This Timeline page list the notable events in Odin Sphere.
Timeline Dates[]
Early Medieval Period[]
507 A.D.[]
- Location: Establishment of the Ragnanival Kingdom
627 A.D.[]
- Location: Establishment of the Kingdom of Titania
630 A.D.[]
- Birth: Inferno King Onyx
696 A.D.[]
- Birth: King Valentine
700 A.D.[]
- Birth: King Gallon
710 A.D.[]
- Birth: Master Krois
716 A.D.[]
- Birth: Urzur
718 A.D.[]
- Birth: Skuldi
720 A.D.[]
- Birth: Matthew
- Location: Establishment of the Pooka Village, Valentine Kingdom
721 A.D.[]
- Birth: Beldor
726 A.D.[]
- Birth: King Edmund
728 A.D.[]
- Birth: Demon Lord Odin
730 A.D.[]
- Birth: Brom, Inferno King Onyx
732 A.D.[]
- Birth: Princess Ariel
736 A.D.[]
- Birth: Brigan
737 A.D.[]
- Birth: Melvin
739 A.D.[]
- Birth: Edgar
745 A.D.[]
- Location: Establishment of the Elrit Castle
746 A.D.[]
- Birth: Queen Elfaria
748 A.D.[]
- Birth: Meril
750 A.D.[]
- Birth: Melelunch
751 A.D.[]
- Death: King Gallon (as human)
756 A.D.[]
- Birth: Myris
758 A.D.[]
- Birth: Meliene
761 A.D.[]
762 A.D.[]
- Birth: Griselda
763 A.D.[]
764 A.D.[]
- Birth: Gwendolyn
769 A.D.[]
- Death: Princess Ariel
770 A.D.[]
- Birth: Mercedes
- Death: King Valentine (as human)
780 A.D.[]
- Location: Establishment of the Ringford Forest Kingdom
Erion Saga Epic Story Period[]
784 A.D.[]
- Birth: Leventhan
- Death: Skuldi, Demon Lord Odin, Mercedes, Ingway, Inferno King Onyx, Beldor, Belial, Brom, Brigan, Griselda, Hindel, King Edmund, King Gallon (as an Undead Darkova Beast), King Valentine (as a revenant), Leventhan, Master Krois, Matthew, Melelunch, Meliene, Melvin, Meril, Myris, Queen Elfaria, Queen Odette, Skuldi, Wagner
- End of Erion Saga Epic Story Period
841 A.D.[]
- Death: Oswald
843 A.D.[]
- Death: Gwendolyn
Industrial Revolution Period[]
1814 A.D.[]
- Birth: Alice
1822 A.D.[]
- Time when Alice was reading the Erion Saga books.
Victorian Era[]
1900 A.D.[]
- Death: Alice