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Steel Armor Knight Leader are the squadron leaders of the steel armor knight soldiers, this unit usually appears in the battlefield being accompanied by their inferior variants that aid them in the fight through out the streets of the kingdom of titania, this unit will only appear through a group squad of steel armor knights and it does not appear alone on the battlefield, most of them works as patrol leaders of steel armor knights.

(This mob unit is exclusive to odin sphere remake called "leifthrasir" where it can be only seen and this unit cannot be found in the original version of odin sphere)

Mob Profile Overview[]

Steel Armor Knight Leaders are the group leaders of steel armor knight battalions they usually appears as patrol leaders of these groups when wondering out in the streets of the kingdom of titania when dispatched by their superiors into a task such as they have to eliminate something inside their kingdom that is viewed as a threat to their nation typically aimed at the character that player plays while being inside of titania that travels in this location indicated by a specific mission.

These feudal personnels have the strongest and highest order of social power status in their military in terms of ranking and commanding authority due to the fact that they are "leaders" of titanian army battalion groups, giving these knight fighters an ability to command any personnel in their military battalion group that are below in their ranks, these soldiers are mostly the ones who lead titanian military groups, similar to ragnanival army's valkyrie officers and ringford army's paladin elf knights.

Only one appear per steel armor knight soldier battalion group and their numbers are twice smaller, making them rarer than their inferior counterparts.


These SAK leaders can only be found exclusively in the kingdom of titania and cannot be found anywhere else in erion other than in this location, these leaders are usually seen in patrol groups of their standard variants where they are included and acting as the leader of the patrol groups that circulating the entire kingdom of titania for guarding purposes against any intruding outsiders that enters their kingdom homeland, it is also presumed that these knight leaders may have participated previously in titania's war with ragnanival kingdom during it's expansion further northeast realm to colonize the elrit forest to expand the kingdom's size and border that will beside the ragnanival kingdom in which the aesirs did not liked and view it as a threat that declared war against titania and won the battle, forcing titanian forces to retreat back from the elrit forest to their kingdom homeland.

Appearance Traits[]

Their outfit appearance is relatively the same as their inferior variants but they instead use red colors into their cuirass clothing and as one of the shading colors of their shield rather than using green color that is being used by their inferior counterparts, their only unique feature in their outfit appearance they have that is not present in their inferior comrades is their metal dragon statue attached in their helmet which is likely intended to be symbolizing sign to indicate that they we're squadron leaders to their inferior counterparts where the metallic dragon statue attached on their helmet is typically aimed for, where it is intended.

Mob Battle Characteristics[]

Steel Armor Knight Leaders shares the same abilities as their inferior counterparts but they are a little more powerful in damage of their weapons and they are a little stronger in armor protection of their health points compared to their inferior comrades, their use their shield much longer in duration and their shield blocking reduces more damage in any types of attacks (specifically coming from the character attacks of the player) than the shields of their inferior counterparts uses.

The only ability they totally have that is not present in their inferior comrades is that they are given power of authority, allowing them to be able to give orders and command their inferior counterparts in their own will of control, however this ability is not part of their physical strength of their body but rather as part of their social status in the titanian military and monarchy institution of titania.

Background Story[]

These squadron leaders are issued a few years later after their standard variants we're created for guarding and protecting purposes, the reason why they we're created is to give their standard variants an indicating goal and law of order in finishing the process of any missions given to them in order to make the battalion group deployment for a mission to be done organized rather than distorted because they will act on their own to finish their given missions without any arranged list of organized planning orders for a specific task they are dispatched into.

Fate Status[]

All of these steel armor knight leaders had been technically wiped out during the kingdom of titania siege in the armageddon period of the main storyline event that was done by their former king the now undead darkova king gallon at that time along with his undead forces that launched an offensive assault in the walled human kingdom located in the eastern realm of erion known as titania upon reaching this location after king gallon and his undead forces destroyed previous locations that was on their way, every one of them led at least one battalion group and fought every undead on their way.

However their numbers are vast and greater than the rest of the titanian force population and they we're outnumbered because of this, their hardness in defending was not able to stop the undead advance into their kingdom and despite the defending strategy efforts that steel armor knight leaders has made for the soldiers of their battalion groups and like much of their standard counterparts they also shared the same gruesome fate as their low ranking comrades who we're under their leadership command as they we're killed while fighting the undead that was invading and assaulting their kingdom homeland, it can be generally presumed that many of the steel armor knight leaders we're either eaten by king gallon and his undead forces or killed by them.

See also[]
