Steel Armor Knights are the standard knight soldiers of the Kingdom of Titania that acts as base patrols of the kingdom, they are considered both offensive patrols and guardian fighting units of Titania, all of them only existed within the Kingdom of Titania, none of them has ever been deployed outside of the kingdom since Titania was in neutral state at the time of the main storyline event.
(This mob unit is exclusive to odin sphere remake called "leifthrasir" where it can be only seen and this unit cannot be found in the original version of odin sphere)
Mob Profile Overview[]
Steel Armor Knights are the basic fighting soldier units of the Titanian Military that mostly served as base patrols and guardians of the Kingdom of Titania, they can only be found exclusively in Titania and cannot be found elsewhere on Erion, none of them ever ventured out of the kingdom for any battles because Titania has no involvement in any of the existing conflicts occurring at the time of the main storyline event.
These medieval knight speared soldiers can only be found exclusively in the Kingdom of Titania these soldiers main role is mostly patrolling and guarding their kingdom homeland, it is speculated that these soldiers have previously participated in the battle that titania fought in the Elrit Forest against the Ragnanival Forces that Titania lost during their kingdom's expansion in the northern realm and colonization of the Elrit Forest in this area, however after this incident, it is clearly seen that these soldiers can only be seen in their own kingdom homeland and nothing else around erion as Titania stayed neutral during the Erion Saga main storyline as it does not wanted to repeat any possible battle defeat again that could endanger their kingdom.
Appearance Traits[]
Steel Armor Knights wears metallic armor suits that was made from some kind of rare expensive iron materials that was mostly mined from the caves of the Kingdom of Titania that was located beneath of it, these knights seemed to bear a resemble of a spanish conquistador knights from the 16th century judging by their appearance, aside from their metallic armor suit the cuirass clothing part of their suit has an attached green colored banner clothing that has a representing sword symbol on the front of the clothing banner, at their backhead, they possess two large feathers attached in the back of their helmet gear with colors of purple and pink.
They possess a large medium sized shield with aligning opposite colors of green and gray that resembles a flooring pattern in its front area, they also possess a metallic spear as well along with their shield that they use as their main weapon for attacking, the legging gear part of the armor suit have some kind of resemblance to Oswald's armor leggings gear.
It is implied that Titania is probably rich in natural resources of iron and gold due to the fact that the kingdom is able to mass produce armor suits made in metal simply because there is a cave beneath the Kingdom of Titania that contains many natural resources of gold and silver that the titanians mine and use for crafting metallic armor suit and minting coins made out of gold that is the representing currency of the kingdom.
Mob Battle Characteristics[]
Compared to the Axe Knights, Steel Armor Knights are much faster in movement and have a medium health points protection because of the metallic armor suit they wear, but it is significantly weaker than the Axe Knights despite they wear less armor compared to the Steel Armor Knight due to the fact that the Axe Knights are large in size and have rebuffed and reinforced muscular bodies that probably give them their main protection which is assumed to be much stronger than the reinforced metallic armor suits worn by the Steel Armor Knight soldiers, but their overweight size gives them slow movement unlike the steel armor knights who are much smaller in size and they are able to run, something that Axe Knights cannot do.
Their attack abilities is the same as any other melee attacking units by the use of melee weapons such as sword, knife or axe but they have the ability to do blocking by using their shield that can reduce the damage attack of their enemies that are attacking them, similar to Valkyrie and Berserker shield block ability, Steel Armor Knights fought much like a basic fighting melee unit just like the Elf Knights but they possess better protection and higher damage in comparison to these male fairy swordsmen but weaker compared to Axe Knights and Berserkers despite they share the same ability as them due to the fact that they are boss mob units while Steel Armor Knight soldiers are only regular fighting mobs.
Background Story[]
Steel Armor Knights were the first fighting soldier units of the Kingdom of Titania that was created 50 years after the foundation of Titania, but their early variants instead wear leather made armor suits while equipping swords and shield made out of thick wood that later evolved into using metallic made quality materals when Titanians discovered a mine under their kingdom that is full of iron and gold resources that they used to craft metallic armor suit gears and weapons.
Despite their fancy metallic armor suit wear that gives them a highly significant protection from damage, most of them have low training and inexperienced since they are only trained for guarding purposes rather than being offensive units to be deployed in the battlefield for offensive attack and invasion towards to any possible opponent they could encounter.
The only war they ever involved was the conquest of the Elrit Forest during the kingdom of titania expansion towards the northern region of Erion where Elrit Forest sits, when the Ragnanival Forces declared war against the Titanian Forces, as their kingdom border expansion leaned the border of the Ragnanival Kingdom which is seen as a threat by the aesirs, which is a reason for them to declare war against the Kingdom of Titania, the war between them resulted to aesir's victory due to their doubled higher numbers, their soldiers are technically skillful in the magical abilities that the aesirs are possessing and they we're technologically advanced in gear equipment from armor to weapons in comparison to Titanian forces that resulted in Titania's loss of the battle and the region territory they tried to claim for their kingdom, much of their forces withdrawed back from the Elrit Forest to their kingdom and since this war, the Kingdom of Titania has remained neutral through out rest of the main storyline event during its entire ongoing occurrence and stayed out of any occurring existing conflicts at that time until the end of the main storyline event through the final closing phase of the armageddon period that marked the end of the main storyline event.
Which is the reason why Steel Armor Knights have never ventured out of their kingdom only stayed there until the armageddon period, it is the final event part of the main storyline where their kingdom was destroyed in process during this time as the Netherworld forces comes over and rampaged their kingdom homeland that was led by their former ruler King Gallon who controls the undead army under his command, consuming every life form they come across which included the titanian inhabitants as their kingdom homeland was one of the locations that king gallon and his undead forces have stumbled upon into as titania is one of the locations that sits in the pathway of journey conquest of king gallon and his undead forces of consuming the life from the world of living they entered directly from the netherworld.
Fate Status[]
All of the steel armor knights had been technically wiped out during the Kingdom of Titania siege in the armageddon period of the main storyline event that was done by their former king the now undead darkova King Gallon at that time along with his undead forces that launched an offensive assault in the walled human kingdom located in the eastern realm of Erion known as titania upon reaching this location after King Gallon and his undead forces destroyed previous locations that was on their way, it is unseen how Steel Armor Knights died while fighting the invading undead forces into their kingdom, it is presumed that many of them had been consumed by King Gallon while others had been killed by the undead ghoul Geists as these undead are being fought by the Steel Armor Knights.
There are is one stronger variant of the Steel Armor Knight, known as Steel Armor Knight Leader found in the Kingdom of Titania.