The Kingdom of the Valentine, also known as the "Raging Battlefields", is a mentioned human magical kingdom ruins location in the erion sagas book series, it was the former kingdom of the valentinians and the greatest kingdom at the time before the main storyline events started as it was destroyed by its own weapon the Crystallization Cauldron, it was the newest of any kingdom to be established in erion, this domain is the former homeland of several pookas that now live beneath it's ruins where their secret pooka village is situated, the dwarves who fled to other factions either to ragnanival or ringford for some notable characters such as, King Valentine, Master Krois, Meril, Myris, Melelunch, Meliene, Princess Ariel, Ingway and the Female Protagonist Character Princess Velvet.
Domain Overview[]
The Ruins of the valentine kingdom serves as a battlefield area between the fairies and the aesir humans fighting over the dominance control of the cauldron located in this place which was the kingdom's left over after it's destruction from an accidental backfire, beneath it's ruins lies the secret pooka village base bulit and inhabited by former and remaining citizens of the kingdom to hide themselves from others to avoid being seen in their curse form, whom most turned pookas after the kingdom's accidental tragedy.
Background History[]
The Valentinians came from a different place of the world and establish their kingdom in a continent land where they arrived known as "erion" the kingdom quickly rose to popularity and became the most powerful kingdom at the time before the main events of the story started upon bulit, their people live in greatness, prosperity and happiness until their king found out that it's daughter was suddenly impregnated by a king from a different kingdom that they perceive as an enemy, their king went insane after this and his reign became strict, their king mandatorily ordered it's citizens to join in their military forces to conquer the entire erion for their conquest that an ambition created by it's king after it went insane, the valentine kingdom started conquering the erion and managed to conquer every almost part of the continent until their defeat with the kingdom of titania.
Titania's king used the darkova spell power to transform it's self into a three headed beast with 6 eyes to protect their country from valentine's invasion that successfully halted the attack and invasion of the valentine kingdom of kingdom of titania, forcing to retreat most of it's soldiers from it, and the king of the valentine kingdom decided to use the cauldron to defeat the king of titania so it's kingdom can be finally and successfully conquered by the valentine however before cauldron could be used against the king of titania, one of their own officials sabotaged the cauldron that resulted in backfired accidentally killing the king of the valentine kingdom and destroying their nation in the process.
The ruins of the valentine kingdom sits on a desert textured western area land region of erion and it has an encircled path walks that are connected on each other and half of it is flooded by the waters of the continent's oceans, it has a low lying deep center region that resembles a crater, a monument left piece over of the valentine kingdom ruins can be seen on it's further western side, but still the land region where the valentine kingdom ruins sits are mostly desert by type of soil it has and it also features some small plateau mountains with a grassy top.
Since the Ruins of Valentine Kingdom is situated on a desert land terrain, it's weather is automatically considered hot humid to almost tropical weather due to the type of terrain it is located, desert, a desert land terrain type area is always a hot place, desert area type can never be a cold place.
Main Playable Character Visits[]
Book 1: The Valkyrie[]
This is the very first dungeon available for the player, and this also serves as Gwendolyn's first battlefield. Here, the player will be provided with tutorial and to familiarize themselves with the gameplay of Odin Sphere.
Book 2: The Pooka Prince[]
Cornelius is brought to Valentine by the dragon Wagner as thanks for sparing his life, and meets his fellow Pooka for the first time there. Later on he travels through the Raging Battlefields to protect Princess Velvet, eventually securing the Ring Titrel for her and enabling her to disable the cauldron.
Book 3: The Fairy Land[]
This is the last level of Mercedes' book, during which she battles her way to a final confrontation with King Odin in order to destroy the Balor.
Book 4: The Black Sword[]
Oswald is sent here by his adoptive father melvin to assist queen elfaria and her group to fight the aesir forces to stop them from taking the cauldron but he was halted by the halja during his deployment in the area.
Book 5: Fate[]
Velvet was pursued by fairies and comes in the area to avoid them but fairies still follows her here and eventually fight general brigan to prevent him from capturing her to be sacrificed into the dragon atop mountains of the winterhorn ridge in exhchange for the titrel ring.
♦ Odin Sphere Locations ♦
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♦ Erion ♦ | |
♦ Nebulapolis ♦ Ringford Palace ♦ Titanian Palace ♦ Valentine Palace ♦ Netherworld Shrine ♦ Inferno King's Shrine ♦ | |