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"As the prophecies state, he will be the great force that causes the world's end. He shall call himself the Beast of Armageddon, and he will rule the world! And with the Ring of Titrel as well, our wishes will come true!"

Urzur, revealing his plans regarding King Gallon.

Yrszyr/Urzur the White Sorcerer (Variants of the Name: Yrszyr/Vrszyr/Vrsziyr/Yrszyrl/Yldzyr) is a supporting antagonist character in in the main storyline of erion saga book series, he is one of the Three Wise Men, he is a great sorcerer that worked for Cornelius's father the King of Titania. He serves as the secondary antagonist of Cornelius' storyline, being responsible for many of the events that happened to him.

Profile Overview[]

Beldor is a white colored sorcerer from the kingdom of titania, he is one of the three wise men who we're the secret pawns of king gallon that will help the now undead darkova former king of titania to achieve his goals by using some of his former people who still believe in him.

He is the leader of the three wise men and the one that holds the most power among them, he has the same power of authority as king edmund because urzur is able to make commands with the titanian military forces at his own will, this makes him as the second most powerful character figure in the kingdom of titania.

Beldor is a magic binder, he has the ability to control any beasts through the use of magical powers he possesses, this can be seen when he enslaved dragon belial and forced this dragon to work for them which was against the will of the dragon that has no choice but to serve them or face magic torture from him.

Appearance Traits[]

Urzur wears a white robe with a blue-purple hat, this robe has black sleeves with golden celestial bodies hanging from it. He has darker skin, a long silvery beard, and large hands with gnarled fingers.

Personality Classification[]

As with the other Three Wise Men, Urzur is intelligent, cunning and manipulative while the other two go to other kingdoms go to sow distress and chaos he prefers to stay in Titania. Compared to Beldor and Skuldi, Urzur is much more malicious and threatening as he has taken over Titania in all but name. He directs most of King Edmund's actions and Edmund's bizarre laws are a result of Urzur's interference, because of this he stays based in Titania to ensure his power is never lost for even a second. While he appears calm when panicked he becomes cowardly and will flee to find someone else to fight for/or with him.

Similar to Beldor though he prefers secrecy not willing to show his hand and making certain everything lines up in his favor first before acting. Thus whenever someone manages to stop his plans or even just disrupt them he panics such as when he noted that Cornelius was too successful against his machinations despite his preparations. According to Skuldi of the three he was the most devoted to the Prophecies and it is perhaps he who made the 'correct' prediction.

Background Story[]

He used as one of odin's three mentors along with his fellow sorcerers beldor and skuldi, they are the most skilled magicians in the continent of erion and they used to teach odin when he was still their apprentice and when he became so powerful and skilled in magic powers he learned from them, he built his own principality and betrayed them all together.

Plotline Summary Perspective[]

Trusted Advisor[]

Urzur bears witness at King Edmund's court in an argument between the King and his son, Prince Cornelius. Though Urzur tries to act neutral to both sides, he convinces King Edmund to relent, and leave Cornelius alone for a while.

Urzur then later struck a deal with Ingway, using the Book of Transformation to turn Prince Cornelius into a Pooka.  The plan was successful, and Urzur sent the unconsious Cornelius to the Netherworld, though Ingway was apparently unaware of Urzur's actions. The next part of the plan was for Ingway to assume Cornelius' form in order to learn the secrets regarding the Curse of Darkova. This failed however, and Ingway was unable to learn anything.  Urzur then betrayed Ingway, turning him into a frog to prevent him from ruining their plans, and stole the Ring of Titrel under the latter's possession.

In the alleyways of Titania, Urzur came across Cornelius, who managed to escape the Netherworld with the aid of the Psypher Sword. Hearing of Cornelius' plight of being trapped in the form of a Pooka, the sorcerer advised Cornelius to travel to Winterhorn Ridge, where the legendary dragon Hindel resides. A dragon that wise should help Cornelius with his curse.


Beldor and his co-conspirators then sacrifice innocent citizens to Belial, in an attempt to persuade their King, Edmund, to give them the Book of Transformation. On the meantime, Urzur and Skuldi then discussed the arrival of Velvet, who was requesting for Prince Cornelius' location, upon hearing that he had been cursed.

Urzur, once again playing the trusted advisor, leads Velvet into a trap in Titania's sewers where Beldor and Belial await. Although Beldor and Belial were defeated, Urzur and Skuldi were able to subdue her while she was distracted by two opponents. The Wise Men then revealed their plans to Velvet about bringing forth the Armageddon in order to purify the world and rule it. 

Later on, Beldor was informed by messengers from Ringford, by Mercedes offering to pardon Beldor's crimes during the rebellion, in exchange for showing her the route to the Netherworld. Instead, Beldor and Urzur set an ambush upon the arrival of Mercedes at Titania. 

Finally, King Edmund relents and gave Urzur the Book of Transformation, who reprimands the King for sacrificing so many innocent civilians. They were then confronted by Cornelius, who overheard their conversation. Urzur expressed surprise that Cornelius survived battle against Wagner. (This revealed that Urzur already knew of Hindel's death, and simply sent Cornelius to Winterhorn ridge to face Wagner's wrath.) The sorcerer retreats to the sewers, laying traps for Cornelius while sending Axe Knights to reinforce Beldor.

Final Showdown[]

In the sewers, Cornelius managed to catch up with the sorcerer. Ingway, restored back to human form, intervenes. Ingway gloated to Urzur that the Ring of Titrel in his possession was no more than a clever copy. Enraged, Urzur swore revenge on his former ally. After hearing Velvet's current situation, Ingway heals Cornelius and sends him ahead to rescue her while he deals with Urzur.

Bested by Ingway, Urzur retreats to find a dying Belial. Urzur attempts to command the dragon, only to be in vain, as the spell surrounding his heart was broken. Finally free at last, Belial uses the last of his strength to finish Urzur off once and for all. 


Prince Cornelius of Titania[]

Him and urzur used to have a close relationship of one another due to him being under and loyal to the titanian royalty however this despite their close relationship with each other due to urzur being affiliated with the titanian royalty, cornelius despises him very much due to his evil intentions for the world and he have plans to free his grandfather king gallon who was imprisoned in the netherworld when the right time has finally come up in their plans, who cornelius did not wanted him to be freed because of his insane mental state that his grandfather had the last time he was alive before he was killed by his father king edmund and in addition, he also did not liked his treatment of belial just like mercedes, the dragon he abused along with his other co-wisemen into forcing the dragon to work for them in their own will, when cornelius attempted to stop his plans and rebelled against him, urzur used dragon belial to encounter him but cornelius fight with belial led this dragon itself being mortally wounded and decided to take urzur along with the dragon itself in death after his magic that controls over the dragon was broken probably caused by dragon's weakened body that it sustained from the battle that became the main cause to make belial free from the three wisemen's magic, cornelius was relieved upon his urzur's death, as the conspirators of their kingdom was vanished upon their deaths, leaving titania free from their evil plans.

King Edmund of Titania[]

Urzur looked up to him as a king and still have a high respect although it was just all about image sanitizing towards the people of titania to make look like that urzur is a good will under his command which are only his pretending purposes, he seemed to have same powers as him as urzur was also able to command the titanian authorities and military under his authority, urzur also planned to use king edmund as a bait to control the titanian feudal military but did not bothered of continuing that plan since he is aware that he also have the same power as the king himself, urzur repeatedly asked him for the book of transformation of darkova powers that he refused to do so as king edmund does not the titania to have the same unfortunate event during king gallon's time, as urzur was getting upset for king edmund's numerous rejection of his request, he decided to make a threat against king edmund by using him as a sacrificial offer to king gallon when he returned to the land of living as an undead darkova beast, when urzur was killed by dragon belial, his death was immediately informed to king edmund by his own son who felt a temporary relief as it was free their kingdom from the three wisemen evil plans and ambitions until the armageddon comes up.

Serpent Dragon Belial[]

Urzur sees this dragon as a puppet to their own will, it is unknown how they met first but it is already a known fact that he someone captured this dragon and quickly enslaved it with their magic powers to control the dragon into following their orders to guard strengthen their ambitions from anyone who will attempt to stop the three wisemen plans and ambitions for the world, but the dragon belial itself have disliked the three wisemen very much due to that they are enslaving the dragon itself make it follow in their will which was against the dragon's wishes, when it was heavily wounded during it's fight with cornelius, the magic spells that controls the dragon was broken by it's weakening body and does not want to go down through death without taking someone who have wronged the dragon by swallowing urzur to be digested inside the dying dragon's stomach as it laid itself a final revenge for the last time moments before the dragon's demise.

Prince Ingway of the Valentine Kingdom[]

Urzur considers him as a trouble to their plans, in order to halt him from stopping them and interfering their plans he decided to give him a hard time in doing his daily activities and plans to stop three wisemen by turning him into frog, this curse stayed for sometime in him until it was broken by the ringford child fairy princess mercedes kiss which was a request promise by ingway to the fairy princess that was actually fulfilled by mercedes herself, enabling ingway to escape from the curse that urzur inflicted on him.

Beldor the Green Sorcerer[]

Like urzur, he also shares the same aim and goals as he is along with skuldi who also helps him in achieveing their ambitions and plans for the prophecies as their step to make themselves as the king of the new world after the erion's destruction and revival.

Skuldi the Red Sorcerer[]

Like urzur, he also shares the same aim and goals as he is along with beldor who also helps him in achieveing their ambitions and plans for the prophecies as their step to make themselves as the king of the new world after the erion's destruction and revival.

Princess Velvet of the Valentine Kingdom[]

He sees velvet as a sacrificial pawn to the dragon belial to strengthen it's health and power, the two had little interactions with one another and the only ones where they interacted with each other is when velvet was held in their captivity in the sewers of titania where him and his fellow other wisemen plans to sacrifice her to dragon belial in that place.


  • Urzur is the one who turned Ingway into a frog as well as sending Prince Cornelius to the Netherworld.
  • the spelling of urzur's name could be probably instead "Yrszyr" rather than "urzur" considering that the letter "U" letter did not existed during the medieval times although "U" pronounciation existed but the letter that represents it's pronounciation was instead the letter "V" this letter is what the ancient romans and medieval people used to write and represent the pronounciaton of "U" in other cases, for example the word "ursa" that existed in the beowulf chronicle poems which refers to a woman figure that existed in the poem story but since beowulf poem took place in the early medieval time of it's composition the letter "U" did not existed at that time so it was instead written as "Yrsa" in germanic languages the letter "U" pronounciation is represented as letter "Y" instead, in most of the germanic languages of europe except the ones spoken in great britain and ireland island, the letter "Y" is used for the representation and pronounciaton for the letter "J" for example: freyja, jahr, jetzt, sonja, jugend.
Odin Sphere Characters
Main Playable Characters
Supporting Characters
BelialBromGriseldaHindelIngwayKing EdmundMaster KroisMatthewMyrisOdinQueen ElfariaWagner
Supporting Antagonists
BeldorMelvinQueen OdetteUrzurBriganSkuldi
Primary Antagonists
King GallonKing OnyxKing ValentineLeventhan
Minor Characters
AliceEdgarMelelunchMelieneMerilMauryPrincess ArielSocrates