The Kingdom of Ragnanival, also known as Nebulapolis, is a mentioned mountainous human kingdom location in the Erion Saga book series, this kingdom is the homeland of the aesir humans, it is located in the northernmost of Erion, situated on the continent's crater mountain in its deep center region, this place is the homeland of berserkers, valkyries, viking axe soldiers and dwarves who defected to the ragnanival forces after the destruction of their homeland kingdom, this domain also serves as a homeland for some notable characters in the story such as General Brigan, the warlord chief of the ragnanival army, princess Griselda, the first combat princess of the ragnanival kingdom, Demon Lord Odin, the king of the aesir and the current owner and ruler of this country at that time, and the female deuteragonist main character princess Gwendolyn.
Domain Overview[]
The Kingdom of Ragnanival lies in the northern region of Erion, it is one of the coldest places in Erion along with Winterhorn Ridge Mountain due to its far distance from the direct equator area where the rays of sun mostly shines, this place is the homeland of aesir humans such as valkyries and beserkers, it also hosts the dwarves who defected to the ragnanival side after the destruction of their homeland kingdom while the other ones defected to the Kingdom of Ringford, it is bordered by the lifeless haunted domain area of Netherworld by its western side and the wild forests of elrit in it's eastern side, this kingdom is at war with the Ringford Kingdom, competing over a cauldron that was left in the ruins of the destroyed Valentine Kingdom, the aesir plans to use it to strengthen their military forces and the weapon of their king so they could become even more powerful enough to be able to conquer the entire Erion continent with ease.
Ragnanival is the second most powerful kingdom when valentine kingdom was still standing and intact but when this kingdom is destroyed, the ragnanival kingdom took over it's position as the most powerful kingdom in erion right after it's destruction, giving the title to demon lord odin as being the most powerful ruler in erion at the time during the main storyline events few years after king valentine's death.
This kingdom is the second oldest nation in erion behind the volkenon lava pits and third oldest in overall of erion if including the netherworld location, although the exact foundation of the netherworld is not known, but it is already a known fact that this lifeless domain kingdom is the first of all nations in erion that has been over millions of years before other nations in erion emerged.
Ragnanival Kingdom is the coldest kingdom in all of existing nations in erion due to it's proximity location with the northernmost border part of the continent which is often unreachable by the sun, the ragnanival kingdom is the second least locations in erion to receive sunlight from the sun while winterhorn ridge mountain tops one as the location that is unreachable by the sun as in this area where the sun never shown in anyway, this place is always in night mode and never had any coming sun days.
The kingdom is primarily known for it's viking features, warlike cultures and it's advancement in technological innovation and many more other inventions made by the aesirs that is mostly focused on the technological skills of the military innovation, ragnanival is the only human kingdom where soldiers has the ability to fly because they are able to create military equipment inventions such as the military dresswings which are the primary outfit clothing of the valkyrie soldiers including their princesses that also wears the same outfit that both have attached crafted wings that can be used to fly in a limited amount of time.
Because of ragnanival kingdom's advancement in technological skills for military innovation, it makes the kingdom as the second most ahead nation at the time in erion before the destruction of the valentine kingdom and after it's collapse, ragnanival kingdom took valentine kingdom's place as the first most ahead nation in erion right after it's destruction which is mostly took place at the time of the main storyline events, valentine kingdom collapsed before the main storyline events started, at the entering phase of the main storyline event is the time when ragnanival kingdom became the first most ahead nation in erion because the valentine kingdom collapsed a little few years before the main storyline events started.
Background History[]
This kingdom was founded by the union of germanic tribes who became their ancestors, ragnanival kingdom started as a mountainous small viking tribe village rounded fort, the beginning of the foundation of this kingdom is most likely at the time of Beowulf's lifetime era, a viking swordsman warrior leader from the 6th century who have came to the continent of Erion 277 years earlier that is said to have killed a terrifying monster single handedly that used to harass their ancestor's village fort that was eventually replaced by this kingdom.
Few decades earlier, before the events of the main storyline, the kingdom of ragnanival used to fight against the Kingdom of Titania in the Elrit Forest, during their expansion and colonization of the northeast wild life area, which was halted by the Ragnanival forces after their decisive victory against them, their king later took claim of the castle fortress that the Titanians had bulit in the Elrit Forest located in its center hilly island after their retreat from the forest which became known as the "Elrit Castle".
Ragnanival Kingdom is situated on the low lying deep center region land area of an icy crater mountain, it is surrounded by two mountain ranges; one from the crater mountain in its deep center region which is a low lying land area that is an icy region, and its second layer of another but wider outer mountain range that borders the Netherworld to the west and Elrit Forest to the east, then the northern sea on its south and this second outer layer mountain region is less icy compared to its inner mountain range.
Ragnanival Kingdom has a continental weather, like much the Netherworld and other cold places on Erion, it had little to almost none hot weather due to its northern most position in the region of the continent that is not reached by the sun rays to inflict hot weather.
The main currency of the kingdom is the Ragnan Silver, coins made from the silver mines in Ragnanival's own land. However, the quality of the silver is poor, so the individual coins have the least worth of any coin in the world. However, these coins are accepted all over the world and can be found everywhere. Vendors treat them as pennies for the purpose of making change when customers overpay.
Main Playable Characters Visits[]
Book 1: The Valkyrie[]
Gwendolyn came back here to brought back the Ring Titrel presented to her by Oswald. Driven by duty, Gwendolyn fights through her way and arrived at the Castle where a furious Demon Lord attacked her. Realizing that Demon Lord is controlled by General Brigan, Gwendolyn defeats her father, forcing the soul of Brigan to leave Odin.
Book 2: The Pooka Prince[]
Cornelius was brought here after being saved by Odin from the realm of Netherworld. Cornelius was forced to prove that his words are true, He is the royal bloodline of Titania, the son of King Edmund, he is asked to defeat General Brigan. He proved victorious and he is allowed to leave Nebulapolis along with his Psypher Sword.
Book 3: The Fairy Land[]
Mercedes never set foot to this kingdom, she instead faced demon lord odin in the lost kingdom of valentine.
Book 4: The Black Sword[]
Oswald was sent here by Melvin for an espionage mission to gather more information about the aesirs in their plot intentions, this is also the first time he laid his eyes on Gwendolyn.
Book 5: Fate[]
Velvet visits here to catch up with Ingway who planned to kill Odin to exact his revenge and unknown to her, Ingway had stole the secret spell of Darkova, transforming into the dreaded Darkova and Velvet faces off against him, wanting to knock some sense into him. Ingway transformed back into human, and the twin shared a moment about their mother's death.
Bosses and Enemies[]
- In Norse mythology, the Aesir are the main pantheon of gods, ruled by Odin. After fighting a war with the Vanir, they united into a single tribe of gods.
- according to some developers of odin sphere, the ragnanival castle was inspired by the alcazar segovia castle of spain which is a castle that also gave inspiration to the creation of the disney castle also known as "cinderella's castle".
♦ Odin Sphere Locations ♦
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♦ Erion ♦ | |
♦ Nebulapolis ♦ Ringford Palace ♦ Titanian Palace ♦ Valentine Palace ♦ Netherworld Shrine ♦ Inferno King's Shrine ♦ | |