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The Mountains of Winterhorn Ridge is a mentioned icy mountainous region location in the Erion Sagas book series, it is located in the western realm of Erion, this area has the highest land elevation elsewhere in the continent exceeding around 3000-5000 feet, this place is the homeland of remaining dragons, and polar dwelling creatures such as Griffons, Ice Trolls, Ice Elementals, Silverhorn Golems and is strangely the main habitat of the Desecrator Revenants. Ghastly beings who have lost their soul and humanity lost to the curse of the Belderiver psypher, this region is the coldest place in the continent of Erion and it has a utterly chilling temperature and environment one could easily freeze to death climbing this mountain if they are not careful.

Domain Overview[]

Winterhorn Ridge is the icy mountainous region of Erion located in its western realm, this place serves as a home for the dragon race, this area has the highest land elevation by level of elsewhere in the continent it has a ranging feet of around 3000-5000 meters, like Elrit Forest, this place also serves as a meeting area for gathering forces, it is one of the coldest places in Erion along with the Kingdom of Ragnanival, it is bordered by the Netherworld in the north and the Valentine Kingdom to its southeastern side, it was the last place to be consumed by the destruction at the time of Armageddon because of its tall topography.

The icy mountains is inhabited by numerous xenophobic chionophiles as the ragnanival army noted in their expedition of the winterhorn ridge which are often hostile and scared for any foreign trespassers of the icy mountains, some of the indigenous creatures that inhabit this mountain are dangerous such as the silver titan frost ben, the largest of all indigenous chionophile creatures that can be found in this icy mountain, that is a fatal and deadly encounter for most of the trespass that is very difficult to defeat, it is also reported that this large creature and take own an entire military battalion.

This is also noted by the ragnanival forces that encountered this large creature where the aesir suffered a large significant lose attempting to take out this creature, since their loss from it, the ragnanival forces decided to find another alternate route to evict the creature in order to avoid of having such same losses again if they ever encountered one in this icy mountains of winterhorn ridge.

Some of the places in this location are difficult to reach due to the steepness and thiness of the pathway routes of the mountain that are often considered dangerous as anyone could fall off easily if the passing by traveler of this location is not careful crossing the pathway routes of this massive steep sided land located in the western realm of erion.

Winterhorn ridge mountain is the coldest location in erion with a temperature reaching around -50 celsius, due to it's extreme cold temperatures, it never rains in this location and the sun also never shines in this location due to being unreachable of the sunlight which also adds to the factors of being the coldest location in erion.

This area is also surprisingly haunted more than just being the coldest place in erion, as it is the home of the wandering desecrator revenants, which are all the former ringford male soldiers that tested and tried to use the belderiver psypher weapon and handling it's extreme capabilities that all turned out in failure, they we're cursed and doomed to become as a wandering desecrator revenant souls, it is likely that the ringford army used winterhorn ridge mountain as their testing grounds for the soldiers who will be volunteering to test the weapon, this explains why their souls wanders this place.

It is also believed by the people in erion at the time of the main storyline events and even before it that the cold climate places can attract ghost and other spirit elements including the evil ones, this explanation is one another factors that contributes to the existence of desecrator revenants other than the souls of the former soldiers of the ringford army.

Background History[]

The Mountain of Winterhorn Ridge first formed during the Jurassic Period that happened 200 million years ago when the planet's plate tectonic moved at that time the plains collided and formed a bulk of land that became this mountain and it was covered in ice after the planet's climate cooled down during that time, the dragons who lived across atop of its peaks are probably survivors of the dinosaur extinction era, this area is one of the oldest places in Erion.


Winterhorn Ridge features a group of tall and steep range of icy mountains with a aurora borealis reflecting on its further western side above and a group of melting ice chunks can be seen on its southern side.


Winterhorn Ridge Mountain has a polar type of climate, the sun has never shown its ray shines to inflict hot weather in its place, due to its extreme cold weather, any rainfall that exists here became a snowfall that constant falls a chunk of snow causing the mountains to be covered in snow and all waters in it are immediately subjected into freezing termperatures, the weather in this area is a bone shattering degrees.

The temperatures in this location can reach around -50 celsius, at this point of recorded temperature, it makes the winterhorn ridge mountain as the coldest location in erion, the coldness in this place also inflict hypothermia damage to the health points of any creatures being in this place except it's indigenous creatures that are totally immune from it's extreme cold temperatures.

Main Playable Character Visits[]

Book 1: The Valkyrie[]

After wrestling with her conscience, Gwendolyn storms the mountain to rescue her half-sister Velvet from execution, even though she knows that the action will brand her as a traitor and a law-breaker. Wagner, the dragon Velvet is to be sacrificed to, is nowhere to be found and General Brigan grows impatient enough to try to kill Velvet himself. Gwendolyn swoops in just in time to hear Brigan admit that he was going to kill Velvet, reveal to the people of Ragnanival that she was King Odin's daughter, and frame him for the murder, which would cause the people to wonder whether a man who would personally kill his own daughter was fit to be king, paving the way for Brigan to usurp the throne. Gwendolyn is furious and engages Brigan in battle, eventually killing him. She unties Velvet and urges her to flee while she distracts everyone else. As the two make their way down the mountain, they encounter Odin and a couple of Berserkers. Though it causes him pain, he cannot risk his authority as a king in front of his subjects and help his daughters in any way. Gwendolyn clearly calls herself a traitor in front of the subjects, who claim their princess has gone mad. Velvet wants to stay and defend her half-sister, but knows she has no choice but to run away from the mountains.

Book 2: The Pooka Prince[]

Prince Cornelius is advised by the sorceror Urzur to travel to Winterhorn Ridge in order to seek out the wise dragon Hindel to ask about the Pooka Curse. Waiting at the summit is not Hindel, who alas, has been killed by Oswald, but an enraged Wagner. Wagner, grieving his friend's ignoble death by a psypher crystal, is furious to see Cornelius wielding a crystal sword and attacks him. Cornelius uses the blade to subdue the great dragon, and although he has the opportunity, he does not deliver the deathblow. Wagner is humiliated to have been spared, but senses the Prince's true nature and responds ("Just this once") with compassion. He explains what he knows about the Pooka Curse and takes Cornelius to the Valentine ruins so that he may find and seek help from the other Pookas.

Book 3: The Fairy Land[]

Just after the Vanir civil war, when things are returning to normal, Wagner suddenly attacks the Fairy Palace. He demands that the Fairies deliver Oswald to him so that he may suffer punishment for killing Hindel. Mercedes tries to explain that Oswald has been killed, but Wagner refuses to believe her and gives her an indeterminate amount of time to bring Oswald to the summit of Winterhorn Ridge, or else he'll set Ringford ablaze. After the dragon leaves, Mercedes decides to scale Winterhorn herself to try to explain again that Oswald is dead and therefor cannot be summoned anywhere. Once she is again face-to-face with Wagner, the Lord of the Sky again refuses to believe that such a tiny fairy could kill the fearsome dragon-slayer. He attacks her to test whether she really is strong enough to have defeated Oswald, and is soon convinced of her power. She tells Wagner that she will only use her psypher bow to defeat Odin, a statement which satisfies Wagner as he believes that psypher-wielders should destroy one another. After he flies away, Mercedes discovers that Frog has followed her up the mountain to make sure she was safe, but as his amphibious body is not built for such cold, he collapses to Mercedes's great concern.

Book 4: The Black Sword[]

As Hindel had foreseen, the Shadow Knight from the Fairy Kingdom, Oswald, was sent by his adoptive father Melvin to slay the wise dragon in order to prove the Belderiver's power to Queen Elfaria. Hindel fights Oswald half-heartedly and accepts his defeat willingly. He tells Oswald that his true father was a man named Edgar, but the Shadow Knight cares little for the information. Hindel's last words are "Do not forget that... when the time comes... Shadow Master who threatens the darkness... seek the bird. That shall be your destiny."

Much later, Odin requests Oswald to kill the dragon Wagner. He offers Oswald Gwendolyn's psypher and even a whole castle as a reward, but only when he agrees to give Oswald his sleeping daughter's hand in marriage does the Shadow Knight agree (though Odin does not let his future son-in-law know that what he really wants is the ring of Titrel, which is kept in Wagner's stomach). Oswald scales the great mountain and calls out to Wagner, taunting the short-tempered dragon by calling him and his friend Hindel a lizard. Wagner fights this most hated foe mercilessly, ravenous with revenge over his friend's death, but is ultimately killed. Shortly after then end Oswald finds the ring just before Odin arrives. Odin attempts to take the ring by force, but Oswald retorts that all Odin wanted was to kill a dragon they made no discussion of any rings and threatens to fight Odin for it. Knowing how powerful Oswald is, the Demon Lord relents. He tells Oswald that all he need do to wake Gwendolyn is kiss her, and then her forced, undying love will be his.

Book 5: Fate[]

Velvet, thinking about her mother's prediction of a curse and death that will befall her and her brother, seeks answers to her destiny. She climbs Winterhorn to speak with Hindel, the wisest of dragons who can see into the future. He is reluctant to look into the future since so many misinterpret his words, but he does tell Velvet that fate may be "redirected". He advises her to return to the mountain to speak with Wagner, as he himself will be dead by that point. He tells Velvet that very soon, the Shadow Knight from the Fairy Kingdom will come to slay him. Velvet is horrified, but Hindel asks her to please not interfere.

Enemies and Bosses[]

There are a variety of icy creatures that call Winterhorn Ridge home:

  • Griffons are large flying creatures with the top half of an eagle and the lower half of a dark humanoid lion. They attack by shooting three of their sharp orange-brown feathers as projectiles and diving in a manner similar to the Valkyries.
  • Mini-Trolls resemble small spiky snowballs that bounce and roll all over the place. They can curl up into a ball to shield themselves and attack by knocking their spiky selves into the player. Due to their name it is safe to assume these are adolescent trolls who have yet to fully mature.
  • Trolls are the larger adult versions of the Mini-trolls with icicles dripping from their noses. They can burrow into the ground and pop out closer to the player and attack by delivering powerful punches, throwing snowman heads, and can even freeze the player by breathing on them.
  • Ice Elementals are fragile, malevolent snowflakes that will attempt to bump into and freeze the player. They will immediately shatter on impact, but will yield no phozons unless the player attacks them with their psypher. If the player stays away from the Ice Elementals, they will drift to the ground and shatter themselves.
  • The usual sub-boss is a Revenant. These shadowy creatures were once elite Fairy soldiers that tried to wield the Belderiver. Unfortunately, the cursed weapon destroyed their humanity, leaving them naught but mindless shades. They will not appear until the player runs past them, making it possible to waste countless minutes waiting for them to show up. They attack by breathing out ice spirits and striking upwards with their hands. They can also cause a pinkish red magical field to surround the player. Once they have appeared, they can fade and re-emerge nearer to the player.
  • A second mini-boss was introduced in Liefthrasir, the Silver Titan Frost Ben, a golem made of rock and snow it typically appears with three Trolls on its back. This behemoth only has one weakness a large rocky horn that glows with magical energy. Hitting it's body is useless and it only takes damage from this horn. It's possible to land on its huge body and use it as a platform to attack the horn. It attacks with its huge fist and body punching, pounding and smashing enemies. It can also breath an icy breath that can either freeze enemies or create ice sprites. It can also jump into the air and slam down bouncing up to slam two more times. It may also roll into a giant ball to bulldoze enemies and render itself immune to harm. Finally if one attacks the horn the horn can spark with energy blasting off anybody to close or it can attempt to squash those near it's horn like one squashing a fly.
  • Almost always, the Winterhorn Ridge Boss is the dragon Wagner, Lord of the Skies. Not only can Wagner fly and breathe fire, he can also cause ice and fire spirits to appear along with powerful mini-tornadoes of air. Oddly, it is possible to stand on Wagner's head and attack him from there, but beware, he will occasionally slam into and skid along the ground which will result in a great deal of damage.
  • Gwendolyn will also encounter Beserkers and Valkyries and fight General Brigan as a boss, and Velvet will occasionally run across Goblins



  • Winterhorn is possibly based off of Niflheim, the land of cold and fog. It is covered with heavy snow and ice all the time, and is said to be one of the two kingdoms to have created the world.
  • Turny Mandragoras are most frequently found in the mountains.
  • Very rarely, a Mini-Troll or Troll will drop a chest containing a troll molar, a highly valuable item used to make the special potions Gold, Juggler, Quick-Grow, and Zero Timer.
  • Winterhorn Ridge may had been based from the swiss mountain matterhorn while others claim it has been based from the lyngen alpines according to some fans of odin sphere which they claimed they have heard from the according of developers of the game, however this is still disputed and still not fully proven.


Odin Sphere Locations
RagnanivalTitaniaRingfordVolkenon Lava PitsValentineNetherworld
Other Locations
Elrit CastleForest Of ElritWinterhorn RidgePooka VillageSewer Maze