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Valkyrie Officers were the high ranking variants of the regular valkyrie henchwomen soldiers, they are the commanders of the valkyrie battalion groups and sometimes may lead other type of their soldier comrades in the battlefield, depending on the situation, these soldiers are a little stronger in damage and in armor protection of their health points compared to their low ranking counterparts.

Mob Profile Overview[]

Valkyrie officers are the high ranking female soldiers of the ragnanival army and the second highest military rank for any serving female citizen in the ragnanival military that can be attained, the rank of these soldiers are just behind the ranks of princess Griselda and princess Gwendolyn, the princess status is the first highest rank for any female citizens serving the ragnanival army and also the primary highest social status rank in the Ragnanival Kingdom for a female that can obtain, however, only royal blooded citizens can attain this rank such as the case of Griselda and Gwendolyn whose related to Demon Lord Odin as they were his daughters, this makes the valkyrie officer as the first highest military rank available for social status for any serving female citizens of the ragnanival military that are not royal blooded.

These high ranking valkyrie soldiers play a major role in aiding and maintaining the ragnanival army against its foes, as they act as its battalion commanders especially for the valkyrie soldier battalion groups being deployed in the battlefield, they sometimes lead other type of units in their military group and these soldiers also perform tasks of being informant messengers for the ragnanival monarchy offficials.

Aside from being multi-task working personnel in many types of military actions such as reporting, escorting and scouting, they we're also given a power of authority, allowing these blue colored valkyries to lead a battalion group of their military and ability to command soldiers that are below the line of their ranks, they have the highest social status power in the ragnanival army in terms of commanding authority which is even greater than of those berserkers despite being more powerful than them by measuring their physical strength in comparison.


These high ranking valkyrie variants are found atleast in two locations of erion prominently, the first one is in the ragnanival kingdom which is their kingdom homeland, they can be seen in this location who appears as leaders of valkyrie squadron base patrols that guard the aesir kingdom against any intruding outsider and the other one is in the ruins of the valentine kingdom where these high ranking valkyrie soldiers participate as fighting soldiers and sometimes post battalion leading commanders of groups of the ragnanival army in this area where they fight against the fairies for domination control of the cauldron that was left over in this kingdom after it's collapse, these aesir female soldiers cannot be found anywhere else other than in these two locations in erion.

Appearance Traits[]

Valkyrie officer's appearance is literally the same as their low ranking counterparts with only one color difference, their low ranking variants are colored in purple, while the valkyrie officer themselves are colored in light blue instead.

Mob Battle Characteristics[]

Valkyrie officer abilities is relatively the same as their low ranking counterparts but with much little better armor protection and damage than their low ranking variants, valkyrie officers almost had no any difference with the regular valkyrie soldiers other than having a thicker and a little tougher armor protection for their health points, and these officers tend to use their shield much longer in time and reduce more damage attacks of their enemies who attacks them when performing a shield block from their enemy attacks.

Background Story[]

Valkyrie officers were first issued a few years later after the creation of the valkyrie soldier personnel when its designated ranking planning was also completed through some years of fixing its military rank system, these valkyrie officers we're given different color in their combat uniform which is blue, while their standard counterparts we're colored in purple, the combat uniform and shields that we're given to them as their main equipment we're better and more improved in quality compared to the gear equipment that their standard counterparts are using, the reason why valkyrie officers we're issued much better gear equipment in quality by the ragnanival army than their inferior variants is because of having higher rank than them, who had earned it through their experience and promotion in the army based on their performance in their duty military service, these valkyrie officers had longer service time than their standard counterparts and joined earlier in the service compared to them, this explains why valkyrie officers are far more experienced that their inferior variants.

Fate Status[]

All of the valkyrie officers had been wiped out as all of them we're killed during the siege of the ragnanival kingdom when the now undead darkova king gallon at that time and his undead forces launched an invasion assault in the aesir kingdom directly from the netherworld as the undead we're doing a consuming conquest in the world of living in order to satisfy their needings, many of them had been killed during the fight against the undead while the others had been technically consumed alive killing them on the process, the sole surviving valkyrie officer from the undead onslaught of the aesir kingdom we're seen with the few surviving standard valkyries barricading themselves in the ragnanival palace in a last ditch attempt to protect and defend the king from the attacking undead before it came inside of the ragnanival palace and killed all of the last surviving valkyries which included one officer and other at least five surviving standard valkyries.

See also[]
