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The Valentine Palace is the royal castle house residence of the Valentine royal family, this structure was among all of those destroyed buildings of the Valentine Kingdom during its catastrophic and absolute monarchy rule, this structure was destroyed by the cauldron's massive explosion that was caused by a hijack backfire that valentine prince Ingway made to the cauldron in order to stop his grandfather's evil actions from taking place anymore, this structural place is the capital, throne room dedicated for coronation and monarchy seat of the valentine kingdom.

Location Overview[]

Valentine palace is the castle fortress of the Valentine Kingdom that serves as its main building and royal residence for Valentine monarchy officials such as Velvet, Ingway and formerly King Valentine, none of any of the cutscenes in the main storyline shows its interior appearance but in some scenario area maps of the Valentine Kingdom in Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir shows some interior rooms of the ruined palace that could be the image appearance of the Valentine Palace.

Design Appearance[]

Based on the ruins remains of the Valentine Kingdom and the battle scenarios seen in Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir, the Valentine Palace have gothic cathedral style appearance from both of its interior and exterior, the full design visual of the Valentine Palace is unknown as the main storyline event cutscenes did not show any of its shape before the Valentine Kingdom's destruction, which is understandable not to be shown due to the fact that the Valentine Kingdom collapsed along with its palace structure before the main storyline events started.

Structure Backstory[]

The valentinian palace was built upon the orders of King Valentine along with the completion of the entire newly bulit valentine kingdom after their settlement in the southwestern realm of Erion which designated to be the official seat of the valentine monarch and also its royal house residence being fused into the same one structure that will have two purposes as being a main monarch government building and as being the house of the royal family of the valentine monarchy, it remained in this way until the Valentine Kingdom's downfall and destruction.

Odin Sphere Locations
RagnanivalTitaniaRingfordVolkenon Lava PitsValentineNetherworld
NebulapolisRingford PalaceTitanian PalaceValentine PalaceNetherworld ShrineInferno King's Shrine
Other Locations
Elrit CastleForest Of ElritWinterhorn RidgePooka VillageSewer Maze