Odin Sphere Wiki

The Secret Pooka Village Base is an illuminated village located beneath the wasteland ruins of the valentine kingdom, this place serves as a haven area for the former human valentines who became pookas right after their kingdom's destruction, it was bulit before king valentine's insanity and valentine kingdom's destruction, it was originally intended as an underground extension of their kingdom, but after the valentine kingdom's destruction it now serves as a haven refuge area for the remaining valentine citizen survivors at the time of the main event of the storyline, this village also serves as a home base for the main playable characters and there are two restaurants located on it's both sides which are available for them if ever needed.

Location Overview[]

The pooka village is a haven refuge area for the surviving citizens of the former destroyed valentine kingdom, most of it's inhabitants are valentinian human survivors that became pooka onwards after the destruction of their kingdom homeland, due to it's intact status even during the main storyline.

The renmants of the valentinian monarchy had been transferred into this village beneath the ruins of their kingdom, this village has all the needs of the surviving valentine citizen, not all of it's citizens are pookas in case of the valentine twins and characters like brom who also resides in this village.


In the remake version of odin sphere, mercedes can enter in this place, it means that every characters has the possibility to access the village, the speculation in this matter of fact is that the village is may probably doing a financial business to sustain it's resources and economy for the survival of the village and can maintain of feeding it's valentine citizens during their exile time in this area, because of this reason it required for the village to be open for everyone for transaction business as this location have two restaurants that can serve anyone who we're willing to eat at those business establishments.

Areas of Interest[]


  • The pooka village is based in one of the medieval towns in france that dates back from at least the 14th century, according to some staffs and other workers that worked for the development of odin sphere, some of them stated that the pooka village is entirely based on the medieval roman-french architecture.
Odin Sphere Locations
RagnanivalTitaniaRingfordVolkenon Lava PitsValentineNetherworld
Other Locations
Elrit CastleForest Of ElritWinterhorn RidgePooka VillageSewer Maze