Silver Titan Frost Ben is a monstrous large golem found in the icy mountain of winterhorn ridge, these creatures are supposedly considered as the mother nature guardians of the winterhorn ridge mountain, these non-organic living creatures are very territorial and aggressive to anyone who trespasses their icy mountain home, these are the largest cold indigenous creatures ever found in the winterhorn ridge mountain.
(This mini boss mob is exclusive to odin sphere remake called "leifthrasir" where it can be only seen and this unit cannot be found in the original version of odin sphere)
Mob Profile Overview[]
Silver Titan Frost Ben are large snow golems that inhabits the winterhorn ridge mountain, these are the only non organic living creatures that lives in the icy mountains, these are considered as mother nature guardians of the winterhorn ridge mountain, it is the largest of all creatures that can be found across the erion and as being naturally indigenous as well, these creatures are basically the yeti beings of the icy mountain due to their housing of some ice trolls in their bodies that hangs in their backs, silver titan frost ben is also the most powerful non organic living creature in erion and one of the few of it's kind in there along with magma rocks of the volkenon lava pits and the gargoyles of the ragnanival kingdom.
Encountering these creatures are often dangerous, the ragnanival army noted that these golem can take out an entire group of battalion particularly using it's high leaping ability to stomp the force group that are taking out the golem, ragnanival army had some loss casualties of atleast three battalion groups in an attempt to take out one of these golems, because of this unfortunate battle event that ragnanival military endured from these creatures, the aesir army would prefer to find an alternate route where there is no any presence of silver titan frost ben golems in order to avoid such high losses of their personnel from these creatures.
Silver Titan Frost Ben is the most powerful indigenous creatures in erion, with such an enormous strength, there are no any military force that can take down these creatures, taking out these golems will require a very large amount of troops take down one of these creatures, which can take a devastating toll to any military forces that will attempt to take down one of these golems.
The only ones that can take down these creatures with ease are the main playable characters and the other figure characters that are powerful that bears a high status of physical strength such demon lord odin, king gallon, queen odette, general brigan or inferno king onyx.
These giant icy creature is only exclusively found in the winterhorn ridge mountains and cannot found anywhere else in erion other than in this location where STFB is one of it's native inhabitants and the only non organic creature inhabitant that lives in the icy mountains of winterhorn ridge, this frost ben is more of a stone living like creature that was likely caused by the nature natural phenomenon to become alive for some reasons rather than being fleshy organic living and it is likely that these things we're a force of nature.
Appearance Traits[]
These creatures bears a shape of a large stone with humanoid style body image, their main body is made of rocks covered with ice, their face has a bulky shape and it is much covered in ice, their ice are reddish yellow colored, these creature bore a large fist that is a little larger than a human figure, these creatures have spiky features on it's face that serves as it's protection from any attacks on it.
Mob Battle Characteristics[]
Silver Titan Frost Ben is the most powerful naturally indigenous creature in erion along with manticores, these creatures have the ability to do a frost breath that can cause coldness effect damage overtime towards it's opponent and it has an ability to summon some Ice Elementals through its breath that will aid the golem in its fight.
It also houses three ice trolls that sit on the top of its head and throw repeatedly snowmens at the player. It is recommended to deal with the trolls as soon as possible to make the whole battle easier, as a few hits will make them fall from the Silver Titan's head, and they can be taken out on the ground without too much trouble. The Silver Titan Frost Ben main attack is to stomp its enemies by doing a high multiple leaps like much of a kangaroo that can deal a high significant damage towards its enemy including the main playable characters.
Background Story[]
It is thought that these non-organic creatures we're purposefully created that brought these creatures to life using magical powers, some speculate that these stone golem creatures has likely had been created by queen odette as these creatures as among the oldest in erion, their fossils dating back from atleast 2 billion years ago, at this time, no life had existed yet other than the micro organisms and the top figures of the netherworld which are god's creations from the early times of the planet.
Fate Status[]
All of these enormous non-organic living magical golems had fall off to their deaths in the abyss of their crumbling highly elevated habitat area during the collapse of the winterhorn ridge mountain caused by the blast radius waves of leventhan being fired upon the lower lands of erion from it's wide opening large mouth that included the lower rocky icy pile column support of the icy mountains that took place in the armageddon period of the main storyline, their ongoing leading path of their deaths we're unseen when it takes place, like much of their fellow co-habitat creatures that lives in the same area as the golems had the same gruesome death fate as these STFBs and these creatures also shares the same ill-fate as the rest of the fleeing surviving pookas and brom from the sinking pooka village that died in the same location as the icy mountain dwelling creatures.