The Vulcan Kingdom of Volkenon Lava Pits, also known as the Fire Kingdom, is a mentioned fiery kingdom location in the Erion Sagas book series, this kingdom is the homeland of the vulcan race situated inside the deep center region of the volcano crater, it is ruled by the immortal Inferno King Onyx, It is located in the south-east realm of Erion. This burning land is home to fiery beings such as the Salamanders, Fire Spirits, and, most notably, the Vulcans a race of Fire Elemental Humanoids that can shapeshift between a human form and a burning form, the race being primarily female with only one male who is their king, Inferno King Onyx.
Domain Overview[]
The kingdom lies in the southeastern most region of Erion and it is the hottest place in the continent, this lair is the homeland of the Vulcans, a lava humanoid like creatures that dwells this volcano kingdom, like much of the Kingdom of Titania, they mostly stayed neutral most of the time of conflict happening at the time of the event, the three wisemen attempted to bait them into going war with the Ragnanival as a part step of achieving their goals in the Armageddon to become the new kings of the world after the predicted disastrous event that never happened, despite of this the kingdom of Vulcans still managed to stay neutral until the Armageddon event comes and sinks their kingdom homeland into the sea forcing its surviving inhabitants to march inland and find new sources of fire for their lives.
This location is the hottest of any area in Erion with a temperature of a 50 degrees fahrenheit which is enough inflict a hotness health points damage overtime unless if applied with cool drink, it can stop the hotness effect overtime damage temporarily, the hotness in this location is mostly caused by being of a volcanic area where this kingdom sits beneath the lava pool rather than the rays of the sun that shines, however the location of the place is not reachable by sunlight due to the high edge covering of the surrounding wall mountains of this kingdom.
Other than being the hottest location in erion, this kingdom is primarily female by race in its people, meaning that there are more female citizens in this nation than its male population, the female population of this kingdom outnumbers men from 7-10, this record means that there are seven women in every ten people of its citizens, making the Volkenon Lava Pits as the most female populated location in Erion.
Background History[]
The land region of this kingdom may have formed during the Archean or Proterozoic era, this area along with the Netherworld are one of the first and earliest piece of land to form in the continental region that resembles the current Erion continent at the time of the main storyline event, rocks found in this area have an estimated age of around 3.5 - 2.5 billion years old.
The site of the kingdom of vulcans were remnants of an earlier civilization that collapsed a long time ago before the main events of the story started, it is unknown what kind of civilization it was before the vulcans inhabited the place and establish their own nation.
The exact certain foundation of the Volkenon Lava Pits is not known but according to a group of carved written stones that was found inside the Fire Kingdom states in its record writings that Volkenon Lava Pits was established around 500 BCE, making this listed date in the carved written stones as the foundation year of the Fire Kingdom, the exact founder of the Volkenon Lava Pits is also certainly not known, but some carved stones in the fire kingdom has stated that the Volkenon Lava Pits has been founded by a lava firelord that was described as a floating fire elemental soul and it wore a complex network of metal suit armor gears that are said to be immune from any types of fire including the lava, the type status of this described entity is similar to the Desecrator Revenant illusion appearance but instead of dark soul it uses a lava fire coated smoke lights, this said founder of the Volkenon lava Pits is likely King Onyx's distant ancestor that lived 1200 years ago prior to the main storyline of Erion Saga that took place in 784 A.D. and this is the written statement according to a group of carved written stones that were found in the Fire Kingdom during the expedition of the main playable characters that visited and explored the Fire Kingdom in their perspective side of the main storyline.
The kingdom of the vulcans had been existing in the continent for more than a millenia and they were the second oldest kingdom to exist in Erion and the first ones to exist continually and being the oldest kingdom at the time, until its full destruction during the Armageddon event of the main storyline.
The Kingdom of Volkenon of the Vulcans sits on a plateau plains inside a volcano crater abyss with a sea of lava beneath it, inside of the volcano crater abyss it has plateau side walks connected to each other including a larger ones with a monument standing in it and an another larger but a bit smaller plateau top on its eastern side where a smaller volcano can be seen sitting on it.
Volkenon Lava Pits is situated inside a volcano crater abyss because of this, the weather of its place is a high temperature of hot celsius degrees but without tropical since, it has no trees in it due to its location type it is situated.
Main Playable Character Visits[]
Book 1: The Valkyrie[]
Gwendolyn visited this location to find her husband Oswald when she asked Brom where he had gone after returning from Ragnanvial. As Gwendolyn visited this location he encounters Inferno King Onyx who had friendly and welcoming attitude towards her. However she would ask him if Oswald was there and Onyx unable to lie to her admits Oswal is there fighting for him. He would explain the reason for this and the fact she was to be wed to him before Odin went back on his word. He would offer to rescue Oswald if she would become Onyx's bride but Gwendolyn would refuse and go after her husband. She would discover him fighting Leventhan but he was weakened thanks to Odette's Machinations. She would save him and repel the dragon and would take him home to recover from his injuries.
Book 2: The Pooka Prince[]
Prince Cornelius visited this location to chase after the Goblins that stole the Valentine coins from the Pooka Village to toss it away for melting in the lava pool pits of this location on orders of King Valentine himself whom that Cornelius had came across while on a mission of retrieving the Valentine coins from the goblins which is a task that he voluntarily have taken into his hands who unwittingly started conversations with him and exchanged talks that eventually led to the discussion of the backstory events of Titania.
Especially about his grand father that happened before his existence that inexplicably reveals the unpleasant moments of Titania at that time during his grand father rule of their kingdom homeland, the end of this unwittingly started conversation also marked his fight against baby Leventhan dragon that King Valentine had shown to Cornelius who was little shocked and unaware of this surprise to make him fight it in order for him to make the retrieving of the Valentine coins difficult and also to test out his strength how powerful he was.
Book 3: The Fairy Land[]
Mercedes visited this place along with brom to obtain a fire source from the fire cooking pit located in the monument ruins situated in the center of the fire kingdom that they will be using for the upgrade of tasla/riblam psypher weapon of Mercedes with the help of brom who will be doing the upgrade that she will be using for the battle in the ruins of the Valentine kingdom with her forces in order to match out and compete demon lord odin's balor weapon and re-gain the cauldron from the aesir's hands to make it available again for the use for fairies with it's content phozons that they use as their main magical food source in order for their people to survive, during her and brom's obtain of the fire sample from the fire cooking pit.
They encountered king Valentine that suddenly appears in front of them who informs Mercedes that their former shadow knight soldier was recovering from his wounds while Inferno King Onyx and his people we're sleeping at that time they visited the fire kingdom, as king Valentine explains to her after Mercedes had wondered around and asked the reason why the fire kingdom was empty at that time they visited the place, king Valentine also informed her that "he" was the first commissioner of her weapon and tells Mercedes that their former shadow knight was wounded deeply by it's own weapon belderiver, as brom heard this, he was totally shocked to be informed that Oswald still lives after losing the revolution in the fairy kingdom along with the fairy duke who died during the rebellion and made him ask king Valentine who he was, whom the asked revenant skeleton was not surprised of not knowing him.
Brom who was terrified of this after he was informed by king Valentine that he told the dwarves with the secret making of the jewel crystals has made him run away from the fire cooking pit and informs Mercedes who also must do same thing as he was, Mercedes was baffled this and asked brom who he was and brom explained that he was king Valentine who used to rule a place that used to be his former home and told her that he doesn't know his reason why king Valentine was in the fire kingdom as they both head out to leave the fire kingdom, king Valentine suddenly teleports in front of them and insisted brom that he was being "rude" to his former master.
Mercedes who was little scared of this encounter and threatened king Valentine to shoot at it and asked the revenant to make a way for both of them that suddenly brought out baby dragon Leventhan and commands it to fight Mercedes and brom then leaves the baby dragon alone with them in attempt to stop them from leaving the Valentine kingdom that had taunted them with a scream to inflict fear on the two of them and lower their morale to fight the dragon, nevertheless Mercedes remained unfazed with this scream but had backed a little bit along with brom that had a little fear effect but still proceed to fight Leventhan and was able to win over the baby dragon putting it to sleep temporarily and buying time for Mercedes and brom to escape the fire kingdom.
Book 4: The Black Sword[]
Oswald visited this area to retrieve gwendolyn's body that was brought in this location who was unconscious and in deep sleep as skuldi told him who took the kidnapping action as he took gwendolyn from the elrit castle while sleeping before oswald murdered him in vain, as oswald made his way into this location he found gwendolyn in the monumental building of the fire kingdom lying on the top of a rectangular stone tomb and encounters inferno king onyx who informed oswald that he was struck by her beauty and insist that gwendolyn belongs to him as part of the deal he made with demon lord odin in exchange for alliance to which oswald refuses to believe his claim and fought inferno king onyx that resulted somehow in oswald's victory but did not injured or stunned inferno king onyx who lost the battle and allowed oswald to take gwendolyn's body with him and apologized later for hurting onyx's feeling and soon left the fire kingdom after along with gwendolyn's body back to the elrit castle.
This is Oswald's final story. Oswald came here after learning from Skuldi that Gwendolyn was given to Onyx in order to start a war between Ragananival and Volkenon. Odin would come here as well to check on his daughter. He would learn that Onyx knew the spell and laughing at him he 'hopes' that Onyx get's his wish telling him the truth of the spell. Oswald would fight his way to Gwendolyn but would be stopped by Onyx who would insult and berate Oswald calling him a hooligan, and to step away from his 'Queen' to which Oswald would return with his own mocking question of "Your Queen eh?" Onyx would then go how Gwendolyn would be the bride of Onyx and how she would sit at his side watching the world go to ruin. He also says having her her by his side would do wonder's for his reputation. This would disgust Oswald voicing how people like him and Odin were truly selfish beings and if Onyx wanted a tool for power to look elsewhere, and to return Gwendolyn to him.
But Onyx would respond acidly with the fact he can smell the scent of death on Oswald like a shadow which was the scent of Odette. A scent he finds utterly repugnant. He would transform into his true self and battle Oswald. After a vicious battle Oswald would come out the victor. Wounded Onyx moves to kiss Gwendolyn but Oswald threatens to kill him should he lay so much as a finger on her. Onyx backs down and Oswald approaches Gwendolyn. Onyx then voices his feelings how his heart burns with a beast called that he can't even attempt to leash, how could he live with these feelings? Not only that but he was losing Gwendolyn to Oswald in one terrible moment, to which Oswald responds that Onxy's words were his thoughts exactly showing they were similar. Onyx then brazenly tells Oswald to kiss her but she would not love him as the spell cannot make her love the one who kisses her. Oswald then deduces the true reason Onyx didn't kiss her. Onyx confirms this and would have preferred to keep her asleep to prevent her from running away. Oswald laughs as this is exactly what he wanted to earn her love without a spell forcing her to do so. He then apologizes for his rudeness and offers his sword for Onyx: just once. Onyx tells him this would not restore his honor with the pledge. Oswald though says, that so long as he lived he would not let Gwendolyn near him.
Book 5: Fate[]
Velvet did not visited volkenon lava pits during the main storyline in her perspective story.
- Volkenon is probably based off of Muspelheim, the land of fire, no one except Muspel's sons is able to live there. These "sons" must be referring to the Vulcans from the game, Onyx's servants. In the norse mythology Muspelheim was one of the two kingdoms that is said to have created the world.
- the structures in this kingdom somehow resemble the ruins structures of the Roman Empire, if truly applied, the previous civilization that previously existed in the same place as the fire kingdom may had been based off in this nation, in real life history of Europe, roman empire had been placed on its tomb top by other superpower empires after its collapse in 476 A.D.
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