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"Tell Odin, that the Three Wise Men of Titania have his daughter."

Skuldi, before departing with an unconscious Gwendolyn.

Skuldi the Red Sorcerer is a supporting antagonist character in the main storyline of erion saga book series, he is one of the Three Wise Men, and presumably acts as the leader of the three, although all of them are regarded as equals.

Profile Overview[]

Skuldi is a red colored sorcerer from the kingdom of titania, he is one of the three wise men who we're the secret pawns of king gallon that will help the now undead darkova former king of titania to achieve his goals by using some of his former people who still believe in him.

He is the sorcerer assigned in the ragnanival kingdom for the manipulation of the aesir humans as he plans the ragnanival nation to bait them a war with the fire kingdom as part of their achieving goals in the armageddon, he is the one who kidnapped gwendolyn in the elrit castle while she was sleeping as his first step for the plan he is currently taking in action.

Skuldi is a soul enslaver, he has the ability to control the doomed soul from the netherworld and use it as his pawns that can aid him in his fight, this can be seen when he called some of the descrator revenants to aid him against oswald that he claimed as relatives of oswald himself.

Appearance Traits[]

Skuldi is an aged old man with dark skin tones, a long silvery beard, and glowing yellow eyes. He wears a red robe with a black hood and arm cloth with golden celestial ornaments on them. His red garb has earned him the title of 'The Red Sorcerer.' As with most other 'Wizard' type enemies he has rather large hands with spindly and gnarled fingers.

Personality Classification[]

"If I can destroy Odin, then I would gladly doom my soul to whatever evil awaits me. Even if it means using that little girl's life."

    -----Skuldi, revealing his hatred for Odin

Skuldi, like his fellow Wise Men, was extremely ambitious and cunning. He planned events thoroughly before acting them out and made sure that every individual knew of their part to play in said plan. As such, his plots often came to a successful conclusion.

He seems to be very arrogant and conceited as well, often insulting those he considers unwise, and mocking the wisdom of Krois, who ironically correctly translated Gallon's prophecies in contrast to Skuldi's misinterpretation. He was extremely overconfident and insulting calling others cowards or fools. His confidence was such that he also revealed his plans to Velvet while she was a captive, believing that she would no longer interfere in their plans. Skuldi harbors a deep hatred and resentment for Odin after his betrayal, willing to commit any sin while risking his life in order to make Odin suffer in any way. Some of his actions did show his true, snake-like nature, willing to use Gwendolyn as a political tool in order to instigate a war between Odin and Onyx. Even when Oswald supposedly 'spared' his life, Skuldi was quick to chant a spell to kill him while he lets his guard down.

Skuldi was also a coward. Despite having copious amounts of cunning and treachery, the sorcerer lacked the virtue of loyalty. He immediately fled upon the arrival of Odette and the Halja, as well as revealing to Oswald his plans on the condition he spares his life. Ultimately his overconfidence arrogance, and rudeness would be his downfall as Oswald would kill him for using Gwendolyn as a tool.

Background Story[]

Skuldi along with Urzur, and Beldor were powerful and well known user's of magic. One day a young boy came to them to be their apprentice, they took him in unaware of who he truly was. Though they mostly give him chores he learned more from watching them than he did when they taught him. Eventually however his knowledge grew and they became suspicious of his identity. He would reveal himself as Odin, and would curse them into toads before fleeing with the knowledge he had gained not only of how to forge the crystals needed for Psyphers and the way to enter the Netherworld without dying. Enraged by this betrayal and humiliated they lost whatever clout they had earned. They would be taken in by King Gallon who would treat them with respect and honor this would cause them to become fanatically devoted to him. When Gallon turned into Darkova they spent many years researching the spell to find a way to control a being turned into the dreaded beast. When Gallon died they began making motions to bring the prophecies into fruition as they believed they had the 'correct' interpretation of the prophecy.

Plotline Summary Perspective[]

Wasteland Escort[]

Skuldi escorts Ingway as they spied on Velvet, having a romantic moment with Cornelius. After revealing themselves once Cornelius left, Skuldi reminded Ingway that since that they are the remaining heirs of Valentine, they would be next to ascend to the throne. Ingway silences the sorcerer, and asks him to leave and to tell Urzur the he agrees to his plans.

In the ruins of Valentine, Skuldi overhears a conversation between Velvet and Krois, regarding saving Vevet and Ingway from a curse. Skuldi and Krois then got into a heated argument, with Skuldi ridiculing him and his wisdom. Skuldi then revealed that King Gallon had listed the prophecies in an epic poem, long before Valentine had. The argument heatens even furthur, until Krois storms off. Velvet then scolds Skuldi for his rudeness and disrespect. Skuldi simply defends his cause and instead informs her that King Gallon has the psalms regarding the prophecies, but he is trapped in the Netherworld

Velvet, knowing Skuldi's abilities to travel to the Netherworld, enlists his help to find King Gallon for the psalms. Skuldi agrees, on the condition that she must hand him the Book of Transformation. Velvet is skeptical, but finally relents when Skuldi only wishes to borrow it.

As they arrive in the Netherworld, the head towards Gallon's cell, where he is imprisoned. King Gallon then gave the psalms that are in his possession, but his laughter has alerted Queen Odette of the Netherworld. Skuldi immediately flees until he was surrounded by the Halja. Skuldi chastises Velvet for angering the queen, but was surprised by the appearance of Odin, who subdues the Halja. He then overhears the conversation between him and Velvet, realising that Velvet was also Odin's daughter. He decides to leave, knowing that it isn't safe anymore.

Sabotage Intentions[]

Arriving at Ragnavinal, Skuldi discusses with General Brigan, who was complaining about Odin's strategy for the upcoming Cauldron War. Skuldi praises Brigan's ability of a leader, and encourages him to rebel against Odin. However, the two then spot Oswald overhearing their conversation, and engages the general in battle. Skuldi flees, not taking part in the battle.

At the ruins of Valentine, Velvet finds Skuldi interrogating Myris, realising that Odin had cast a sleeping spell on his daughter before leaving.   

Skuldi and his co-conspirators then sacrifice innocent citizens to Belial, in an attempt to persuade their King, Edmund, to give them the Book of Transformation. On the meantime, Urzur and Skuldi then discussed the arrival of Velvet, who was requesting for Prince Cornelius' location, upon hearing that he had been cursed.

Urzur, once again playing the trusted advisor, leads Velvet into a trap in Titania's sewers where Beldor and Belial await. Although Beldor and Belial were defeated, Urzur and Skuldi were able to subdue her while she was distracted by two opponents. The Wise Men then revealed their plans to Velvet about bringing forth the Armageddon in order to purify the world and rule it. Beldor scolds Skuldi for revealing their plans. But the wizard simply replies that Velvet will not live long enough to interfere in their plans, and casts a sleeping speel on her.

Bride Kidnapping[]

Skuldi then arrives at the Abandoned Castle, where the sleeping Gwendolyn resides. He subdues Oswald who was guarding her and took her away, reminding the Shadow Knight to inform Odin that he has his daughter.

Fighting his way through Titania's forces, Oswald finally confronts Skuldi in the sewers. Skuldi then recognises Oswald at Odin's castle, who Beldor had told him about. Oswald threatens the sorcerer on Gwendolyn's wherabouts. Instead, Skuldi lectures Oswald on his plans, remembering of Odin's treachery decades ago.

Skuldi also adds on the untimely death of his comrade, Urzur. He decalres that he would be willing to risk his own life if it meant that Odin would suffer, even if it meant using Gwendolyn's life. Oswald declares Skuldi's plans lunacy, and attacks the sorcerer. 

Vain Consequences[]

Skuldi avoids Oswald's attack, before summoning two Revenants to aid him in battle against the shadow knight. Despite Skuldi's skills, he was outclassed and defeated. Held with the Belderiver at his throat, Skuldi revealed to Oswald that Gwendolyn is at the palace of Onyx, the Inferno King. Skuldi revealed that he intended use Gwendolyn as a tool to cause a war between Odin and Onyx, in order to bring forth the Armageddon. 

As Oswald prepares to leave, Skuldi attempts to cast a spell on him. Oswald, infuriated that Skuldi was using Gwendolyn as a pawn to further his goals, spitefully finishes him off.


Princess Velvet of the Valentine Kingdom[]

Skuldi and her used to have close affiliation when they discussed about the prophecies, skuldi claims that his interpretation was much correct compared to her and her mentor krois interpretation of the epic poem's prophecies, however velvet not totally being sure skuldi claims and some parts of her mentor claims, she asked skuldi to come with her to show the path of direction to the netherworld in it's prison where king gallon is imprisoned as velvet was eager to know the actual full truth of the prophecies by asking king gallon the entire epic poem notes written by king gallon himself, as she was able to get what she is after for, queen odette suddenly appeared in the netherworld prison as she may have heard that somebody is being in that area, as soon queen odette appeared skuldi vanished into teleportation leaving velvet on her own trapped in the netherworld and forcing her to find her own way out but she was actually rescued by her father later in the shrine of the netherworld during her battle with queen odette, however the close affiliation friendship they had was just a lure trap pretend just to obtain more information about her plans and ambitions to save the world as skuldi wanted to find a way to counter all velvet's plans as it is contrast to the three wisemen plans regarding the prophecies since they have ambitions to make themselves as the new kings of the world after it when king gallon aroses from the netherworld to leave and come into the world of living, this real intention of skuldi was all revealed when velvet was lured into the titanian sewers as she was told that cornelius was being there prompting her to come with urzur whose planning to detain her in the sewers which turned out to be successful but fortunately she was later rescued cornelius from the captivity of the three wisemen that had been taken out while she was unconscious.

Prince Ingway of the Valentine Kingdom[]

Skuldi sees him as a trouble for their future plans and ambition, him and skuldi did not do any much interaction nor his co-wiseman beldor but for their another co-wiseman urzur who did the most interaction to him compared to the other two wisemen, he was a bit relieved when he became a frog so he will be having hard time and will be temporarily slow down to his works and daily activities.

Myris the Assistant[]

Skuldi forced her to tell what she knew more about the prophecies and gwendolyn's whereabout as he is about to kidnap her in orders of the prophecies as it says according to the three wisemen interpretations, there is a scene where skuldi can be seen holding her ears to force her some answers regarding to what she knew about the prophecies and gwendolyn.

General Brigan[]

Like beldor's relationship with the queen elfaria of the ringford kingdom, skuldi have also formed close affiliation friendship with him in order to gain his trust and be able to convince to take over the ragnanival kingdom to make kingdom to be controlled under brigan's will while he hopes that brigan will be taking orders from him by trying to make brigan believe that skuldi was telling him the right thing what he should do for the "good" of the world and skuldi offered him various material rewards to him such as lots of golden jewel treasures and more beautiful women, skuldi plans to brigan as his pawn as he intended to use the ragnanival army as a bait to make it wage wars against the fire kingdom as part of their plans for the prophecies.

Oswald the Shadow Knight[]

Their first interaction happened in the balcony of Elrit Castle when Skuldi teleports and finds that Gwendolyn still asleep. He blasts Oswald aside and tells Oswald to tell Odin that the Three Wisemen of Titania had his daughter. Oswald however would go himself to find Gwendolyn he would fight through the Titanian Royal Guard, Sorcerers, and Magical Creatures from the streets into the sewers. He would find Skuldi who would see the Belderiver and realize Oswald's true identity. The two would talk greatly of the prophecies the true nature of Psyphers and their powers, and the Wisemen's plan for bringing about Armageddon. Oswald would call him mad and attack when Skuldi revealed he would use Gwendolyn in order to kill Odin. But Skuldi would summon Oswald's 'family' Revenants and would fight beside him. However Oswald's skill and power won the battle and he would hold the sorcerer at blade point. Finally beaten Skuldi would admit that she's not in Titania but is actually in the Fire Kingdom. After explaining why she was there he would demand that Oswald spare his life, Oswald turned to leave but remembered how Skuldi planned to use her as bait and would turn and end the sorcerer before he could do anything else angrily stating he had no idea how it felt how to be used. A false accusation as the Three Wismen had been used once by Odin and was the source of their hatred for him.

Beldor the Green Sorcerer[]

Like beldor's own view, beldor also shares the same aim and ambitions as skuldi, but they have less interaction during most of the story but they have discussed very well during velvet's capture in their captivity about their plans what they should do to her and as one of the instance of it was to sacrifice her to dragon belial.

Urzur the White Sorcerer[]

Skuldi and beldor have somehow have respect and look up in him as skuldi and beldor considers urzur as the most powerful among all of them in their group as he was their leader but like his co-wisemen he also shares the same views and ambitions as them.


Odin Sphere Characters
Main Playable Characters
Supporting Characters
BelialBromGriseldaHindelIngwayKing EdmundMaster KroisMatthewMyrisOdinQueen ElfariaWagner
Supporting Antagonists
BeldorMelvinQueen OdetteUrzurBriganSkuldi
Primary Antagonists
King GallonKing OnyxKing ValentineLeventhan
Minor Characters
AliceEdgarMelelunchMelieneMerilMauryPrincess ArielSocrates