Odin Sphere Wiki

Unicorn Knights are horse like animals that inhabited the jungle forests of the ringford kingdom that we're employed by the ringford army as one of their available military unit personnel and elite heavy offensive attack support units that are intended to be designated as the cavalry infantry division unit group of the ringford army to aid the fairies in their fight for the control dominance of the cauldron, much like the fairies, these creatures are also native to the jungle forests of the ringford kingdom that lived alongside with the fairies, when the war broke out between the ringford and ragnanival kingdom, the ringford army started recruiting these animal creatures into their military to train them into becoming specialized elite heavy offensive attack and as guardian units for the ringford army to strengthen their manpower and military main strength.

Mob Profile Overview[]

Unicorn Knights are the heavy and cavalry units of the ringford army, as the ringford considers does although they are not mounted units but rather a rideable animal itself wearing armor suit outfit that fights alongside the fairies that both belonged to the same native area in erion, the unicorns and fairies may have been already companions or they used to be enemies to each other before the start of the main storyline events.

These knight armored horse like creatures are among one of the powerful warriors in erion at the time of the main storyline of erion saga their strength is comparable to other heavy fighting units such as berserkers and knight axe, their significant high damage resistance and thickness in health points and their the fierceness of their damage attack has made unicorn knights to become the main tank or damage absorber of the ringford military battalion groups whenever these creatures are included in, to provide cover for their weaker comrades in the battle that fights against the ragnanival forces in the ruins of the valentine kingdom for domination control of the cauldron machine that was left over by the valentinians upon the destruction of their kingdom homeland which resulted a breaking war between the fairies and the aesir humans.

Unicorn Knights also serves as the main guardians and guard patrol leaders of the ringford army that protects the ringford kingdom from any intruding outsiders of their kingdom homeland, while these creatures are the main leader patrolling guards of the fairy kingdom, the myconids also works with the unicorn knight in assisting these horse like creatures with the same roles of guarding their homeland, though the myconids only protects some certain parts of the ringford forest where these creatures resides as their home part of the area and only assist unicorn knights whenever an outsiders infiltrates a particular area in the ringford kingdom near to the habitat places of the myconid creatures that are found within the ringford forest.

These horse like serving creatures of the ringford army are said to be have been blessed by the fairy goddess according to their background testament records found in the archives of the ringford library and we're also told to have been trained, prepared and dressed with knight horse armors by duke fairy melvin himself stated in one of the documenting records of the unicorn knights stored in the ringford archives stored in the fairy kingdom's library aside from his other creations such as yet to be created ringford soldiers that will be wielding psyphers such as that of oswald that only resulted in failure except to his adopted son which turned out to be successful.

When the unicorn knights first created as elite unit divisions of the ringford army, their original task was to guard their kingdom homeland and as main protectors of the "sacred forest" of the ringford kingdom, as these creatures insisted, (this dialogue can be seen in the cutscene stories of the armageddon book, if gwendolyn or oswald is selected to fight king onyx) while the ringford battalion groups are out and fighting a war with their enemies but these creatures we're later re-assigned to be included in the ringford army battalions to participate in the war along with their fairy comrades as the ringford military needed a damage absorber and tanker for their weaker comrades and as a counter unit to the berserkers that the ragnanival forces deployed in the war against the fairies, this has prompted the ringford army to include the unicorn knights in their battalion division groups.


Unicorn knights can be found in at least two locations in erion prominently, the first one is the ringford forest kingdom which is their homeland where these creatures are one of it's native inhabitants alongside with enchanting spirit myconids and their fairy comrades who live in the same habitat as theirs, the other one is in the ruins of the valentine kingdom where these unicorn knights would participate as one of the fighting units of the ringford military that fights against the ragnanival forces in this location for domination control of the cauldron that was left over in this area after the valentine kingdom's upon recent destruction, these unicorn knights are since tough strong in health points damage resistance and attack, these creatures had been assigned as damage absorbing tankers of the fairies by the ringford army to provide cover for their fairy comrades who are much vulnerable in the battle as they have weaker health points damage resistance and attacks compared to the unicorn knights, these creatures cannot be found anywhere else in erion other than in these two locations.

Appearance Traits[]

Unicorn Knights wear metal armor that is typically silver but having a blue flourish this armor. Curiously they have a saddle on their back though they are never seen with someone riding it into battle. They have a helmet covering most of their head, and have a spiral horn coming from their head. They also carry a black and blue shield with a lance both of which are rather small compared to it's hulking form. From the top of the head to their saddle they have jagged fringe of armor that looks like scales.

Mob Battle Characteristics[]

Unicorn Knights are quite a challenging mini-boss, for one despite their bulk they are surprisingly fast able to charge at the player with incredible speed. They also knew how to use magic as they could send out two cyclones going out from themselves in opposite direction either going high to knock down standing or flying enemies or low forcing one to jump. They could also jump extremely high and come down like a hammer stabbing down. They could also summon elf knights, archers or magic users to help them in a fight. However by far their most deadly attack is when they charge up to perform an extremely fast and powerful running charge that deals a hefty chunk of damage while also sending the player flying.

Their heavy training effort that was made by the ringford army for them turned out to be worth it as most of them are able to engage in combat successfully that always resulted in victory in most battles, the ringford army considered them as their most important, sacred and special elite units that they ever had because of their decisive deadly powerful offensive attacks.

Leifthrasir Edition[]

In this remake version, the unicorn knights had tougher and longer health points compared to their variants in the original odin sphere game and they have the ability to cast small cyclones in this remake edition.

Background Story[]

The unicorn knights may have first settled in erion around 50 million years ago and has evolved through out the time, the fairies started domisticating them around 5000 BCE but they mostly remained wild through out the ringford forest and often left untouch most of the time until a war broke out between the ragnanival and ringford kingdom, their first battle subsquently out numbered fairies due to the superior numbers of the ragnanival forces and shortage experience of troops quantity among the ringford military, during this shortage experience, the ringford army started, recruiting, mobilizing and training of the unicorns to use them as military personnel that will aid them in the battle against the ragnanival in the cauldron war, the fairies taught them to speak and do mission report, message deliver, scouting, killing an enemy, skill fighting and many more military actions.

Before their recruitment and training most of them are wild, uncivilized, lived like nomads that are in constant move from place to place around the ringford jungle forests and unable to speak but as the ringford army started to recruit them, the fairies taught them how to speak, fight, do a message deliver as an informant, mission report and skills for fighting of killing an enemy, the ringford army made thousands of reinforced armor suit outfit for them to wear in order to provide them with protection when they entered and fought in the combat alongside with the fairies against the ragnanival army.

Fate Status[]

Unicorn knights we're all completely wiped out during the siege destruction of the ringford kingdom in the armageddon period of the main storyline event as it was attacked by undead darkova formed ingway while being under beldor's spell control who sought revenge against mercedes by destroying the fairy kingdom by using ingway as a weapon tool for becoming a pooka and to be killed by a lurking halja in the netherworld as he was held by mercedes as her captive who uses him as an indicting directions for her to tell brom's location, in one of the false ending scenes in the armageddon correlating to the ringford kingdom, a unicorn knight can be seen attacking the fire vulcan childs in an attempt to stop any foreign intruders from entering the destroyed fairy kingdom that encounters king onyx later who eventually transformed into a giant fire beast and knocked out the unicorn knight in a single one brutal punch, this scene also occurred in the true ending but it was unseen, this unicorn knight that was knocked out by a single brutal punch by king onyx was likely the last sole surviving of the entire unicorn species before being killed by him.

Odin Sphere Races
Major Races
Lesser Races