The Forest Kingdom of Ringford is a mentioned magical fairy forest kingdom location in the Erion Sagas book series, this is the kingdom homeland of the fairy race formerly ruled by Queen Elfaria and currently ruled by Queen Mercedes at the time of the main event situated on a thick jungle island, this domain also houses unicorns who are indigenous to their jungle island and the dwarves who defected to the ringford forces after the destruction of their kingom homeland, It is located in the southwestern realm of Erion, Bordered by the ruins of the Valentine Kingdom to the west, and the ocean to the eastern side.
Domain Overview[]
This kingdom sits in an island of forest and it is mostly composed of large magical forests and large plants with orbs where fairy babies are being placed to develop their embryos into a complete fetus baby to be born, it has a palace building inside within its center region but it is not visible within outside of the kingdom as it is being covered by large forests, Ringford Kingdom has the largest existing trees in the continent of Erion.
This kingdom nation is at war with the Kingdom of Ragnanival, and much like them, they also compete seizure dominance over the cauldron; while the Ragnanival Forces are planning to use the cauldron for the strengthening of their military forces and their king for their world conquest ambitions as they hope to win over it, the fairies wants it as a main source of their life because of its phozon contents within, phozons are the main life source for fairies as if it is a food for them, this nation do not only hosts fairies exclusively it also houses unicorns and myconids that we're indigenous to their kingdom and lilipats who we're dwarves that defected to the Ringford Kingdom after the destruction of their kingdom homeland.
Ringford Kingdom is the largest forest area in erion, the leaves and trees of this lair is much larger and thicker, the plants in this location hold magical abilities that can produce supernatural powers and even taking care of it's fairy offsprings as the flowers in this area can be used as fetus covering for fairy babies where it can develop for sometime until they are completed in development, the forests in this domain are much dense compared in elrit forest in the northeast realm of erion.
Due to it's giant oversized trees and abundant of the magical creatures and elemental characteristics of the forests that can be found in the ringford kingdom, the location is also being referred as the magical forest jungle by many people across the erion whom have oversighted the ringford forest as they pass through the inland sea of the continent which we're mostly titanian humans and some valentinian humans by the least when their kingdom was still intact before it's destruction and the start of the main storyline events, despite their numerous calling name referrences to the jungle island of the fairies, many of these people who described it have never been inside of the ringford kingdom.
Some of them are fascinated of seeing it's fairy inhabitants personally as they mostly rarely to encounter one of the fairy species who mostly avoid contact with the outsiders due to their fear of any foreigners that passes through the inland sea that surrounds their kingdom homeland, as ringford jungle forest island is mostly inhabited by fairies as it's most abundant inhabitant creatures since it was their native homeland in which fairies acts as it's main creature and people, it has been also nicknamed as "The Fairy's Lair" since fairies are very prevalent in this location and more dominant than any other creatures that also resides in this location as them.
Background History[]
This Kingdom was formed by union tribes of fairies that only came to happen after the destruction of the Valentine Kingdom because of the cauldron it leaves unattended after its destruction as most of its surviving citizens either flee away from the kingdom or hide, its dwarves citizens who survived the destruction mainly defected on two side factions either to the Ragnanival or the Ringford ones, the fairies used to fight each other of their own kins as they were divided into many section of tribes and only became unified upon the destruction of the Kingdom of Valentine, Ringford is the most recent country to exist in Erion at the time of the main storyline event, before their unification, fairies had no representing nation of their identity and race and they were only a group of many tribe sections whom shares with one another with the same related race species.
Most of the fairies had been isolated in a same one particular place for a long period of time until they were involved in the war against the Ragnanival Forces fighting for the cauldron's domination ownership, the war they involved in, forced most of the fairies to explore the outside world and even making into the farthest point places of the continent such as the Elrit Forest, because of not being used of traveling outside of their kingdom homeland, most of them are afraid from any living beings outside of their home or anything considered foreign to them, majority of the fairies are xenophobics at the time of the main storyline event.
Ringford Kingdom sits on a jungle island located in the southeastern realm of Erion, surrounded by southern sea region of the continent that features an abundance of giant trees. Its palace, which is the castle of the fairies, is situated in the center region of its area but it is not visible because of the large trees that covers the building, it also features some few very small islands, and another bigger one but smaller than the main jungle island where the kingdom of the fairies is situated, these smaller outlying jungle islands indicates that during the ice age times the jungle island of the Ringford Kingdom used to be much bigger that shrinks as these outlying smaller jungle islands are actually connected to the largest jungle island body or the main jungle island body of the Ringford Kingdom by its low lying flat plain areas that was flooded by the rising sea levels during the ice age period.
The Ringford Kingdom has a climate ranging from temperate to dry weather due to its close proximity with a desert region terrain of the ruins of the Valentine Kingdom, Ringford is abundant to constant rainfall and sometimes in a hot summer climate as the place is close to the center region of the continent.
Main Playable Character Visits[]
Book 1: The Valkyrie[]
Gwendolyn visits this place to retrieve the Ring of Titrel from the hands of the new Fairy Queen, Mercedes. She encounters Mercedes in her palace and battles her, eventually defeating the newly throned young queen.
Book 2: The Pooka Prince[]
Cornelius never visited this place in his perspective book story, the only time he visited this area is during the Armageddon event part of the main story plotline, where he has to battle the Darkova formed Ingway being under controlled by now revenant formed Beldor at the time.
Book 3: The Fairy Land[]
Ringford is the home to the Fairy Queen Mercedes, and such is the first area to explore even that Mercedes is forced to leave after the usurp of Melvin. Mercedes later battles Oswald in her castle, she proved to be victorious (even though Oswald is not at full strength at that time) and took back Ringford.
Book 4: The Black Sword[]
This area serves as a base headquarters for Oswald, as he serves the ringford military under his foster father's command, oswald never visited this place in his gameplay for available battle scenario but rather only as a cutscene stories, as oswald has no hostility against fairies as he works for them, he would later leave this place after the death of his foster father from his failed launched revolution.
Book 5: Fate[]
Velvet visited this place to retrieve the ring from the fairies when the cauldron was controlled by fairies after it was seized during the war.
Ringford was hit hard during the catastrophe event of the armageddon as it was mostly destroyed by darkova formed ingway while being under control by revenant formed beldor through his magic spell powers that can enslave a beast such the darkova, he was eventually challenged by cornelius which would be the one to set him free from the enslaving curse of the darkova spell power and wounding him greatly leading to his death.
Area Overview[]
As Ringford is the house of Fairies, Ringford's landscape is very much covered by trees--It is full of large ones in particular, and the Capital of Ringford is hidden within them. The player can also find many Carroteers here, which are required to make some potions, such as the Healing Tonic and the Elixir.
Bosses, Enemies and Mandragoras[]
Boss: Unicorn Knight, fought two times in this place.
Enemies: Mostly the Vanir guarding this area, including the soldiers and the fairies.
Main Bosses: Mercedes and Oswald are both bosses fought here for Gwendolyn's story and Mercedes' story, respectfully.
Mandragoras: Onnione and Caroteer are the most frequently found Mandragoras here, but sometimes Habaneristo and Cusbane are found here as well.
- Ringford could be based on Vanaheimr in Norse Mythology, the home for Vanirs between the nine worlds of Norse Mythology. In the game, 'Vanir' also refers to the Fairy Army led by Queen Elfaria.
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