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Valkyrie Henchwomen were the female infantry soldiers of the Ragnanival Kingdom, they are ragnanival's second generation soldiers, they came to existence when ragnanival monarchy implemented laws of conscripted mandatory military service among women, these soldiers serve multiple purpose: base guardians, offensive attack, informant, messenger and scout units, their male counterparts were the Berserkers.

Mob Profile Overview[]

Valkyrie Henchwomen are aesir human female soldiers that were employed by the ragnanival army, they are one of two basic infantry units of the ragnanival kingdom that fight alongside with viking axemen warriors, they act pretty much of a standard basic infantry almost similar to their fairy basic infantry counterparts and their co-comrades viking axemen warriors.


Valkyrie Henchwomen warriors are found atleast in two locations of erion prominently, the first one is in the ragnanival kingdom which is their kingdom homeland and the other one location was the ruins of the valentine kingdom where they participate as fighting soldiers of the ragnanival army in this area where they fight against the fairies for domination control of the cauldron that was left over in this kingdom after it's collapse, these aesir female soldiers cannot be found anywhere else other than in these two locations in erion.

Appearance Traits[]

They wear a bird like knight armor suit outfit but bulit for female style, they wear flowerhead bands with feathers in their heads either it was part of their battle outfit or just for decoration along with their knight helmet that is seen in their forehead, their hairs can be also seen exposed above of their heads, the blue colored valkyrie seemed to have a light brown hair while the purple colored valkyrie have a purple colored hair, their colors are blue, purple, yellow indigo, silver, beige and light skin tone.

there are two variants of valkyrie, the blue ones and the purple ones, the blue colored valkyrie in its wings and flower head band with wings represent a much higher ranking valkyrie, they act as patrol leaders of the valkyrie battalion group divisions sometimes and also as reporters, informants, officers of the ragnanival army, while the purple colored valkyrie in its wings and flowerhead band represents a much lower ranking valkyrie soldier, they are the standard basic infantry of the valkyrie.

Their main battle equipment are spear and shield which is similar to main playable character Gwendolyn's battle equipment even in design, with just difference of that Gwendolyn is using a spear with a Psypher Crystal on its edge while both of the valkyrie soldiers either officer or basic ranking ones only use metal made spears, but their shields and of Gwendolyn's relatively looking the same in design but her shield is resembles more than of a blue colored valkyrie's shield.

Mob Battle Characteristics[]

Their attacking tactics are mostly charging spear attack and basic melee hitting by their spear weapon similar to Gwendolyn's attacks, valkyrie act much like of an ordinary human soldier with no more any extra or magical capabilities, they don't have the ability to cast spells in any way or make ranged attacks, they can only do melee attacks since they only have spear as their weapons and a shield that gives them ability to temporarily block the attacks from their enemies to reduce the amount of damage they will receive from their enemy whom that are attacking them.

Background Story[]

They were first created as an intention of assisting the viking axemen warriors in their task as they get tired easily probably due to their old age or their genetics, the women seemed to have more a bit of energy and have flying capabilities making going up of slopes from their kingdom to the surface much easier but their energy consumption in movements is relatively the same as viking axemen warriors has but with just few longer maximum energy amount they could store compared to them.

The conscription was introduced to them following the cauldron war to fight alongside the viking axemen warriors and berserkers in the battle against the ringford army, although valkyrie has been created 2 centuries earlier before the start of the main storyline events.

Fate Status[]

All of the standard valkyries had been completely wiped out as all of them we're killed during the siege of the ragnanival kingdom as the now undead darkova formed king gallon at that time, him and his undead forces had launched an offensive invasion assault in the aesir kingdom directly coming from the netherworld who assumed and took control of the undead army upon queen odette's death as she was slain by gwendolyn in order to free oswald from her hands, during king gallon and his undead forces rampage in the ragnanival kingdom, him and his undead forces had consumed almost all of the aesir humans while others had been killed while battling the undead, it is presumed that the undead had consumed the body of the aesir humans that the undead had killed during it's battling against the ragnanival forces, the undead sometimes consumed an aesir human instantly or consume it after killing it on the battle, this includes all aesir humans including the valkyries and the last of these aesir female soldiers we're seen barricading themselves inside the ragnanival palace in a final attempt to protect and defend demon lord odin from the attacking undead in the aesir kingdom.


  • The "Henchwomen" word being associated with this valkyrie mob unit fighter is not included in its official name in the artbook manual of the game and it is only simply referred as "valkyrie" in the artbook manuals, the only reason why this valkyrie unit has been labeled with this "henchwomen" word in order to distinguish the unit from their high ranking variants which are the blue colored valkyries which are known as "valkyrie officers" in it's official name in the artbook manual of Odin Sphere.

See also[]
