Salamanders are bipedal reptilians and one of the native wild life and dweller inhabitants of Volkenon Lava Pits where these creatures are also serving under the volkenon army with king onyx acting as it's only leader.
Mob Profile Overview[]
Salamanders are fire reptile lizards that natively inhabit the volkenon lava pits, these creatures and the only one examples of animals serving under a military service, these creatures sometimes act as courier message runners for king onyx.
These creatures among one of the smallest and fasting moving ones in the erion saga main storyline during the peak of it's taking place process, as one of the main playable characters noted their rate movement during their encounters of these bipedal lizards.
These bipedal lizards can only be found exclusively in the volkenon lava pits, where it is one of it's native inhabitants that live alongside with fire vulcan child, firewielder phoenix rider, magma rocks and temporarily with goblins in the fire kingdom, these creatures cannot be found anywhere else in erion other in this location.
Appearance Traits[]
Salamanders bear a trait identically similar to real life tiny lizard with an exception of their actual sizes, these creatures have red colored skin and have a fire in the edge of their tail, their pupils are colored in red-orange, these animals have three sharp claws on it's each limbs.
Mob Battle Characteristics[]
Salamanders are fast runners, these creatures charge rush attack towards it's attacked victim, aside from rush charging attack, it has fire breathing ability that can inflict fire buff effect that can damage the player overtime while having the effect and this can be worn off by drinking cooler or wearing a fireproof charm to prevent from gaining this effect from lizards or any other mobs that have the fire buff effect infliction ability, these creature often sometimes perform spinning attack that involves round fire shaping that appears of a spinning wheel that can give fire buff effect if touched by it.
Background Story[]
Salamanders had been living in the volkenon lava pits at the same time as the dinosaurs and dragons, their discovered oldest fossil dates back from atleast 280 million years ago cited on the present day volkenon lava pits at the time of the main storyline event, however there are no any remarkable event that happened which is correlating to any characters in the story before the main storyline event started.
Fate Status[]
All of the salamanders had died during the sinking of the volkenon lava pits into the sea during the armageddon period of the main storyline event as the fire kingdom was engulfed by the increasing ocean levels of the erion at that time, one of the fleeing fire vulcan child recalled that the salamanders did not attempted to escape their sinking kingdom homeland suggesting that all of these creatures had remained inside of their habitat as it is likely that these creatures believes that salamanders cannot live without the source of fire which became the reason for the creatures of not leaving the place until it completely got submerged by the sea drowning all of the salamanders to their deaths and eventually pushing these creatures into extinction.
In Leifthrasir, there is a a new variant of the Salamander called Elder Salamander, which is a significantly larger version of the Salamander. Its skin color is dark gray instead of red.
- Salamanders are one of the living creature mobs that exists in the game that are based on real life beings, these creatures are considered as one of the largest species of lizards, their size are just behind of komodo dragon sizes, but compared in the game where these living beings are portrayed as bipedal creatures, in real life, these beings are quadrupedalism, meaning these creatures walk on fours only rather than in two legs only, sometimes, these beings are considered insects with gigantism status however this claim remains to be pending and it is on debate of zoologists in it's classification.
- These creatures are one of the species that lived alongside with dinosaurs, their oldest fossil age ranged around 230 million years ago.