resembling leaves and are very similar to a butterfly's. Unlike most insect wings, each wing seems to be one whole appendage, instead of being composed of a forewing and hindwing. They are roughly larger than the rest of her body and she is capable of flight. She wears a long leaf-green gown with a thigh-high split in the side, the hem of which trails a little behind her. The gown has large puffy shoulders that appear to be bundles of foliage (leaves and vines) at closer glance, and long slightly sheer white under-sleeves, flared and ruffled slightly at the wrist.

She also wears green high heels that match her dress, and is most always seen carrying a tall wooden staff, topped with a hook shape much like a shepherd's crook. The crook is green at its end, like a new shoot, and gradually turns browner and more brittle looking near its tip, like a withering stalk, and bears browning leaves. It is like her scepter, and indicative of the Fairies' responsibilities for keeping the land green, growing, and allowing nature to flourish- perhaps a reference to how Fairies are the keepers of the land, not in ownership but alike to how shepherds watch over and safeguard their herds, so that they may safely live & grow. Her hair is a deep honey blonde and wavy and quite long, ending in large curls, her eyes chestnut brown, and her expression is always regal, calm, and gentle, fitting of both a mother & queen. She wears a wreath of large, light green flowers as a crown. Upon her death, she has lost her scepter and crown both, and her wings seem a bit askew, perhaps damage done by the brutal attack from the Balor which would prove fatal to her.

Personality Classification[]


Elfaria in the game

Unlike most rulers in Erion, Elfaria is not genuinely evil and she have no interest of using and controlling the Cauldron for power and conquer domination purposes, but rather intending to use it as a source of life for her kingdom and her people. That being said she is aware of the Cauldron's more destructive purposes and refuses to use it to produce Psyphers, aware of the fact that doing so requires Phozons which her people need in order to survive.

Elfaria is the most non violent and kind ruler in the storyline as she has no intents of conquering the world for her own benfit seeking only her people's survival through non-conflicting means. Elfaria is a very courageous and fearless woman despite of hopelessness in the war's situation due to her monarchy ruler opponent possessing the incredibly powerful Balor and his significantly more vicious army. Elfaria is also a doting mother to Mercedes, as she took care of her very much by wishing her safe and looking after her while also trying to teach her to look beyond the immediate problem and focus on the long term goal.

She disliked Melvin's plans to mass produce Belderivers, fearing the curse on them, and was struck by some dismay when Melvin revealed he had Oswald kill the dragon Hindel. Though sparks occasionally fly between the two for their conflicting ideals, especially on Psyphers, she does seem to trust her nephew, entrusting Mercedes' safekeeping and support to him should the worst happen to her. Unfortunately, her trust was misplaced.

She is known to be a diplomatic and wise individual, as it is revealed during the unseen Fairy-Dwarf conflict that she forgave the Dwarves instead of punishing them, earning her their trust and loyalty. She was an individual who looked at the long term consequences of every decision made instead of the short term benefits unlike Mercedes and Melvin, Mercedes not even knowing the true purpose of the war and Melvin wanting to mass produce psyphers to conquer every other nation which would drain the forest of Phozon's doing so and killing their race as a whole.

Background Story[]

Elfaria was a leading leader of a local fairy tribe during the unification wars of the fairy race and she founded the first successful unification of all tribes of fairies acting as a one nation prior to the start of the main storyline events of the game just shortly after the destruction of the valentine kingdom

Odin Sphere Elfaria's Death (OSL)

Cutscene from Mercedes Story Book "The Fairy Land" she talks to her daughter mercedes in her final moments while their people surrounds them for her mourning and protection of her body shortly before her death

Plotline Summary Perspective[]

Possession Control[]

Not much is known about Elfaria except that she is a monarch regarded in high esteem by all of Ringford, for being the responsible of uniting the races of her territory under a single banner. She many times attempted negotiation with the Dwarves during the Fairy-Dwarf conflict as she recognized their technological abilities and sought to put them to good use, which was not well received with the Fairies.

Eventually the conflict flared and the Dwarves attempted to use the Crystallization Cauldron to their advantage. This backfired on the Dwarves and Elfaria ordered her troops to save both ally and foe while she put herself in front of the Cauldron to stop it. The Dwarves were captured and ready to be sentenced but she forgave them instead and welcomed them into her kingdom. This earned her the full trust of the race although a fraction of them that escaped joined the Aesir ranks instead. This feat earned her the praise of all the kingdom that regards her as a legendary regent. She was then given the Tasla Psypher as a token of gratitude.

At later points Elfaria's nephew Melvin spent most of the early stages of the storyline attempting to convince her of the need to mass-produce Belderivers, though she was unwilling to do so due to the curse on the weapons.

Berated Insults[]

She appears for a short while in Gwendolyn's story, where the two women exchange insults before Beldor arrives with Belial while she retreats. However as she attempts to lead the Vanir on a helpless struggle in which Melvin suggests retreating. Before they can do so they are intercepted by Odin who destroys the remainder of her close guard with his Balor Psypher. Odin comments on Elfaria's beauty and that it is a shame he has to "break her perfect neck like stepping on a lily" while the queen insults Odin for his ruthless ambition and that he will not be forgiven. Odin then unleashes the power of his Balor before her, leaving Elfaria speechless and unable to act before being fatally injured.

Hopeful Wishes[]

She manages to return to her palace with her last words, Elfaria told Mercedes to be strong and to not seek revenge. She expressed her regret over leaving the burden of being queen on the young shoulders of her daughter, but expressed her faith in her daughter before passing.


Fairy Princess Mercedes of the Ringford Kingdom[]

Elfaria considers her as the most precious love one and figure of their kingdom as she was intended to become her successor after her, elfaria's relationship with her is considered the most special one, closest and the best ones for her in all of elfaria's build-up relationship with any of the characters she interacted with, due to the fact that she was her daughter and in which she had already a default established relationship with mercedes the moment elfaria gave birth to her.

Fairy Duke Melvin of the Ringford Kingdom[]

Her nephew from an unrevealed sibling Elfaria trusts and overall respects Melvin. However despite this there are very clear lines she will not cross even for him. Such as his desire to mass produce Belderiver and was deeply distraught when she learned that he was the reason why Hindel was killed. Despite this when she died she entrusted Mercedes safety him unaware of his power hungry nature and more darker desires. She also would not blame Melvin for her death and would also encourage Mercedes to seek his advice. Suffice to say despite their clashing personalities she loved and valued Melvin more than he deserved from her.

Matthew the Confidant Advisor[]

Like much melvin, she considers matthew as part of their immediate family and she considered the fact that his relationship to her daughter was a special one due to their close friendship with one another, she would often leave mercedes in his care as her daughter considers him as her grandfather as matthew helps her in some ways and giving mercedes some good and helpful advices, elfaria sometimes considers matthew to be more worthy of trusting in custody and in charge when she has sometimes to leave mercedes in his care while she is busy at her duty and works.

Brom the Blacksmith[]

Elfaria sees him as their best hired weapon forger as he was good at making psypher weapons for their forces and he was their source of good arms and jewel crystal, elfaria appreciate much brom in his services that she considered to be helpful for their kingdom as his works would boost their forces against their foes, elfaria considers him to be special figure in their inner circle, their relationship is considered well valued by elfaria's standards that is much higher than just being goodly average due to her much appreciation and applause of his services and his pledge of loyalty serving for their kingdom despite being only an independent service weapon forger that is not attached to a one particular nation in which he offer his weapon making services in various nations to make his own living.

Oswald the Shadow Knight[]

There is no definite relationship with these two in particular apart from the fact that she knows he is a subordinate of his nephew Melvin, they also have, as far as we know, never truly met. It can therefore be surmised they are aware of each other and nothing more other than of it.

Beldor the Green Sorcerer[]

Elfaria accepted establishing close relationship and ties with him as he helps elfaria in her quest of taking the cauldron for the use of their people of it as their main source of life in order for their to continue to survive and thrive however, behind his mind, she was unaware that beldor established ties with her because he was planning to use her kingdom and her forces for the three wisemen plans to immediately start the catastrophe event of the prophecies as they goal to control it's destiny by orders of it's occurrence in their own will and hands as they plan to make themsleves as kings of the world after the prophecies however, when elfaria was killed during the war, he decided to withdraw away from the ringford kingdom and cut all of his ties in the kingdom following her death, their relationship is considered to be hoax bulit as it is scripted and set up for some intended reason.

Demon Lord Odin[]

Elfaria considers him as her main nemesis in competence for the cauldron who actually made compliments towards her because he was fascinated of her beauty but despite of that he murdered elfaria the moment he showed up to her by absorving her body's phozon life nutrients through his balor weapon, leaving her weakened and her body was transported back to the ringford kingdom by her forces where she would pass away but they we're able to informed mercedes on this who cried on her death and vowed to take revenge against the ragnanival forces and take the cauldron successfully from their control.

Princess Gwendolyn of the Ragnanival Kingdom[]

Elfaria considers her in the same way as he considers oswald in their military and kingdom being a mere tool servant to their lords, when elfaria faced her she told gwendolyn that she cannot win over them to take the cauldron into their hands, then she summoned belial to attack gwendolyn in order to stop her mission from taking the cauldron from them, which turned successfully but only temporarily since demon lord odin has to show up and kill elfaria in the lost kingdom of valentine after she successfully halted gwendolyn's advance and take over of the cauldron as she asked help from her father to take the cauldron from the fairies control.


While she was never seen using it, it is likely she was skilled in using her Psypher bow Tasla. She never had the chance to use it during the storyline however, as Elfaria allowed Mercedes to use her bow so she could hone her skills by hunting frogs, which ultimately proved to be her downfall as she was unarmed when facing the power of Odin's psypher during the Second Battle of the Cauldron War when the Demon Lord invaded the Vanir's forward headquarters. It also appears she knows how to control the Cauldron so it could give Phozon's to propagate life as she took it for that sole purpose.

Official Artwork and Merchandise[]

Coming soon!


  • Elfaria's true name is Fimbulvetr ("the great winter"). In Norse Mythology, the Fimbul Winter marks the beginning of Ragnarok, which would be Armageddon in Odin Sphere's storyline. In the norse mythology the Fimbul Winter is described of being three successive winters where snow comes in from all directions, without any intervening summer. During this time, there will be innumerable wars and brothers will kill brothers.
    • This likely mirrors the situation in her land, where the nation becomes chaotic as a result of Melvin's insurrection, putting the Vanir on a civil war.
Odin Sphere Characters
Main Playable Characters
Supporting Characters
BelialBromGriseldaHindelIngwayKing EdmundMaster KroisMatthewMyrisOdinQueen ElfariaWagner
Supporting Antagonists
BeldorMelvinQueen OdetteUrzurBriganSkuldi
Primary Antagonists
King GallonKing OnyxKing ValentineLeventhan
Minor Characters
AliceEdgarMelelunchMelieneMerilMauryPrincess ArielSocrates